49 research outputs found

    Constrained Task Assignment and Scheduling on Networks of Arbitrary Topology.

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    This dissertation develops a framework to address centralized and distributed constrained task assignment and task scheduling problems. This framework is used to prove properties of these problems that can be exploited, develop effective solution algorithms, and to prove important properties such as correctness, completeness and optimality. The centralized task assignment and task scheduling problem treated here is expressed as a vehicle routing problem with the goal of optimizing mission time subject to mission constraints on task precedence and agent capability. The algorithm developed to solve this problem is able to coordinate vehicle (agent) timing for task completion. This class of problems is NP-hard and analytical guarantees on solution quality are often unavailable. This dissertation develops a technique for determining solution quality that can be used on a large class of problems and does not rely on traditional analytical guarantees. For distributed problems several agents must communicate to collectively solve a distributed task assignment and task scheduling problem. The distributed task assignment and task scheduling algorithms developed here allow for the optimization of constrained military missions in situations where the communication network may be incomplete and only locally known. Two problems are developed. The distributed task assignment problem incorporates communication constraints that must be satisfied; this is the Communication-Constrained Distributed Assignment Problem. A novel distributed assignment algorithm, the Stochastic Bidding Algorithm, solves this problem. The algorithm is correct, probabilistically complete, and has linear average-case time complexity. The distributed task scheduling problem addressed here is to minimize mission time subject to arbitrary predicate mission constraints; this is the Minimum-time Arbitrarily-constrained Distributed Scheduling Problem. The Optimal Distributed Non-sequential Backtracking Algorithm solves this problem. The algorithm is correct, complete, outputs time optimal schedules, and has low average-case time complexity. Separation of the task assignment and task scheduling problems is exploited here to ameliorate the effects of an incomplete communication network. The mission-modeling conditions that allow this and the benefits gained are discussed in detail. It is shown that the distributed task assignment and task scheduling algorithms developed here can operate concurrently and maintain their correctness, completeness, and optimality properties.Ph.D.Aerospace EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/91527/1/jpjack_1.pd

    Xyce parallel electronic simulator design.

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    Myriad : a distributed machine vision application framework

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    This thesis examines the potential for the application of distributed computing frameworks to industrial and also lightweight consumer-level Machine Vision (MV) applications. Traditional, stand-alone MV systems have many benefits in well-defined, tightly- controlled industrial settings, but expose limitations in interactive, de-localised and small-task applications that seek to utilise vision techniques. In these situations, single-computer solutions fail to suffice and greater flexibility in terms of system construction, interactivity and localisation are required. Network-connected and distributed vision systems are proposed as a remedy to these problems, providing dynamic, componentised systems that may optionally be independent of location, or take advantage of networked computing tools and techniques, such as web servers, databases, proxies, wireless networking, secure connectivity, distributed computing clusters, web services and load balancing. The thesis discusses a system named Myriad, a distributed computing framework for Machine Vision applications. Myriad is composed components, such as image processing engines and equipment controllers, which behave as enhanced web servers and communicate using simple HTTP requests. The roles of HTTP-based distributed computing servers in simplifying rapid development of networked applications and integrating those applications with existing networked tools and business processes are explored. Prototypes of Myriad components, written in Java, along with supporting PHP, Perl and Prolog scripts and user interfaces in C , Java, VB and C++/Qt are examined. Each component includes a scripting language named MCS, enabling remote clients (or other Myriad components) to issue single commands or execute sequences of commands locally to the component in a sustained session. The advantages of server- side scripting in this manner for distributed computing tasks are outlined with emphasis on Machine Vision applications, as a means to overcome network connection issues and address problems where consistent processing is required. Furthermore, the opportunities to utilise scripting to form complex distributed computing network topologies and fully-autonomous federated networked applications are described, and examples given on how to achieve functionality such as clusters of image processing nodes. Through the medium of experimentation involving the remote control of a model train set, cameras and lights, the ability of Myriad to perform traditional roles of fixed, stand-alone Machine Vision systems is supported, along with discussion of opportunities to incorporate these elements into network-based dynamic collaborative inspection applications. In an example of 2D packing of remotely-acquired shapes, distributed computing extensions to Machine Vision tasks are explored, along with integration into larger business processes. Finally, the thesis examines the use of Machine Vision techniques and Myriad components to construct distributed computing applications with the addition of vision capabilities, leading to a new class of image-data-driven applications that exploit mobile computing and Pervasive Computing trends

