12 research outputs found

    Knowledge and Management Models for Sustainable Growth

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    In the last years sustainability has become a topic of global concern and a key issue in the strategic agenda of both business organizations and public authorities and organisations. Significant changes in business landscape, the emergence of new technology, including social media, the pressure of new social concerns, have called into question established conceptualizations of competitiveness, wealth creation and growth. New and unaddressed set of issues regarding how private and public organisations manage and invest their resources to create sustainable value have brought to light. In particular the increasing focus on environmental and social themes has suggested new dimensions to be taken into account in the value creation dynamics, both at organisations and communities level. For companies the need of integrating corporate social and environmental responsibility issues into strategy and daily business operations, pose profound challenges, which, in turn, involve numerous processes and complex decisions influenced by many stakeholders. Facing these challenges calls for the creation, use and exploitation of new knowledge as well as the development of proper management models, approaches and tools aimed to contribute to the development and realization of environmentally and socially sustainable business strategies and practices

    Advances in Manufacturing Technology XXVII: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Manufacturing Research (ICMR2013)

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    ICMR2013 was organised by Cranfield University on the 19-20 September 2013. The conference focuses on any aspects of product development, manufacturing technology, manufacturing systems, information systems and digital technologies. It provides an excellent avenue for researchers to present state-of-the-art multidisciplinary manufacturing research and exchange ideas. In addition to the four keynote speeches from Airbus and Rolls-Royce and three invited presentations, there are 108 papers in these proceedings. These papers are split into 24 technical sessions. The International Conference on Manufacturing Research is a major event for academics and industrialists engaged in manufacturing research. Held annually in the UK since the late 1970s, the conference is renowned as a friendly and inclusive environment that brings together a broad community of researchers who share a common goal; developing and managing the technologies and operations that are key to sustaining the success of manufacturing businesses. For over two decades, ICMR has been the main manufacturing research conference organised in the UK, successfully bringing researchers, academics and industrialists together to share their knowledge and experiences. Initiated a National Conference by the Consortium of UK University Manufacturing Engineering Heads (COMEH), it became an International Conference in 2003. COMEH is an independent body established in 1978. Its main aim is to promote manufacturing engineering education, training and research. To achieve this, the Consortium maintains a close liaison with government bodies concerned with the training and continuing development of professional engineers, while responding to the appropriate consultative and discussion documents and other initiatives. COMEH is represented on the Engineering Professor’s council (EPC) and it organises and supports national manufacturing engineering education research conferences and symposia


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    Pembatalan UU nomor 7 tahun 2004 melalui pembatalan oleh MK dan pemberlakuan kembali UU nomor 11 tahun 1974 tentang pengairan akan membawa dampak yang besar terhadap pengelolaan sumber daya air di negeri ini. Di dalam UU nomor 7 Tahun 2004 yang bersifat khusus, akan kembali lagi ke UU nomor 11 tahun 1974 yang lebih bersifat umum serta memberikan ruang keleluasaan bagi pengelola swasta/pihak swasta untuk mengeksplorasi sumber daya air di negeri. Tentu saja hal ini akan berdampak kepada lemahnya kontrol eksplorasi dari pihak Pemerintah. Dampak perubahan undangundang ini juga terlihat dari aktifitas ekplorasi sumber mata air Bendorogo di Desa Bekiring Kecamatan Pulung Kabupaten Ponorogo. Hal ini terjadi karena tidak adanya aturan resmi yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah daerah terkait pengelolaan SDA di Sumber Bendorogo. Hal ini tentu saja tidak diinginkan oleh warga Desa Bekiring karena ketergantungan masyarakat atas sumber air ini sangat tinggi jika suatu saat ancaman keringnya sumber air terjadi akibat ketiadaan dana perawatan. Untuk menciptakan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan (sustainable development), tentu saja setelah perubahan UU tentang pengelolaan sumber daya air ini maka sudah seharusnya pemerintah baik pemerintah pusat sampai ke pemerintah daerah mempersiapan peraturan yang ketat guna membatasi eksplorasi SDA karena air bukan hanya untuk kita tapi juga untuk anak cucu kita nanti. Kata kunci: Desa Bekiring, eksplorasi SDA, sumber daya air (SDA), sustainable developmen


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    The objectives of this seminar are: To provide an avenue for postgraduate students to present their research findings, impart knowledge and get feedback; To promote interactions among participants; To enhance networking among researchers; and To assist postgraduate students with publication opportunities

    Knowledge Management practices in Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions: a review on selected cases

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    This article underlines the fact that Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions are seriously geared in approaching its academic excellence status, becoming an international education hub attracting students from different parts of the world..

    Knowledge Management practices in Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions: a review on selected cases

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    This article underlines the fact that Malaysian Higher Learning Institutions are seriously geared in approaching its academic excellence status, becoming an international education hub attracting students from different parts of the world..

    RADIKALISME PESANTREN Studi Multi Kasus Pesantren di Jawa dalam Mencari Akar-akar Gerakan Radikal Mengatasnamakan Islam, Problem Tafsir Agama, dan Potensi Munculnya Kemungkinan Tindak Kekerasan di Masa yang akan Datang

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    Pesantrens are accused of teaching radicalism, even they produce terrorists. This is due to allegations of the association of pesantrens with terrorism. One public spotlight is the existence of pesantrens in Java, as the region with the highest number of pesantrens in Indonesia., i.e. Pesantren al-Islam Ngruki Sukaharjo, central Java, Pesantren al-Islam Lamongan, East Java, and Pesantren al-Muttaqin Cirebon West Java. The research method is a qualitative descriptive method with multi-ethnographic cases. The findings are (1) Pesantrens in Java have a narrow religious understanding which results in radicalism. (2) Pesantrens in Java, reject radical allegations. (3) Education in pesantrens in Java is related to Radicalism. (4) Radicalism of pesantrens in Java is related to Wahabi culture or Salafi haraki takfiri. (5) Islamic organizations and religious leaders reject pesantrens as places for the spread of radicalism. (6) People expect radicalism of pesantrens can be terminated. (7) The best solution for ending radicalism of pesantrens in Java is a complete and comprehensive solution. (8) The radicalism of pesantrens can continue to occur in the future. (9) Radical stigmatization of pesantrens in Java resultes in a decrease in community interest