284 research outputs found

    Classification and Decision Making of Medical Infrared Thermal Images

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    Medical infrared thermal imaging (MITI) is a technique that allows safe and non-invasive recording of skin surface temperature distribution. The images gained provide underlining physiological information on the blood flow, vasoconstriction/vasodilatation, inflammation, transpiration or other processes that can contribute to skin temperature. This medical imaging modality has been available for nearly six decades and has proved to be useful for vascular, neurological and musculoskeletal conditions. Since the recordings are digital, in the form of a matrix of numbers (image), it can be computationally analyzed by a specialist mainly performing processing and analysis operations manually supported by proprietary software solutions. This limits the number of images that can be processed, making difficult for knowledge to evolve, expertise to develop and information to be shared. This chapter aims to disclose the medical imaging method, along with its particularities, principles, applications, advantages and disadvantages. The chapter introduces all available classification and decision making methods that can be employed using digital information, together with a literature review of their operation in the biomedical applications of infrared thermal imaging.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Detection of short-circuits of dc motor using thermographic images, binarization and K-NN classifier

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    Zadnjih je godina otkriveno mnogo metoda za otkrivanje greške. Jedna od njih je termografija, sigurna i neinvazivna metoda. U radu se opisuje otkrivanje početnog stanja greške u istosmjernom motoru. Analizirane su termografske slike ispravljača istosmjernog motora. Analizirane su dvije vrste termografskih slika: termografska slika ispravljača ispravnog istosmjernog motora i termografska slika ispravljača istosmjernog motora s pregorjelim zavojnicama rotora. Analiza je provedena za metode obrade slike kao što su: ekstrakcija grimizno ljubičaste boje, binarizacija, zbir vertikalnih piksela i zbir svih piksela na slici. Klasifikacija se provela za klasifikator K-Najbliži Susjed (K-Nearest Neighbour classifier). Rezultati analize pokazuju da je predložena metoda učinkovita. Može se također koristiti u dijagnostičke svrhe u industrijskim pogonima.Many fault diagnostic methods have been developed in recent years. One of them is thermography. It is a safe and non-invasive method of diagnostic. Fault diagnostic method of incipient states of Direct Current motor was described in the article. Thermographic images of the commutator of Direct Current motor were used in an analysis. Two kinds of thermographic images were analysed: thermographic image of commutator of healthy DC motor, thermographic image of commutator of DC motor with shorted rotor coils. The analysis was carried out for image processing methods such as: extraction of magenta colour, binarization, sum of vertical pixels and sum of all pixels in the image. Classification was conducted for K-Nearest Neighbour classifier. The results of analysis show that the proposed method is efficient. It can be also used for diagnostic purposes in industrial plants

    Blood pulsation measurement using cameras operating in visible light: limitations

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    Background: The paper presents an automatic method for analysis and processing of images from a camera operating in visible light. This analysis applies to images containing the human facial area (body) and enables to measure the blood pulse rate. Special attention was paid to the limitations of this measurement method taking into account the possibility of using consumer cameras in real conditions (different types of lighting, different camera resolution, camera movement). Methods: The proposed new method of image analysis and processing was associated with three stages: (1) image pre-processing-allowing for the image filtration and stabilization (object location tracking); (2) main image processing-allowing for segmentation of human skin areas, acquisition of brightness changes; (3) signal analysis-filtration, FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) analysis, pulse calculation. Results and conclusions: The presented algorithm and method for measuring the pulse rate has the following advantages: (1) it allows for non-contact and non-invasive measurement; (2) it can be carried out using almost any camera, including webcams; (3) it enables to track the object on the stage, which allows for the measurement of the heart rate when the patient is moving; (4) for a minimum of 40,000 pixels, it provides a measurement error of less than ±2 beats per minute for p < 0.01 and sunlight, or a slightly larger error (±3 beats per minute) for artificial lighting; (5) analysis of a single image takes about 40 ms in Matlab Version (R2010b) with Image Processing Toolbox Version 7.1 (R2010b)

