99 research outputs found

    Information extraction of cybersecurity concepts: An LSTM approach

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    Extracting cybersecurity entities and the relationships between them from online textual resources such as articles, bulletins, and blogs and converting these resources into more structured and formal representations has important applications in cybersecurity research and is valuable for professional practitioners. Previous works to accomplish this task were mainly based on utilizing feature-based models. Feature-based models are time-consuming and need labor-intensive feature engineering to describe the properties of entities, domain knowledge, entity context, and linguistic characteristics. Therefore, to alleviate the need for feature engineering, we propose the usage of neural network models, specifically the long short-term memory (LSTM) models to accomplish the tasks of Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Relation Extraction (RE).We evaluated the proposed models on two tasks. The first task is performing NER and evaluating the results against the state-of-the-art Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) method. The second task is performing RE using three LSTM models and comparing their results to assess which model is more suitable for the domain of cybersecurity. The proposed models achieved competitive performance with less feature-engineering work. We demonstrate that exploiting neural network models in cybersecurity text mining is effective and practical. - 2019 by the authors.This publication was made possible by the support of Qatar University and DISP laboratory (Lumi?re University Lyon 2, France).Scopu

    Tackling Social Value Tasks with Multilingual NLP

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    In recent years, deep learning applications have shown promise in tackling social value tasks such as hate speech and misinformation in social media. Neural networks provide an efficient automated solution that has replaced hand-engineered systems. Existing studies that have explored building resources, e.g. datasets, models, and NLP solutions, have yielded significant performance. However, most of these systems are limited to providing solutions in only English, neglecting the bulk of hateful and misinformation content that is generated in other languages, particularly so-called low-resource languages that have a low amount of labeled or unlabeled language data for training machine learning models (e.g. Turkish). This limitation is due to the lack of a large collection of labeled or unlabeled corpora or manually crafted linguistic resources sufficient for building NLP systems in these languages. In this thesis, we set out to explore solutions for low-resource languages to mitigate the language gap in NLP systems for social value tasks. This thesis studies two tasks. First, we show that developing an automated classifier that captures hate speech and nuances in a low-resource language variety with limited data is extremely challenging. To tackle this, we propose HateMAML, a model-agnostic meta-learning-based framework that effectively performs hate speech detection in low resource languages. The proposed method uses a self-supervision strategy to overcome the limitation of data scarcity and produces a better pre-trained model for fast adaptation to an unseen target language. Second, this thesis aims to address the research gaps in rumour detection by proposing a modification over the standard Transformer and building on a multilingual pre-trained language model to perform rumour detection in multiple languages. Specifically, our proposed model MUSCAT prioritizes the source claims in multilingual conversation threads with co-attention transformers. Both of these methods can be seen as the incorporation of efficient transfer learning methods to mitigate issues in model training with small data. The findings yield accurate and efficient transfer learning models for low-resource languages. The results show that our proposed approaches outperform the state-of-the-art baselines in the cross-domain multilingual transfer setting. We also conduct ablation studies to analyze the characteristics of proposed solutions and provided empirical analysis outlining the challenges of data collection to performing detection tasks in multiple languages

    Survey of Low-Resource Machine Translation

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    International audienceWe present a survey covering the state of the art in low-resource machine translation (MT) research. There are currently around 7,000 languages spoken in the world and almost all language pairs lack significant resources for training machine translation models. There has been increasing interest in research addressing the challenge of producing useful translation models when very little translated training data is available. We present a summary of this topical research field and provide a description of the techniques evaluated by researchers in several recent shared tasks in low-resource MT

    Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence

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    Traditional models struggle to cope with complexity, noise, and the existence of a changing environment, while Computational Intelligence (CI) offers solutions to complicated problems as well as reverse problems. The main feature of CI is adaptability, spanning the fields of machine learning and computational neuroscience. CI also comprises biologically-inspired technologies such as the intellect of swarm as part of evolutionary computation and encompassing wider areas such as image processing, data collection, and natural language processing. This book aims to discuss the usage of CI for optimal solving of various applications proving its wide reach and relevance. Bounding of optimization methods and data mining strategies make a strong and reliable prediction tool for handling real-life applications

    Humor and offense speech classification and scoring using natural language processing

