43,046 research outputs found

    Detec??o de Estilos de Aprendizagem em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem utilizando Redes Bayesianas

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    ?rea de concentra??o: Educa??o e Tecnologias aplicadas em Institui??es Educacionais.O avan?o da tecnologia possibilitou o surgimento de ferramentas para o acesso a conhecimento e experi?ncias individuais e coletivas. As Tecnologias da Informa??o e Comunica??o e a internet criaram o conceito chamado Ciberespa?o, um local virtual onde o somat?rio de todas as experi?ncias, saberes e culturas de todos os povos que forma a Intelig?ncia Coletiva. Tal fen?meno contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da Educa??o ? Dist?ncia e os Sistemas Inteligentes para Educa??o. Um dos maiores problemas em EaD ? aus?ncia de adaptatividade do ensino ao Estilo de Aprendizagem dos estudantes, que consiste nas prefer?ncias que cada aluno tem em receber um determinado conte?do. Dessa forma, o trabalho aborda uma t?cnica de Redes Bayesianas para detectar automaticamente os Estilos de Aprendizagem dos estudantes para proporcionar uma oferta de material de ensino adaptado ?s prefer?ncias de aprendizagem nos Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem. O trabalho se baseia em conceitos e t?cnicas de Intelig?ncia Artificial e Aprendizado de M?quina para compor um modelo computacional e probabil?stico de uma Rede Bayesiana para inferir e detectar qual a melhor combina??o de Estilos de Aprendizagem. Para estruturar os m?todos de detec??o dos Estilos de Aprendizagem, a pesquisa utiliza o Modelo de Estilo de Aprendizagem Felder-Silverman. Para representar o comportamento do estudante no Ambiente Virtual Aprendizagem, o trabalho utiliza utiliza um sistema para simular o desempenho do estudante em um Sistema de Tutoria Inteligente. Os m?todos utilizados resultam na constru??o de um algoritmo de detec??o autom?tica de Estilos de Aprendizagem em Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem. Os resultados do algoritmo de Rede Bayesiana foram comparados aos resultados de outro algoritmo de detec??o de Estilos de Aprendizagem na literatura. Nos testes, o algoritmo de Rede Bayesiana se mostrou mais eficiente comparado ao da literatura, diminuindo consideravelmente o n?mero de itera??es do sistema que no final converge ao Estilo de Aprendizagem do estudante, diminuindo o tempo de execu??o e aumentando a precis?o dos resultados. O trabalho abre discuss?o quanto a robustez, efici?ncia e precis?o da aplica??o de Redes Bayesianas para detec??o de Estilos de Aprendizagem.Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017.The advancement of technology has enabled the emergence of tools for access to knowledge and individual and collective experiences. Information and Communication Technologies and the Internet have created the concept called Cyberspace, a virtual place where the sum of all the experiences, knowledge and cultures of all peoples that forms the Collective Intelligence. This phenomenon contributed to the development of Distance Education and Intelligent Systems for Education. One of the major problems in EaD is the lack of adaptability of teaching to students? learning style, which consists of the preferences each student has in receiving a certain content. Thus, the paper approaches a technique of Bayesian Networks to automatically detect the Learning Styles of the students to provide an offer of teaching material adapted to the preferences of learning in the Virtual Environments of Learning. The work is based on concepts and techniques of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to compose a computational and probabilistic model of a Bayesian Network to infer and detect the best combination of Learning Styles. To structure Learning Styles detection methods, the search uses the Felder-Silverman Learning Style Template. To represent student behavior in the Virtual Learning Environment, the work uses uses a system to simulate student performance in an Intelligent Tutoring System. The methods used result in the construction of an algorithm for automatic detection of Learning Styles in Virtual Learning Environments. The results of the Bayesian Network algorithm were compared to the results of another learning style detection algorithm in the literature. In the tests, the Bayesian Network algorithm proved to be more efficient compared to the literature, considerably reducing the number of system iterations that in the end converges to the student?s Learning Style, reducing execution time and increasing the accuracy of the results. The paper discusses the robustness, efficiency and accuracy of the application of Bayesian Networks for the detection of Learning Styles

