43 research outputs found

    Classification of Corneal Nerve Images Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Recent research shows that small nerve fiber damage is an early detector of neuropathy. These small nerve fibers are present in the human cornea and can be visualized through the use of a corneal confocal microscope. A series of images can be acquired from the subbasal nerve plexus of the cornea. Before the images can be quantified for nerve loss, a human expert manually traces the nerves in the image and then classifies the image as having neuropathy or not. Some nerve tracing algorithms are available in the literature, but none of them are reported as being used in clinical practice. An alternate practice is to visually classify the image for neuropathy without quantification. In this paper, we evaluate the potential of various machine learning techniques for automating corneal nerve image classification. First, the images are down-sampled using discrete wavelet transform, filtering and a number of morphological operations. The resulting binary image is used for extracting characteristic features of the image. This is followed by training the classifier on the extracted features. The trained classifier is then used for predicting the state of the nerves in the images. Our experiments yield a classification accuracy of 0.91 reflecting the effectiveness of the proposed method

    3D confocal laser-scanning microscopy for large-area imaging of the corneal subbasal nerve plexus

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    The capability of corneal confocal microscopy (CCM) to acquire high-resolution in vivo images of the densely innervated human cornea has gained considerable interest in using this non-invasive technique as an objective diagnostic tool for staging peripheral neuropathies. Morphological alterations of the corneal subbasal nerve plexus (SNP) assessed by CCM have been shown to correlate well with the progression of neuropathic diseases and even predict future-incident neuropathy. Since the field of view of single CCM images is insufficient for reliable characterisation of nerve morphology, several image mosaicking techniques have been developed to facilitate the assessment of the SNP in large-area visualisations. Due to the limited depth of field of confocal microscopy, these approaches are highly sensitive to small deviations of the focus plane from the SNP layer. Our contribution proposes a new automated solution, combining guided eye movements for rapid expansion of the acquired SNP area and axial focus plane oscillations to guarantee complete imaging of the SNP. We present results of a feasibility study using the proposed setup to evaluate different oscillation settings. By comparing different image selection approaches, we show that automatic tissue classification algorithms are essential to create high-quality mosaic images from the acquired 3D dataset

    Assessment of dynamic corneal nerve changes using static landmarks by in vivo large-area confocal microscopy—a longitudinal proof-of-concept study

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    Background: The purpose of the present proof-of-concept study was to use large-area in vivo confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) mosaics to determine the migration rates of nerve branching points in the human corneal subbasal nerve plexus (SNP). Methods: Three healthy individuals were examined roughly weekly over a total period of six weeks by large-area in vivo confocal microscopy of the central cornea. An in-house developed prototype system for guided eye movement with an acquisition time of 40 s was used to image and generate large-area mosaics of the SNP. Kobayashi-structures and nerve entry points (EPs) were used as fixed structures to enable precise mosaic registration over time. The migration rate of 10 prominent nerve fiber branching points per participant was tracked and quantified over the longitudinal period. Results: Total investigation times of 10 minutes maximum per participant were used to generate mosaic images with an average size of 3.61 mm2 (range: 3.18–4.42 mm2). Overall mean branching point migration rates of (46.4±14.3), (48.8±15.5), and (50.9±13.9) µm/week were found for the three participants with no statistically significant difference. Longitudinal analyses of nerve branching point migration over time revealed significant time-dependent changes in migration rate only in participant 3 between the last two measurements [(63.7±12.3) and (43.0±12.5) µm/week, P<0.01]. Considering individual branching point dynamics, significant differences in nerve migration rate from the mean were only found in a few exceptions. Conclusions: The results of this proof-of-concept study have demonstrated the feasibility of using in vivo confocal microscopy to study the migration rates of corneal subbasal nerves within large areas of the central human cornea (>1 mm2). The ability to monitor dynamic changes in the SNP opens a window to future studies of corneal nerve health and regenerative capacity in a number of systemic and ocular diseases. Since corneal nerves are considered part of the peripheral nervous system, this technique could also offer an objective diagnostic tool and biomarker for disease- or treatment-induced neuropathic changes

