22 research outputs found

    Effectful Normal Form Bisimulation

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    International audienceNormal form bisimulation, also known as open bisimulation, is a coinductive technique for higher-order program equivalence in which programs are compared by looking at their essentially infinitary tree-like normal forms, i.e. at their Böhm or Lévy-Longo trees. The technique has been shown to be useful not only when proving metatheorems about λ-calculi and their semantics, but also when looking at concrete examples of terms. In this paper, we show that there is a way to generalise normal form bisimulation to calculi with algebraic effects, à la Plotkin and Power. We show that some mild conditions on monads and relators, which have already been shown to guarantee effectful applicative bisimi-larity to be a congruence relation, are enough to prove that the obtained notion of bisimilarity, which we call effectful normal form bisimilarity, is a congruence relation, and thus sound for contextual equivalence. Additionally , contrary to applicative bisimilarity, normal form bisimilarity allows for enhancements of the bisimulation proof method, hence proving a powerful reasoning principle for effectful programming languages

    Reactive Bisimulation Semantics for a Process Algebra with Time-Outs

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    This paper introduces the counterpart of strong bisimilarity for labelled transition systems extended with time-out transitions. It supports this concept through a modal characterisation, congruence results for a standard process algebra with recursion, and a complete axiomatisation

    Principles of Markov automata

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    A substantial amount of today's engineering problems revolve around systems that are concurrent and stochastic by their nature. Solution approaches attacking these problems often rely on the availability of formal mathematical models that reflect such systems as comprehensively as possible. In this thesis, we develop a compositional model, Markov automata, that integrates concurrency, and probabilistic and timed stochastic behaviour. This is achieved by blending two well-studied constituent models, probabilistic automata and interactive Markov chains. A range of strong and weak bisimilarity notions are introduced and evaluated as candidate relations for a natural behavioural equivalence between systems. Among them, weak distribution bisimilarity stands out as a natural notion being more oblivious to the probabilistic branching structure than prior notions. We discuss compositionality, axiomatizations, decision and minimization algorithms, state-based characterizations and normal forms for weak distribution bisimilarity. In addition, we detail how Markov automata and weak distribution bisimilarity can be employed as a semantic basis for generalized stochastic Petri nets, in such a way that known shortcomings of their classical semantics are ironed out in their entirety.Ein betrĂ€chtlicher Teil gegenwĂ€rtiger ingenieurwissenschafter Probleme erstreckt sich auf Sys- teme, die ihrer Natur nach sowohl stochastisch als auch nebenlĂ€ufig sind. LösungsansĂ€tze fußen hierbei hĂ€ufig auf der VerfĂŒgbarkeit formaler mathematischer Modelle, die es erlauben, die Spez- ifika jener Systeme möglichst erschöpfend zu erfassen. In dieser Dissertation entwickeln wir ein kompositionelles Modell namens Markov-Automaten, das NebenlĂ€ufigkeit mit probabilistis- chen und stochastischen Prozessen integriert. Dies wird durch die Verschmelzung der zweier bekannter Modellklassen erreicht, und zwar die der probabilistischen Automaten und die der interaktiven Markovketten. Wir entwickeln dabei ein Spektrum verschiedener, starker und schwacher Bisimulationsrelationen und beurteilen sie im Hinblick auf ihre Eignung als natĂŒr- liche VerhaltensĂ€quivalenz zwischen Systemen. Die schwache Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungs- bisimulation sticht dabei als natĂŒrliche Wahl hervor, da sie die probabilistische Verzwei- gungsstruktur treffender abstrahiert als bisher bekannte Bisimulationsrelationen. Wir betra- chten des Weiteren KompositionalitĂ€tseigenschaften, Axiomatisierungen, Entscheidungs- und Minimierungsalgorithmen, sowie zustandsbasierte Charakterisierungen und Normalformen fĂŒr die schwache Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungsbisimulation. Abschließend legen wir dar, dass Markov-Automaten und die schwacheWahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungsbisimulation als Grundlage fĂŒr eine verbesserte Semantik von verallgemeinerten stochastischen Petrinetzen dienen kann, welche bekannte MĂ€ngel der klassischen Semantik vollstĂ€ndig behebt

    Reactive bisimulation semantics for a process algebra with timeouts

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    Computer Science Logic 2018: CSL 2018, September 4-8, 2018, Birmingham, United Kingdom

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