180 research outputs found

    What can imaging tell us about cognitive impairment and dementia?

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    Functional and structural substrates of increased dosage of Grik4 gene elucidated using multi-modal MRI

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    Grik4 is the gene responsible for encoding the high-affinity GluK4 subunit of the kainate receptors. Increased dosage of this subunit in the forebrain was linked to an increased level of anxiety, lack of social communication, and depression. On the synaptic level, abnormal synaptic transmission was also reported. The manifestations of this abnormal expression have not been investigated at the circuit level, nor the correlations between those circuits and the abnormal patterns of the behavior previously reported. In this line of work, we aspired to use different non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) modalities to elucidate any disturbance that might stem from the increased dosage of Grik4 and how those changes might explain the abnormal behaviors. MRI offers a noninvasive way to look into the intact brain in vivo. Resting-state functional MRI casts light on how the brain function at rest on the network level and has the capability to detect any anomalies that might occur within or between those networks. On the microstructural level, the diffusion MRI is concerned with the underlying features of the tissues, using the diffusion of water molecules as a proxy for that end. Moving more macroscopically, using structural scans, voxel-based morphometry can detect subtle differences in the morphology of the different brain structures. We recorded videos of our animals performing two tasks that have long been linked to anxiety, the open field and the plus-maze tests before acquiring structural and functional scans. Lastly, we recorded blood-oxygenationlevel dependent (BOLD) signals in a different set of animals during electrical stimulation of specific white matter tracts in order to investigate how neuronal activity propagates. Our analysis showed a vast spectrum of changes in the transgenic group relative to the animals in the control group. On the resting-state networks level, we observed an increase in the within-network strength spanning different structures such as the hippocampus, some regions of the cortex, and the hypothalamus. The increased internal coherence or strength in the networks contrasted with a significant reduction in between-networks connectivity for some regions such as parts of the cortex and the hypothalamus, suggesting long-range network decorrelation. Supporting this idea, major white matter (WM) tracts, such as the corpus callosum and the hippocampal commissure, suffered from substantial changes compatible with an important reduction in myelination and/or a decrease in the mean axonal diameter. Macrostructurally speaking, the overexpression of GluK4 subunit had a bimodal effect, with expansion in some cortical areas in the transgenic animals accompanied by a shrinkage in the subcortical regions. Upon stimulating the brain with an electrical current, we noticed a difference in activity propagation between the two hemispheres. In transgenic animals, the evoked activity remained more confined to the stimulated hemisphere, again consistent with an impaired long-range connectivity. The structural changes both, at the micro and macro level, were in tight correlation with different aspects of the behavior including markers of anxiety such as the time spent in the open arms vs the closed arms in the plus-maze test and the time spent in the center vs the corners in the open field test. Our findings reveal how the disruption of kainate receptors, or more globally the glutamate receptors, and the abnormal synaptic transmission can translate into brain-wide changes in connectivity and alter the functional equilibrium between macro-and mesoscopic networks. The postsynaptic enhancement previously reported in the transgenic animals was here reflected in the BOLD signal and measured as an increase in the within-network strength. Importantly, the correlations between the structural changes and the behavior help to put the developmental changes and their behavioral ramifications into context. RESUMEN Grik4 es el gen responsable de codificar la subunidad GluK4 de alta afinidad de los receptores de kainato. El aumento de la dosis de esta subunidad en el prosencéfalo se relacionó con un mayor nivel de ansiedad, falta de comunicación social y depresión. A nivel sináptico, también se informó una transmisión sináptica anormal. Las manifestaciones de esta expresión anormal no se han investigado a nivel de circuito, ni las correlaciones entre esos circuitos y los patrones anormales de la conducta previamente informada. En esta línea de trabajo, aspiramos a utilizar diferentes modalidades de imágenes por resonancia magnética (MRI) no invasivas para dilucidar cualquier alteración que pudiera derivarse del aumento de la dosis de Grik4 y cómo esos cambios podrían explicar los comportamientos anormales. La resonancia magnética ofrece una forma no invasiva de observar el cerebro intacto in vivo. La resonancia magnética funcional en estado de reposo arroja luz sobre cómo funciona el cerebro en reposo en el nivel de la red y tiene la capacidad de detectar cualquier anomalía que pueda ocurrir dentro o entre esas redes. En el nivel microestructural, la resonancia magnética de difusión se ocupa de las características subyacentes de los tejidos utilizando la difusión de moléculas de agua como un proxy para ese fin. Moviéndose más macroscópicamente, utilizando escaneos estructurales, la morfometría basada en vóxeles puede detectar diferencias sutiles en la morfología de las diferentes estructuras cerebrales. Grabamos videos de nuestros animales realizando dos tareas que durante mucho tiempo se han relacionado con la ansiedad, el campo abierto y las pruebas de laberinto positivo antes de adquirir escaneos estructurales y funcionales. Por último, registramos señales dependientes del nivel de oxigenación de la sangre (BOLD) en un grupo diferente de animales durante la estimulación eléctrica de tractos específicos de materia blanca para investigar cómo se propaga la actividad neuronal. Nuestro análisis mostró un amplio espectro de cambios en el grupo transgénico en relación con los animales en el grupo de control. En el nivel de las redes de estado de reposo, observamos un aumento en la fuerza dentro de la red que abarca diferentes estructuras como el hipocampo, algunas regiones de la corteza y el hipotálamo. La mayor coherencia interna o fuerza en las redes contrastó con una reducción significativa en la conectividad entre redes para algunas regiones como partes de la corteza y el hipotálamo, lo que sugiere una descorrelación de redes de largo alcance. Apoyando esta idea, los grandes tractos de materia blanca (WM), como el cuerpo calloso y la comisura del hipocampo, sufrieron cambios sustanciales compatibles con una importante reducción de la mielinización y / o una disminución del diámetro axonal medio. Macroestructuralmente hablando, la sobreexpresión de la subunidad GluK4 tuvo un efecto bimodal, con expansión en algunas áreas corticales en los animales transgénicos acompañada de una contracción en las regiones subcorticales. Al estimular el cerebro con una corriente eléctrica, notamos una diferencia en la propagación de la actividad entre las dos hemiesferas. En los animales transgénicos, la actividad evocada permaneció más confinada al hemisferio estimulado, de nuevo consistente con una conectividad de largo alcance deteriorada. Los cambios estructurales, tanto a nivel micro como macro, estaban en estrecha correlación con diferentes aspectos de la conducta, incluidos marcadores de ansiedad como el tiempo pasado con los brazos abiertos frente a los brazos cerrados en la prueba del laberinto positivo y el tiempo pasado en el centro vs las esquinas en la prueba de campo abierto. Nuestros hallazgos revelan cómo la interrupción de los receptores de kainato, o más globalmente los receptores de glutamato, y la transmisión sináptica anormal pueden traducirse en cambios de conectividad en todo el cerebro y alterar el equilibrio funcional entre las redes macro y mesoscópicas. La mejora postsináptica informada anteriormente en los animales transgénicos se reflejó aquí en la señal BOLD y se midió como un aumento en la fuerza dentro de la red. Es importante destacar que las correlaciones entre los cambios estructurales y elcomportamiento ayudan a contextualizar los cambios en el desarrollo y sus ramificaciones conductuales