    Low-Cost Sensors and Biological Signals

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    Many sensors are currently available at prices lower than USD 100 and cover a wide range of biological signals: motion, muscle activity, heart rate, etc. Such low-cost sensors have metrological features allowing them to be used in everyday life and clinical applications, where gold-standard material is both too expensive and time-consuming to be used. The selected papers present current applications of low-cost sensors in domains such as physiotherapy, rehabilitation, and affective technologies. The results cover various aspects of low-cost sensor technology from hardware design to software optimization

    Thermal and Visual Imaging and Accelerometry Developments to Assist with Arthritis Diagnosis

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    Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is a disease that causes pain and inflammation in the joints of children. Its early diagnosis is important to avoid damage to the joints. Joint warmth, redness and movement restriction may be indicators of active arthritis hence accurate objective means to measure temperature, colour and range of movement (ROM) at the joint may assist diagnosis. In this study, three techniques with a potential to assist clinicians in diagnosing JIA were developed. These were based on high-resolution thermal imaging (HRTI), visual imaging and accelerometry. A detailed correlation analysis was performed between the developed methods and the consultant's clinical assessment of JIA diagnosis. Twenty-two patients (age: mean=10.6 years, SD = 2 years) with JIA diagnosis were recruited. 18 participated in the thermal/visual imaging study only, 2 in the accelerometry study only and 2 in both thermal/visual imaging and accelerometry studies. Thermal and visual images of the front and back of the knees and ankles of 20 patients were studied. All ethical approvals from Sheffield Hallam University and the National Health Service (NHS) were duly obtained before commencing the study. The thermal/visual imaging study involved developing image processing techniques to accurately identify and segment the regions of interest (ROIs). A tracking algorithm to accurately locate the ROIs was also implemented. An accelerometry system that is capable of recording movements from 4 channels was developed and its signals were processed by frequency spectrum analysis, short-time Fourier transform and wavelet packet analysis. The thermal imaging results showed a combined 71% correlation (for the front of knees and ankles) with clinical assessment. It may be possible that patients whom their arthritic joint was cooler than their healthy joints may have relied on their healthy leg more extensively for mobility (due to the pain on the arthritic leg) thus increasing its joints temperature. It was also found that JIA may affect the skin colour with a combined 42% correlation between the knees and ankles. The accelerometry results showed a 75% correlation with clinical assessment. The study for the first time brought together the three techniques of thermal imaging, visual imaging and accelerometry to assist with JIA diagnosis. The study demonstrated that the developed techniques have potential in assisting clinicians with JIA diagnosis. Improvements in timely diagnosis allow more effective treatment and can reduce the likelihood of joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis

    Mechatronic Systems

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    Mechatronics, the synergistic blend of mechanics, electronics, and computer science, has evolved over the past twenty five years, leading to a novel stage of engineering design. By integrating the best design practices with the most advanced technologies, mechatronics aims at realizing high-quality products, guaranteeing at the same time a substantial reduction of time and costs of manufacturing. Mechatronic systems are manifold and range from machine components, motion generators, and power producing machines to more complex devices, such as robotic systems and transportation vehicles. With its twenty chapters, which collect contributions from many researchers worldwide, this book provides an excellent survey of recent work in the field of mechatronics with applications in various fields, like robotics, medical and assistive technology, human-machine interaction, unmanned vehicles, manufacturing, and education. We would like to thank all the authors who have invested a great deal of time to write such interesting chapters, which we are sure will be valuable to the readers. Chapters 1 to 6 deal with applications of mechatronics for the development of robotic systems. Medical and assistive technologies and human-machine interaction systems are the topic of chapters 7 to 13.Chapters 14 and 15 concern mechatronic systems for autonomous vehicles. Chapters 16-19 deal with mechatronics in manufacturing contexts. Chapter 20 concludes the book, describing a method for the installation of mechatronics education in schools

    Infrared Thermography for the Assessment of Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks in Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

