28 research outputs found

    Evaluating intelligent interfaces for post-editing automatic transcriptions of online video lectures

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    Video lectures are fast becoming an everyday educational resource in higher education. They are being incorporated into existing university curricula around the world, while also emerging as a key component of the open education movement. In 2007, the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) implemented its poliMedia lecture capture system for the creation and publication of quality educational video content and now has a collection of over 10,000 video objects. In 2011, it embarked on the EU-subsidised transLectures project to add automatic subtitles to these videos in both Spanish and other languages. By doing so, it allows access to their educational content by non-native speakers and the deaf and hard-of-hearing, as well as enabling advanced repository management functions. In this paper, following a short introduction to poliMedia, transLectures and Docència en Xarxa (Teaching Online), the UPV s action plan to boost the use of digital resources at the university, we will discuss the three-stage evaluation process carried out with the collaboration of UPV lecturers to find the best interaction protocol for the task of post-editing automatic subtitles.Valor Miró, JD.; Spencer, RN.; Pérez González De Martos, AM.; Garcés Díaz-Munío, GV.; Turró Ribalta, C.; Civera Saiz, J.; Juan Císcar, A. (2014). Evaluating intelligent interfaces for post-editing automatic transcriptions of online video lectures. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning. 29(1):72-85. doi:10.1080/02680513.2014.909722S7285291Fujii, A., Itou, K., & Ishikawa, T. (2006). LODEM: A system for on-demand video lectures. Speech Communication, 48(5), 516-531. doi:10.1016/j.specom.2005.08.006Gilbert, M., Knight, K., & Young, S. (2008). Spoken Language Technology [From the Guest Editors]. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, 25(3), 15-16. doi:10.1109/msp.2008.918412Leggetter, C. J., & Woodland, P. C. (1995). Maximum likelihood linear regression for speaker adaptation of continuous density hidden Markov models. Computer Speech & Language, 9(2), 171-185. doi:10.1006/csla.1995.0010Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCHI New Zealand Chapter’s International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Design Centered HCI - CHINZ ’08. (2008). doi:10.1145/1496976Martinez-Villaronga, A., del Agua, M. A., Andres-Ferrer, J., & Juan, A. (2013). Language model adaptation for video lectures transcription. 2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing. doi:10.1109/icassp.2013.6639314Munteanu, C., Baecker, R., & Penn, G. (2008). Collaborative editing for improved usefulness and usability of transcript-enhanced webcasts. Proceeding of the twenty-sixth annual CHI conference on Human factors in computing systems - CHI ’08. doi:10.1145/1357054.1357117Repp, S., Gross, A., & Meinel, C. (2008). Browsing within Lecture Videos Based on the Chain Index of Speech Transcription. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 1(3), 145-156. doi:10.1109/tlt.2008.22Proceedings of the 2012 ACM international conference on Intelligent User Interfaces - IUI ’12. (2012). doi:10.1145/2166966Serrano, N., Giménez, A., Civera, J., Sanchis, A., & Juan, A. (2013). Interactive handwriting recognition with limited user effort. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR), 17(1), 47-59. doi:10.1007/s10032-013-0204-5Torre Toledano, D., Ortega Giménez, A., Teixeira, A., González Rodríguez, J., Hernández Gómez, L., San Segundo Hernández, R., & Ramos Castro, D. (Eds.). (2012). Advances in Speech and Language Technologies for Iberian Languages. Communications in Computer and Information Science. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35292-8Wald, M. (2006). Creating accessible educational multimedia through editing automatic speech recognition captioning in real time. Interactive Technology and Smart Education, 3(2), 131-141. doi:10.1108/1741565068000005

    Streaming Automatic Speech Recognition with Hybrid Architectures and Deep Neural Network Models

