15 research outputs found

    An artificial immune system algorithm for solving the uncapacitated single allocation p-Hub median problem

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    The present paper deals with a variant of hub location problems (HLP): the uncapacitated single allocation p-Hub median problem (USApHMP). This problem consists to jointly locate hub facilities and to allocate demand nodes to these selected facilities. The objective function is to minimize the routing of demands between any origin and destination pair of nodes. This problem is known to be NP-hard. Based on the artificial immune systems (AIS) framework, this paper develops a new approach to efficiently solve the USApHMP. The proposed approach is in the form of a clonal selection algorithm (CSA) that uses appropriate encoding schemes of solutions and maintains their feasibility. Comprehensive experiments and comparison of the proposed approach with other existing heuristics are conducted on benchmark from civil aeronautics board, Australian post, PlanetLab and Urand data sets. The results obtained allow to demonstrate the validity and the effectiveness of our approach. In terms of solution quality, the results obtained outperform the best-known solutions in the literature

    Dynamic temporary blood facility location-allocation during and post-disaster periods

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    The key objective of this study is to develop a tool (hybridization or integration of different techniques) for locating the temporary blood banks during and post-disaster conditions that could serve the hospitals with minimum response time. We have used temporary blood centers, which must be located in such a way that it is able to serve the demand of hospitals in nearby region within a shorter duration. We are locating the temporary blood centres for which we are minimizing the maximum distance with hospitals. We have used Tabu search heuristic method to calculate the optimal number of temporary blood centres considering cost components. In addition, we employ Bayesian belief network to prioritize the factors for locating the temporary blood facilities. Workability of our model and methodology is illustrated using a case study including blood centres and hospitals surrounding Jamshedpur city. Our results shows that at-least 6 temporary blood facilities are required to satisfy the demand of blood during and post-disaster periods in Jamshedpur. The results also show that that past disaster conditions, response time and convenience for access are the most important factors for locating the temporary blood facilities during and post-disaster periods

    Lagrangian Relaxation for q-Hub Arc Location Problems

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    The topic of this Master thesis is an in-depth research study on a specific type of network systems known as hub-and-spoke networks. In particular, we study q-Hub Arc Location Problems that consist, at a strategical level, of selecting q hub arcs and at most p hub nodes, and of the routing of commodities through the so called hub level network. We propose strong formulations to two variants of the problem, namely the q-hub arc location problem and the qq-hub arc location problem with isolated hub nodes. We present a Lagrangian relaxation that exploits the structure of these problems by decomposing them into |K|+2 independent easy-to-solve subproblems and develop Lagrangian heuristics that yield high quality feasible solutions to both models. We, further, provide some insights on the structure of the optimal solutions to both models and investigate the cost benefit of incomplete hub networks with and without isolated hub nodes. Finally, computational results on a set of benchmark instances with up to 100 nodes are reported to assess the performance of the proposed MIP formulations and of our algorithmic approach

    A metaheuristic and simheuristic approach for the p-Hub median problem from a telecommunication perspective