    Brain connectivity and cognitive functioning in individuals six months after multiorgan failure

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    Abstract Multiorgan failure (MOF) is a life-threating condition that affects two or more systems of organs not involved in the disorder that motivates admission to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Patients who survive MOF frequently present long-term functional, neurological, cognitive, and psychiatric sequelae. However, the changes to the brain that explain such symptoms remain unclear. OBJECTIVE: To determine brain connectivity and cognitive functioning differences between a group of MOF patients six months after ICU discharge and healthy controls (HC). METHODS: 22 MOF patients and 22 HC matched by age, sex, and years of education were recruited. Both groups were administered a 3T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including structural T1 and functional BOLD, as well as a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation that included tests of learning and memory, speed of information processing and attention, executive function, visual constructional abilities, and language. Voxel-based morphometry was used to analyses T1 images. For the functional data at rest, functional connectivity (FC) analyses were performed. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in structural imaging and neuropsychological performance between groups, even though patients with MOF performed worse in all the cognitive tests. Functional neuroimaging in the default mode network (DMN) showed hyper-connectivity towards sensory-motor, cerebellum, and visual networks. DMN connectivity had a significant association with the severity of MOF during ICU stay and with the neuropsychological scores in tests of attention and visual constructional abilities. CONCLUSIONS: In MOF patients without structural brain injury, DMN connectivity six months after ICU discharge is associated with MOF severity and neuropsychological impairment, which supports the use of resting-state functional MRI as a potential tool to predict the onset of long-term cognitive deficits in these patients.Similar to what occurs at the onset of other pathologies, the observed hyper-connectivity might suggest network re-adaptation following MOF.This research was founded by Ministerio Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Spain and FEDER (grant no. DPI2016-79874-R) to JC and JCAL. ID's time was founded by the Department of Education of the Basque Country, postdoctoral program. JR's time was founded by the Ministry of Education, Language Policy and Culture (Basque Government). JMC's time was founded by Ikerbasque and the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructure of the Basque Country, Elkartek Program (grant no. KK-2018/00032). JCAL's time was founded by Ikerbasque and Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (grant no. AP169812018). IG's time was founded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III for a Juan Rodes (grant no. JR15/00008) co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund 'Investing in Your Future'. AJM's time was partly founded by Euskampus Fundazioa