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    [ES] El síndrome de dolor regional complejo (SDRC) es un trastorno de dolor crónico debilitante que suele afectar a una extremidad, y se caracteriza por su compleja e incomprendida fisiopatología subyacente, lo que supone un reto para su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Para evitar el deterioro de la calidad de vida de los pacientes, la consecución de un diagnóstico y tratamiento tempranos marca un punto de inflexión. Entre los diferentes tratamientos, los bloqueos simpáticos lumbares (BSLs) tienen como objetivo aliviar el dolor y reducir algunos signos simpáticos de la afección. Este procedimiento intervencionista se lleva a cabo inyectando anestesia local alrededor de los ganglios simpáticos y, hasta ahora, se realiza frecuentemente bajo el control de diferentes técnicas de imagen, como los ultrasonidos o la fluoroscopia. Dado que la termografía infrarroja (TIR) ha demostrado ser una herramienta eficaz para evaluar la temperatura de la piel, y teniendo en cuenta el efecto vasodilatador que presentan los anestésicos locales inyectados, se ha considerado el uso de la IRT para la evaluación de los BSLs. El objetivo de esta tesis es, estudiar la capacidad de la TIR como una técnica complementaria para la evaluación de la eficacia en la ejecución de los BSLs. Para cumplir este objetivo, se han realizado tres estudios implementando la TIR en pacientes diagnosticados de SDRC de miembros inferiores sometidos a BSLs. El primer estudio se centra en la viabilidad de la TIR como herramienta complementaria para la evaluación de la eficacia ejecución de los BSLs. Cuando se realizan los BSLs, la colocación correcta de la aguja es crítica para llevar realizar el procedimiento técnicamente correcto y, en consecuencia, para lograr los resultados clínicos deseados. Para verificar la posición de la aguja, tradicionalmente se han utilizado técnicas de imagen, sin embargo, los BSLs bajo control fluoroscópico no siempre aseguran su exacta ejecución. Por este motivo, se han aprovechado las alteraciones térmicas inducidas por los anestésicos locales y se han evaluado mediante la TIR. Así, cuando en las imágenes infrarrojas se observaron cambios térmicos en la planta del pie afectado tras la inyección de lidocaína, se consideró que el BSL era exitoso. El segundo estudio trata del análisis cuantitativo de los datos térmicos recogidos en el entorno clínico a partir de diferentes parámetros basados en las temperaturas extraídas de ambos pies. Según los resultados, para predecir adecuadamente los BSLs exitosos, se deberían analizar las temperaturas de las plantas de los pies durante los primeros cuatro minutos tras la inyección del anestésico local. Así, la aplicación de la TIR en el entorno clínico podría ser de gran ayuda para evaluar la eficacia de ejecución de los BSLs mediante la evaluación de las temperaturas de los pies en tiempo real. Por último, el tercer estudio aborda el análisis cuantitativo mediante la implementación de herramientas de machine learning (ML) para evaluar su capacidad de clasificar automáticamente los BSLs. En este estudio se han utilizado una serie de características térmicas extraídas de las imágenes infrarrojas para evaluar cuatro algoritmos de ML para tres momentos diferentes después del instante de referencia (inyección de lidocaína). Los resultados indican que los cuatro modelos evaluados presentan buenos rendimientos para clasificar automáticamente los BSLs entre exitosos y fallidos. Por lo tanto, la combinación de parámetros térmicos junto con de clasificación ML muestra ser eficaz para la clasificación automática de los procedimientos de BSLs. En conclusión, el uso de la TIR como técnica complementaria en la práctica clínica diaria para la evaluación de los BSLs ha demostrado ser totalmente eficaz. Dado que es un método objetivo y relativamente sencillo de implementar, puede permitir que los médicos especialistas en dolor identifiquen los bloqueos realizados fallidos y, en consecuencia, puedan revertir esta situación.