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    Identifying humor and offense may prove to be an arduous task even for humans. It is, however, even more challenging to translate it into a logical process that a machine can understand. This work pretends to develop machine learning models which will be implemented to achieve this task. On this track, this study will be based on the SemEval 2021 workshop, where the participants were challenged to identify and score both humor and offense texts, as well as detect controversial sentences (SemEval 2021 - Task 7 - Detecting and Rating Humor and Offense), encouraging the use of current state-of-the-art algorithmic techniques in Natural Language Processing. The objective is to identify and propose the most optimal setup to achieve the highest performance on Humor Detection and related tasks using a common dataset aggregating eight thousand sentences classified with their respective binary humor indicator and humor rating, along with binary controversial indicators and offense rating values. This document presents a solution for the presented tasks based on BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) which makes use of Transformers interpreting the sentences in both directions (bidirectional), which brings a much higher context perception into the model. It will compare the performance of three different BERT variants (BERTBASE, DistillBERT, and RoBERTa), each of them designed for better fit on different tasks used by industry and academia. Concluding that DistillBERT presented the most accurate results in the Humor Detection and Humor Rating tasks, while RoBERTa performed best in the controversial detection task. Finally, BERTBASE outperformed in the Offensiveness Ranking task.A identificação do humor e ofensa pode revelar-se uma tarefa árdua mesmo para os humanos. No entanto, é ainda mais desafiante traduzi-lo num processo lógico que uma máquina possa compreender. Este trabalho pretende desenvolver modelos de aprendizagem automática que serão implementados para cumprir esta tarefa. Este estudo será baseado no workshop SemEval 2021, onde os participantes foram desafiados a detectar e classificar sentenças em relação ao humor e ofensividade, bem como detectar frases controversas (SemEval 2021 - Tarefa 7 - Detecção e Classificação de Humor e Ofensa), encorajando a utilização de estratégias algorítmicas de última geração focadas no processamento computacional da língua. O objectivo é identificar e propor a melhor configuração para alcançar o melhor desempenho na Detecção de Humor e tarefas relacionadas, utilizando um conjunto de dados comum que agrega oito mil sentenças classificadas com os respectivos identificadores binário de humor e classificação, juntamente com os identificadores binários de controversas e classificação de ofensas. Este documento apresenta uma solução para as tarefas apresentadas baseada no BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) que faz uso de Transformers, uma arquitetura de rede neuronais que permite interpretar as sentenças em ambos os sentidos (bidireccional), o que traz uma melhor percepção de contexto quando comparada com outras arquiteturas. Este estudo compara o desempenho de três variantes de BERT (BERTBASE, DistillBERT, and RoBERTa), cada uma delas concebida para se adaptar melhor às diferentes tarefas utilizadas pela indústria e pelo meio académico. Concluiu-se que DistillBERT apresentou o melhor desempenho nas tarefas de Detecção de Humor e Classificação de Humor, enquanto RoBERTa foi mais preciso na tarefa de detecção de frases controversas. Finalmente, BERTBASE obteve a melhor performance na tarefa de Classificação de Ofensividade

    Exploring embedding vectors for emotion detection

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    Textual data nowadays is being generated in vast volumes. With the proliferation of social media and the prevalence of smartphones, short texts have become a prevalent form of information such as news headlines, tweets and text advertisements. Given the huge volume of short texts available, effective and efficient models to detect the emotions from short texts become highly desirable and in some cases fundamental to a range of applications that require emotion understanding of textual content, such as human computer interaction, marketing, e-learning and health. Emotion detection from text has been an important task in Natural Language Processing (NLP) for many years. Many approaches have been based on the emotional words or lexicons in order to detect emotions. While the word embedding vectors like Word2Vec have been successfully employed in many NLP approaches, the word mover’s distance (WMD) is a method introduced recently to calculate the distance between two documents based on the embedded words. This thesis is investigating the ability to detect or classify emotions in sentences using word vectorization and distance measures. Our results confirm the novelty of using Word2Vec and WMD in predicting the emotions in short text. We propose a new methodology based on identifying “idealised” vectors that cap- ture the essence of an emotion; we define these vectors as having the minimal distance (using some metric function) between a vector and the embeddings of the text that contains the relevant emotion (e.g. a tweet, a sentence). We look for these vectors through searching the space of word embeddings using the covariance matrix adap- tation evolution strategy (CMA-ES). Our method produces state of the art results, surpassing classic supervised learning methods

