48 research outputs found

    Automatic landmark extraction from a class of hands using growing neural gas

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    A new method for automatically building statistical shape models from a set of training examples and in particular from a class of hands. In this method, landmark extraction is achieved using a self-organising neural network, the Growing Neural Gas (GNG), which is used to preserve the topology of any input space. Using GNG, the topological relations of a given set of deformable shapes can be learned. We describe how shape models can be built automatically by posing the correspondence problem on the behaviour of self-organising networks that are capable of adapting their topology to an input manifold, and due to their dynamic character to readapt it to the shape of the objects. Results are given for the training set of hand outlines, showing that the proposed method preserves accurate models

    3D reconstruction of medical images from slices automatically landmarked with growing neural models

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    In this study, we utilise a novel approach to segment out the ventricular system in a series of high resolution T1-weighted MR images. We present a brain ventricles fast reconstruction method. The method is based on the processing of brain sections and establishing a fixed number of landmarks onto those sections to reconstruct the ventricles 3D surface. Automated landmark extraction is accomplished through the use of the self-organising network, the growing neural gas (GNG), which is able to topographically map the low dimensionality of the network to the high dimensionality of the contour manifold without requiring a priori knowledge of the input space structure. Moreover, our GNG landmark method is tolerant to noise and eliminates outliers. Our method accelerates the classical surface reconstruction and filtering processes. The proposed method offers higher accuracy compared to methods with similar efficiency as Voxel Grid

    Modelling and tracking objects with a topology preserving self-organising neural network

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    Human gestures form an integral part in our everyday communication. We use gestures not only to reinforce meaning, but also to describe the shape of objects, to play games, and to communicate in noisy environments. Vision systems that exploit gestures are often limited by inaccuracies inherent in handcrafted models. These models are generated from a collection of training examples which requires segmentation and alignment. Segmentation in gesture recognition typically involves manual intervention, a time consuming process that is feasible only for a limited set of gestures. Ideally gesture models should be automatically acquired via a learning scheme that enables the acquisition of detailed behavioural knowledge only from topological and temporal observation. The research described in this thesis is motivated by a desire to provide a framework for the unsupervised acquisition and tracking of gesture models. In any learning framework, the initialisation of the shapes is very crucial. Hence, it would be beneficial to have a robust model not prone to noise that can automatically correspond the set of shapes. In the first part of this thesis, we develop a framework for building statistical 2D shape models by extracting, labelling and corresponding landmark points using only topological relations derived from competitive hebbian learning. The method is based on the assumption that correspondences can be addressed as an unsupervised classification problem where landmark points are the cluster centres (nodes) in a high-dimensional vector space. The approach is novel in that the network can be used in cases where the topological structure of the input pattern is not known a priori thus no topology of fixed dimensionality is imposed onto the network. In the second part, we propose an approach to minimise the user intervention in the adaptation process, which requires to specify a priori the number of nodes needed to represent an object, by utilising an automatic criterion for maximum node growth. Furthermore, this model is used to represent motion in image sequences by initialising a suitable segmentation that separates the object of interest from the background. The segmentation system takes into consideration some illumination tolerance, images as inputs from ordinary cameras and webcams, some low to medium cluttered background avoiding extremely cluttered backgrounds, and that the objects are at close range from the camera. In the final part, we extend the framework for the automatic modelling and unsupervised tracking of 2D hand gestures in a sequence of k frames. The aim is to use the tracked frames as training examples in order to build the model and maintain correspondences. To do that we add an active step to the Growing Neural Gas (GNG) network, which we call Active Growing Neural Gas (A-GNG) that takes into consideration not only the geometrical position of the nodes, but also the underlined local feature structure of the image, and the distance vector between successive images. The quality of our model is measured through the calculation of the topographic product. The topographic product is our topology preserving measure which quantifies the neighbourhood preservation. In our system we have applied specific restrictions in the velocity and the appearance of the gestures to simplify the difficulty of the motion analysis in the gesture representation. The proposed framework has been validated on applications related to sign language. The work has great potential in Virtual Reality (VR) applications where the learning and the representation of gestures becomes natural without the need of expensive wear cable sensors

