17 research outputs found

    Exploring Dynamic Compilation and Cross-Layer Object Management Policies for Managed Language Applications

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    Recent years have witnessed the widespread adoption of managed programming languages that are designed to execute on virtual machines. Virtual machine architectures provide several powerful software engineering advantages over statically compiled binaries, such as portable program representations, additional safety guarantees, automatic memory and thread management, and dynamic program composition, which have largely driven their success. To support and facilitate the use of these features, virtual machines implement a number of services that adaptively manage and optimize application behavior during execution. Such runtime services often require tradeoffs between efficiency and effectiveness, and different policies can have major implications on the system's performance and energy requirements. In this work, we extensively explore policies for the two runtime services that are most important for achieving performance and energy efficiency: dynamic (or Just-In-Time (JIT)) compilation and memory management. First, we examine the properties of single-tier and multi-tier JIT compilation policies in order to find strategies that realize the best program performance for existing and future machines. Our analysis performs hundreds of experiments with different compiler aggressiveness and optimization levels to evaluate the performance impact of varying if and when methods are compiled. We later investigate the issue of how to optimize program regions to maximize performance in JIT compilation environments. For this study, we conduct a thorough analysis of the behavior of optimization phases in our dynamic compiler, and construct a custom experimental framework to determine the performance limits of phase selection during dynamic compilation. Next, we explore innovative memory management strategies to improve energy efficiency in the memory subsystem. We propose and develop a novel cross-layer approach to memory management that integrates information and analysis in the VM with fine-grained management of memory resources in the operating system. Using custom as well as standard benchmark workloads, we perform detailed evaluation that demonstrates the energy-saving potential of our approach. We implement and evaluate all of our studies using the industry-standard Oracle HotSpot Java Virtual Machine to ensure that our conclusions are supported by widely-used, state-of-the-art runtime technology

    Dynamic Compilation for Functional Programs

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    Diese Arbeit behandelt die dynamische, zur Laufzeit stattfindende Übersetzung und Optimierung funktionaler Programme. Ziel der Optimierung ist die erhöhte Laufzeiteffizient der Programme, die durch die compilergesteuerte Eliminierung von Abstraktionen der Programmiersprache erreicht wird. Bei der Implementierung objekt-orientierter Programmiersprachen werden bereits seit mehreren Jahrzehnten Compiler-Techniken zur Laufzeit eingesetzt, um objekt-orientierte Programme effizient ausfĂŒhren zu können. SpĂ€testens seit der EinfĂŒhrung der Programmiersprache Java und ihres auf einer abstrakten Maschine basierenden AusfĂŒhrungsmodells hat sich die PraktikabilitĂ€t dieser Implementierungstechnik gezeigt. Viele Eigenschaften moderner Programmiersprachen konnten erst durch den Einsatz dynamischer Transformationstechniken effizient realisiert werden, wie zum Beispiel das dynamische Nachladen von Programmteilen (auch ĂŒber Netzwerke), Reflection sowie verschiedene Sicherheitslösungen (z.B. Sandboxing). Ziel dieser Arbeit ist zu zeigen, dass rein funktionale Programmiersprachen auf Ă€hnliche Weise effizient implementiert werden können, und sogar Vorteile gegenĂŒber den allgemein eingesetzten objekt-orientierten Sprachen bieten, was die Effizienz, Sicherheit und Korrektheit von Programmen angeht. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, werden in dieser Arbeit Implementierungstechniken entworfen bzw. aus bestehenden Lösungen weiterentwickelt, welche die dynamische Kompilierung und Optimierung funktionaler Programme erlauben: zum einen prĂ€sentieren wir eine Programmzwischendarstellung (getypte dynamische Continuation-Passing-Style-Darstellung), welche sich zur dynamischen Kompilierung und Optimierung eignet. Basierend auf dieser Darstellung haben wir eine Erweiterung zur verzögerten und selektiven Codeerzeugung von Programmteilen entwickelt. Der wichtigste Beitrag dieser Arbeit ist die dynamische Spezialisierung zur Eliminierung polymorpher Funktionen und Datenstrukturen, welche die Effizienz funktionaler Programme deutlich steigern kann. Die prĂ€sentierten Ergebnisse experimenteller Messungen eines prototypischen AusfĂŒhrungssystems belegen, dass funktionale Programme effizient dynamisch kompiliert werden können.This thesis is about dynamic translation and optimization of functional programs. The goal of the optimization is increased run-time efficiency, which is obtained by compiler-directed elimination of programming language abstractions. Object-oriented programming languages have been implemented for several decades using run-time compilation techniques. With the introduction of the Java programming language and its virtual machine-based execution model, the practicability of this implementation method for real-world applications has been proved. Many aspects of modern programming languages, such as dynamic loading and linking of code (even across networks), reflection and security solutions (e.g., sandboxing) can be realized efficiently only by using dynamic transformation techniques. The goal of this work is to show that functional programming languages can be efficiently implemented in a similar way, and that these languages even offer advantages when compared to more common object-oriented languages. Efficiency, security and correctness of programs is easier to ensure in the functional setting. Towards this goal, we design and develop implementation techniques to enable dynamic compilation and optimization of functional programming languages: we describe an intermediate representation for functional programs (typed dynamic continuation-passing style), which is well suited for dynamic compilation. Based on this representation, we have developed an extension for incremental and selective code generation. The main contribution of this work shows how dynamic specialization of polymorphic functions and data structures can increase the run-time efficiency of functional programs considerably. We present the results of experimental measurements for a prototypical implementation, which prove that functional programs can efficiently be dynamically compiled