[CA] La síndrome de dolor regional complex (SDRC) és un trastorn de dolor crònic debilitant que sol afectar una extremitat, i es caracteritza per la seua complexa i incompresa fisiopatologia subjacent, la qual cosa suposa un repte per al seu diagnòstic i tractament. Per a evitar la deterioració de la qualitat de vida dels pacients, la consecució d'un diagnòstic i tractament primerencs marca un punt d'inflexió. Entre els diferents tractaments , els bloquejos simpàtics lumbars (BSLs) tenen com a objectiu alleujar el dolor i reduir alguns signes simpàtics de l'afecció. Aquest procediment intervencionista es duu a terme injectant anestèsia local al voltant dels ganglis simpàtics i, fins ara, es realitza freqüentment sota el control de diferents tècniques d'imatge, com els ultrasons o la fluoroscopia. Atés que la termografia infraroja (TIR) ha demostrat ser una eina eficaç per a avaluar la temperatura de la pell, i tenint en compte l'efecte vasodilatador que presenten els anestèsics locals injectats, s'ha considerat l'ús de la TIR per a l'avaluació dels BSLs. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és, estudiar la capacitat de la TIR com una tècnica complementària per a l'avaluació de l'eficàcia en l'execució dels BSLs. Per a complir aquest objectiu, s'han realitzat tres estudis implementant la TIR en pacients diagnosticats de SDRC de membres inferiors sotmesos a BSLs. El primer estudi avalua la viabilitat de la TIR com a eina complementària per a l'analisi de l'eficàcia en l'execució dels BSLs. Quan es realitzen els BSLs, la col·locació correcta de l'agulla és crítica per a dur a terme el procediment tècnicament correcte i, en conseqüència, per a aconseguir els resultats clínics desitjats. Per a verificar la posició de l'agulla, tradicionalment s'han utilitzat tècniques d'imatge, no obstant això, els BSLs baix control fluoroscòpic no sempre asseguren la seua exacta execució. Per aquest motiu, s'han aprofitat les alteracions tèrmiques induïdes pels anestèsics locals i s'han avaluat mitjançant la TIR. Així, quan en les imatges infraroges es van observar canvis tèrmics en la planta del peu afectat després de la injecció de lidocaIna, es va considerar que el BSL era exitós. El segon estudi tracta de l'anàlisi quantitativa de les dades tèrmiques recollides en l'entorn clínic a partir de diferents paràmetres basats en les temperatures extretes d'ambdós peus. Segons els resultats, per a predir adequadament l'execució exitosa d'un BSL, s'haurien d'analitzar les temperatures de les plantes dels peus durant els primers quatre minuts després de la injecció de l'anestèsic local. Així, l'implementació de la TIR en l'entorn clínic podria ser de gran ajuda per a avaluar l'eficàcia d'execució dels BSLs mitjançant l'avaluació de les temperatures dels peus en temps real. El tercer estudi aborda l'anàlisi quantitativa mitjançant la implementació d'eines machine learning (ML) per a avaluar la seua capacitat de classificar automàticament els BSLs. En aquest estudi s'han utilitzat una sèrie de característiques tèrmiques extretes de les imatges infraroges per a avaluar quatre algorismes de ML per a tres moments diferents després de l'instant de referència (injecció de lidocaïna). Els resultats indiquen que els quatre models avaluats presenten bons rendiments per a classificar automàticament els BSLs en exitosos i fallits. Per tant, la combinació de paràmetres tèrmics juntament amb models de classificació ML mostra ser eficaç per a la classificació automàtica dels procediments de BSLs. En conclusió, l'ús de la TIR com a tècnica complementària en la pràctica clínica diària per a l'avaluació dels BSLs ha demostrat ser totalment eficaç. Atés que és un mètode objectiu i relativament senzill d'implementar, pot ajudar els metges especialistes en dolor a identificar els bloquejos realitzats fallits i, en conseqüència, puguen revertir aquesta situació.