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    Tesis por compendio[ES] Durante la última década, los medios de comunicación han experimentado una revolución, alejándose de la televisión convencional hacia las plataformas de contenido bajo demanda. Además, esta revolución no ha cambiado solamente la manera en la que nos entretenemos, si no también la manera en la que aprendemos. En este sentido, las plataformas de contenido educativo bajo demanda también han proliferado para proporcionar recursos educativos de diversos tipos. Estas nuevas vías de distribución de contenido han llegado con nuevos requisitos para mejorar la accesibilidad, en particular las relacionadas con las dificultades de audición y las barreras lingüísticas. Aquí radica la oportunidad para el reconocimiento automático del habla (RAH) para cumplir estos requisitos, proporcionando subtitulado automático de alta calidad. Este subtitulado proporciona una base sólida para reducir esta brecha de accesibilidad, especialmente para contenido en directo o streaming. Estos sistemas de streaming deben trabajar bajo estrictas condiciones de tiempo real, proporcionando la subtitulación tan rápido como sea posible, trabajando con un contexto limitado. Sin embargo, esta limitación puede conllevar una degradación de la calidad cuando se compara con los sistemas para contenido en diferido u offline. Esta tesis propone un sistema de RAH en streaming con baja latencia, con una calidad similar a un sistema offline. Concretamente, este trabajo describe el camino seguido desde el sistema offline híbrido inicial hasta el eficiente sistema final de reconocimiento en streaming. El primer paso es la adaptación del sistema para efectuar una sola iteración de reconocimiento haciendo uso de modelos de lenguaje estado del arte basados en redes neuronales. En los sistemas basados en múltiples iteraciones estos modelos son relegados a una segunda (o posterior) iteración por su gran coste computacional. Tras adaptar el modelo de lenguaje, el modelo acústico basado en redes neuronales también tiene que adaptarse para trabajar con un contexto limitado. La integración y la adaptación de estos modelos es ampliamente descrita en esta tesis, evaluando el sistema RAH resultante, completamente adaptado para streaming, en conjuntos de datos académicos extensamente utilizados y desafiantes tareas basadas en contenidos audiovisuales reales. Como resultado, el sistema proporciona bajas tasas de error con un reducido tiempo de respuesta, comparables al sistema offline.[CA] Durant l'última dècada, els mitjans de comunicació han experimentat una revolució, allunyant-se de la televisió convencional cap a les plataformes de contingut sota demanda. A més a més, aquesta revolució no ha canviat només la manera en la que ens entretenim, si no també la manera en la que aprenem. En aquest sentit, les plataformes de contingut educatiu sota demanda també han proliferat pera proporcionar recursos educatius de diversos tipus. Aquestes noves vies de distribució de contingut han arribat amb nous requisits per a millorar l'accessibilitat, en particular les relacionades amb les dificultats d'audició i les barreres lingüístiques. Aquí radica l'oportunitat per al reconeixement automàtic de la parla (RAH) per a complir aquests requisits, proporcionant subtitulat automàtic d'alta qualitat. Aquest subtitulat proporciona una base sòlida per a reduir aquesta bretxa d'accessibilitat, especialment per a contingut en directe o streaming. Aquests sistemes han de treballar sota estrictes condicions de temps real, proporcionant la subtitulació tan ràpid com sigui possible, treballant en un context limitat. Aquesta limitació, però, pot comportar una degradació de la qualitat quan es compara amb els sistemes per a contingut en diferit o offline. Aquesta tesi proposa un sistema de RAH en streaming amb baixa latència, amb una qualitat similar a un sistema offline. Concretament, aquest treball descriu el camí seguit des del sistema offline híbrid inicial fins l'eficient sistema final de reconeixement en streaming. El primer pas és l'adaptació del sistema per a efectuar una sola iteració de reconeixement fent servir els models de llenguatge de l'estat de l'art basat en xarxes neuronals. En els sistemes basats en múltiples iteracions aquests models son relegades a una segona (o posterior) iteració pel seu gran cost computacional. Un cop el model de llenguatge s'ha adaptat, el model acústic basat en xarxes neuronals també s'ha d'adaptar per a treballar amb un context limitat. La integració i l'adaptació d'aquests models és àmpliament descrita en aquesta tesi, avaluant el sistema RAH resultant, completament adaptat per streaming, en conjunts de dades acadèmiques àmpliament utilitzades i desafiants tasques basades en continguts audiovisuals reals. Com a resultat, el sistema proporciona baixes taxes d'error amb un reduït temps de resposta, comparables al sistema offline.[EN] Over the last decade, the media have experienced a revolution, turning away from the conventional TV in favor of on-demand platforms. In addition, this media revolution not only changed the way entertainment is conceived but also how learning is conducted. Indeed, on-demand educational platforms have also proliferated and are now providing educational resources on diverse topics. These new ways to distribute content have come along with requirements to improve accessibility, particularly related to hearing difficulties and language barriers. Here is the opportunity for automatic speech recognition (ASR) to comply with these requirements by providing high-quality automatic captioning. Automatic captioning provides a sound basis for diminishing the accessibility gap, especially for live or streaming content. To this end, streaming ASR must work under strict real-time conditions, providing captions as fast as possible, and working with limited context. However, this limited context usually leads to a quality degradation as compared to the pre-recorded or offline content. This thesis is aimed at developing low-latency streaming ASR with a quality similar to offline ASR. More precisely, it describes the path followed from an initial hybrid offline system to an efficient streaming-adapted system. The first step is to perform a single recognition pass using a state-of-the-art neural network-based language model. In conventional multi-pass systems, this model is often deferred to the second or later pass due to its computational complexity. As with the language model, the neural-based acoustic model is also properly adapted to work with limited context. The adaptation and integration of these models is thoroughly described and assessed using fully-fledged streaming systems on well-known academic and challenging real-world benchmarks. In brief, it is shown that the proposed adaptation of the language and acoustic models allows the streaming-adapted system to reach the accuracy of the initial offline system with low latency.Jorge Cano, J. (2022). Streaming Automatic Speech Recognition with Hybrid Architectures and Deep Neural Network Models [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/191001Compendi

