1,849 research outputs found

    Background subtraction on depth videos with convolutional neural networks

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    Background subtraction is a significant component of computer vision systems. It is widely used in video surveillance, object tracking, anomaly detection, etc. A new data source for background subtraction appeared as the emergence of low-cost depth sensors like Microsof t Kinect, Asus Xtion PRO, etc. In this paper, we propose a background subtraction approach on depth videos, which is based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs), called BGSNet-D (BackGround Subtraction neural Networks for Depth videos). The method can be used in color unavailable scenarios like poor lighting situations, and can also be applied to combine with existing RGB background subtraction methods. A preprocessing strategy is designed to reduce the influences incurred by noise from depth sensors. The experimental results on the SBM-RGBD dataset show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods on depth data

    Learning to Detect Instantaneous Changes with Retrospective Convolution and Static Sample Synthesis

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    Change detection has been a challenging visual task due to the dynamic nature of real-world scenes. Good performance of existing methods depends largely on prior background images or a long-term observation. These methods, however, suffer severe degradation when they are applied to detection of instantaneously occurred changes with only a few preceding frames provided. In this paper, we exploit spatio-temporal convolutional networks to address this challenge, and propose a novel retrospective convolution, which features efficient change information extraction between the current frame and frames from historical observation. To address the problem of foreground-specific over-fitting in learning-based methods, we further propose a data augmentation method, named static sample synthesis, to guide the network to focus on learning change-cued information rather than specific spatial features of foreground. Trained end-to-end with complex scenarios, our framework proves to be accurate in detecting instantaneous changes and robust in combating diverse noises. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method significantly outperforms existing methods.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    Machine Vision for Natural Gas Methane Emissions Detection Using an Infrared Camera

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    It is crucial to reduce natural gas methane emissions, which can potentially offset the climate benefits of replacing coal with gas. Optical gas imaging (OGI) is a widely-used method to detect methane leaks, but is labor-intensive and cannot provide leak detection results without operators' judgment. In this paper, we develop a computer vision approach to OGI-based leak detection using convolutional neural networks (CNN) trained on methane leak images to enable automatic detection. First, we collect ~1 M frames of labeled video of methane leaks from different leaking equipment for building CNN model, covering a wide range of leak sizes (5.3-2051.6 gCH4/h) and imaging distances (4.6-15.6 m). Second, we examine different background subtraction methods to extract the methane plume in the foreground. Third, we then test three CNN model variants, collectively called GasNet, to detect plumes in videos taken at other pieces of leaking equipment. We assess the ability of GasNet to perform leak detection by comparing it to a baseline method that uses optical-flow based change detection algorithm. We explore the sensitivity of results to the CNN structure, with a moderate-complexity variant performing best across distances. We find that the detection accuracy can reach as high as 99%, the overall detection accuracy can exceed 95% for a case across all leak sizes and imaging distances. Binary detection accuracy exceeds 97% for large leaks (~710 gCH4/h) imaged closely (~5-7 m). At closer imaging distances (~5-10 m), CNN-based models have greater than 94% accuracy across all leak sizes. At farthest distances (~13-16 m), performance degrades rapidly, but it can achieve above 95% accuracy to detect large leaks (>950 gCH4/h). The GasNet-based computer vision approach could be deployed in OGI surveys to allow automatic vigilance of methane leak detection with high detection accuracy in the real world.Comment: This paper was submitted to Applied Energ

    Unsupervised RGBD Video Object Segmentation Using GANs

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    Video object segmentation is a fundamental step in many advanced vision applications. Most existing algorithms are based on handcrafted features such as HOG, super-pixel segmentation or texture-based techniques, while recently deep features have been found to be more efficient. Existing algorithms observe performance degradation in the presence of challenges such as illumination variations, shadows, and color camouflage. To handle these challenges we propose a fusion based moving object segmentation algorithm which exploits color as well as depth information using GAN to achieve more accuracy. Our goal is to segment moving objects in the presence of challenging background scenes, in real environments. To address this problem, GAN is trained in an unsupervised manner on color and depth information independently with challenging video sequences. During testing, the trained GAN generates backgrounds similar to that in the test sample. The generated background samples are then compared with the test sample to segment moving objects. The final result is computed by fusion of object boundaries in both modalities, RGB and the depth. The comparison of our proposed algorithm with five state-of-the-art methods on publicly available dataset has shown the strength of our algorithm for moving object segmentation in videos in the presence of challenging real scenarios.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, ACCV workshop on RGB-D-sensing and understanding via combined colour and dept