[EN] Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a debilitating chronic pain condition that usually affects one limb, and it is characterized by its misunderstood underlying pathophysiology, resulting in both challenging diagnosis and treatment. To avoid the patients' impairment quality of life, the achievement of both an early diagnosis and treatment marks a turning point. Among the different treatment approaches, lumbar sympathetic blocks (LSBs) are addressed to alleviate the pain and reduce some sympathetic signs of the condition. This interventional procedure is performed by injecting local anaesthetic around the sympathetic ganglia and, until now, it has been performed under different imaging techniques, including the ultrasound or the fluoroscopy approaches. Since infrared thermography (IRT) has proven to be a powerful tool to evaluate skin temperatures and taking into account the vasodilatory effects of the local anaesthetics injected in the LSB, the use of IRT has been considered for the LSBs assessment. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the capability of IRT as a complementary assessment technique for the LSBs procedures performance. To fulfil this aim, three studies have been conducted implementing the IRT in patients diagnosed with lower limbs CRPS undergoing LSBs. The first study focuses on the feasibility of IRT as a complementary assessment tool for LSBs performance, that is, for the confirmation of the proper needle position. When LSBs are performed, the correct needle placement is critical to carry out the procedure technically correct and, consequently, to achieve the desired clinical outcomes. To verify the needle placement position, imaging techniques have traditionally been used, however, LSBs under radioscopic guidance do not always ensure an exact performance. For this reason, the thermal alterations induced by the local anaesthetics, have been exploited and assessed by means of IRT. Thus, the LSB procedure was considered successfully performed when thermal changes within the affected plantar foot were observed in the infrared images after the lidocaine injection. The second study deals with the quantitative analysis of the thermal data collected in the clinical setting through the evaluation of different temperature-based parameters extracted from both feet. According to the results, the proper LSB success prediction could be achieved in the first four minutes after the block through the evaluation of the feet skin temperatures. Therefore, the implementation of IRT in the clinical setting might be of great help in assessing the LSBs performance by evaluating the plantar feet temperatures in real time. Finally, the third study addresses the quantitative analysis by implementing machine learning (ML) tools to assess their capability to automatically classify LSBs. In this study, a set of thermal features retrieved from the infrared images have been used to evaluate four ML algorithms for three different moments after the baseline time (lidocaine injection). The results indicate that all four models evaluated present good performance metrics to automatically classify LSBs into successful and failed. Therefore, combining infrared features with ML classification models shows to be effective for the LSBs procedures automatic classification. In conclusion, the use of IRT as a complementary technique in daily clinical practice for LSBs assessment has been evidenced entirely effective. Since IRT is an objective method and it is not very demanding to perform, it is of great help for pain physicians to identify failed procedures, and consequently, it allow them to reverse this situation.Cañada Soriano, M. (2022). Infrared Thermography for the Assessment of Lumbar Sympathetic Blocks in Patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181699TESI