    Confidence Measures for Automatic and Interactive Speech Recognition

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    [EN] This thesis work contributes to the field of the {Automatic Speech Recognition} (ASR). And particularly to the {Interactive Speech Transcription} and {Confidence Measures} (CM) for ASR. The main goals of this thesis work can be summarised as follows: 1. To design IST methods and tools to tackle the problem of improving automatically generated transcripts. 2. To assess the designed IST methods and tools on real-life tasks of transcription in large educational repositories of video lectures. 3. To improve the reliability of the IST by improving the underlying (CM). Abstracts: The {Automatic Speech Recognition} (ASR) is a crucial task in a broad range of important applications which could not accomplished by means of manual transcription. The ASR can provide cost-effective transcripts in scenarios of increasing social impact such as the {Massive Open Online Courses} (MOOC), for which the availability of accurate enough is crucial even if they are not flawless. The transcripts enable search-ability, summarisation, recommendation, translation; they make the contents accessible to non-native speakers and users with impairments, etc. The usefulness is such that students improve their academic performance when learning from subtitled video lectures even when transcript is not perfect. Unfortunately, the current ASR technology is still far from the necessary accuracy. The imperfect transcripts resulting from ASR can be manually supervised and corrected, but the effort can be even higher than manual transcription. For the purpose of alleviating this issue, a novel {Interactive Transcription of Speech} (IST) system is presented in this thesis. This IST succeeded in reducing the effort if a small quantity of errors can be allowed; and also in improving the underlying ASR models in a cost-effective way. In other to adequate the proposed framework into real-life MOOCs, another intelligent interaction methods involving limited user effort were investigated. And also, it was introduced a new method which benefit from the user interactions to improve automatically the unsupervised parts ({Constrained Search} for ASR). The conducted research was deployed into a web-based IST platform with which it was possible to produce a massive number of semi-supervised lectures from two different well-known repositories, videoLectures.net and poliMedia. Finally, the performance of the IST and ASR systems can be easily increased by improving the computation of the {Confidence Measure} (CM) of transcribed words. As so, two contributions were developed: a new particular {Logistic Regresion} (LR) model; and the speaker adaption of the CM for cases in which it is possible, such with MOOCs.[ES] Este trabajo contribuye en el campo del {reconocimiento automático del habla} (RAH). Y en especial, en el de la {transcripción interactiva del habla} (TIH) y el de las {medidas de confianza} (MC) para RAH. Los objetivos principales son los siguientes: 1. Diseño de métodos y herramientas TIH para mejorar las transcripciones automáticas. 2. Evaluar los métodos y herramientas TIH empleando tareas de transcripción realistas extraídas de grandes repositorios de vídeos educacionales. 3. Mejorar la fiabilidad del TIH mediante la mejora de las MC. Resumen: El {reconocimiento automático del habla} (RAH) es una tarea crucial en una amplia gama de aplicaciones importantes que no podrían realizarse mediante transcripción manual. El RAH puede proporcionar transcripciones rentables en escenarios de creciente impacto social como el de los {cursos abiertos en linea masivos} (MOOC), para el que la disponibilidad de transcripciones es crucial, incluso cuando no son completamente perfectas. Las transcripciones permiten la automatización de procesos como buscar, resumir, recomendar, traducir; hacen que los contenidos sean más accesibles para hablantes no nativos y usuarios con discapacidades, etc. Incluso se ha comprobado que mejora el rendimiento de los estudiantes que aprenden de videos con subtítulos incluso cuando estos no son completamente perfectos. Desafortunadamente, la tecnología RAH actual aún está