1,051 research outputs found

    Meta-heuristic algorithms in car engine design: a literature survey

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    Meta-heuristic algorithms are often inspired by natural phenomena, including the evolution of species in Darwinian natural selection theory, ant behaviors in biology, flock behaviors of some birds, and annealing in metallurgy. Due to their great potential in solving difficult optimization problems, meta-heuristic algorithms have found their way into automobile engine design. There are different optimization problems arising in different areas of car engine management including calibration, control system, fault diagnosis, and modeling. In this paper we review the state-of-the-art applications of different meta-heuristic algorithms in engine management systems. The review covers a wide range of research, including the application of meta-heuristic algorithms in engine calibration, optimizing engine control systems, engine fault diagnosis, and optimizing different parts of engines and modeling. The meta-heuristic algorithms reviewed in this paper include evolutionary algorithms, evolution strategy, evolutionary programming, genetic programming, differential evolution, estimation of distribution algorithm, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, memetic algorithms, and artificial immune system

    Computational intelligence techniques for HVAC systems: a review

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    Buildings are responsible for 40% of global energy use and contribute towards 30% of the total CO2 emissions. The drive to reduce energy use and associated greenhouse gas emissions from buildings has acted as a catalyst in the development of advanced computational methods for energy efficient design, management and control of buildings and systems. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems are the major source of energy consumption in buildings and an ideal candidate for substantial reductions in energy demand. Significant advances have been made in the past decades on the application of computational intelligence (CI) techniques for HVAC design, control, management, optimization, and fault detection and diagnosis. This article presents a comprehensive and critical review on the theory and applications of CI techniques for prediction, optimization, control and diagnosis of HVAC systems.The analysis of trends reveals the minimization of energy consumption was the key optimization objective in the reviewed research, closely followed by the optimization of thermal comfort, indoor air quality and occupant preferences. Hardcoded Matlab program was the most widely used simulation tool, followed by TRNSYS, EnergyPlus, DOE–2, HVACSim+ and ESP–r. Metaheuristic algorithms were the preferred CI method for solving HVAC related problems and in particular genetic algorithms were applied in most of the studies. Despite the low number of studies focussing on MAS, as compared to the other CI techniques, interest in the technique is increasing due to their ability of dividing and conquering an HVAC optimization problem with enhanced overall performance. The paper also identifies prospective future advancements and research directions

    Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks - OMCO NET

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    The mini conference “Optimisation of Mobile Communication Networks” focuses on advanced methods for search and optimisation applied to wireless communication networks. It is sponsored by Research & Enterprise Fund Southampton Solent University. The conference strives to widen knowledge on advanced search methods capable of optimisation of wireless communications networks. The aim is to provide a forum for exchange of recent knowledge, new ideas and trends in this progressive and challenging area. The conference will popularise new successful approaches on resolving hard tasks such as minimisation of transmit power, cooperative and optimal routing

    GA-Based Optimization for Multivariable Level Control System: A Case Study of Multi-Tank System

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    This paper presents a systematic way to determine the trade-off optimized controller tunings using computation optimization technique for both servo and regulatory controls of the Multi-Tank System, as one of the applications under the multivariable loop principle. The paper describes an improved way to obtain the best Proportional-Integral (PI) controller tunings in reducing the dependency on engineering knowledge, practical experiences and complex mathematical calculations. Relative Gain Array (RGA) calculation justified the degree of relation and the best pairing for both interacted control loops. Genetic Algorithm (GA), as one of the most prestigious techniques, was used to analyze the best controller tunings based on factor parameters of iterations, populations and mutation rates to the applied First Order plus Dead Time (FOPDT) models in the multivariable loop. Amid simulation analysis, GA analysis’s reliability was justified by comparing its performance with the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) analysis. The research outcome was visualized by generating the process responses from the LOOP-PRO’s multi-tank function, whereby the GA tunings’ responses were compared with the conventional tuning methods. In conclusion, the result exhibits that the GA optimization analysis has successfully demonstrated the most satisfactory performance for both servo and regulatory controls

    Soft computing based controllers for automotive air conditioning system with variable speed compressor

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    The inefficient On/Off control for the compressor operation has long been regarded as the major factor contributing to energy loss and poor cabin temperature control of an automotive air conditioning (AAC) system. In this study, two soft computing based controllers, namely the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) based controllers tuned using differential evolution (DE) algorithm and an adaptive neural network based model predictive controller (A-NNMPC), are proposed to be used in the regulation of cabin temperature through proper compressor speed modulation. The implementation of the control schemes in conjunction with DE and neural network aims to improve the AAC performance in terms of reference tracking and power efficiency in comparison to the conventional On/Off operation. An AAC experimental rig equipped with variable speed compressor has been developed for the implementation of the proposed controllers. The dynamics of the AAC system is modelled using a nonlinear autoregressive with exogenous inputs (NARX) neural network. Based on the plant model, the PID gains are offline optimized using the DE algorithm. Experimental results show that the DE tuned PID based controller gives better tracking performance than the Ziegler-Nichols tuning method. For A-NNMPC, the identified NARX model is incorporated as a predictive model in the control system. It is trained in real time throughout the control process and therefore able to adaptively capture the time varying dynamics of the AAC system. Consequently, optimal performance can be achieved even when the operating point is drifted away from the nominal condition. Finally, the comparative assessment indicates clearly that A-NNMPC outperforms its counterparts, followed by DE tuned PID based controller and the On/Off controller. Both proposed control schemes achieve up to 47% power saving over the On/Off operation, indicating that the proposed control schemes can be potential alternatives to replace the On/Off operation in an AAC system

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Modelling and Control Design. A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach

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    [ES] Aquesta tesi presenta els resultats de la feina de recerca dut a terme sobre el modelatge i el disseny de controladors per a micro-aeronaus no tripulades mitjançant tècniques d'optimització multi-objectiu. Dos principals camps d'estudi estan presents al llarg d'ella. D'una banda, l'estudi de com modelar i controlar plataformes aèries de petita envergadura. I, de l'altra, l'estudi sobre l'ús de tècniques heurístiques d'optimització multi-objectiu per aplicar en el procés de parametrització de models i controladors en micro-aeronaus no tripulades. S'obtenen com a resultat principal una sèrie d'eines que permeten prescindir d'experiments en túnels de vent o de sensòrica d'alt cost, passant directament a la utilització de dades de vol experimental a la identificació paramètrica de models dinàmics. A més, es demostra com la utilització d'eines d'optimització multi-objectiu en diferents fases de desenvolupament de controladors ajuda a augmentar el coneixement sobre la plataforma a controlar i augmenta la fiabilitat i robustesa dels controladors desenvolupats, disminuint el risc de passar de les fases prèvies de el disseny a la validació en vol real.[CA] Esta tesis presenta los resultados del trabajo de investigación llevado a cabo sobre el modelado y el diseño de controladores para micro-aeronaves no tripuladas mediante técnicas de optimización multi-objetivo. Dos principales campos de estudio están presentes a lo largo de ella. Por un lado, el estudio de cómo modelar y controlar plataformas aéreas de pequeña envergadura. Y, por otro, el estudio sobre el empleo de técnicas heurísticas de optimización multi-objetivo para aplicar en el proceso de parametrización de modelos y controladores en micro-aeronaves no tripuladas. Se obtienen como resultado principal una serie de herramientas que permiten prescindir de experimentos en túneles de viento o de sensórica de alto coste, pasando directamente a la utilización de datos de vuelo experimental en la identificación paramétrica de modelos dinámicos. Además, se demuestra como la utilización de herramientas de optimización multi-objetivo en diferentes fases del desarrollo de controladores ayuda a aumentar el conocimiento sobre la plataforma a controlar y aumenta la fiabilidad y robustez de los controladores desarrollados, disminuyendo el riesgo de pasar de las fases previas del diseño a la validación en vuelo real.[EN] This thesis presents the results of the research work carried out on the modelling and design of controllers for micro-unmanned aerial vehicles by means of multi-objective optimization techniques. Two main fields of study are present throughout it. On one hand, the study of how to model and control small aerial platforms. And, on the other, the study on the use of heuristic multi-objective optimization techniques to apply in the process of models and controllers parameterization in micro-unmanned aerial vehicles. The main result is a series of tools that make it possible manage without wind tunnel experiments or high-cost air-data sensors, going directly to the use of experimental flight data in the parametric identification of dynamic models. In addition, a demonstration is given on how the use of multi-objective optimization tools in different phases of controller development helps to increase knowledge about the platform to be controlled and increases the reliability and robustness of the controllers developed, reducing the risk of hoping from the initial design phases to validation in real flight.Velasco Carrau, J. (2020). Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Modelling and Control Design. A Multi-Objective Optimization Approach [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/156034TESI

    Review of Intelligent Control Systems with Robotics

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    Interactive between human and robot assumes a significant job in improving the productivity of the instrument in mechanical technology. Numerous intricate undertakings are cultivated continuously via self-sufficient versatile robots. Current automated control frameworks have upset the creation business, making them very adaptable and simple to utilize. This paper examines current and up and coming sorts of control frameworks and their execution in mechanical technology, and the job of AI in apply autonomy. It additionally expects to reveal insight into the different issues around the control frameworks and the various approaches to fix them. It additionally proposes the basics of apply autonomy control frameworks and various kinds of mechanical technology control frameworks. Each kind of control framework has its upsides and downsides which are talked about in this paper. Another kind of robot control framework that upgrades and difficulties the pursuit stage is man-made brainpower. A portion of the speculations utilized in man-made reasoning, for example, Artificial Intelligence (AI) such as fuzzy logic, neural network and genetic algorithm, are itemized in this paper. At long last, a portion of the joint efforts between mechanical autonomy, people, and innovation were referenced. Human coordinated effort, for example, Kinect signal acknowledgment utilized in games and versatile upper-arm-based robots utilized in the clinical field for individuals with inabilities. Later on, it is normal that the significance of different sensors will build, accordingly expanding the knowledge and activity of the robot in a modern domai

    Advances in Condition Monitoring, Optimization and Control for Complex Industrial Processes

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    The book documents 25 papers collected from the Special Issue “Advances in Condition Monitoring, Optimization and Control for Complex Industrial Processes”, highlighting recent research trends in complex industrial processes. The book aims to stimulate the research field and be of benefit to readers from both academic institutes and industrial sectors

    Optimization and control of a dual-loop EGR system in a modern diesel engine

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    Focusing on the author's research aspects, the intelligent optimization algorithm and advanced control methods of the diesel engine's air path have been proposed in this work. In addition, the simulation platform and the HIL test platform are established for research activities on engine optimization and control. In this thesis, it presents an intelligent transient calibration method using the chaos-enhanced accelerated particle swarm optimization (CAPSO) algorithm. It is a model-based optimization approach. The test results show that the proposed method could locate the global optimal results of the controller parameters within good speed under various working conditions. The engine dynamic response is improved and a measurable drop of engine fuel consumption is acquired. The model predictive control (MPC) is selected for the controllers of DLEGR and VGT in the air-path of a diesel engine. Two MPC-based controllers are developed in this work, they are categorized into linear MPC and nonlinear MPC. Compared with conventional PIO controller, the MPC-based controllers show better reference trajectory tracking performance. Besides, an improvement of the engine fuel economy is obtained. The HIL test indicates the two controllers could be implemented on the real engine