    Contributions to the energy management of industrial refrigeration systems: a data-driven perspective

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    Nowadays, energy management has gained attention due to the constant increment of energy consumption in industry and the pollution problems that this fact supposes. On this subject, one of the main industrial sectors, the food and beverage, attributes a great percentage of its energy expenditure to the refrigeration systems. Such systems are highly affected by operation conditions and are commonly composed by different machines that are continually interacting. These particularities difficult the successful application of efficient energy management methodologies requiring further research efforts in order to improve the current approaches. In this regard, with the current framework of the Industry 4.0, the manufacturing industry is moving towards a complete digitalization of its process information. Is in this context, where the promising capabilities of the data-driven techniques can be applied to energy management. Such technology can push forward the energy management to new horizons, since these techniques take advantage of the common data acquired in the refrigeration systems for its inner operation to develop new methodologies able to reach higher efficiencies. Accordingly, this thesis focuses its attention on the research of novel energy management methodologies applied to refrigeration systems by means of data-driven strategies. To address this broad topic and with the aim to improve the efficiency of the industrial refrigeration systems, the current thesis considers three main aspects of any energy management methodology: the system performance assessment, the machinery operation improvement and the load management. Therefore, this thesis presents a novel methodology for each one of the three main aspects considered. The proposed methodologies should contemplate the necessary robustness and reliability to be applicable in real refrigeration systems. The experimental results obtained from the validation tests in the industrial refrigeration system, show the significant improvement capabilities in regard with the energy efficiency. Each one of the proposed methodologies present a promising result and can be employed individually or as a whole, composing a great basis for a data-driven based energy management framework.Avui en dia la gesti贸 energ猫tica ha guanyat inter猫s degut a l'increment constant de consum per part de la ind煤stria i els problemes de contaminaci贸 que aix貌 suposa. En aquest tema, un dels principals sectors industrials, el d'alimentaci贸 i begudes, atribueix bona part de percentatge del seu consum als sistemes de refrigeraci贸. Aquests sistemes es veuen altament afectats per les condicions d'operaci贸 i habitualment estan formats per diverses m脿quines que estan continuament interactuant. Aquestes particularitats dificulten l'aplicaci贸 exitosa de metodologies d'efici猫ncia energ猫tica, requerint m茅s esfor莽os en recerca per millorar els enfocs actuals. En aquest tema, amb l'actual marc de la Ind煤stria 4.0, la ind煤stria est脿 avan莽ant cap una digitalitzaci贸 total de la informaci贸 dels seus processos. 脡s en aquest context, on les capacitats prometedores de les t猫cniques basades en dades poden ser aplicades per a la gesti贸 energ猫tica. Aquesta tecnologia pot impulsar la gesti贸 energ猫tica cap a nous horitzons, ja que aquestes t猫cniques aprofiten les dades adquirides usualment en els sistemes de refrigeraci贸 per el seu propi funcionament, per a desenvolupar noves metodologies capaces d'obtenir efici猫ncies m茅s elevades. En conseq眉猫ncia, aquesta tesi centra la seva atenci贸 en la recerca de noves metodologies per a la gesti贸 energ猫tica, aplicades als sistemes de refrigeraci贸 i mitjan莽ant estrat猫gies basades en dades. Per abordar aquest ampli tema i amb el prop貌sit de millorar l'efici猫ncia dels sistemes de refrigeraci贸 industrial, la present tesi considera els tres aspectes principals de qualsevol metodologia de gesti贸 energ猫tica: l'avaluaci贸 del rendiment del sistema, la millora de l'operaci贸 de la maquin脿ria i la gesti贸 de les c脿rregues. Per tant, aquesta tesi presenta una metodologia nova per a cadascun dels tres aspectes considerats. Les metodologies proposades han de contemplar la robustesa i fiabilitat necess脿ries per a ser aplicades en un sistema de refrigeraci贸 real. Els resultats experimentals obtinguts dels tests de validaci贸 fets en un sistema de refrigeraci贸 industrial mostren unes capacitats de millora significatives referent a l'efici猫ncia energ猫tica. Cadascuna de les metodologies proposades presenta un resultat prometedor i pot ser aplicada independentment o juntament amb les altres, formant una bona base per un marc de gesti贸 energ猫tica basat en dades