    Fingertip Detection and Tracking for Recognition of Air-Writing in Videos

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    Air-writing is the process of writing characters or words in free space using finger or hand movements without the aid of any hand-held device. In this work, we address the problem of mid-air finger writing using web-cam video as input. In spite of recent advances in object detection and tracking, accurate and robust detection and tracking of the fingertip remains a challenging task, primarily due to small dimension of the fingertip. Moreover, the initialization and termination of mid-air finger writing is also challenging due to the absence of any standard delimiting criterion. To solve these problems, we propose a new writing hand pose detection algorithm for initialization of air-writing using the Faster R-CNN framework for accurate hand detection followed by hand segmentation and finally counting the number of raised fingers based on geometrical properties of the hand. Further, we propose a robust fingertip detection and tracking approach using a new signature function called distance-weighted curvature entropy. Finally, a fingertip velocity-based termination criterion is used as a delimiter to mark the completion of the air-writing gesture. Experiments show the superiority of the proposed fingertip detection and tracking algorithm over state-of-the-art approaches giving a mean precision of 73.1 % while achieving real-time performance at 18.5 fps, a condition which is of vital importance to air-writing. Character recognition experiments give a mean accuracy of 96.11 % using the proposed air-writing system, a result which is comparable to that of existing handwritten character recognition systems.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to Journal of Expert Systems with Application

    Differentiating Objects by Motion: Joint Detection and Tracking of Small Flying Objects

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    While generic object detection has achieved large improvements with rich feature hierarchies from deep nets, detecting small objects with poor visual cues remains challenging. Motion cues from multiple frames may be more informative for detecting such hard-to-distinguish objects in each frame. However, how to encode discriminative motion patterns, such as deformations and pose changes that characterize objects, has remained an open question. To learn them and thereby realize small object detection, we present a neural model called the Recurrent Correlational Network, where detection and tracking are jointly performed over a multi-frame representation learned through a single, trainable, and end-to-end network. A convolutional long short-term memory network is utilized for learning informative appearance change for detection, while learned representation is shared in tracking for enhancing its performance. In experiments with datasets containing images of scenes with small flying objects, such as birds and unmanned aerial vehicles, the proposed method yielded consistent improvements in detection performance over deep single-frame detectors and existing motion-based detectors. Furthermore, our network performs as well as state-of-the-art generic object trackers when it was evaluated as a tracker on the bird dataset.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Review on Computer Vision Techniques in Emergency Situation

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    In emergency situations, actions that save lives and limit the impact of hazards are crucial. In order to act, situational awareness is needed to decide what to do. Geolocalized photos and video of the situations as they evolve can be crucial in better understanding them and making decisions faster. Cameras are almost everywhere these days, either in terms of smartphones, installed CCTV cameras, UAVs or others. However, this poses challenges in big data and information overflow. Moreover, most of the time there are no disasters at any given location, so humans aiming to detect sudden situations may not be as alert as needed at any point in time. Consequently, computer vision tools can be an excellent decision support. The number of emergencies where computer vision tools has been considered or used is very wide, and there is a great overlap across related emergency research. Researchers tend to focus on state-of-the-art systems that cover the same emergency as they are studying, obviating important research in other fields. In order to unveil this overlap, the survey is divided along four main axes: the types of emergencies that have been studied in computer vision, the objective that the algorithms can address, the type of hardware needed and the algorithms used. Therefore, this review provides a broad overview of the progress of computer vision covering all sorts of emergencies.Comment: 25 page

    Using Deep Convolutional Networks for Gesture Recognition in American Sign Language

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    In the realm of multimodal communication, sign language is, and continues to be, one of the most understudied areas. In line with recent advances in the field of deep learning, there are far reaching implications and applications that neural networks can have for sign language interpretation. In this paper, we present a method for using deep convolutional networks to classify images of both the the letters and digits in American Sign Language.Comment: 12 figure

    Action4D: Real-time Action Recognition in the Crowd and Clutter

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    Recognizing every person's action in a crowded and cluttered environment is a challenging task. In this paper, we propose a real-time action recognition method, Action4D, which gives reliable and accurate results in the real-world settings. We propose to tackle the action recognition problem using a holistic 4D "scan" of a cluttered scene to include every detail about the people and environment. Recognizing multiple people's actions in the cluttered 4D representation is a new problem. In this paper, we propose novel methods to solve this problem. We propose a new method to track people in 4D, which can reliably detect and follow each person in real time. We propose a new deep neural network, the Action4D-Net, to recognize the action of each tracked person. The Action4D-Net's novel structure uses both the global feature and the focused attention to achieve state-of-the-art result. Our real-time method is invariant to camera view angles, resistant to clutter and able to handle crowd. The experimental results show that the proposed method is fast, reliable and accurate. Our method paves the way to action recognition in the real-world applications and is ready to be deployed to enable smart homes, smart factories and smart stores

    Skeleton-based Action Recognition of People Handling Objects

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    In visual surveillance systems, it is necessary to recognize the behavior of people handling objects such as a phone, a cup, or a plastic bag. In this paper, to address this problem, we propose a new framework for recognizing object-related human actions by graph convolutional networks using human and object poses. In this framework, we construct skeletal graphs of reliable human poses by selectively sampling the informative frames in a video, which include human joints with high confidence scores obtained in pose estimation. The skeletal graphs generated from the sampled frames represent human poses related to the object position in both the spatial and temporal domains, and these graphs are used as inputs to the graph convolutional networks. Through experiments over an open benchmark and our own data sets, we verify the validity of our framework in that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art method for skeleton-based action recognition.Comment: Accepted in WACV 201