170 research outputs found

    Automatic blush detection in ‘concealed information’ test using visual stimuli

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    Blushing has been identified as an indicator of deception, shame, anxiety and embarrassment. Although normally associated with the skin coloration of the face, a blush response also affects skin surface temperature. In this paper, an approach to detect a blush response automatically is presented using the Argus P7225 thermal camera from e2v. The algorithm was tested on a sample population of 51 subjects, while using visual stimuli to elicit a response, and achieved recognition rates of ~77% TPR and ~60% TNR, indicating a thermal image sensor is the prospective device to pick up subtle temperature change synchronised with stimuli

    Thermal Cameras and Applications:A Survey

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    UNOBTRUSIVE Technique Based On Infrared Thermal Imaging For Emotion Recognition In Children- With-asd- Robot Interaction

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    Emoções são relevantes para as relações sociais, e indivíduos com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) possuem compreensão e expressão de emoções prejudicadas. Esta tese consiste em estudos sobre a análise de emoções em crianças com desenvolvimento típico e crianças com TEA (idade entre 7 e 12 anos), por meio do imageamento térmico infravermelho (ITIV), uma técnica segura e não obtrusiva (isenta de contato), usada para registrar variações de temperatura em regiões de interesse (RIs) da face, tais como testa, nariz, bochechas, queixo e regiões periorbital e perinasal. Um robô social chamado N-MARIA (Novo-Robô Autônomo Móvel para Interação com Autistas) foi usado como estímulo emocional e mediador de tarefas sociais e pedagógicas. O primeiro estudo avaliou a variação térmica facial para cinco emoções (alegria, tristeza, medo, nojo e surpresa), desencadeadas por estímulos audiovisuais afetivos, em crianças com desenvolvimento típico. O segundo estudo avaliou a variação térmica facial para três emoções (alegria, surpresa e medo), desencadeadas pelo robô social N-MARIA, em crianças com desenvolvimento típico. No terceiro estudo, duas sessões foram realizadas com crianças com TEA, nas quais tarefas sociais e pedagógicas foram avaliadas tendo o robô N-MARIA como ferramenta e mediador da interação com as crianças. Uma análise emocional por variação térmica da face foi possível na segunda sessão, na qual o robô foi o estímulo para desencadear alegria, surpresa ou medo. Além disso, profissionais (professores, terapeuta ocupacional e psicóloga) avaliaram a usabilidade do robô social. Em geral, os resultados mostraram que o ITIV foi uma técnica eficiente para avaliar as emoções por meio de variações térmicas. No primeiro estudo, predominantes decréscimos térmicos foram observados na maioria das RIs, com as maiores variações de emissividade induzidas pelo nojo, felicidade e surpresa, e uma precisão maior que 85% para a classificação das cinco emoções. No segundo estudo, as maiores probabilidades de emoções detectadas pelo sistema de classificação foram para surpresa e alegria, e um aumento significativo de temperatura foi predominante no queixo e nariz. O terceiro estudo realizado com crianças com TEA encontrou aumentos térmicos significativos em todas as RIs e uma classificação com a maior probabilidade para surpresa. N-MARIA foi um estímulo promissor capaz de desencadear emoções positivas em crianças. A interação criança-com-TEA-e-robô foi positiva, com habilidades sociais e tarefas pedagógicas desempenhadas com sucesso pelas crianças. Além disso, a usabilidade do robô avaliada por profissionais alcançou pontuação satisfatória, indicando a N-MARIA como uma potencial ferramenta para terapias

    Does insecure attachment lead to (mis)wired brains? Emotion, cognition, and attachment: an outlook through psychophysiological pathways

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    2346, 2360, 2560The evolutionary-based attachment theory (Bowlby, 1969, 1973, 1980) asserts that approach/attachment or avoidance/withdrawal tendencies may reflect distinct regulation strategies underlying individual differences in attachment styles. The influence of the internal working models of attachment on emotion and cognition, and more recently, on its psychophysiological underpinnings has been a central focus of research. Despite the endeavours at clarifying this modulatory influence in behaviour, inconsistent results have prevented definite answers. Aiming at contributing to the current knowledge in the filed, and embedded in a psychophysiological framework, the present thesis brings together findings of empirical studies focusing on the regulation abilities in attentional bias towards emotion information. Following an integrative approach, these studies coupled behavioural responses with measures of skin conductance, heart rate, and eye movements. Findings of these studies converge to show distinctive features between regulation strategies deployed by insecure attached individuals when processing threat-related information on visual attention tasks, as measured by behavioural (Study I), sympathetic (Study II), and eye movement (Study III) responses. Taken together these findings point up the evolutionary value of the attachment behavioural system, providing support for fundamental distinctions between insecure attachment styles, both at a behavioural and physiological level. Considering recent advances emerging in the filed, results are discussed within in a comprehensive and all-encompassing approach.Fundamentada num cenário evolucionista, a teoria da vinculação (Bowlby, 1969, 1973, 1980) considera que comportamentos de aproximação/evitamento reflectem estratégias de regulação subjacentes a diferenças individuais nos estilos de vinculação. Neste âmbito, a natureza dos modelos internos dinâmicos têm sido um foco central na investigação, tendo sido dada particular atenção à sua influência nos processos emocionais e cognitivos e, mais recentemente, às suas bases psicofisiológicas. Contudo, apesar de vários estudos terem examinado estas questões, a ausência de dados consistentes acerca dos mecanismos que poderão contribuir para esta influência estão ainda por conhecer de modo consistente. Visando contribuir para o conhecimento neste campo, a presente tese reúne um conjunto de estudos empíricos que, numa perspectiva psicofisiológica, focam a acção das estratégias de regulação associadas aos estilos de vinculação insegura – ansiosa e evitante –, nos enviesamentos atencionais no processamento de informação emocional. Numa abordagem integrativa, estes estudos combinam respostas comportamentais com medidas fisiológicas: condutância da pele; frequência cardíaca; e movimentos oculares. Utilizando tarefas de atenção visual, os resultados destes estudos apoiam a hipótese de que os estilos de vinculação insegura estão relacionados com estratégias de regulação específicas no processamento de estímulos potencialmente ameaçadores, avaliadas através de respostas comportamentais (Estudo I), do sistema nervoso simpático (Estudo II), e dos movimentos oculares (Estudo III). Globalmente, os resultados corroboraram o valor evolutivo do sistema comportamental de vinculação, dando suporte para diferenças entre os estilos de vinculação insegura, tanto a nível comportamental como fisiológico. Considerando progressos científicos emergentes, os resultados são discutidos numa abordagem compreensiva e abrangente