lejos de la precisión necesaria. Las transcripciones imperfectas resultantes del RAH pueden ser supervisadas y corregidas manualmente, pero el esfuerzo puede ser incluso superior al de la transcripción manual. Con el fin de aliviar este problema, esta tesis presenta un novedoso sistema de {transcripción interactiva del habla} (TIH). Este método TIH consigue reducir el esfuerzo de semi-supervisión siempre que sea aceptable una pequeña cantidad de errores; además mejora a la par los modelos RAH subyacentes. Con objeto de transportar el marco propuesto para MOOCs, también se investigaron otros métodos de interacción inteligentes que involucran esfuerzo limitado por parte del usuario. Además, se introdujo un nuevo método que aprovecha las interacciones para mejorar aún más las partes no supervisadas (ASR con {búsqueda restringida}). La investigación en TIH llevada a cabo se desplegó en una plataforma web con el que fue posible producir un número masivo de transcripciones de videos de dos conocidos repositorios, videoLectures.net y poliMedia. Por último, el rendimiento de la TIH y los sistemas de RAH se puede aumentar directamente mediante la mejora de la estimación de la {medida de confianza} (MC) de las palabras transcritas. Por este motivo se desarrollaron dos contribuciones: un nuevo modelo discriminativo {logístico} (LR); y la adaptación al locutor de la MC para los casos en que es posible, como por ejemplo en MOOCs.[CA] Aquest treball hi contribueix al camp del {reconeixment automàtic de la parla} (RAP). I en especial, al de la {transcripció interactiva de la parla} i el de {mesures de confiança} (MC) per a RAP. Els objectius principals són els següents: 1. Dissenyar mètodes i eines per a TIP per tal de millorar les transcripcions automàtiques. 2. Avaluar els mètodes i eines TIP per a tasques de transcripció realistes extretes de grans repositoris de vídeos educacionals. 3. Millorar la fiabilitat del TIP, mitjançant la millora de les MC. Resum: El {reconeixment automàtic de la parla} (RAP) és una tasca crucial per una àmplia gamma d'aplicacions importants que no es poden dur a terme per mitjà de la transcripció manual. El RAP pot proporcionar transcripcions en escenaris de creixent impacte social com els {cursos online oberts massius} (MOOC). Les transcripcions permeten automatitzar tasques com ara cercar, resumir, recomanar, traduir; a més a més, fa accessibles els continguts als parlants no nadius i els usuaris amb discapacitat, etc. Fins i tot, pot millorar el rendiment acadèmic de estudiants que aprenen de xerrades amb subtítols, encara que aquests subtítols no siguen perfectes. Malauradament, la tecnologia RAP actual encara està lluny de la precisió necessària. Les transcripcions imperfectes resultants de RAP poden ser supervisades i corregides manualment, però aquest l'esforç pot acabar sent superior a la transcripció manual. Per tal de resoldre aquest problema, en aquest treball es presenta un sistema nou per a {transcripció interactiva de la parla} (TIP). Aquest sistema TIP va ser reeixit en la reducció de l'esforç per quan es pot permetre una certa quantitat d'errors; així com també en en la millora dels models RAP subjacents. Per tal d'adequar el marc proposat per a MOOCs, també es van investigar altres mètodes d'interacció intel·ligents amb esforç d''usuari limitat. A més a més, es va introduir un nou mètode que aprofita les interaccions per tal de millorar encara més les parts no supervisades (RAP amb {cerca restringida}). La investigació en TIP duta a terme es va desplegar en una plataforma web amb la qual va ser possible produir un nombre massiu de transcripcions semi-supervisades de xerrades de repositoris ben coneguts, videoLectures.net i poliMedia. Finalment, el rendiment de la TIP i els sistemes de RAP es pot augmentar directament mitjançant la millora de l'estimació de la {Confiança Mesura} (MC) de les paraules transcrites. Per tant, es van desenvolupar dues contribucions: un nou model discriminatiu logístic (LR); i l'adaptació al locutor de la MC per casos en que és possible, per exemple amb MOOCs.Sánchez Cortina, I. (2016). Confidence Measures for Automatic and Interactive Speech Recognition [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/61473TESI

    Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation

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    Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT

    Language variation, automatic speech recognition and algorithmic bias

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    In this thesis, I situate the impacts of automatic speech recognition systems in relation to sociolinguistic theory (in particular drawing on concepts of language variation, language ideology and language policy) and contemporary debates in AI ethics (especially regarding algorithmic bias and fairness). In recent years, automatic speech recognition systems, alongside other language technologies, have been adopted by a growing number of users and have been embedded in an increasing number of algorithmic systems. This expansion into new application domains and language varieties can be understood as an expansion into new sociolinguistic contexts. In this thesis, I am interested in how automatic speech recognition tools interact with this sociolinguistic context, and how they affect speakers, speech communities and their language varieties. Focussing on commercial automatic speech recognition systems for British Englishes, I first explore the extent and consequences of performance differences of these systems for different user groups depending on their linguistic background. When situating this predictive bias within the wider sociolinguistic context, it becomes apparent that these systems reproduce and potentially entrench existing linguistic discrimination and could therefore cause direct and indirect harms to already marginalised speaker groups. To understand the benefits and potentials of automatic transcription tools, I highlight two case studies: transcribing sociolinguistic data in English and transcribing personal voice messages in isiXhosa. The central role of the sociolinguistic context in developing these tools is emphasised in this comparison. Design choices, such as the choice of training data, are particularly consequential because they interact with existing processes of language standardisation. To understand the impacts of these choices, and the role of the developers making them better, I draw on theory from language policy research and critical data studies. These conceptual frameworks are intended to help practitioners and researchers in anticipating and mitigating predictive bias and other potential harms of speech technologies. Beyond looking at individual choices, I also investigate the discourses about language variation and linguistic diversity deployed in the context of language technologies. These discourses put forward by researchers, developers and commercial providers not only have a direct effect on the wider sociolinguistic context, but they also highlight how this context (e.g., existing beliefs about language(s)) affects technology development. Finally, I explore ways of building better automatic speech recognition tools, focussing in particular on well-documented, naturalistic and diverse benchmark datasets. However, inclusive datasets are not necessarily a panacea, as they still raise important questions about the nature of linguistic data and language variation (especially in relation to identity), and may not mitigate or prevent all potential harms of automatic speech recognition systems as embedded in larger algorithmic systems and sociolinguistic contexts

    Multi-modal surrogates for retrieving and making sense of videos: is synchronization between the multiple modalities optimal?