    Culture and E-Learning: Automatic Detection of a Users’ Culture from Survey Data

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    Knowledge about the culture of a user is especially important for the design of e-learning applications. In the experiment reported here, questionnaire data was used to build machine learning models to automatically predict the culture of a user. This work can be applied to automatic culture detection and subsequently to the adaptation of user interfaces in e-learning

    A novel algorithm for dynamic student profile adaptation based on learning styles

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.E-learning recommendation systems are used to enhance student performance and knowledge by providing tailor- made services based on the students’ preferences and learning styles, which are typically stored in student profiles. For such systems to remain effective, the profiles need to be able to adapt and reflect the students’ changing behaviour. In this paper, we introduce new algorithms that are designed to track student learning behaviour patterns, capture their learning styles, and maintain dynamic student profiles within a recommendation system (RS). This paper also proposes a new method to extract features that characterise student behaviour to identify students’ learning styles with respect to the Felder-Silverman learning style model (FSLSM). In order to test the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, we present a series of experiments that use a dataset of real students to demonstrate how our proposed algorithm can effectively model a dynamic student profile and adapt to different student learning behaviour. The results revealed that the students could effectively increase their learning efficiency and quality for the courses when the learning styles are identified, and proper recommendations are made by using our method

    Computer Analysis of Architecture Using Automatic Image Understanding

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    In the past few years, computer vision and pattern recognition systems have been becoming increasingly more powerful, expanding the range of automatic tasks enabled by machine vision. Here we show that computer analysis of building images can perform quantitative analysis of architecture, and quantify similarities between city architectural styles in a quantitative fashion. Images of buildings from 18 cities and three countries were acquired using Google StreetView, and were used to train a machine vision system to automatically identify the location of the imaged building based on the image visual content. Experimental results show that the automatic computer analysis can automatically identify the geographical location of the StreetView image. More importantly, the algorithm was able to group the cities and countries and provide a phylogeny of the similarities between architectural styles as captured by StreetView images. These results demonstrate that computer vision and pattern recognition algorithms can perform the complex cognitive task of analyzing images of buildings, and can be used to measure and quantify visual similarities and differences between different styles of architectures. This experiment provides a new paradigm for studying architecture, based on a quantitative approach that can enhance the traditional manual observation and analysis. The source code used for the analysis is open and publicly available

    Automatic Palaeographic Exploration of Genizah Manuscripts

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    The Cairo Genizah is a collection of hand-written documents containing approximately 350,000 fragments of mainly Jewish texts discovered in the late 19th century. The fragments are today spread out in some 75 libraries and private collections worldwide, but there is an ongoing effort to document and catalogue all extant fragments. Palaeographic information plays a key role in the study of the Genizah collection. Script style, and–more specifically–handwriting, can be used to identify fragments that might originate from the same original work. Such matched fragments, commonly referred to as “joins”, are currently identified manually by experts, and presumably only a small fraction of existing joins have been discovered to date. In this work, we show that automatic handwriting matching functions, obtained from non-specific features using a corpus of writing samples, can perform this task quite reliably. In addition, we explore the problem of grouping various Genizah documents by script style, without being provided any prior information about the relevant styles. The automatically obtained grouping agrees, for the most part, with the palaeographic taxonomy. In cases where the method fails, it is due to apparent similarities between related scripts

    Who is the director of this movie? Automatic style recognition based on shot features

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    We show how low-level formal features, such as shot duration, meant as length of camera takes, and shot scale, i.e. the distance between the camera and the subject, are distinctive of a director's style in art movies. So far such features were thought of not having enough varieties to become distinctive of an author. However our investigation on the full filmographies of six different authors (Scorsese, Godard, Tarr, Fellini, Antonioni, and Bergman) for a total number of 120 movies analysed second by second, confirms that these shot-related features do not appear as random patterns in movies from the same director. For feature extraction we adopt methods based on both conventional and deep learning techniques. Our findings suggest that feature sequential patterns, i.e. how features evolve in time, are at least as important as the related feature distributions. To the best of our knowledge this is the first study dealing with automatic attribution of movie authorship, which opens up interesting lines of cross-disciplinary research on the impact of style on the aesthetic and emotional effects on the viewers
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