1,943 research outputs found

    Link State Contract Routing

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    The Internet's simple design resulted in huge success in basic telecommunicationservices. However, the current Internet architecture has failed in terms of introducingmany innovative technologies as end-to-end (E2E) services such as multicasting,guaranteed quality of services (QoS) and many others. We argue that contractingover static service level agreements (SLA) and point-to-anywhere service definitionsare the main reasons behind this failure. In that sense, the Internet architecture needsmajor shifts since it neither allows (i) users to indicate their value choices at sufficientgranularity nor (ii) providers to manage risks involved in investment for new innovativeQoS technologies and business relationships with other providers as well as users.To allow these much needed economic flexibilities, we introduce contract-switching asa new paradigm for the design of future Internet architecture. In this work, we implementcontract-routing framework with specific focus on long-term contracted servicesin Link State Contract Routing scheme. Our work shows that E2e guaranteed QoSservices can be achieved in routing over contracted edge-to-edge service abstractionswhich are built on today's popular protocols with reasonable protocol overhead

    How to lose money in derivatives: examples from hedge funds and bank trading departments

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    What makes futures hedge funds fail? The common ingredient is over betting and not being diversified in some bad scenarios that can lead to disaster. Once troubles arise, it is difficult to take the necessary actions that eliminate the problem. Moreover, many hedge fund operators tend not to make decisions to minimize losses but rather tend to bet more doubling up hoping to exit the problem with a profit. Incentives, including large fees on gains and minimal penalties for losses, push managers into such risky and reckless behavior. We discuss some specific ways losses occur. To illustrate, we discuss the specific cases of Long Term Capital Management, Niederhoffer’s hedge fund, Amaranth and Société Genéralé. In some cases, the failures lead to contagion in other hedge funds and financial institutions. We also list other hedge fund and bank trading failures with brief comments on them

    Strategic recommendations for the specialised healthcare model

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    Atenció sanitària especialitzada; Estratègia sanitària; PlanificacióAtención sanitaria especializada; Estrategia sanitaria; PlanificaciónSpecialized health care; Health strategy; PlanningL'objectiu d'aquest document és formular recomanacions estratègiques que orientin el model d’atenció especialitzada, dintre d’un model d’atenció integral i integrada de salut, que cuidi a les persones, proporcioni un entorn adient als professionals, prioritzi l’atenció de proximitat i sigui equitatiu, de qualitat i sostenible

    From Banks to DeFi: the Evolution of the Lending Market

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    The Internet of Value (IoV) with its distributed ledger technology (DLT) underpinning has created new forms of lending markets. As an integral part of the decentralised finance (DeFi) ecosystem, lending protocols are gaining tremendous traction, holding an aggregate liquidity supply of over $40 billion at the time of writing. In this paper, we enumerate the challenges of traditional money markets led by banks and lending platforms and present advantageous characteristics of DeFi lending protocols that might help resolve deep-rooted issues in the conventional lending environment. With the examples of Maker, Compound and Aave, we describe in detail the mechanism of DeFi lending protocols. We discuss the persisting reliance of DeFi lending on the traditional financial system and conclude with the outlook of the lending market in the IoV era

    Montana Kaimin, March 17, 2009

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    Student newspaper of the University of Montana, Missoula.https://scholarworks.umt.edu/studentnewspaper/6258/thumbnail.jp

    The Fauxrum (Volume XYZ [38], Number 666)

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    Public Blockchains as a Means to Resist Information Censorship

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    The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how public blockchains offer a greater degree of censorship resistance over traditional web-based information broadcasting mechanisms, and a comparison of existing options. Public blockchains present a means to mitigate censorship from nation states through both a broadcasting and data storage mechanism. They are costly to attack and difficult to remove from the public due to their distributed and accessible nature. A recent incident in China proved the worth of public blockchains by forcing the distribution of a censored letter describing harassment by Peking University into an Ethereum transaction by an anonymous individual or party. The Chinese government censored the letter on popular centralized services such as WeChat, but was unable to censor it once posted to the Ethereum blockchain. Through the demonstration of the letter’s presence on Ethereum as well as the act of placing it on other public blockchains, this research highlights the importance of how public blockchains will continue to be a vessel for the protection of information well into the future

    The Value of Title Insurance

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    Science and engineering in digital capitalism

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    Science and engineering in digital capitalis