70 research outputs found

    A scalable hardware and software control apparatus for experiments with hybrid quantum systems

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    Modern experiments with fundamental quantum systems - like ultracold atoms, trapped ions, single photons - are managed by a control system formed by a number of input/output electronic channels governed by a computer. In hybrid quantum systems, where two or more quantum systems are combined and made to interact, establishing an efficient control system is particularly challenging due to the higher complexity, especially when each single quantum system is characterized by a different timescale. Here we present a new control apparatus specifically designed to efficiently manage hybrid quantum systems. The apparatus is formed by a network of fast communicating Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), the action of which is administrated by a software. Both hardware and software share the same tree-like structure, which ensures a full scalability of the control apparatus. In the hardware, a master board acts on a number of slave boards, each of which is equipped with an FPGA that locally drives analog and digital input/output channels and radiofrequency (RF) outputs up to 400 MHz. The software is designed to be a general platform for managing both commercial and home-made instruments in a user-friendly and intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI). The architecture ensures that complex control protocols can be carried out, such as performing of concurrent commands loops by acting on different channels, the generation of multi-variable error functions and the implementation of self-optimization procedures. Although designed for managing experiments with hybrid quantum systems, in particular with atom-ion mixtures, this control apparatus can in principle be used in any experiment in atomic, molecular, and optical physics.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Web Data Extraction, Applications and Techniques: A Survey

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    Web Data Extraction is an important problem that has been studied by means of different scientific tools and in a broad range of applications. Many approaches to extracting data from the Web have been designed to solve specific problems and operate in ad-hoc domains. Other approaches, instead, heavily reuse techniques and algorithms developed in the field of Information Extraction. This survey aims at providing a structured and comprehensive overview of the literature in the field of Web Data Extraction. We provided a simple classification framework in which existing Web Data Extraction applications are grouped into two main classes, namely applications at the Enterprise level and at the Social Web level. At the Enterprise level, Web Data Extraction techniques emerge as a key tool to perform data analysis in Business and Competitive Intelligence systems as well as for business process re-engineering. At the Social Web level, Web Data Extraction techniques allow to gather a large amount of structured data continuously generated and disseminated by Web 2.0, Social Media and Online Social Network users and this offers unprecedented opportunities to analyze human behavior at a very large scale. We discuss also the potential of cross-fertilization, i.e., on the possibility of re-using Web Data Extraction techniques originally designed to work in a given domain, in other domains.Comment: Knowledge-based System

    Development of Human-friendly Notation for XML-based Languages

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    model driven reverse engineering approaches a systematic literature review

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    This paper explores and describes the state of the art for what concerns the model-driven approaches proposed in the literature to support reverse engineering. We conducted a systematic literature review on this topic with the aim to answer three research questions. We focus on various solutions developed for model-driven reverse engineering, outlining in particular the models they use and the transformations applied to the models. We also consider the tools used for model definition, extraction, and transformation and the level of automation reached by the available tools. The model-driven reverse engineering approaches are also analyzed based on various features such as genericity, extensibility, automation of the reverse engineering process, and coverage of the full or partial source artifacts. We describe in detail and compare fifteen approaches applying model-driven reverse engineering. Based on this analysis, we identify and indicate some hints on choosing a model-driven reverse engineering approach from the available ones, and we outline open issues concerning the model-driven reverse engineering approaches

    Topic driven testing

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    Modern interactive applications offer so many interaction opportunities that automated exploration and testing becomes practically impossible without some domain specific guidance towards relevant functionality. In this dissertation, we present a novel fundamental graphical user interface testing method called topic-driven testing. We mine the semantic meaning of interactive elements, guide testing, and identify core functionality of applications. The semantic interpretation is close to human understanding and allows us to learn specifications and transfer knowledge across multiple applications independent of the underlying device, platform, programming language, or technology stack—to the best of our knowledge a unique feature of our technique. Our tool ATTABOY is able to take an existing Web application test suite say from Amazon, execute it on ebay, and thus guide testing to relevant core functionality. Tested on different application domains such as eCommerce, news pages, mail clients, it can trans- fer on average sixty percent of the tested application behavior to new apps—without any human intervention. On top of that, topic-driven testing can go with even more vague instructions of how-to descriptions or use-case descriptions. Given an instruction, say “add item to shopping cart”, it tests the specified behavior in an application–both in a browser as well as in mobile apps. It thus improves state-of-the-art UI testing frame- works, creates change resilient UI tests, and lays the foundation for learning, transfer- ring, and enforcing common application behavior. The prototype is up to five times faster than existing random testing frameworks and tests functions that are hard to cover by non-trained approaches.Moderne interaktive Anwendungen bieten so viele Interaktionsmöglichkeiten, dass eine vollstĂ€ndige automatische Exploration und das Testen aller Szenarien praktisch unmöglich ist. Stattdessen muss die Testprozedur auf relevante KernfunktionalitĂ€t ausgerichtet werden. Diese Arbeit stellt ein neues fundamentales Testprinzip genannt thematisches Testen vor, das beliebige Anwendungen u ̈ber die graphische OberflĂ€che testet. Wir untersuchen die semantische Bedeutung von interagierbaren Elementen um die Kernfunktionenen von Anwendungen zu identifizieren und entsprechende Tests zu erzeugen. Statt typischen starren Testinstruktionen orientiert sich diese Art von Tests an menschlichen AnwendungsfĂ€llen in natĂŒrlicher Sprache. Dies erlaubt es, Software Spezifikationen zu erlernen und Wissen von einer Anwendung auf andere zu ĂŒbertragen unabhĂ€ngig von der Anwendungsart, der Programmiersprache, dem TestgerĂ€t oder der -Plattform. Nach unserem Kenntnisstand ist unser Ansatz der Erste dieser Art. Wir prĂ€sentieren ATTABOY, ein Programm, das eine existierende Testsammlung fĂŒr eine Webanwendung (z.B. fĂŒr Amazon) nimmt und in einer beliebigen anderen Anwendung (sagen wir ebay) ausfĂŒhrt. Dadurch werden Tests fĂŒr Kernfunktionen generiert. Bei der ersten AusfĂŒhrung auf Anwendungen aus den DomĂ€nen Online Shopping, Nachrichtenseiten und eMail, erzeugt der Prototyp sechzig Prozent der Tests automatisch. Ohne zusĂ€tzlichen manuellen Aufwand. DarĂŒber hinaus interpretiert themen- getriebenes Testen auch vage Anweisungen beispielsweise von How-to Anleitungen oder Anwendungsbeschreibungen. Eine Anweisung wie "FĂŒgen Sie das Produkt in den Warenkorb hinzu" testet das entsprechende Verhalten in der Anwendung. Sowohl im Browser, als auch in einer mobilen Anwendung. Die erzeugten Tests sind robuster und effektiver als vergleichbar erzeugte Tests. Der Prototyp testet die ZielfunktionalitĂ€t fĂŒnf mal schneller und testet dabei Funktionen die durch nicht spezialisierte AnsĂ€tze kaum zu erreichen sind