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    Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Elétrica, 2018.Avanços recentes no setor das telecomunicações oferecem grandes oportunidades para cidadãos e organizações em um mundo globalmente conectado, ao mesmo tempo em que surge um vasto número de desafios complexos que os engenheiros devem enfrentar. Alguns desses desafios podem ser modelados como problemas de otimização. Alguns exemplos incluem o problema de alocação de recursos em redes de comunicações, desenho de topologias de rede que satisfaça determinadas propriedades associadas a requisitos de qualidade de serviço, sobreposição de redes multicast e outros recursos importantes para comunicação de origem a destino. O primeiro objetivo desta tese é fornecer uma revisão sobre como as metaheurísticas têm sido usadas até agora para lidar com os problemas de otimização associados aos sistemas de telecomunicações, detectando as principais tendências e desafios. Particularmente, a análise enfoca os problemas de desenho, roteamento e alocação de recursos. Além disso, devido á natureza desses desafios, o presente trabalho discute como a hibridização de metaheurísticas com metodologias como simulação pode ser empregada para ampliar as capacidades das metaheurísticas na resolução de problemas de otimização estocásticos na indústria de telecomunicações. Logo, é analisado um problema de otimização com aplicações práticas para redes de telecomunica ções: o problema das p medianas não capacitado em que um número fixo de hubs tem capacidade ilimitada, cada nó não-hub é alocado para um único hub e o número de hubs é conhecido de antemão, sendo analisado em cenários determinísticos e estocásticos. Dada a sua variedade e importância prática, o problema das p medianas vem sendo aplicado e estudado em vários contextos. Seguidamente, propõem-se dois algoritmos imune-inspirados e uma metaheurística de dois estágios, que se baseia na combinação de técnicas tendenciosas e aleatórias com uma estrutura de busca local iterada, além de sua integração com a técnica de simulação de Monte Carlo para resolver o problema das p medianas. Para demonstrar a eficiência dos algoritmos, uma série de testes computacionais é realizada, utilizando instâncias de grande porte da literatura. Estes resultados contribuem para uma compreensão mais profunda da eficácia das metaheurísticas empregadas para resolver o problema das p medianas em redes pequenas e grandes. Por último, uma aplicaçã o ilustrativa do problema das p medianas é apresentada, bem como alguns insights sobre novas possibilidades para ele, estendendo a metodologia proposta para ambientes da vida real.Recent advances in the telecommunication industry o er great opportunities to citizens and organizations in a globally-connected world, but they also arise a vast number of complex challenges that decision makers must face. Some of these challenges can be modeled as optimization problems. Examples include the framework of network utility maximization for resource allocation in communication networks, nding a network topology that satis es certain properties associated with quality of service requirements, overlay multicast networks, and other important features for source to destination communication. First, this thesis provides a review on how metaheuristics have been used so far to deal with optimization problems associated with telecommunication systems, detecting the main trends and challenges. Particularly the analysis focuses on the network design, routing, and allocation problems. In addition, due to the nature of these challenges, this work discusses how the hybridization of metaheuristics with methodologies such as simulation can be employed to extend the capabilities of metaheuristics when solving stochastic optimization problems. Then, a popular optimization problem with practical applications to the design of telecommunication networks: the Uncapacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem (USApHMP) where a xed number of hubs have unlimited capacity, each non-hub node is allocated to a single hub and the number of hubs is known in advance is analyzed in deterministic and stochastic scenarios. p-hub median problems are concerned with optimality of telecommunication and transshipment networks, and seek to minimize the cost of transportation or establishing. Next, two immune inspired metaheuristics are proposed to solve the USApHMP, besides that, a two-stage metaheuristic which relies on the combination of biased-randomized techniques with an iterated local search framework and its integration with simulation Monte Carlo technique for solving the same problem is proposed. In order to show their e ciency, a series of computational tests are carried out using small and large size instances from the literature. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of the e ectiveness of the employed metaheuristics for solving the USApHMP in small and large networks. Finally, an illustrative application of the USApHMP is presented as well as some insights about some new possibilities for it, extending the proposed methodology to real-life environments.Els últims avenços en la industria de les telecomunicacions ofereixen grans oportunitats per ciutadans i organitzacions en un món globalment connectat, però a la vegada, presenten reptes als que s'enfronten tècnics i enginyers que prenen decisions. Alguns d'aquests reptes es poden modelitzar com problemes d'optimització. Exemples inclouen l'assignació de recursos a les xarxes de comunicació, trobant una topologia de xarxa que satisfà certes propietats associades a requisits de qualitat de servei, xarxes multicast superposades i altres funcions importants per a la comunicació origen a destinació. El primer objectiu d'aquest treball és proporcionar un revisió de la literatura sobre com s'han utilitzat aquestes tècniques, tradicionalment, per tractar els problemes d'optimització associats a sistemes de telecomunicació, detectant les principals tendències i desa aments. Particularment, l'estudi es centra en els problemes de disseny de xarxes, enrutament i problemes d'assignació de recursos. Degut a la naturalesa d'aquests problemes, aquest treball també analitza com es poden combinar les tècniques metaheurístiques amb metodologies de simulació per ampliar les capacitats de resoldre problemes d'optimització estocàstics. A més, es tracta un popular problema d'optimització amb aplicacions pràctiques per xarxes de telecomunicació, el problema de la p mediana no capacitat, analitzant-lo des d'escenaris deterministes i estocàstics. Aquest problema consisteix en determinar el nombre d'instal lacions (medianes) en una xarxa, minimitzant la suma de tots els costs o distàncies des d'un punt de demanda a la instal lació més propera. En general, el problema de la p mediana està lligat amb l'optimització de xarxes de telecomunicacions i de transport, i busquen minimitzar el cost de transport o establiment de la xarxa. Es proposa dos algoritmes immunològics i un algoritme metaheurístic de dues etapes basat en la combinació de tècniques aleatòries amb simulacions Monte Carlo. L'e ciència de les algoritmes es posa a prova mitjançant alguns dels test computacionals més utilitzats a la literatura, obtenint uns resultats molt satisfactoris, ja que es capaç de resoldre casos petits i grans en qüestió de segons i amb un baix cost computacional. Finalment, es presenta una aplicació il lustrativa del problema de la p mediana, així com algunes noves idees sobre aquest, que estenen la metodologia proposta a problemes de la vida real