    Sensing and Signal Processing in Smart Healthcare

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    In the last decade, we have witnessed the rapid development of electronic technologies that are transforming our daily lives. Such technologies are often integrated with various sensors that facilitate the collection of human motion and physiological data and are equipped with wireless communication modules such as Bluetooth, radio frequency identification, and near-field communication. In smart healthcare applications, designing ergonomic and intuitive human–computer interfaces is crucial because a system that is not easy to use will create a huge obstacle to adoption and may significantly reduce the efficacy of the solution. Signal and data processing is another important consideration in smart healthcare applications because it must ensure high accuracy with a high level of confidence in order for the applications to be useful for clinicians in making diagnosis and treatment decisions. This Special Issue is a collection of 10 articles selected from a total of 26 contributions. These contributions span the areas of signal processing and smart healthcare systems mostly contributed by authors from Europe, including Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, and Netherlands. Authors from China, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Ecuador are also included

    Corticospinal excitability, mental rotation task, motor performance and disability in subjects with musculoskeletal disorders of the wrist and hand

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    L'objectif de cette thèse était de démontrer la présence de modifications des processus sensorimoteurs du système nerveux central (excitabilité corticospinale et schéma corporel tels que mesurés avec la Tâche de Reconnaissance de la Latéralité des Images droite gauche (TRLI)) chez des participants ayant des désordres musculosquelettiques au poignet et à la main. Un deuxième objectif était de déterminer la relation entre les changements de ces processus sensorimoteurs corticaux et des mesures sensorielles, de la fonction motrice, d'incapacité autodéclarée, de la douleur et des facteurs psychosociaux liés à la douleur. Une étude observationnelle transversale a d'abord été menée pour mesurer l'excitabilité corticospinale des muscles de la main en utilisant la stimulation magnétique transcrânienne et la TRLI chez des participants en santé et des participants présentant des douleurs chroniques au poignet et à la main. L’excitabilité corticospinale du muscle court abducteur du pouce de la main affectée était augmentée chez les participants présentant une douleur chronique et ces changements étaient significativement corrélés avec l'intensité de la douleur, l'incapacité autodéclarée, et négativement corrélés avec l'excitabilité motoneuronale. Des différences de performances sur le TRLI, à la fois pour la précision et le temps de réaction, ont également été trouvées entre les participants du groupe contrôle et les participants avec douleur. Dans une deuxième étude transversale, le TRLI, des mesures de motricité, sensibilité et des fonctions cognitives ont été administrées à soixante et un participants présentant des désordres musculosquelettiques du poignet ou de la main droite. Les modèles de régression linéaire multiple ont révélé que la prise de médicaments pour contrer la douleur, la participation à des activités (sociales, professionnelles, domestiques et récréatives), la discrimination tactile de deux points et le niveau de performance motrice expliquent les performances au TRLI. Les participants ayant pris des médicaments pour la douleur la journée de l’évaluation avaient une performance diminuée sur la précision et le temps de réaction sur le TRLI pour la main droite (affectée). Ces participants présentaient aussi une sévérité de douleur et d'incapacité plus élevée et une diminution de fonctions cognitives et motrices plus élevée que le reste des participants avec douleur qui ont été évalués. Dans l’ensemble, ces résultats suggèrent que les participants présentant des désordres musculosquelettiques hétérogènes du poignet ou de la main montrent des changements des processus sensorimoteurs corticaux. Alors que l'excitabilité corticospinale semble être liée à l'intensité de la douleur et à l’incapacité autodéclarée, le TRLI peut être associé à une confluence de facteurs (sensoriels, moteurs, cognitifs-affectifs et comportementaux). Ces résultats suggèrent aussi que les changements sensorimoteurs corticaux ne sont pas simplement le résultat du désordre musculosquelettique, mais impliquent plutôt une interaction complexe entre la douleur, les processus sensorimoteurs et cognitivo-affectifs, et peut-être aussi des réponses comportementales à l’atteinte musculosquelettique. Les résultats fournissent également des informations précieuses à propos des personnes qui pourraient bénéficier d'interventions orientées vers le rétablissement des processus centraux en plus des traitements de réadaptation axés sur les structures périphériques.The objective of the thesis was to investigate for the presence of changes in cortical sensorimotor processes (corticospinal excitability and the body schema measured with the Left Right Judgment Task (LRJT) performance), in participants with Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) of the wrist/hand. A second objective was to determine the relationship between these cortical sensorimotor processes and measures of sensory and hand motor function, disability, pain and pain related psychosocial factors. First, an observational cross-sectional study was conducted to explore corticospinal excitability of muscles in the hand and cortical sensorimotor processes, utilizing transcranial magnetic stimulation and the LRJT in healthy, pain-free participants and participants with chronic wrist/hand pain. Increased corticospinal excitability for the abductor pollicis brevis of the affected hand in participants with chronic MSD of the wrist/hand was found and these changes were significantly correlated with pain intensity, disability, and negatively correlated with spinal motoneuronal excitability. Differences in LRJT performance were also found between healthy control participants and participants with pain for both LRJT accuracy and reaction time. In a second cross-sectional study, LRJT performance, motor, sensory and cognitive assessments were performed on sixty-one participants with MSD of the right dominant wrist/hand. The multiple linear regression model revealed that taking pain medication, participating in (social, work, household and leisure) activities, two-point discrimination, and motor performance explained performance on the LRJT of the right (affected) hand. Those participants that took pain medication on the day of the evaluation performed more poorly on both LRJT accuracy and reaction time of the right (affected) hand. These participants had higher pain severity and disability scores and decreased cognitive and motor function. Collectively, these results suggest that participants with heterogeneous MSD of the wrist/hand display altered cortical sensorimotor processes. Whereas corticospinal excitability appears to be related to pain intensity and disability, the LRJT may be associated with a confluence of factors (sensory, motor, cognitive-affective, and behaviours). These findings suggest that cortical sensorimotor changes do not simply appear to be the result of the condition but involve a complex interaction between pain, sensorimotor and cognitive-affective processes, and possibly behavioural responses to the condition. The findings also provide valuable insight as to those persons who may benefit from cognitively directed interventions in addition to peripherally driven rehabilitative treatments

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 134)

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    This special bibliography lists 301 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System in October 1974