792 research outputs found

    Automatic Update of Airport GIS by Remote Sensing Image Analysis

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    This project investigates ways to automatically update Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for airports by analysis of Very High Resolution (VHR) remote sensing images. These GIS databases map the physical layout of an airport by representing a broad range of features (such as runways, taxiways and roads) as georeferenced vector objects. Updating such systems therefore involves both automatic detection of relevant objects from remotely sensed images, and comparison of these objects between bi-temporal images. The size of the VHR images and the diversity of the object types to be captured in the GIS databases makes this a very large and complex problem. Therefore we must split it into smaller parts which can be framed as instances of image processing problems. The aim of this project is to apply a range of methodologies to these problems and compare their results, providing quantitative data where possible. In this report, we devote a chapter to each sub-problem that was focussed on. Chapter 1 begins by introducing the background and motivation of the project, and describes the problem in more detail. Chapter 2 presents a method for detecting and segmenting runways, by detecting their distinctive markings and feeding them into a modified Hough transform. The algorithm was tested on a dataset of six bi-temporal remote sensing image pairs and validated against manually generated ground-truth GIS data, provided by Jeppesen. Chapter 3 investigates co-registration of bi-temporal images, as a necessary precursor to most direct change detection algorithms. Chapter 4 then tests a range of bi-temporal change detection algorithms (some standard, some novel) on co-registered images of airports, with the aim of producing a change heat-map which may assist a human operator in rapidly focussing attention on areas that have changed significantly. Chapter 5 explores a number of approaches to detecting curvilinear AMDB features such as taxilines and stopbars, by means of enhancing such features and suppressing others, prior to thresholding. Finally in Chapter 6 we develop a method for distinguishing between AMDB lines and other curvilinear structures that may occur in an image, by analysing the connectivity between such features and the runways

    Identification of Lines Based on Form Factor and Geometrical Descriptors

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    The problems of releasing and identifying features of key elements and their identification in images are shown. The basic algorithms and methods for forming descriptors for key elements in the image are considered. The main disadvantages of existing methods in aerospace images are the loss of stability and the presence of a large number of false key elements when changing recording to the conditions (for example, brightness and contrast of the received images). To eliminate these drawbacks, it is proposed to use selected lines as key elements, and their geometrical characteristics to form a descriptor. To analyze the proposed algorithm and the SIFT method, fragments of aerospace images changed in brightness and contrast in a graphic editor from -50 to +50 percent of the original were used, which made it possible to evaluate the operation of these algorithms in conditions close to the real survey. It is shown that the proposed algorithm is more stable than the SIFT method with increasing contrast and decreasing the brightness of the test aerospace image. Also, the proposed algorithm is characterized by a smaller number of detected false key elements compared to the SIFT method

    Identification of Lines Based on Form Factor and Geometrical Descriptors

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    The problems of releasing and identifying features of key elements and their identification in images are shown. The basic algorithms and methods for forming descriptors for key elements in the image are considered. The main disadvantages of existing methods in aerospace images are the loss of stability and the presence of a large number of false key elements when changing recording to the conditions (for example, brightness and contrast of the received images). To eliminate these drawbacks, it is proposed to use selected lines as key elements, and their geometrical characteristics to form a descriptor. To analyze the proposed algorithm and the SIFT method, fragments of aerospace images changed in brightness and contrast in a graphic editor from -50 to +50 percent of the original were used, which made it possible to evaluate the operation of these algorithms in conditions close to the real survey. It is shown that the proposed algorithm is more stable than the SIFT method with increasing contrast and decreasing the brightness of the test aerospace image. Also, the proposed algorithm is characterized by a smaller number of detected false key elements compared to the SIFT method

