177 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous internetworking model with enhanced routing security and management functions

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    Transient Addressing for Related Processes: Improved Firewalling by Using IPV6 and Multiple Addresses per Host

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    Traditionally, hosts have tended to assign relatively few network addresses to an interface for extended periods. Encouraged by the new abundance of addressing possibilities provided by IPv6, we propose a new method, called Transient Addressing for Related Processes (TARP), whereby hosts temporarily employ and subsequently discard IPv6 addresses in servicing a client host's network requests. The method provides certain security advantages and neatly finesses some well-known firewall problems caused by dynamic port negotiation used in a variety of application protocols. A prototype implementation exists as a small set of kame/BSD kernel enhancements and allows socket programmers and applications nearly transparent access to TARP addressing's advantages

    Software product description

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    An overview of the MultiNet system is presented. Services, supported configurations, remote printer services, netstat, netcontrol, DECnet interoperability services, and programming libraries are briefly described

    CERN UNIX user guide

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    The Use of Firewalls in an Academic Environment

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    Implementation of multi-purpose system based on LINUX

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    Práce Realizace víceúčelového systému na bázi Linux je zaměřena na výběr vhodné distribuce systému GNU/Linux, všech běžně dostupných síťových služeb poskytovaných servery a implementaci vhodného autorizačního procesu na jeden server. První část práce je zaměřena na seznámení čtenáře s různými operačními systémy a jejich vzájemné srovnání. Také jsou zde podrobně probrány open- source technologie používané pro služby jako je HTTP, FTP nebo mail server. Dále se první část věnuje způsobu sdílení dat a tiskáren v počítačové síti a možnosti přihlašování do takovéto sítě pomocí Novell klienta. Druhá část je zaměřena na praktickou realizaci takovéhoto serveru pomocí zvoleného systému a potřebných aplikací. Je zde popsán podrobně postup pro instalaci a zprovoznění všech potřebných aplikací.The thesis Realization of Multipurpose System on the base of Linux is focused on the selection of suitable distribution of GNU/Linux system for all commonly accessible network services provided by servers and for implementation of suitable authorization process for one server. The first part of the Bachelor thesis acquaints the reader with different operating systems, and their mutual comparison. There are also in detail examined open-source technologies used for HTTP, FTP or mail server services. Further the first part describes the way of sharing data and printers in the network and a possibility of log in the Network by means of Novell client. Second part is focused on practical realization of this server by selected system and by needed applications. There is also in detail described the process of instalation and launching all needed applications.