    Brain connectivity and cognitive functioning in individuals six months after multiorgan failure

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    Multiorgan failure (MOF) is a life-threating condition that affects two or more systems of organs not involved in the disorder that motivates admission to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Patients who survive MOF frequently present long-term functional, neurological, cognitive, and psychiatric sequelae. However, the changes to the brain that explain such symptoms remain unclear. Objective: To determine brain connectivity and cognitive functioning differences between a group of MOF patients six months after ICU discharge and healthy controls (HC). Methods: 22 MOF patients and 22 HC matched by age, sex, and years of education were recruited. Both groups were administered a 3T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), including structural T1 and functional BOLD, as well as a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation that included tests of learning and memory, speed of information processing and attention, executive function, visual constructional abilities, and language. Voxel-based morphometry was used to analyses T1 images. For the functional data at rest, functional connectivity (FC) analyses were performed. Results: There were no significant differences in structural imaging and neuropsychological performance between groups, even though patients with MOF performed worse in all the cognitive tests. Functional neuroimaging in the default mode network (DMN) showed hyper-connectivity towards sensory-motor, cerebellum, and visual networks. DMN connectivity had a significant association with the severity of MOF during ICU stay and with the neuropsychological scores in tests of attention and visual constructional abilities. Conclusions: In MOF patients without structural brain injury, DMN connectivity six months after ICU discharge is associated with MOF severity and neuropsychological impairment, which supports the use of resting-state functional MRI as a potential tool to predict the onset of long-term cognitive deficits in these patients. Similar to what occurs at the onset of other pathologies, the observed hyper-connectivity might suggest network re-adaptation following MOF.This research was founded by Ministerio Economia, Industria y Competitividad, Spain and FEDER (grant no. DPI2016-79874-R) to JC and JCAL. ID's time was founded by the Department of Education of the Basque Country, postdoctoral program. JR's time was founded by the Ministry of Education, Language Policy and Culture (Basque Government). JMC's time was founded by Ikerbasque and the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructure of the Basque Country, Elkartek Program (grant no. KK-2018/00032). JCAL's time was founded by Ikerbasque and Fundacion Mutua Madrileña (grant no. AP169812018). IG's time was founded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III for a Juan Rodes (grant no. JR15/00008 ) co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund ‘Investing in Your Future’. AJM's time was partly founded by Euskampus Fundazioa


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    Functional neuroimaging methods in mice are essential for unraveling complex neuronal networks that underlie maladaptive behavior in neurological disorder models. By using fMRI to detect intrinsic connectivity networks in mice, we can examine large scale alteration in brain activity and functional connectivity to establish causal associations in brain network changes. The work presented in this dissertation is organized into five chapters. Chapter 1 provides the necessary background required to understand how functional neuroimaging tools such as fMRI detect signal changes attributed to spontaneous neuronal activity of intrinsic connectivity networks in mice. Chapter 2 describes the development of our isotropic fMRI acquisition sequence in mice and semi-automated pipeline for mouse fMRI data. Naïve mouse fMRI scans were used to validated the pipeline by reliably and reproducibly extracting intrinsic connectivity networks. Chapter 3 establishes the development and validation of a novel superparamagenetic iron-oxide nanoparticle to enhance fMRI signal sensitivity. Chapter 4 studies the effects norepinephrine released by locus coeruleus neurons on the default mode network in mice. Norepinephrine release selectively enhanced neuronal activity and connectivity in the Frontal module of the default mode network by suppressing information flow from the Retrosplenial-Hippocampal to the Association modules. Chapter 5 addresses the implications of our findings and addresses the limitations and future studies that can be conducted to expand on this research.Doctor of Philosoph

    The Correlation between Astrocytic Calcium and fMRI Signals is Related to the Thalamic Regulation of Cortical States

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    BOLD fMRI has been wildly used for mapping brain activity, but the cellular contribution of BOLD signals is still controversial. In this study, we investigated the correlation between neuronal/astrocytic calcium and the BOLD signal using simultaneous GCaMP-mediated calcium and BOLD signal recording, in the event-related state and in resting state, in anesthetized and in free-moving rats. To our knowledge, the results provide the first demonstration that evoked and intrinsic astrocytic calcium signals could occur concurrently accompanied by opposite BOLD signals which are associated with vasodilation and vasoconstriction. We show that the intrinsic astrocytic calcium is involved in brain state changes and is related to the activation of central thalamus. First, by simultaneous LFP and fiber optic calcium recording, the results show that the coupling between LFP and calcium indicates that neuronal activity is the basis of the calcium signal in both neurons and astrocytes. Second, we found that evoked neuronal and astrocytic calcium signals are always positively correlated with BOLD responses. However, intrinsic astrocytic calcium signals are accompanied by the activation of the central thalamus followed by a striking negative BOLD signal in cortex, which suggests that central thalamus may be involved in the initiation of the intrinsic astrocytic calcium signal. Third, we confirmed that the intrinsic astrocytic calcium signal is preserved in free moving rats. Moreover, the occurrences of intrinsic astrocytic calcium spikes are coincident with the transition between different sleep stages, which suggests intrinsic astrocytic calcium spikes reflect brain state transitions. These results demonstrate that the correlation between astrocytic calcium and fMRI signals is related to the thalamic regulation of cortical states. On the other hand, by studying the relationship between vessel–specific BOLD signals and spontaneous calcium activity from adjacent neurons, we show that low frequency spontaneous neuronal activity is the cellular mechanism of the BOLD signal during resting state