    Allocation Strategies in Hub Networks

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.In this paper, we study allocation strategies and their effects on total routing costs in hub networks. Given a set of nodes with pairwise traffic demands, the p-hub median problem is the problem of choosing p nodes as hub locations and routing traffic through these hubs at minimum cost. This problem has two versions; in single allocation problems, each node can send and receive traffic through a single hub, whereas in multiple allocation problems, there is no such restriction and a node may send and receive its traffic through all p hubs. This results in high fixed costs and complicated networks. In this study, we introduce the r-allocation p-hub median problem, where each node can be connected to at most r hubs. This new problem generalizes the two versions of the p-hub median problem. We derive mixed-integer programming formulations for this problem and perform a computational study using well-known datasets. For these datasets, we conclude that single allocation solutions are considerably more expensive than multiple allocation solutions, but significant savings can be achieved by allowing nodes to be allocated to two or three hubs rather than one. We also present models for variations of this problem with service quality considerations, flow thresholds, and non-stop service. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    A submodular representation for hub networkdesign problems with profits and single assignments

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    Hub network design problems (HNDPs) lie at the heart of network design planning in transportation and telecommunication systems. They constitute a challenging class of optimization problems that focus on the design of a hub network. In this work, we study a class of HNDPs, named hub network design problems with profits and single assignments, which forces each node to be assigned to exactly one hub facility. We propose three different combinatorial representations for maximizing the total profit defined as the difference between the perceived revenues from routing a set of commodities minus the setup cost for designing a hub network, considering the single allocation assumption. We investigate whether the objective function of each representation satisfies the submodular property or not. One representation satisfies submodularity, and we use it to present an approximation algorithm with polynomial running time. We obtain worst-case bounds on the approximations’ quality and analyze some special cases where these worst-case bounds are sharper

    Model and solution methods for some hub location problems

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    In this thesis we study some hub location problems in the context of transportation networks. These are combinatorial optimization problems appearing in situations where there is a need of transporting some traffic, like items, people, and information, from many origins to many destinations. Instead of sending these flows using a direct shipment between all pairs of nodes in the network, a subset of these nodes is selected to use as hubs, with the aim of consolidating and distribute the flows. Thus, hubs induce a subnetwork that sends the traffic more efficiently and at a cheaper cost, allowing economies of scale when large amounts of traffic between nodes on this subnet are transported. We study different variants of hub location problems that try to model several real world situations and characteristics. In all of them, we aim to minimize the cost of sending traffic through the transportation network.In this thesis we study some hub location problems in the context of transportation networks. These are combinatorial optimization problems appearing in situations where there is a need of transporting some traffic, like items, people, and information, from many origins to many destinations. Instead of sending these flows using a direct shipment between all pairs of nodes in the network, a subset of these nodes is selected to use as hubs, with the aim of consolidating and distribute the flows. Thus, hubs induce a subnetwork that sends the traffic more efficiently and at a cheaper cost, allowing economies of scale when large amounts of traffic between nodes on this subnet are transported. We study different variants of hub location problems that try to model several real world situations and characteristics. In all of them, we aim to minimize the cost of sending traffic through the transportation network

    Bilevel facility location problems: theory and applications.

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    In this doctoral thesis we focus on studying facility location problems considering customer preferences. In these problems, there is a set of customers or users who demand a service or product that must be supplied by one or more facilities. By facilities it is understood some object or structure that offers some service to customers. One of the most important assumptions is that customers have established their own preferences over the facilities and should be taken into account in the customer-facility assignment. In real life, customers choose facilities based on costs, preferences, a predetermined contract, or a loyalty coefficient, among others. That is, they are free to choose the facilities that will serve them. The situation described above is commonly modeled by bilevel programming, where the upper level corresponds to location decisions to optimize a predefined criteria, such as, minimize location and distribution costs or maximize the demand covered by the facilities; and the lower level is associated to -customer allocation- to optimize customer preferences. The hierarchy among both levels is justified because the decision taken in the upper level directly affects the decision’s space in the lower level

    Scheduled service network design for integrated planning of rail freight transportation