    Efficient Implementation of Parametric Polymorphism using Reified Types

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    Parametric polymorphism is a language feature that lets programmers define code that behaves independently of the types of values it operates on. Using parametric polymorphism enables code reuse and improves the maintainability of software projects. The approach that a language implementation uses to support parametric polymorphism can have important performance implications. One such approach, erasure, converts generic code to non-generic code that uses a uniform representation for generic data. Erasure is notorious for introducing primitive boxing and other indirections that harm the performance of generic code. More generally, erasure destroys type information that could be used by the language implementation to optimize generic code. This thesis presents TASTyTruffle, a new interpreter for the Scala language. Whereas the standard Scala implementation executes erased Java Virtual Machine (JVM) bytecode, TASTyTruffle interprets TASTy, a different representation that has precise type information. This thesis explores how the type information present in TASTy empowers TASTyTruffle to implement generic code more effectively. In particular, TASTy's type information allows TASTyTruffle to reify types as objects that can be passed around the interpreter. These reified types are used to support heterogeneous box-free representations of generic values. Reified types also enable TASTyTruffle to create specialized, monomorphic copies of generic code that can be easily and reliably optimized by its just-in-time (JIT) compiler. Empirically, TASTyTruffle is competitive with the standard JVM implementation. Both implementations perform similarly on monomorphic workloads, but when generic code is used with multiple types, TASTyTruffle consistently outperforms the JVM. TASTy's type information enables TASTyTruffle to find additional optimization opportunities that could not be uncovered with erased JVM bytecode alone

    Advancing Feedback-Driven Optimization for Modern Computing.

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    Foundations for Automatic, Adaptable Compilation

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    Computational science demands extreme performance because the running time of an application often determines the size of the experiment that a scientist can reasonably compute. Unfortunately, traditional compiler technology is ill-equipped to harness the full potential of today's computing platforms, forcing scientists to spend time manually tuning their application's performance. Although improving compiler technology should alleviate this problem, two challenges obstruct this goal: hardware platforms are rapidly changing and application software is difficult to statically model and predict. To address these problems, this thesis presents two techniques that aim to improve a compiler's adaptability: automatic resource characterization and selective, dynamic optimization. Resource characterization empirically measures a system's performance-critical characteristics, which can be provided to a parameterized compiler that specializes programs accordingly. Measuring these characteristics is important, because a system's physical characteristics do not always match its observed characteristics. Consequently, resource characterization provides an empirical performance model of a system's actual behavior, which is better suited for guiding compiler optimizations than a purely theoretical model. This thesis presents techniques for determining a system's data cache and TLB capacity, line size, and associativity, as well as instruction-cache capacity. Even with a perfect architectural-model, compilers will still often generate suboptimal code because of the difficulty in statically analyzing and predicting a program's behavior. This thesis presents two techniques that enable selective, dynamic-optimization for cases in which static compilation fails to deliver adequate performance. First, intermediate-representation (IR) annotation generates a fully-optimized native binary tagged with a higher-level compiler representation of itself. The native binary benefits from static optimization and code generation, but the IR annotation allows targeted and aggressive dynamic-optimization. Second, adaptive code-selection allows a program to empirically tune its performance throughout execution by automatically identifying and favoring the best performing variant of a routine. This technique can be used for dynamically choosing between different static-compilation strategies; or, it can be used with IR annotation for performing dynamic, feedback-directed optimization

    Infrastructures and Compilation Strategies for the Performance of Computing Systems

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    This document presents our main contributions to the field of compilation, and more generally to the quest of performance ofcomputing systems.It is structured by type of execution environment, from static compilation (execution of native code), to JIT compilation, and purelydynamic optimization. We also consider interpreters. In each chapter, we give a focus on the most relevant contributions.Chapter 2 describes our work about static compilation. It covers a long time frame (from PhD work 1995--1998 to recent work on real-timesystems and worst-case execution times at Inria in 2015) and various positions, both in academia and in the industry.My research on JIT compilers started in the mid-2000s at STMicroelectronics, and is still ongoing. Chapter 3 covers the results we obtained on various aspects of JIT compilers: split-compilation, interaction with real-time systems, and obfuscation.Chapter 4 reports on dynamic binary optimization, a research effort started more recently, in 2012. This considers the optimization of a native binary (without source code), while it runs. It incurs significant challenges but also opportunities.Interpreters represent an alternative way to execute code. Instead of native code generation, an interpreter executes an infinite loop thatcontinuously reads a instruction, decodes it and executes its semantics. Interpreters are much easier to develop than compilers,they are also much more portable, often requiring a simple recompilation. The price to pay is the reduced performance. Chapter 5presents some of our work related to interpreters.All this research often required significant software infrastructures for validation, from early prototypes to robust quasi products, andfrom open-source to proprietary. We detail them in Chapter 6.The last chapter concludes and gives some perspectives