    Neuropathy Classification of Corneal Nerve Images Using Artificial Intelligence

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    Nerve variations in the human cornea have been associated with alterations in the neuropathy state of a patient suffering from chronic diseases. For some diseases, such as diabetes, detection of neuropathy prior to visible symptoms is important, whereas for others, such as multiple sclerosis, early prediction of disease worsening is crucial. As current methods fail to provide early diagnosis of neuropathy, in vivo corneal confocal microscopy enables very early insight into the nerve damage by illuminating and magnifying the human cornea. This non-invasive method captures a sequence of images from the corneal sub-basal nerve plexus. Current practices of manual nerve tracing and classification impede the advancement of medical research in this domain. Since corneal nerve analysis for neuropathy is in its initial stages, there is a dire need for process automation. To address this limitation, we seek to automate the two stages of this process: nerve segmentation and neuropathy classification of images. For nerve segmentation, we compare the performance of two existing solutions on multiple datasets to select the appropriate method and proceed to the classification stage. Consequently, we approach neuropathy classification of the images through artificial intelligence using Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System, Support Vector Machines, Naïve Bayes and k-nearest neighbors. We further compare the performance of machine learning classifiers with deep learning. We ascertained that nerve segmentation using convolutional neural networks provided a significant improvement in sensitivity and false negative rate by at least 5% over the state-of-the-art software. For classification, ANFIS yielded the best classification accuracy of 93.7% compared to other classifiers. Furthermore, for this problem, machine learning approaches performed better in terms of classification accuracy than deep learning

    Novel methods for subcellular in vivo imaging of the cornea with the Rostock Cornea Module 2.0

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    The Rostock Cornea Module transforms a confocal laser scanning ophthalmoscope into a corneal confocal laser scanning microscope. In this thesis, an improved version, the Rostock Cornea Module 2.0, and its achieved results were demonstrated. These include a concave contact cap design to attenuate eye movements to improve 3D volume reconstruction, an oscillating focal plane to improve mosaicking of the subbasal nerve plexus, the integration of simultaneous optical coherence tomography, multiwavelength corneal imaging, the clinical usage, and the automated morphological characterization

    A fully automatic nerve segmentation and morphometric parameter quantification system for early diagnosis of diabetic neuropathy in corneal images

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    Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) is one of the most common types of diabetes that can affect the cornea. An accurate analysis of the nerve structures can assist the early diagnosis of this disease. This paper proposes a robust, fast and fully automatic nerve segmentation and morphometric parameter quantification system for corneal confocal microscope images. The segmentation part consists of three main steps. First, a preprocessing step is applied to enhance the visibility of the nerves and remove noise using anisotropic diffusion filtering, specifically a Coherence filter followed by Gaussian filtering. Second, morphological operations are applied to remove unwanted objects in the input image such as epithelial cells and small nerve segments. Finally, an edge detection step is applied to detect all the nerves in the input image. In this step, an efficient algorithm for connecting discontinuous nerves is proposed. In the morphometric parameters quantification part, a number of features are extracted, including thickness, tortuosity and length of nerve, which may be used for the early diagnosis of diabetic polyneuropathy and when planning Laser-Assisted in situ Keratomileusis (LASIK) or Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK). The performance of the proposed segmentation system is evaluated against manually traced ground-truth images based on a database consisting of 498 corneal sub-basal nerve images (238 are normal and 260 are abnormal). In addition, the robustness and efficiency of the proposed system in extracting morphometric features with clinical utility was evaluated in 919 images taken from healthy subjects and diabetic patients with and without neuropathy. We demonstrate rapid (13 seconds/image), robust and effective automated corneal nerve quantification. The proposed system will be deployed as a useful clinical tool to support the expertise of ophthalmologists and save the clinician time in a busy clinical setting