    GNG based foot reconstruction for custom footwear manufacturing

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    Custom shoes manufacturing is one of the major challenges facing the footwear industry today. A shoe for everyone: it is a change in the production model in which each individual’s foot is the main focus, replacing traditional size systems based on population means. This paradigm shift represents a major effort for the industry, for which the design and not production becomes the main bottleneck. It is therefore necessary to accelerate the design process by improving the accuracy of current methods. The starting point for making a shoe that fits the client’s foot anatomy is scanning the surface of the foot. Automated foot model reconstruction is accomplished through the use of the self-organising growing neural gas (GNG) network, which is able to topographically map the low dimension of the network to the high dimension of the manifold of the scanner acquisitions without requiring a priori knowledge of the structure of the input space. The GNG obtains a surface representation adapted to the topology of the foot, is accurate, tolerant to noise, and eliminates outliers. It also improves the reconstruction in “dark” areas where the scanner does not obtain information: the heel and toe areas. The method reconstructs the foot surface 4 times more accurately than other well-known methods. The method is generic and easily extensible to other industrial objects that need to be digitized and reconstructed with accuracy and efficiency requirements.This work was partially funded by the Spanish Government DPI2013-40534-R grant, supported with Feder funds, NILS Mobility Project 012-ABEL-CM-2014A, and Fundación Séneca 18946/JLI/13

    Robust modelling and tracking of NonRigid objects using Active-GNG

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    This paper presents a robust approach to nonrigid modelling and tracking. The contour of the object is described by an active growing neural gas (A-GNG) network which allows the model to re-deform locally. The approach is novel in that the nodes of the network are described by their geometrical position, the underlying local feature structure of the image, and the distance vector between the modal image and any successive images. A second contribution is the correspondence of the nodes which is measured through the calculation of the topographic product, a topology preserving objective function which quantifies the neighbourhood preservation before and after the mapping. As a result, we can achieve the automatic modelling and tracking of objects without using any annotated training sets. Experimental results have shown the superiority of our proposed method over the original growing neural gas (GNG) network

    Characteristics of networks generated by kernel growing neural gas

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    This research aims to develop kernel GNG, a kernelized version of the growing neural gas (GNG) algorithm, and to investigate the features of the networks generated by the kernel GNG. The GNG is an unsupervised artificial neural network that can transform a dataset into an undirected graph, thereby extracting the features of the dataset as a graph. The GNG is widely used in vector quantization, clustering, and 3D graphics. Kernel methods are often used to map a dataset to feature space, with support vector machines being the most prominent application. This paper introduces the kernel GNG approach and explores the characteristics of the networks generated by kernel GNG. Five kernels, including Gaussian, Laplacian, Cauchy, inverse multiquadric, and log kernels, are used in this study

    The Mining and Analysis of Data with Mixed Attribute Types

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    Ed Wakelam, Neil Davey, Yi Sun, Amanda Jefferies, Parimala Alva, and Alex Hocking, ‘The Mining and Analysis of Data with Mixed Attribute Types’, paper presented at the IMMM 2016: Sixth International Conference on Advances in Information Mining and Management, 22 May 2016 – 26 May 2016, Valencia, Spain. Published by IARIA XPS Press, Archived in the free access ThinkMind™ Digital Library. Available online at http://www.thinkmind.org/index.php?view=article&articleid=immm_2016_3_20_50067 © IARIA, 2016Mining and analysis of large data sets has become a major contributor to the exploitation of Artificial Intelligence in a wide range of real life challenges, including education, business intelligence and research. In the field of education, the mining, extraction and exploitation of useful information and patterns from student data provides lecturers, trainers and organisations with the potential to tailor learning paths and materials to maximize teaching efficiency and to predict and influence student success rates. Progress in this important area of student data analytics can provide useful techniques for exploitation in the development of adaptive learning systems. Student data often includes a combination of nominal and numeric data. A large variety of techniques are available to analyse numeric data, however there are fewer techniques applicable to nominal data. In this paper, we summarise our progress in applying a combination of what we believe to be a novel technique to analyse nominal data by making a systematic comparison of data pairs, followed by numeric data analysis, providing the opportunity to focus on promising correlations for deeper analysis.Final Accepted Versio