377 research outputs found

    Challenges in Bridging Social Semantics and Formal Semantics on the Web

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    This paper describes several results of Wimmics, a research lab which names stands for: web-instrumented man-machine interactions, communities, and semantics. The approaches introduced here rely on graph-oriented knowledge representation, reasoning and operationalization to model and support actors, actions and interactions in web-based epistemic communities. The re-search results are applied to support and foster interactions in online communities and manage their resources

    Automating Change of Representation for Proofs in Discrete Mathematics (Extended Version)

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    Representation determines how we can reason about a specific problem. Sometimes one representation helps us find a proof more easily than others. Most current automated reasoning tools focus on reasoning within one representation. There is, therefore, a need for the development of better tools to mechanise and automate formal and logically sound changes of representation. In this paper we look at examples of representational transformations in discrete mathematics, and show how we have used Isabelle's Transfer tool to automate the use of these transformations in proofs. We give a brief overview of a general theory of transformations that we consider appropriate for thinking about the matter, and we explain how it relates to the Transfer package. We show our progress towards developing a general tactic that incorporates the automatic search for representation within the proving process

    Mechanically Proving Guarantees of Generalized Heuristics: First Results and Ongoing Work

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    The goal of generalized planning is to find a solution that works for all tasks of a specific planning domain. Ideally, this solution is also efficient (i.e., polynomial) in all tasks. One possible approach is to learn such a solution from training examples and then prove that this generalizes for any given task. However, such proofs are usually pen-and-paper proofs written by a human. In our paper, we aim at automating these proofs so we can use a theorem prover to show that a solution generalizes for any task. Furthermore, we want to prove that this generalization works while still preserving efficiency. Our focus is on generalized potential heuristics encoding tiered measures of progress, which can be proven to lead to a find in a polynomial number of steps in all tasks of a domain. We show our ongoing work in this direction using the interactive theorem prover Isabelle/HOL. We illustrate the key aspects of our implementation using the Miconic domain and then discuss possible obstacles and challenges to fully automating this pipeline

    Attacking Group Protocols by Refuting Incorrect Inductive Conjectures

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    Automated tools for finding attacks on flawed security protocols often fail to deal adequately with group protocols. This is because the abstractions made to improve performance on fixed 2 or 3 party protocols either preclude the modelling of group protocols all together, or permit modelling only in a fixed scenario, which can prevent attacks from being discovered. This paper describes Coral, a tool for finding counterexamples to incorrect inductive conjectures, which we have used to model protocols for both group key agreement and group key management, without any restrictions on the scenario. We will show how we used Coral to discover 6 previously unknown attacks on 3 group protocols