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    Video surrogates can help people quickly make sense of the content of a video before downloading or seeking more detailed information. Visual and audio features of a video are primary information carriers and might become important components of video retrieval and video sense-making. In the past decades, most research and development efforts on video surrogates have focused on visual features of the video, and comparatively little work has been done on audio surrogates and examining their pros and cons in aiding users' retrieval and sense-making of digital videos. Even less work has been done on multi-modal surrogates, where more than one modality are employed for consuming the surrogates, for example, the audio and visual modalities. This research examined the effectiveness of a number of multi-modal surrogates, and investigated whether synchronization between the audio and visual channels is optimal. A user study was conducted to evaluate six different surrogates on a set of six recognition and inference tasks to answer two main research questions: (1) How do automatically-generated multi-modal surrogates compare to manually-generated ones in video retrieval and video sense-making? and (2) Does synchronization between multiple surrogate channels enhance or inhibit video retrieval and video sense-making? Forty-eight participants participated in the study, in which the surrogates were measured on the the time participants spent on experiencing the surrogates, the time participants spent on doing the tasks, participants' performance accuracy on the tasks, participants' confidence in their task responses, and participants' subjective ratings on the surrogates. On average, the uncoordinated surrogates were more helpful than the coordinated ones, but the manually-generated surrogates were only more helpful than the automatically-generated ones in terms of task completion time. Participants' subjective ratings were more favorable for the coordinated surrogate C2 (Magic A + V) and the uncoordinated surrogate U1 (Magic A + Storyboard V) with respect to usefulness, usability, enjoyment, and engagement. The post-session questionnaire comments demonstrated participants' preference for the coordinated surrogates, but the comments also revealed the value of having uncoordinated sensory channels

    Metadiscourse Tagging in Academic Lectures

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    This thesis presents a study into the nature and structure of academic lectures, with a special focus on metadiscourse phenomena. Metadiscourse refers to a set of linguistics expressions that signal specific discourse functions such as the Introduction: “Today we will talk about...” and Emphasising: “This is an important point”. These functions are important because they are part of lecturers’ strategies in understanding of what happens in a lecture. The knowledge of their presence and identity could serve as initial steps toward downstream applications that will require functional analysis of lecture content such as a browser for lectures archives, summarisation, or an automatic minute-taker for lectures. One challenging aspect for metadiscourse detection and classification is that the set of expressions are semi-fixed, meaning that different phrases can indicate the same function. To that end a four-stage approach is developed to study metadiscourse in academic lectures. Firstly, a corpus of metadiscourse for academic lectures from Physics and Economics courses is built by adapting an existing scheme that describes functional-oriented metadiscourse categories. Second, because producing reference transcripts is a time-consuming task and prone to some errors due to the manual efforts required, an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system is built specifically to produce transcripts of lectures. Since the reference transcripts lack time-stamp information, an alignment system is applied to the reference to be able to evaluate the ASR system. Then, a model is developed using Support Vector Machines (SVMs) to classify metadiscourse tags using both textual and acoustical features. The results show that n-grams are the most inductive features for the task; however, due to data sparsity the model does not generalise for unseen n-grams. This limits its ability to solve the variation issue in metadiscourse expressions. Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBOW) provide a promising solution as this can capture both the syntactic and semantic similarities between words and thus is able to solve the generalisation issue. However, CBOW ignores the word order completely, something which is very important to be retained when classifying metadiscourse tags. The final stage aims to address the issue of sequence modelling by developing a joint CBOW and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model. CNNs can work with continuous features such as word embedding in an elegant and robust fashion by producing a fixed-size feature vector that is able to identify indicative local information for the tagging task. The results show that metadiscourse tagging using CNNs outperforms the SVMs model significantly even on ASR outputs, owing to its ability to predict a sequence of words that is more representative for the task regardless of its position in the sentence. In addition, the inclusion of other features such as part-of-speech (POS) tags and prosodic cues improved the results further. These findings are consistent in both disciplines. The final contribution in this thesis is to investigate the suitability of using metadiscourse tags as discourse features in the lecture structure segmentation model, despite the fact that the task is approached as a classification model and most of the state-of-art models are unsupervised. In general, the obtained results show remarkable improvements over the state-of-the-art models in both disciplines