    Self management of high density wireless networks

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    IEEE 802.11 wireless networks are very popular in today鈥檚 world. This popularity has been stimulated due to the use of mobile computing devices such as laptops, tablets, and Wi-Fi enabled phones. We can get 802.11 connectivity in schools, squares, parks and other public places. All of these places can have a high concentration of users. Moreover, there are other nonpublic places like lecture halls, hotel ballrooms, and convention centers that are common examples of spaces with high concentration of users in a high-density wireless communications environment. Dense deployments of wireless networks suffer from increased interference and, as a result, bad user experience. The interference caused by the co-channel and adjacent channel interference driven by co-located devices is one of the main issues to address to improve network performance. The limited number of nonoverlapping channels may lead to severe interference scenarios if no appropriated spectrum planning is employed. In this work, we present an in-depth review of research work for the channel allocation strategies. Then, we formalize the channel allocation as a minimization problem of the interference level and we propose three different manners to optimize channel assignment between participating Access Points with the aim to improve network performance. The algorithms that we propose can be classified as local and uncoordinated, coordinated and distributed, and centralized. The local and uncoordinated solution behaves well in our testbed but present oscillatory issues that we tackle with a feedback control technique. Finally, this work presents an evaluation of the strategies, on a testbed and on a simulation environment. In the testbed we demonstrate the practical deployability of the solutions and lead to the conclusion that the local and uncoordinated implementation is worthy to be considered as a good strategy for the channels allocation problem where Access Points works in isolated manner. In the simulation, we test the scalability of both, the coordinated and centralized solution, and we show that they can be deployed in networks with more than thirty Access Points and as a results, we conclude that the centralized implementation is the best strategy to perform optimization decisions for channel allocation in connected networks.Las redes inal谩mbricas IEEE 802.11 son muy populares en el mundo actual. Esta popularidad ha sido estimulada debido al uso de dispositivos m贸viles tales como laptops, tablets y tel茅fonos Wi-Fi compatibles. Se puede tener conectividad 802.11 en escuelas, plazas, parques y otros lugares p煤blicos. Todos estos lugares pueden tener una gran concentraci贸n de usuarios. M谩s a煤n, hay otros lugares no p煤blicos como las bibliotecas, centros de convenciones, salas de conferencias en hoteles, los cuales tambi茅n son ejemplo de espacios comunes con una gran concentraci贸n de usuarios en entornos de comunicaci贸n inal谩mbrica de alta densidad. Instalaciones de redes c谩mbricas densas experimentan una interferencia creciente, y como resultado, una mala experiencia de usuario. Las interferencias co-canal y de canal adyacente producidas por dispositivos pr贸ximos entre s铆, son uno de los principales problemas a abordar para mejorar la performance de la red. El n煤mero limitado de canales que no se superponen pueden conducir a escenarios de severa interferencia si no se emplea una planificaci麓on apropiada del espectro. En este trabajo, se presenta una revisi麓on profunda de los trabajos de investigaci贸n para estrategias de asignaci麓on de canales. Luego, se formaliza la asignaci贸n de canales como un problema de minimizaci贸n del nivel de interferencia y se proponen tres diferentes maneras para optimizar la asignaci贸n de canales entre los Puntos de Acceso participantes con el objetivo de mejorar la performance de la red. Los algoritmos propuestos pueden clasificarse como local y no-coordinado, coordinado y distribuido, y centralizado. La soluci贸n local y no- coordinada se comparta de manera aceptable en el prototipo pero presenta problemas de oscilaci贸n que se aborda con una t茅cnica de control por retro alimentaci贸n. Finalmente, este trabajo presenta una evaluaci贸n de las estrategias, en un prototipo y en un entorno de simulaci贸n. En el prototipo se demuestra el despliegue pr谩ctico de las soluciones y se llega a la conclusi麓on que la implementaci贸n local y no-coordinada es digna de ser considerada como una buena estrategia para el problema de asignaci贸n de canales cuando los Puntos de Acceso trabajan en forma aislada. En la simulaci贸n, se prueban la escalabilidad de las soluciones coordinada y centralizada, y se muestra que pueden ser desplegadas en redes con m谩s de treinta Puntos de Acceso y como resultado, se concluye que la implementaci贸n centralizada es la mejor estrategia para realizar decisiones de optimizaci麓on para la asignaci麓on de canales en redes conectadas