    An index based road feature extraction from LANDSAT-8 OLI images

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    Road feature extraction from the remote sensing images is an arduous task and has a significant role in various applications of urban planning, updating the maps, traffic management, etc. In this paper, a new band combination (B652) to form a road index (RI) from OLI multispectral bands based on the spectral reflectance of asphalt, is presented for road feature extraction. The B652 is converted to road index by normalization. The morphological operators (top-hat or bottom-hat) uses on RI to enhance the roads. To sharpen the edges and for better discrimination of features, shock square filter (SSF), is proposed. Then, an iterative adaptive threshold (IAT) based online search with variational min-max and Markov random fields (MRF) model are used on the SSF image to segment the roads and non-roads. The roads are extracting by using the rules based on the connected component analysis. IAT and MRF model segmentation methods prove the proposed index (RI) able to extract road features productively. The proposed methodology is a combination of saturation based adaptive thresholding and morphology (SATM), and saturation based MRF (SMRF), applied to OLI images of several urban cities of India, producing the satisfactory results. The experimental results with the quantitative analysis presented in the paper

    Delineation of line patterns in images using B-COSFIRE filters

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    Delineation of line patterns in images is a basic step required in various applications such as blood vessel detection in medical images, segmentation of rivers or roads in aerial images, detection of cracks in walls or pavements, etc. In this paper we present trainable B-COSFIRE filters, which are a model of some neurons in area V1 of the primary visual cortex, and apply it to the delineation of line patterns in different kinds of images. B-COSFIRE filters are trainable as their selectivity is determined in an automatic configuration process given a prototype pattern of interest. They are configurable to detect any preferred line structure (e.g. segments, corners, cross-overs, etc.), so usable for automatic data representation learning. We carried out experiments on two data sets, namely a line-network data set from INRIA and a data set of retinal fundus images named IOSTAR. The results that we achieved confirm the robustness of the proposed approach and its effectiveness in the delineation of line structures in different kinds of images.Comment: International Work Conference on Bioinspired Intelligence, July 10-13, 201

    Statistical and image processing techniques for remote sensing in agricultural monitoring and mapping