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    Cette thèse étudie une approche intégrant la gestion de l’horaire et la conception de réseaux de services pour le transport ferroviaire de marchandises. Le transport par rail s’articule autour d’une structure à deux niveaux de consolidation où l’affectation des wagons aux blocs ainsi que des blocs aux services représentent des décisions qui complexifient grandement la gestion des opérations. Dans cette thèse, les deux processus de consolidation ainsi que l’horaire d’exploitation sont étudiés simultanément. La résolution de ce problème permet d’identifier un plan d’exploitation rentable comprenant les politiques de blocage, le routage et l’horaire des trains, de même que l’habillage ainsi que l’affectation du traffic. Afin de décrire les différentes activités ferroviaires au niveau tactique, nous étendons le réseau physique et construisons une structure de réseau espace-temps comprenant trois couches dans lequel la dimension liée au temps prend en considération les impacts temporels sur les opérations. De plus, les opérations relatives aux trains, blocs et wagons sont décrites par différentes couches. Sur la base de cette structure de réseau, nous modélisons ce problème de planification ferroviaire comme un problème de conception de réseaux de services. Le modèle proposé se formule comme un programme mathématique en variables mixtes. Ce dernie r s’avère très difficile à résoudre en raison de la grande taille des instances traitées et de sa complexité intrinsèque. Trois versions sont étudiées : le modèle simplifié (comprenant des services directs uniquement), le modèle complet (comprenant des services directs et multi-arrêts), ainsi qu’un modèle complet à très grande échelle. Plusieurs heuristiques sont développées afin d’obtenir de bonnes solutions en des temps de calcul raisonnables. Premièrement, un cas particulier avec services directs est analysé. En considérant une cara ctéristique spécifique du problème de conception de réseaux de services directs nous développons un nouvel algorithme de recherche avec tabous. Un voisinage par cycles est privilégié à cet effet. Celui-ci est basé sur la distribution du flot circulant sur les blocs selon les cycles issus du réseau résiduel. Un algorithme basé sur l’ajustement de pente est développé pour le modèle complet, et nous proposons une nouvelle méthode, appelée recherche ellipsoidale, permettant d’améliorer davantage la qualité de la solution. La recherche ellipsoidale combine les bonnes solutions admissibles générées par l’algorithme d’ajustement de pente, et regroupe les caractéristiques des bonnes solutions afin de créer un problème élite qui est résolu de facon exacte à l’aide d’un logiciel commercial. L’heuristique tire donc avantage de la vitesse de convergence de l’algorithme d’ajustement de pente et de la qualité de solution de la recherche ellipsoidale. Les tests numériques illustrent l’efficacité de l’heuristique proposée. En outre, l’algorithme représente une alternative intéressante afin de résoudre le problème simplifié. Enfin, nous étudions le modèle complet à très grande échelle. Une heuristique hybride est développée en intégrant les idées de l’algorithme précédemment décrit et la génération de colonnes. Nous proposons une nouvelle procédure d’ajustement de pente où, par rapport à l’ancienne, seule l’approximation des couts liés aux services est considérée. La nouvelle approche d’ajustement de pente sépare ainsi les décisions associées aux blocs et aux services afin de fournir une décomposition naturelle du problème. Les résultats numériques obtenus montrent que l’algorithme est en mesure d’identifier des solutions de qualité dans un contexte visant la résolution d’instances réelles.This thesis studies a scheduled service network design problem for rail freight transportation planning. Rails follow a special two level consolidation organization, and the car-to-block, block-to-service handling procedure complicates daily operations. In this research, the two consolidation processes as well as the operation schedule are considered simultaneously, and by solving this problem, we provide an overall cost-effective operating plan, including blocking policy, train routing, scheduling, make-up policy and traffic distribution. In order to describe various rail operations at the tactical level, we extend the physical network and construct a 3-layer time-space structure, in which the time dimension takes into consideration the temporal impacts on operations. Furthermore, operations on trains, blocks, and cars are described in different layers. Based on this network structure, we model the rail planning problem to a service network design formulation. The proposed model relies on a complex mixed-integer programming formulation. The problem is very hard to solve due to the computational difficulty as well as the tremendous size of the application instances. Three versions of the problem are studied, which are the simplified model (with only non-stop services), complete model (with both non-stop and multi-stop services) and very-large-scale complete model. Heuristic algorithms are developed to provide good feasible solutions in reasonable computing efforts. A special case with non-stop services is first studied. According to a specific characteristic of the direct service network design problem, we develop a tabu search algorithm. The tabu search moves in a cycle-based neighborhood, where flows on blocks are re-distributed according to the cycles in a conceptual residual network. A slope scaling based algorithm is developed for the complete model, and we propose a new method, called ellipsoidal search, to further improve the solution quality. Ellipsoidal search combines the good feasible solutions generated from the slope scaling, and collects the features of good solutions into an elite problem, and solves it with exact solvers. The algorithm thus takes advantage of the convergence speed of slope scaling and solution quality of ellipsoidal search, and is proven effective. The algorithm also presents an alternative for solving the simplified problem. Finally, we work on the very-large-size complete model. A hybrid heuristic is developed by integrating the ideas of previous research with column generation. We propose a new slope scaling scheme where, compared with the previous scheme, only approximate service costs instead of both service and block costs are considered. The new slope scaling scheme thus separates the block decisions and service decisions, and provide a natural decomposition of the problem. Experiments show the algorithm is good to solve real-life size instances