    Augmented reality and scene examination

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    The research presented in this thesis explores the impact of Augmented Reality on human performance, and compares this technology with Virtual Reality using a head-mounted video-feed for a variety of tasks that relate to scene examination. The motivation for the work was the question of whether Augmented Reality could provide a vehicle for training in crime scene investigation. The Augmented Reality application was developed using fiducial markers in the Windows Presentation Foundation, running on a wearable computer platform; Virtual Reality was developed using the Crytek game engine to present a photo-realistic 3D environment; and a video-feed was provided through head-mounted webcam. All media were presented through head-mounted displays of similar resolution to provide the sole source of visual information to participants in the experiments. The experiments were designed to increase the amount of mobility required to conduct the search task, i.e., from rotation in the horizontal or vertical plane through to movement around a room. In each experiment, participants were required to find objects and subsequently recall their location. It is concluded that human performance is affected not merely via the medium through which the world is perceived but moreover, the constraints governing how movement in the world is controlled

    Exploring cognition in visual search and vigilance tasks with eye tracking and pupillometry

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    Recent findings in experimental psychology suggest that pupillometry, the measurement of pupil size, can provide insight into cognitive processes associated with effort and target detection in visual search tasks and monitoring performance in vigilance tasks. With the increasing availability, affordability and flexibility of video-based eye tracking hardware, these experimental findings point to lucrative practical applications such as real-time biobehavioural monitoring systems to assist with socially important tasks in operational settings. The aim of the current thesis was to explore this potential with further experimental work paying close attention to methodological issues which complicate cognitive interpretations of pupillary responses, such as physical stimulus confounds and eye movement-related measurement error in video-based systems. Six original experiments were designed to specifically explore the relationship between pupil size, cognition and behavioural performance in classic visual search and vigilance paradigms. Experiments 1-2 examined the pupillometric effects of effort and target detection in visual search with briefly presented stimuli. Pupil responses showed small variability with respect to manipulations of set size and target presence but were influenced substantially by the requirement for a motor response. Experiments 3-4 explored the cognitive pupil dynamics of free-viewing visual search with data-driven correction for eye movement artefacts. Group-level averages revealed small transient pupil dilations following fixations on targets but not distractors, an effect which was not contingent on a motor response or correction for gaze position artefacts. Experiments 5-6 looked at the relationship between pupil size and detection performance measures in two types of vigilance task. Changes in baseline and stimulus-evoked pupil responses loosely mirrored changes in performance, but the relationships were neither linear nor consistent. Overall, the thesis affirms the practical potential for using cognitive pupillometry in research and applied settings, but emphasises the constraints arising from methodological and theoretical limitations

    Power in AI:Inequality Within and Without the Algorithm

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    The birth of Artificial Intelligence in the 1950s was a birth that did not involve women. Despite female labour being used to solve problems that machines would one day automate, women remained unseen, their voices limited. Today, inequality is still rife. Bias, discrimination, and harm are algorithmically perpetuated and amplified. AI is technocratic, with multinationals in the US and China leading development, and the global South being left behind. Even within Silicon Valley, the environment is hostile towards women: from the products being created to the people calling for ethical and responsible development, women are losing out. This chapter explores the layers of imbalance in gender, race, and power in AI, from the beginnings of the discipline to the present day, from the development environment to the algorithms themselves, and highlights the challenges that need to be faced to move towards a more equitable landscape

    The role of the locus coeruleus-noradrenaline system in temporal attention and uncertainty processing

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    This dissertation explores the involvement of the locus-coeruleus-noradrenaline (LC-NE) system in both temporal attention and uncertainty processing. To this end, a number of cognitive tasks are used (Stroop, passive viewing, attentional blink, accessory stimulus, auditory oddball) and a number of techniques are utilized (electroencephalogram [EEG], pupillometry, phsychopharmacology).Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek European Research CouncilUBL - phd migration 201