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    Throughout most of history, increasing agricultural production has been largely driven by expanded land use, and – especially in the 19th and 20th century – by technological innovation in breeding, genetics and agrochemistry as well as intensification through mechanization and industrialization. More recently, information technology, digitalization and automation have started to play a more significant role in achieving higher productivity with lower environmental impact and reduced use of resources. This includes two trends on opposite scales: precision farming applying detailed observations on sub-field level to support local management, and large-scale agricultural monitoring observing regional patterns in plant health and crop productivity to help manage macroeconomic and environmental trends. In both contexts, remote sensing imagery plays a crucial role that is growing due to decreasing costs and increasing accessibility of both data and means of processing and analysis. The large archives of free imagery with global coverage, can be expected to further increase adoption of remote sensing techniques in coming years. This thesis addresses multiple aspects of remote sensing in agriculture by presenting new techniques in three distinct research topics: (1) remote sensing data assimilation in dynamic crop models; (2) agricultural field boundary detection from remote sensing observations; and (3) contour extraction and field polygon creation from remote sensing imagery. These key objectives are achieved through combining methods of probability analysis, uncertainty quantification, evolutionary learning and swarm intelligence, graph theory, image processing, deep learning and feature extraction. Four new techniques have been developed. Firstly, a new data assimilation technique based on statistical distance metrics and probability distribution analysis to achieve a flexible representation of model- and measurement-related uncertainties. Secondly, a method for detecting boundaries of agricultural fields based on remote sensing observations designed to only rely on image-based information in multi-temporal imagery. Thirdly, an improved boundary detection approach based on deep learning techniques and a variety of image features. Fourthly, a new active contours method called Graph-based Growing Contours (GGC) that allows automatized extractionof complex boundary networks from imagery. The new approaches are tested and evaluated on multiple study areas in the states of Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen and Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, based on combine harvester measurements, cadastral data and manual mappings. All methods were designed with flexibility and applicability in mind. They proved to perform similarly or better than other existing methods and showed potential for large-scale application and their synergetic use. Thanks to low data requirements and flexible use of inputs, their application is neither constrained to the specific applications presented here nor the use of a specific type of sensor or imagery. This flexibility, in theory, enables their use even outside of the field of remote sensing.Landwirtschaftliche Produktivitätssteigerung wurde historisch hauptsächlich durch Erschließung neuer Anbauflächen und später, insbesondere im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, durch technologische Innovation in Züchtung, Genetik und Agrarchemie sowie Intensivierung in Form von Mechanisierung und Industrialisierung erreicht. In jüngerer Vergangenheit spielen jedoch Informationstechnologie, Digitalisierung und Automatisierung zunehmend eine größere Rolle, um die Produktivität bei reduziertem Umwelteinfluss und Ressourcennutzung weiter zu steigern. Daraus folgen zwei entgegengesetzte Trends: Zum einen Precision Farming, das mithilfe von Detailbeobachtungen die lokale Feldarbeit unterstützt, und zum anderen großskalige landwirtschaftliche Beobachtung von Bestands- und Ertragsmustern zur Analyse makroökonomischer und ökologischer Trends. In beiden Fällen spielen Fernerkundungsdaten eine entscheidende Rolle und gewinnen dank sinkender Kosten und zunehmender Verfügbarkeit, sowohl der Daten als auch der Möglichkeiten zu ihrer Verarbeitung und Analyse, weiter an Bedeutung. Die Verfügbarkeit großer, freier Archive von globaler Abdeckung werden in den kommenden Jahren voraussichtlich zu einer zunehmenden Verwendung führen. Diese Dissertation behandelt mehrere Aspekte der Fernerkundungsanwendung in der Landwirtschaft und präsentiert neue Methoden zu drei Themenbereichen: (1) Assimilation von Fernerkundungsdaten in dynamischen Agrarmodellen; (2) Erkennung von landwirtschaftlichen Feldgrenzen auf Basis von Fernerkundungsbeobachtungen; und (3) Konturextraktion und Erstellung von Polygonen aus Fernerkundungsaufnahmen. Zur Bearbeitung dieser Zielsetzungen werden verschiedene Techniken aus der Wahrscheinlichkeitsanalyse, Unsicherheitsquantifizierung, dem evolutionären Lernen und der Schwarmintelligenz, der Graphentheorie, dem Bereich der Bildverarbeitung, Deep Learning und Feature-Extraktion kombiniert. Es werden vier neue Methoden vorgestellt. Erstens, eine neue Methode zur Datenassimilation basierend auf statistischen Distanzmaßen und Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen zur flexiblen Abbildung von Modell- und Messungenauigkeiten. Zweitens, eine neue Technik zur Erkennung von Feldgrenzen, ausschließlich auf Basis von Bildinformationen aus multi-temporalen Fernerkundungsdaten. Drittens, eine verbesserte Feldgrenzenerkennung basierend auf Deep Learning Methoden und verschiedener Bildmerkmale. Viertens, eine neue Aktive Kontur Methode namens Graph-based Growing Contours (GGC), die es erlaubt, komplexe Netzwerke von Konturen aus Bildern zu extrahieren. Alle neuen Ansätze werden getestet und evaluiert anhand von Mähdreschermessungen, Katasterdaten und manuellen Kartierungen in verschiedenen Testregionen in den Bundesländern Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen und Sachsen-Anhalt. Alle vorgestellten Methoden sind auf Flexibilität und Anwendbarkeit ausgelegt. Im Vergleich zu anderen Methoden zeigten sie vergleichbare oder bessere Ergebnisse und verdeutlichten das Potenzial zur großskaligen Anwendung sowie kombinierter Verwendung. Dank der geringen Anforderungen und der flexiblen Verwendung verschiedener Eingangsdaten ist die Nutzung nicht nur auf die hier beschriebenen Anwendungen oder bestimmte Sensoren und Bilddaten beschränkt. Diese Flexibilität erlaubt theoretisch eine breite Anwendung, auch außerhalb der Fernerkundung