851 research outputs found

    Seventh Biennial Report : June 2003 - March 2005

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    Medical image synthesis using generative adversarial networks: towards photo-realistic image synthesis

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    This proposed work addresses the photo-realism for synthetic images. We introduced a modified generative adversarial network: StencilGAN. It is a perceptually-aware generative adversarial network that synthesizes images based on overlaid labelled masks. This technique can be a prominent solution for the scarcity of the resources in the healthcare sector

    Numerıcal Modelıng And Experımental Evaluatıon Of Shrınkage Of Concretes Incorporatıng Fly Ash And Sılıca Fume

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    Rötre genellikle sertleşmiş betonun önemli bir özelliği olarak ele alınır. Kuruma sürecinde boşluk yapısında bulunan serbest ve emilmiş su kaybedilir. Betonun rötresi kısıtlandığı zaman betonda olşan gerilmelere bağlı olarak çatlak oluşumu gözlenir. Bu çatlaklardan zararlı maddelerin geçmesiyle betonun dayanım ve dayanıklılıgında azalma olur. Bu çalışman ilk aşamasinda genetik programlama ve yapay sinir ağları yöntemleri kullanılarak rötre tahmin modelleri geliştirilmiştir. Modellerin eğitimi ve test edilmesi için literatürden veri toplanmıştır. Çalışmanın ikinci aşamasında ise uçucu kül ve silis dumanı içeren betonlar hazırlanarak kırk günlük kuruma sürecinde rötreleri ölçülmüştür. En yüksek rötre değerleri en çok mineral katkı içeren betonlarda gözlenmiştir. Bunların yanı sıra deneysel çalışmada elde edilen sonuçlar tahmin modellerinin verdikleriyle karşılaştırılmışlardır. YSA ile elde edilen değerlerin GP ile elde edilenlere göre gerçeğe daha yakın oldukları görülmüştür

    tiNNbre: a timbre-based musical agent

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    In this paper, we present tiNNbre, a generative music prototype-system that reacts to timbre gestures. By timbre gesture we mean a sonic (as opposed to body) gesture that mainly conveys artistic meaning through timbre rather than other sonic properties. The system is designed and developed to be used in free improvisation and composition. Our prototype is powered by a neural network trained using a supervised learning approach on a set of sonic gestures representing the stimulus (or input) and a correspondent set of sonic gestures representing the reactions (or output). This model is then used to explore and generate new musical material. Here, we present an informal evaluation of our system, based on two use cases. In the first, the system is trained using MFCC analysis, while the second uses Constant-Q Transform spectrum. Participants were asked to rate our system's generated audio, particularly in respect of timbre. Results showed that although tiNNbre has been tested offline, it fosters timbre-rich interaction with the sonic materials and the co-creation process. Broadly speaking, musicians preferred the results obtained using the second system other than for purely percussive gestures

    Eight Biennial Report : April 2005 – March 2007

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    Realistic rendering and reconstruction of astronomical objects and an augmented reality application for astronomy

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    These days, there is an ever increasing need for realistic models, renderings and visualization of astronomical objects to be used in planetarium and as a tool in modern astrophysical research. One of the major goals of this dissertation is to develop novel algorithms for recovering and rendering 3D models of a specific set of astronomical objects. We first present a method to render the color and shape of the solar disc in different climate conditions as well as for different height to temperature atmospheric profiles. We then present a method to render and reconstruct the 3D distribution of reflection nebulae. The rendering model takes into account scattering and absorption to generate physically realistic visualization of reflection nebulae. Further, we propose a reconstruction method for another type of astronomical objects, planetary nebulae. We also present a novel augmented reality application called the augmented astronomical telescope, tailored for educational astronomy. The real-time application augments the view through a telescope by projecting additional information such as images, text and video related to the currently observed object during observation. All methods previously proposed for rendering and reconstructing astronomical objects can be used to create novel content for the presented augmented reality application.Realistische Modelle, Visualisierungen und Renderings von astronomischen Objekten gewinnen heuzutage in Planetarium Shows oder als Werkzeug für die Astrophysikalische Forschung immer mehr an Bedeutung. Eines der Hauptziele dieser Dissertation ist es, neue Algorithmen zum Rendering und zur Rekonstruktion von Astronomischen Objekten zu entwickeln. Wir beschreiben zuerst ein Verfahren zum Rendering von Farbe und Form der Sonnenscheibe für verschiedene Klimate und gegebenen Höhe zu Temperatur Profilen. Im weiterem wird eine Methode zum Rendering und zur Rekonstruktion von 3D Modellen von Reflexionsnebeln präsentiert. Das Renderingmodell berücksichtigt Streuung und Absorption, um physikalisch realistische Visualisierungen von Reflexionsnebeln zu erzeugen. Weiter, wird ein Rekonstruktionsalgorithmus für eine andere Art astronomischer Objekte, Planetarische Nebel, vorgeschlagen. Wir stellen eine neuartige Erweiterte Realität Anwendung vor, welche für die astronomische Bildung zugeschnitten ist. Die Anwedung erweitert die Sicht durch das Okular des Teleskopes und projiziert zusätzliche Informationen wie Bilder, Text und Video online, während des Betrachtens. Alle vorher erwähnten Verfahren zum Rendering und zur Rekonstruktion von Astronomischen Objekten können verwendet werden, um Inhalte für die vorgestellte Erweiterte Realität Anwendung zu entwerfen