    Transillumination techniques in ophthalmic imaging

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    In vivo imaging of the human cornea and retina is typically performed in a reflection geometry. Images are formed from light that has backscattered off corneal microstructures or backreflected from the retina. In this configuration, artifacts caused by superficial surface reflections are often encountered. These unwanted reflections can either globally overwhelm the signal or cause local glare, complicating reliable image quantification. This thesis describes a pair of alternative ophthalmic imaging techniques based instead on transmitted light, which inherently avoids these artifacts. For retinal (i.e. fundus) imaging, we describe a mesoscopic transmission imaging method, which we call transcranial fundus imaging. The method uses deeply penetrating near-infrared light delivered transcranially from the side of the head, and exploits multiple scattering to redirect a portion of the light towards the posterior eye. This unique transmission geometry simplifies absorption measurements and enables flash-free, non-mydriatic imaging as deep as the choroid. We use multispectral image sets taken with this new transillumination approach to estimate oxygen saturation in retinal blood vessels. In the cornea, we describe a new technique for non-contact phase-contrast microscopic imaging. It is based on fundus retro-reflection and back-illumination of the crystalline lens and cornea. To enhance phase-gradient contrast, we apply asymmetric illumination by illuminating one side of the fundus. The technique produces micron-scale lateral resolution across a 1-mm diagonal field of view. We show representative images of the epithelium, the subbasal nerve plexus, large stromal nerves, dendritic immune cells, endothelial nuclei, and the anterior crystalline lens, demonstrating the potential of this instrument for clinical applications