    First steps in the study of cyber-psycho-cognitive operations

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de BrasĂ­lia, Instituto de RelaçÔes Internacionais, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em RelaçÔes Internacionais, 2019.O presente trabalho Ă© uma anĂĄlise dos mecanismos informĂĄticos e tecno-comunicacionais envolvidos na articulação de mundos da vida orientados estrategicamente para estimular, prever ou minar o desenvolvimento das condiçÔes psico-cognitivas adequadas para a construção e sustento da legitimidade racional de uma autoridade ou ação polĂ­tica. A aplicação de instrumentos “arqueolĂłgicos” Foucauldianos ao estudo das narrativas polĂ­ticas que engendraram e surgiram de “Russiagate” permitiu situar a teoria num contexto histĂłrico e validar a premissa da convergĂȘncia e incorporação de tendĂȘncias de agendamento comuns e de prĂĄticas tĂ­picas de operaçÔes psicolĂłgicas tradicionais. Contudo, os efeitos tanto da disponibilidade comercial das TICs com capacidade de “deep learning”, quanto da estruturação baseada em conhecimento permitida pela ubiquidade e centralidade econĂŽmica dessas tecnologias, tornam o conjunto de mecanismos analisados num fenĂŽmeno que merece uma conceptualização e marco investigativo Ășnicos. A obra Ă© uma contribuição a esse empreendimento.This is an analysis of the ICT-based mechanisms involved in the articulation of lifeworlds that are strategically oriented to foster, prevent or undermine the development of psycho-cognitive conditions adequate for the construction or sustainability of an authority’s or a political action’s rational legitimacy. While grounding theory to a historical context, the application of Foucauldian “archeological” instruments to the study of the political narratives giving birth and springing from “Russiagate” also served to validate the premised convergence and incorporation of common agenda-setting trends and practices typical of traditional psychological operations. However, the effects of both the commercial availability of deep-learning ICTs and the cognition-based structuration afforded by their ubiquity and economic centrality set this “dispositif” apart, thereby deserving a unique conceptualization and research framework. This study is a contribution to such endeavor

    Software variability in service robotics

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    Robots artificially replicate human capabilities thanks to their software, the main embodiment of intelligence. However, engineering robotics software has become increasingly challenging. Developers need expertise from different disciplines as well as they are faced with heterogeneous hardware and uncertain operating environments. To this end, the software needs to be variable—to customize robots for different customers, hardware, and operating environments. However, variability adds substantial complexity and needs to be managed—yet, ad hoc practices prevail in the robotics domain, challenging effective software reuse, maintenance, and evolution. To improve the situation, we need to enhance our empirical understanding of variability in robotics. We present a multiple-case study on software variability in the vibrant and challenging domain of service robotics. We investigated drivers, practices, methods, and challenges of variability from industrial companies building service robots. We analyzed the state-of-the-practice and the state-of-the-art—the former via an experience report and eleven interviews with two service robotics companies; the latter via a systematic literature review. We triangulated from these sources, reporting observations with actionable recommendations for researchers, tool providers, and practitioners. We formulated hypotheses trying to explain our observations, and also compared the state-of-the-art from the literature with the-state-of-the-practice we observed in our cases. We learned that the level of abstraction in robotics software needs to be raised for simplifying variability management and software integration, while keeping a sufficient level of customization to boost efficiency and effectiveness in their robots’ operation. Planning and realizing variability for specific requirements and implementing robust abstractions permit robotic applications to operate robustly in dynamic environments, which are often only partially known and controllable. With this aim, our companies use a number of mechanisms, some of them based on formalisms used to specify robotic behavior, such as finite-state machines and behavior trees. To foster software reuse, the service robotics domain will greatly benefit from having software components—completely decoupled from hardware—with harmonized and standardized interfaces, and organized in an ecosystem shared among various companies