    AI for social good: social media mining of migration discourse

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    The number of international migrants has steadily increased over the years, and it has become one of the pressing issues in today’s globalized world. Our bibliometric review of around 400 articles on Scopus platform indicates an increased interest in migration-related research in recent times but the extant research is scattered at best. AI-based opinion mining research has predominantly noted negative sentiments across various social media platforms. Additionally, we note that prior studies have mostly considered social media data in the context of a particular event or a specific context. These studies offered a nuanced view of the societal opinions regarding that specific event, but this approach might miss the forest for the trees. Hence, this dissertation makes an attempt to go beyond simplistic opinion mining to identify various latent themes of migrant-related social media discourse. The first essay draws insights from the social psychology literature to investigate two facets of Twitter discourse, i.e., perceptions about migrants and behaviors toward migrants. We identified two prevailing perceptions (i.e., sympathy and antipathy) and two dominant behaviors (i.e., solidarity and animosity) of social media users toward migrants. Additionally, this essay has also fine-tuned the binary hate speech detection task, specifically in the context of migrants, by highlighting the granular differences between the perceptual and behavioral aspects of hate speech. The second essay investigates the journey of migrants or refugees from their home to the host country. We draw insights from Gennep's seminal book, i.e., Les Rites de Passage, to identify four phases of their journey: Arrival of Refugees, Temporal stay at Asylums, Rehabilitation, and Integration of Refugees into the host nation. We consider multimodal tweets for this essay. We find that our proposed theoretical framework was relevant for the 2022 Ukrainian refugee crisis – as a use-case. Our third essay points out that a limited sample of annotated data does not provide insights regarding the prevailing societal-level opinions. Hence, this essay employs unsupervised approaches on large-scale societal datasets to explore the prevailing societal-level sentiments on YouTube platform. Specifically, it probes whether negative comments about migrants get endorsed by other users. If yes, does it depend on who the migrants are – especially if they are cultural others? To address these questions, we consider two datasets: YouTube comments before the 2022 Ukrainian refugee crisis, and during the crisis. Second dataset confirms the Cultural Us hypothesis, and our findings are inconclusive for the first dataset. Our final or fourth essay probes social integration of migrants. The first part of this essay probed the unheard and faint voices of migrants to understand their struggle to settle down in the host economy. The second part of this chapter explored the viability of social media platforms as a viable alternative to expensive commercial job portals for vulnerable migrants. Finally, in our concluding chapter, we elucidated the potential of explainable AI, and briefly pointed out the inherent biases of transformer-based models in the context of migrant-related discourse. To sum up, the importance of migration was recognized as one of the essential topics in the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Thus, this dissertation has attempted to make an incremental contribution to the AI for Social Good discourse

    Optimising Emotions, Incubating Falsehoods: How to Protect the Global Civic Body from Disinformation and Misinformation

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    This open access book deconstructs the core features of online misinformation and disinformation. It finds that the optimisation of emotions for commercial and political gain is a primary cause of false information online. The chapters distil societal harms, evaluate solutions, and consider what must be done to strengthen societies as new biometric forms of emotion profiling emerge. Based on a rich, empirical, and interdisciplinary literature that examines multiple countries, the book will be of interest to scholars and students of Communications, Journalism, Politics, Sociology, Science and Technology Studies, and Information Science, as well as global and local policymakers and ordinary citizens interested in how to prevent the spread of false information worldwide, both now and in the future

    Iterated learning framework for unsupervised part-of-speech induction

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    Computational approaches to linguistic analysis have been used for more than half a century. The main tools come from the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and are based on rule-based or corpora-based (supervised) methods. Despite the undeniable success of supervised learning methods in NLP, they have two main drawbacks: on the practical side, it is expensive to produce the manual annotation (or the rules) required and it is not easy to find annotators for less common languages. A theoretical disadvantage is that the computational analysis produced is tied to a specific theory or annotation scheme. Unsupervised methods offer the possibility to expand our analyses into more resourcepoor languages, and to move beyond the conventional linguistic theories. They are a way of observing patterns and regularities emerging directly from the data and can provide new linguistic insights. In this thesis I explore unsupervised methods for inducing parts of speech across languages. I discuss the challenges in evaluation of unsupervised learning and at the same time, by looking at the historical evolution of part-of-speech systems, I make the case that the compartmentalised, traditional pipeline approach of NLP is not ideal for the task. I present a generative Bayesian system that makes it easy to incorporate multiple diverse features, spanning different levels of linguistic structure, like morphology, lexical distribution, syntactic dependencies and word alignment information that allow for the examination of cross-linguistic patterns. I test the system using features provided by unsupervised systems in a pipeline mode (where the output of one system is the input to another) and show that the performance of the baseline (distributional) model increases significantly, reaching and in some cases surpassing the performance of state-of-the-art part-of-speech induction systems. I then turn to the unsupervised systems that provided these sources of information (morphology, dependencies, word alignment) and examine the way that part-of-speech information influences their inference. Having established a bi-directional relationship between each system and my part-of-speech inducer, I describe an iterated learning method, where each component system is trained using the output of the other system in each iteration. The iterated learning method improves the performance of both component systems in each task. Finally, using this iterated learning framework, and by using parts of speech as the central component, I produce chains of linguistic structure induction that combine all the component systems to offer a more holistic view of NLP. To show the potential of this multi-level system, I demonstrate its use ‘in the wild’. I describe the creation of a vastly multilingual parallel corpus based on 100 translations of the Bible in a diverse set of languages. Using the multi-level induction system, I induce cross-lingual clusters, and provide some qualitative results of my approach. I show that it is possible to discover similarities between languages that correspond to ‘hidden’ morphological, syntactic or semantic elements