    The role of dry eye disease in cataract and refractive surgery

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    El síndrome de ojo seco (DED) puede jugar un papel importante en las cirugías oftálmicas con fines refractivos tanto corneales (tratamiento corneal laser) como cristalinianas (cirugía de catarata) pero también en aquellas cuyo fin es controlar la presión intraocular en pacientes que sufren de glaucoma. El objetivo principal de esta tesis se refiere a la aplicación de una serie de pruebas diagnósticas, de mínimamente a no-invasivas, sugeridas por el Tear Film & Ocular Society Dry Eye WorkShop II (TFOS DEWS II) que pueden ayudar a mejorar los resultandos refractivos y visuales en la cirugía oftálmica actual. La cirugía de cristalino, particularmente la cirugía moderna de catarata y la refractive lens exchange (RLE), centra la primera sección de la tesis. En realidad, el DED no está presente solo como complicación post-operatoria, sino que también es responsable de resultados refractivos y visuales no deseados dado que parte del examen pre-operatorio en la cirugía del cristalino puede verse influida por una película lagrimal deficiente (por ej. biometría ocular y topografía corneal). La literatura revisada ha demostrado poca información en el uso de técnicas avanzadas para evaluar la película lacrimal en pacientes que se someten a cirugía de cristalino, siendo estos hallazgos los más importantes para evitar resultados subóptimos después de la intervención. Posteriormente, en la cirugía refractiva corneal moderna, a pesar de la seguridad y efectividad en la corrección de errores refractivos tales como miopía, hipermetropía y astigmatismo, el DED post-quirúrgico sigue siendo un problema recurrente y unas de las complicaciones más referidas por los pacientes. Recientemente, nuevas técnicas (por ej. small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE)) han sido introducidas con el fin de reducir el desarrollo de DED. El uso de la microscopia confocal in-vivo, así como un programa automático de análisis, has sido incluidos para proporcionar resultados objetivos más rápido que puedan ser comparados con la cirugía de la córnea tradicional (e.g. laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK)).El manejo de glaucoma mediante colirios oculares con preservantes puede llevar a deterioro de la superficie ocular con una larga proporción de pacientes con quejas del DED tanto como signos (como enrojecimiento ocular) tanto como síntomas (como incomodidad ocular, fotofobia, etc.). De los nuevos procedimientos oculares para controlar la presión intraocular reduciendo la necesidad del manejo tópico, la cirugía de glaucoma minimamente invasiva (MIGS) es prometedora también en mejorar la homeostasis de la superficie ocular. Sin embargo, muy poco ha sido investigado y la necesidad de una mejor comprensión ha llevado a administrar una serie de pruebas avanzadas para el diagnóstico de ojo DED con objeto de revelar los resultados a corto plazo sometidos a MIGS. Los estudios de investigación detallados en esta tesis evalúan una serie de técnicas avanzada de diagnóstico para comprender el papel de la DED en los procedimiento actuales de cirugía oftálmica con propósitos refractivos y visuales pero también para el manejo de enfermedades como el glaucoma. Asimismo, dichos estudios tratan de descubrir cual son las pruebas más importantes, mínimamente o no-invasivas, capaces de revelar el papel del DED en la cirugía oftálmica que llevarían a una mejora en los resultados tanto refractivos como visuales, así como los referidos por los pacientes.Dry eye disease (DED) can play an important role in ophthalmic procedures with refractive aims such as those involving the cornea (corneal laser surgery) or the crystalline lens (refractive lensectomy or cataract surgery) but also in the treatment of other conditions such as glaucoma. This thesis describes the application of a series of minimally to non-invasive diagnostic DED tests recommended by the recent Tear Film & Ocular Society Dry Eye WorkShop II (TFOS DEWS II) to help to improve the understanding of the impact of dry eye on the refractive and visual outcomes in the ophthalmic surgery and the impact of ophthalmic surgery on the ocular surface. Intraocular lens surgery, in particular modern cataract and refractive lens-exchange (RLE) surgery, is the focus of the first section of the thesis. In fact, DED is not only present as a post-operative complication but can also be responsible for sub-optimal refractive and visual outcomes since parts of the pre-operative examination pathway can be influenced by a depleted tear film (e.g. biometry and corneal topography). A literature review suggests little evidence of the routine use of advanced tear film assessments in patients undergoing intraocular lens surgery and there is little information on which DED findings are most important to avoid suboptimal clinical outcomes. Studies were carried out to explore the most relevant DED tests as recommended by the TFOS DEWS II. The key findings were validated questionnaires such as Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) and Dry Eye Questionnaire 5-items (DEQ-5) and tear metrics such as non-invasive keratograph break-up time (NIKBUT), tear film volume (TMH) and tear osmolarity. In modern corneal refractive surgery, despite numerous publications and studies demonstrating the safety and efficacy in correcting refractive errors such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism, post-operative DED is still problematic and of the most common complications after surgery. Recently, newer techniques (e.g. small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE)) have been introduced with the aim of providing excellent visual outcomes whilst overcoming some of the limitations of more established procedures including undesirable alterations to corneal nerve structure and function and DED development. The use of in-vivo confocal microscopy was used to compare corneal nerve structure after SMILE with that seen after traditional laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). The results showed FS-LASIK surgery had more impact on DED symptomatology, TMH and NIKBUT and has led to significant change to the corneal nerve fibre metrics considered than SMILE surgery. Glaucoma management with topical preserved eyedrops can lead to deterioration of the ocular surface in a large proportion of patients with DED issues in terms of signs (e.g. ocular redness) and symptoms (grittiness, photophobia, etc.). Of the newer surgical procedures designed to control intraocular pressure reducing the need for topical management, minimally-invasive glaucoma surgery (MIGS) seems to be promising and could improve the homeostasis of the ocular surface in glaucoma patients. However, very little research on this topic has been published and an advanced pilot investigation to explore the use of a diagnostic battery of tests for DED after MIGS was carried out. Reduction in IOP was achieved by the procedure together with the reduction in DED symptomatology, increase of stability of the tear film and improvement of the ocular surface staining. In summary, the research studies detailed in this thesis use a series of advanced diagnostic techniques primarily to understand the role of DED in patients undergoing ophthalmic procedures for refractive and visual indications but also in patients being treated for glaucoma. They also explore which are the most important tests, in terms of identifying the impact of DED in ophthalmic surgery. Better diagnosis and management of DED in patients undergoing ophthalmic surgery will lead to optimal refractive, visual and patient-reported outcomes