    Functional imaging in neuroenhancement

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    Increasingly demanding tasks, competition for competence and time pressure have lead to attempts of neuroenhancement (NE) among students and employees. NE is designed to increase cognitive abilities by modulating brain processes through the use of pharmaceutics. Substances such as methylphenidate (i.e. Ritalin®), modafinil (i.e. Vigil®) and caffeine are common candidates for enhancing cognitive abilities such as executive functions, inhibition control and memory (Wood et al., 2014). Until today, there has not been a study investigating memory enhancement in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Using fMRI, 48 healthy participants were tested for drug effects in a single-dose, double-blind and randomized study using a declarative memory task. During memory recall, methylphenidate dependent deactivations were found in the fronto-parietal and temporal regions whereas no BOLD alterations were seen during encoding. On the behavioral level, methylphenidate enhanced subject’s judgement confidence and performance during late recall. During encoding, caffeine led to deactivations in the precentral gyrus whereas modafinil did not show any BOLD signal alterations at all. To get an overview over the existing neuroimaging literature, all published studies on the effects of the aforementioned drug agents were reviewed in addition. In line with this study, previous publications emphasized that methylphenidate seems to alter task relevant brain areas. Our main finding of task-related deactivations may point to the reduction of task-functioning distractions. Thereby, we conclude a drug-dependent increase of efficiency in data processing.Zunehmende Arbeitsbelastung, erhöhter Zeitdruck und größere Verantwortung haben dazu geführt, dass für Studenten und Arbeitnehmer das Phänomen Neuroenhancement (NE) eine zunehmende Relevanz erlangt hat. Darunter wird die Steigerung der kognitiven Leistung durch pharmazeutischen Eingriff auf zentralnervöse Prozesse verstanden. Substanzen wie z.B. Methylphenidat (Ritalin®), Modafinil (Vigil®) und Koffein gelten als aussichtsreiche Kandidaten zur Leistungssteigerung, die möglicherweise Einfluss auf kognitive Prozesse, wie z.B. Exekutive Funktionen, Inhibitionskontrolle und Gedächtnis ausüben können (Wood et al., 2014). Keine bisher publizierte Studie hat den Fokus auf neuronale Korrelate der deklarativen Gedächtnissteigerung gelegt. Aus dem Grund sind zusätzlich alle bisher veröffentlichten bildgebenden Studien zu Methylphenidat, Modafinil und Koffein zu einer strukturierten Übersicht zusammengefasst worden. Mittels funktionaler Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT) wurden 48 gesunde Probanden, doppelt verblindet und randomisiert auf Steigerung der deklarativen Gedächtnisleistung getestet. Obwohl die Wirksamkeit der drei Substanzen ausführlich für klinische Patientenpopulationen untersucht wurde, gibt es kaum Wissen über die möglichen behavioralen und neuronalen Auswirkungen auf gesunde, erwachsene Menschen. Entgegen der Erwartung, dass die getesteten Substanzen klassische Gedächtnis assoziierte Regionen aktivieren, wurden unterschiedliche substanzspezifische Effekte gefunden. Wahrend des Abrufs von Gedächtnisinhalten deaktivierte Methylphenidat fronto-parietale und temporale Regionen. Dagegen führte die Applikation von Koffein zu einer verringerten BOLD Antwort im Gyrus Präcentralis während der Lernphase. Modafinil führte zu keiner Veränderung im Vergleich zu Placebo. Auf Verhaltensebene förderte Methylphenidat den späten Abruf von Gedächtnisinhalten, wohingegen die beiden anderen Substanzen keine Effekte hinsichtlich der Lernleistung vorwiesen. Vor dem Hintergrund bisheriger bildgebender Studien zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit, dass Neuroenhancement neben der Aktivierung leistungsrelevanter Gehirnregionen auch durch Reduzierung von störenden Einwirkungen funktionieren kann und damit womöglich die Effektivität der Informationsverarbeitung erhöht
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