8 research outputs found

    DeepASL: Enabling Ubiquitous and Non-Intrusive Word and Sentence-Level Sign Language Translation

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    There is an undeniable communication barrier between deaf people and people with normal hearing ability. Although innovations in sign language translation technology aim to tear down this communication barrier, the majority of existing sign language translation systems are either intrusive or constrained by resolution or ambient lighting conditions. Moreover, these existing systems can only perform single-sign ASL translation rather than sentence-level translation, making them much less useful in daily-life communication scenarios. In this work, we fill this critical gap by presenting DeepASL, a transformative deep learning-based sign language translation technology that enables ubiquitous and non-intrusive American Sign Language (ASL) translation at both word and sentence levels. DeepASL uses infrared light as its sensing mechanism to non-intrusively capture the ASL signs. It incorporates a novel hierarchical bidirectional deep recurrent neural network (HB-RNN) and a probabilistic framework based on Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) for word-level and sentence-level ASL translation respectively. To evaluate its performance, we have collected 7,306 samples from 11 participants, covering 56 commonly used ASL words and 100 ASL sentences. DeepASL achieves an average 94.5% word-level translation accuracy and an average 8.2% word error rate on translating unseen ASL sentences. Given its promising performance, we believe DeepASL represents a significant step towards breaking the communication barrier between deaf people and hearing majority, and thus has the significant potential to fundamentally change deaf people's lives

    Mutasd a hangod – automatikus jeltolmács

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    A Tolmácskesztyű projektben egy olyan segédeszközt alkotunk, mellyel a beszéd- és halláskárosult emberek kézmozgását, vagyis gesztusokat használva képesek a mindennapi életben kapcsolatot teremteni ép embertársaikkal. A kifejlesztett segédeszköz egy innovatív hardver-szoftver-rendszer, amely kézmozgást érzékelő kesztyűből valamint kézjeleket felismerő és nyelvi feldolgozást végző szoftverből áll. A Tolmácskesztyű eszközrendszer jelnyelvi szinkrontolmácsként működik, segítségével a fogyatékkal élők anyanyelvükön – vagyis jelnyelven – kommunikálhatnak az épekkel. A Tolmácskesztyű applikáció a jelelt szöveget hangosan felolvassa, így a sérültek és a (jelnyelvet nem ismerő) épek között folytonos kommunikáció jön létre

    Sign Language Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Abstract-Sign language is a lingua among the speech and the hearing impaired community. It is hard for most people who are not familiar with sign language to communicate without an interpreter. Sign language recognition appertains to track and recognize the meaningful emotion of human made with fingers, hands, head, arms, face etc. The technique that has been proposed in this work, transcribes the gestures from a sign language to a spoken language which is easily understood by the hearing. The gestures that have been translated include alphabets, words from static images. This becomes more important for the people who completely rely on the gestural sign language for communication tries to communicate with a person who does not understand the sign language. We aim at representing features which will be learned by a technique known as convolutional neural networks (CNN), contains four types of layers: convolution layers, pooling/subsampling layers, non-linear layers, and fully connected layers. The new representation is expected to capture various image features and complex non-linear feature interactions. A softmax layer will be used to recognize signs

    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference

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    Proceedings of the 19th Sound and Music Computing Conference - June 5-12, 2022 - Saint-Étienne (France). https://smc22.grame.f