15 research outputs found

    Development of Method and Tool for Optimizing the Earthwork with Ex-Situ Remediation of Polluted Soil

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    In this article a method is developed for optimizing the work share between dozers and excavators in the excavation work of polluted soil. Experiences are implemented in order to both validate hypothesis and set relations between measurable physical parameters (like the overlay between lines or the maximal line length) and excavation efficiency. In the final part of the article, the author shows how work share between machines can be optimized by using calculations on the appropriate parameters in a calculation sheet and parameterizing a solver tool

    The Changing View of the Arctic: The University of Illinois and Arctic Studies

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    This is a brief report on a summer study abroad program which the University of Illinois conducted in Northern Sweden and Svalbard, Norway between 2012-2016, for which the author served as program organizer and instructor. It originally appeared as a post on the U.S. Department of State\u27s blog Our Arctic Nation, which reported on Arctic connections between each of the states in the union and the District of Columbia ( https://medium.com/our-arctic-nation ). This blog was condensed for this commemorative book which was printed in a limited edition by U.S. Arctic Council Chairmanship Initiative

    St. Louis Currents: The Bi-State Region after a Century of Planning

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    This collection of essays by leading scholars examines urban issues facing the St. Louis region in the 2010 era, which is 100 years after the first city plan in the US in 1907

    Handbook for the Alaskan Prospector

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    It is hoped that this book will be of value to many different classes of men engaged in the search for mineral deposits. These classes might include the experienced practical prospector who would like to learn something of geology; the young geologist who needs information on practical prospecting; the novice who needs a comprehensive reference; and the all around experienced exploration engineer or geologist who might need to refer to some specialized technique, look up a reference in the bibliography, or read a resume of the geology of a particular area, Because this book is aimed at so many different classes, different chapters are written assuming different levels of learning and experience. This, no doubt, will prove troublesome at times, but it is believed to be the best way to insure that the information contained in each chapter will reach with maximum effectiveness the group for whom it is intended.[Part 1. Geology] Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction to Geology; Structure of the Earth: The Study of Geology; the Constitution of the Earth; Earth Movements -- Mineralogy: Introduction; Properties of Minerals; Identification of Minerals by Chemical methods; Blowpipe and Qualitative Tests for Individual Elements; Descriptions of Minerals; Commercial materials and their chief Mineral Sources; Determinative Mineralogy -- The Study of Rocks: Introduction; Igneous Rocks; Sedimentary Rocks; Metamorphic Rocks; Conclusion -- Structural Geology: Original structures; Imposed Structures -- Historical Geology: Introduction; the Cryptozoic (Precambrion) Eon; The Phonerozoic Eon -- Surface Features of the Land, Geomorphology: Introduction; The Fluvial or "Normal" Cycle; The Fluvial Cycle Modified by a Cold Climate; Glaciated Regions; Arid Lands; The Marine Cycle; Underground Solution Processes; Features due to Construct!anal Forces; Physiographic Provinces -- Mineral Deposits: Introduction; Brief Summary of Events in Formation; Metallogenetic Epochs; Metallogenetic Provinces; Classification of Mineral deposits; Controls of Mineralization -- [Part II. Prospecting] Background: The Prospector; Analysis of Present Status of Mining and Prospecting in Alaska; Brief History -- General Prospecting: Definitions; Preliminary to Field Work; Reconnaissance -- Prospecting and Exploration of Lodes: Prospecting; Exploration; Summary of Surface Methods; Underground Openings; Development and Exploitation; Sampling Procedures and Calculating Results; Prospecting and Exploring with Bore Holes -- Diamond Drilling: The Diamond Drill; Casing the Diamond Drill Hole; Core Drilling -- Prospecting and Exploration of Placer Deposits: General; Opencutting; Crosscutting the Creek -- Sinking Placer Prospect Shafts: Sinking shafts in Frozen Ground; Sinking shafts in Thawed Ground -- Drilling Placer Deposits: Introduction; Equipment; Process of Drilling; Keeping Records and Handling Samples; Calculating Drill Holes; Evaluating the Ground -- Geophysical, Geochemical, and Mineralogical Prospecting: Geophysical Methods; GeochemicaiMethods; Mineralogical Prospecting -- Auxiliary Techniques: Surveying and Mapping; Reading Geologic Maps and Aerial Photogrof>hs; Drilling Rock for Blasting; Use of Explosives; Blacksmithing; Use of the Pan and Rocker; Handling Gold; How to Build Various Appliances Used in Prospecting -- Transportation; Clothing; Shelter; Food; Techniques and Equipment Used in Camp Life: Transportation; Communications; Shelter; Food; Clothing -- Elements of Mining Law; Staking Claims: Introduction; History; laws Pertaining to both Lode and Placer; Lodes; Placers; Tunnel Sites; Prospecting Sites; MiIIsites; Water Rights; Liens; Grubstake Agreements; Patenting; Leasing; Licenses and Taxes; Forms; Conclusions -- Geography of Alaska: legal Subdivisions: Subdivisions Based on Geology and Geography; Broad Geographical Features; United States Geological Survey Subdivisions; Chief Transportation and Communication Routes -- Appendix: Sources of Information and Aid to Prospectors; Weights, Measure Sizes; Short Glossary of Alaskan Terms -- Bibliography: Arrangement and Scope of Bibliography; Publications of the United States Geological Survey; United States Bureau of Mines; Bureau of land Management; University of Alaska; Territorial and State; General -- Addendum: Introduction; Notes on Chapters 1, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 -- Additions to Bibliography -- Inde

    Bowdoin Orient v.134, no.1-24 (2004-2005)

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    With a Critical Eye: An Intellectual and His Times

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    With a Critical Eye: An Intellectual and His Times

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    Viet Nam Generation, Volume 7, Number 1-2

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    Edited by Dan Duffy and Kali Tal. Contributing editors: Renny Christopher. David DeRose, Alan Farrell. Cynthia Fuchs, William M. King. Bill Shields, Tony Williams, and David Willson

    Migration in Austria

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    The interdisciplinary volume offers methodologically innovative approaches to Austria's coping with issues of migration past and present. These essays show Austria's long history as a migration country. Austrians themselves have been on the move for the past 150 years to find new homes and build better lives. After the World War II the economy improved and prosperity set in, so Austrians tended to stay at home. Austria's growing prosperity made the country attractive to immigrants. After the war, tens of thousands of "ethnic Germans" expelled from Eastern Europe settled in Austria. Starting in the 1950s "victims of the Cold War" (Hungary, Czechs and Slovaks) began looking for political asylum in Austria. Since the 1960s Austria has been recruiting a growing number of "guest workers" from Turkey and Yugoslavia to make up the labor missing in the industrial and service economies. Recently, refugees from the arc of crisis from Afghanistan to Syria to Somalia have braved perilous journeys to build new lives in a more peaceful and prosperous Europe