14 research outputs found

    A uniform lower bound on the norms of hyperplane projections of spherical polytopes

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    Let KK be a centrally symmetric spherical polytope, whose vertices form a 14n−\frac{1}{4n}-net in the unit sphere in Rn\mathbb{R}^n. We prove a uniform lower bound on the norms of hyperplane projections P:X→XP: X \to X, where XX is the nn-dimensional normed space with the unit ball KK. The estimate is given in terms of the determinant function of vertices and faces of KK. In particular, if N≥n4nN \geq n^{4n} and KK is the convex hull of {±x1,±x2,…,±xN}\{ \pm x_1, \pm x_2, \ldots, \pm x_N \}, where x1,x2,…,xNx_1, x_2, \ldots, x_N are independent random points distributed uniformly in the unit sphere, then every hyperplane projection P:X→XP: X \to X satisfies the inequality ∣∣P∣∣≥1+cnN−8n−6||P|| \geq 1 + c_nN^{-8n-6} (for some explicit constant cnc_n), with the probability at least 1−4N.1 - \frac{4}{N}.Comment: 14 page

    A note on the Hanson-Wright inequality for random vectors with dependencies

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    We prove that quadratic forms in isotropic random vectors XX in Rn\mathbb{R}^n, possessing the convex concentration property with constant KK, satisfy the Hanson-Wright inequality with constant CKCK, where CC is an absolute constant, thus eliminating the logarithmic (in the dimension) factors in a recent estimate by Vu and Wang. We also show that the concentration inequality for all Lipschitz functions implies a uniform version of the Hanson-Wright inequality for suprema of quadratic forms (in the spirit of the inequalities by Borell, Arcones-Gin\'e and Ledoux-Talagrand). Previous results of this type relied on stronger isoperimetric properties of XX and in some cases provided an upper bound on the deviations rather than a concentration inequality. In the last part of the paper we show that the uniform version of the Hanson-Wright inequality for Gaussian vectors can be used to recover a recent concentration inequality for empirical estimators of the covariance operator of BB-valued Gaussian variables due to Koltchinskii and Lounici

    Convex Geometry and its Applications

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    The geometry of convex domains in Euclidean space plays a central role in several branches of mathematics: functional and harmonic analysis, the theory of PDE, linear programming and, increasingly, in the study of other algorithms in computer science. High-dimensional geometry is an extremely active area of research: the participation of a considerable number of talented young mathematicians at this meeting is testament to the fact that the field is flourishing

    A uniform estimate of the relative projection constant

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    The main goal of the paper is to provide a quantitative lower bound greater than 11 for the relative projection constant λ(Y,X)\lambda(Y, X), where XX is a subspace of ℓ2pm\ell_{2p}^m space and Y⊂XY \subset X is an arbitrary hyperplane. As a consequence, we establish that for every integer n≥4n \geq 4 there exists an nn-dimensional normed space XX such that for an every hyperplane YY and every projection P:X→YP:X \to Y the inequality ∣∣P∣∣>1+(8(n+3)5)−30(n+3)2||P|| > 1 + \left (8 \left ( n + 3 \right )^{5} \right )^{-30(n+3)^2} holds. This gives a non-trivial lower bound in a variation of problem proposed by Bosznay and Garay in 19861986.Comment: 16 page