    Accelerating interpreted programming languages on GPUs with just-in-time compilation and runtime optimisations

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    Nowadays, most computer systems are equipped with powerful parallel devices such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). They are present in almost every computer system including mobile devices, tablets, desktop computers and servers. These parallel systems have unlocked the possibility for many scientists and companies to process significant amounts of data in shorter time. But the usage of these parallel systems is very challenging due to their programming complexity. The most common programming languages for GPUs, such as OpenCL and CUDA, are created for expert programmers, where developers are required to know hardware details to use GPUs. However, many users of heterogeneous and parallel hardware, such as economists, biologists, physicists or psychologists, are not necessarily expert GPU programmers. They have the need to speed up their applications, which are often written in high-level and dynamic programming languages, such as Java, R or Python. Little work has been done to generate GPU code automatically from these high-level interpreted and dynamic programming languages. This thesis presents a combination of a programming interface and a set of compiler techniques which enable an automatic translation of a subset of Java and R programs into OpenCL to execute on a GPU. The goal is to reduce the programmability and usability gaps between interpreted programming languages and GPUs. The first contribution is an Application Programming Interface (API) for programming heterogeneous and multi-core systems. This API combines ideas from functional programming and algorithmic skeletons to compose and reuse parallel operations. The second contribution is a new OpenCL Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler that automatically translates a subset of the Java bytecode to GPU code. This is combined with a new runtime system that optimises the data management and avoids data transformations between Java and OpenCL. This OpenCL framework and the runtime system achieve speedups of up to 645x compared to Java within 23% slowdown compared to the handwritten native OpenCL code. The third contribution is a new OpenCL JIT compiler for dynamic and interpreted programming languages. While the R language is used in this thesis, the developed techniques are generic for dynamic languages. This JIT compiler uniquely combines a set of existing compiler techniques, such as specialisation and partial evaluation, for OpenCL compilation together with an optimising runtime that compile and execute R code on GPUs. This JIT compiler for the R language achieves speedups of up to 1300x compared to GNU-R and 1.8x slowdown compared to native OpenCL

    Making non-volatile memory programmable

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    Byte-addressable, non-volatile memory (NVM) is emerging as a revolutionary memory technology that provides persistence, near-DRAM performance, and scalable capacity. By using NVM, applications can directly create and manipulate durable data in place without the need for serialization out to SSDs. Ideally, through NVM, persistent applications will be able to maintain crash-consistency at a minimal cost. However, before this is possible, improvements must be made at both the hardware and software level to support persistent applications. Currently, software support for NVM places too high of a burden on the developer, introducing many opportunities for mistakes while also being too rigid for compiler optimizations. Likewise, at the hardware level, too little information is passed to the processor about the instruction-level ordering requirements of persistent applications; this forces the hardware to require the use of coarse fences, which significantly slow down execution. To help realize the promise of NVM, this thesis proposes both new software and hardware support that make NVM programmable. From the software side, this thesis proposes a new NVM programming model which relieves the programmer from performing much of the accounting work in persistent applications, instead relying on the runtime to perform error-prone tasks. Specifically, within the proposed model, the user only needs to provide minimal markings to identify the persistent data set and to ensure data is updated in a crash-consistent manner. Given this new NVM programming model, this thesis next presents an implementation of the model in Java. I call my implementation AutoPersist and build my support into the Maxine research Java Virtual Machine (JVM). In this thesis I describe how the JVM can be changed to support the proposed NVM programming model, including adding new Java libraries, adding new JVM runtime features, and augmenting the behavior of existing Java bytecodes. In addition to being easy-to-use, another advantage of the proposed model is that it is amenable to compiler optimizations. In this thesis I highlight two profile-guided optimizations: eagerly allocating objects directly into NVM and speculatively pruning control flow to only include expected-to-be taken paths. I also describe how to apply these optimizations to AutoPersist and show they have a substantial performance impact. While designing AutoPersist, I often observed that dependency information known by the compiler cannot be passed down to the underlying hardware; instead, the compiler must insert coarse-grain fences to enforce needed dependencies. This is because current instruction set architectures (ISA) cannot describe arbitrary instruction-level execution ordering constraints. To fix this limitation, I introduce the Execution Dependency Extension (EDE), and describe how EDE can be added to an existing ISA as well as be implemented in current processor pipelines. Overall, emerging NVM technologies can deliver programmer-friendly high performance. However, for this to happen, both software and hardware improvements are necessary. This thesis takes steps to address current the software and hardware gaps: I propose new software support to assist in the development of persistent applications and also introduce new instructions which allow for arbitrary instruction-level dependencies to be conveyed and enforced by the underlying hardware. With these improvements, hopefully the dream of programmable high-performance NVM is one step closer to being realized