58 research outputs found

    Real-to-Virtual Domain Unification for End-to-End Autonomous Driving

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    In the spectrum of vision-based autonomous driving, vanilla end-to-end models are not interpretable and suboptimal in performance, while mediated perception models require additional intermediate representations such as segmentation masks or detection bounding boxes, whose annotation can be prohibitively expensive as we move to a larger scale. More critically, all prior works fail to deal with the notorious domain shift if we were to merge data collected from different sources, which greatly hinders the model generalization ability. In this work, we address the above limitations by taking advantage of virtual data collected from driving simulators, and present DU-drive, an unsupervised real-to-virtual domain unification framework for end-to-end autonomous driving. It first transforms real driving data to its less complex counterpart in the virtual domain and then predicts vehicle control commands from the generated virtual image. Our framework has three unique advantages: 1) it maps driving data collected from a variety of source distributions into a unified domain, effectively eliminating domain shift; 2) the learned virtual representation is simpler than the input real image and closer in form to the "minimum sufficient statistic" for the prediction task, which relieves the burden of the compression phase while optimizing the information bottleneck tradeoff and leads to superior prediction performance; 3) it takes advantage of annotated virtual data which is unlimited and free to obtain. Extensive experiments on two public driving datasets and two driving simulators demonstrate the performance superiority and interpretive capability of DU-drive

    Neuroevolution in Games: State of the Art and Open Challenges

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    This paper surveys research on applying neuroevolution (NE) to games. In neuroevolution, artificial neural networks are trained through evolutionary algorithms, taking inspiration from the way biological brains evolved. We analyse the application of NE in games along five different axes, which are the role NE is chosen to play in a game, the different types of neural networks used, the way these networks are evolved, how the fitness is determined and what type of input the network receives. The article also highlights important open research challenges in the field.Comment: - Added more references - Corrected typos - Added an overview table (Table 1

    Context dependent fuzzy modelling and its applications

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    Fuzzy rule-based systems (FRBS) use the principle of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic to describe vague and imprecise statements and provide a facility to express the behaviours of the system with a human-understandable language. Fuzzy information, once defined by a fuzzy system, is fixed regardless of the circumstances and therefore makes it very difficult to capture the effect of context on the meaning of the fuzzy terms. While efforts have been made to integrate contextual information into the representation of fuzzy sets, it remains the case that often the context model is very restrictive and/or problem specific. The work reported in this thesis is our attempt to create a practical frame work to integrate contextual information into the representation of fuzzy sets so as to improve the interpretability as well as the accuracy of the fuzzy system. Throughout this thesis, we have looked at the capability of the proposed context dependent fuzzy sets as a stand alone as well as in combination with other methods in various application scenarios ranging from time series forecasting to complicated car racing control systems. In all of the applications, the highly competitive performance nature of our approach has proven its effectiveness and efficiency compared with existing techniques in the literature

    Paracosm: {A} Test Framework for Autonomous Driving Simulations

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    Context dependent fuzzy modelling and its applications

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    Fuzzy rule-based systems (FRBS) use the principle of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic to describe vague and imprecise statements and provide a facility to express the behaviours of the system with a human-understandable language. Fuzzy information, once defined by a fuzzy system, is fixed regardless of the circumstances and therefore makes it very difficult to capture the effect of context on the meaning of the fuzzy terms. While efforts have been made to integrate contextual information into the representation of fuzzy sets, it remains the case that often the context model is very restrictive and/or problem specific. The work reported in this thesis is our attempt to create a practical frame work to integrate contextual information into the representation of fuzzy sets so as to improve the interpretability as well as the accuracy of the fuzzy system. Throughout this thesis, we have looked at the capability of the proposed context dependent fuzzy sets as a stand alone as well as in combination with other methods in various application scenarios ranging from time series forecasting to complicated car racing control systems. In all of the applications, the highly competitive performance nature of our approach has proven its effectiveness and efficiency compared with existing techniques in the literature

    A comparison among deep learning techniques in an autonomous driving context

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    Al giorno d’oggi, l’intelligenza artificiale è uno dei campi di ricerca che sta ricevendo sempre più attenzioni. Il miglioramento della potenza computazionale a disposizione dei ricercatori e sviluppatori sta rinvigorendo tutto il potenziale che era stato espresso a livello teorico agli albori dell’Intelligenza Artificiale. Tra tutti i campi dell’Intelligenza Artificiale, quella che sta attualmente suscitando maggiore interesse è la guida autonoma. Tantissime case automobilistiche e i più illustri college americani stanno investendo sempre più risorse su questa tecnologia. La ricerca e la descrizione dell’ampio spettro delle tecnologie disponibili per la guida autonoma è parte del confronto svolto in questo elaborato. Il caso di studio si incentra su un’azienda che partendo da zero, vorrebbe elaborare un sistema di guida autonoma senza dati, in breve tempo ed utilizzando solo sensori fatti da loro. Partendo da reti neurali e algoritmi classici, si è arrivati ad utilizzare algoritmi come A3C per descrivere tutte l’ampio spettro di possibilità. Le tecnologie selezionate verranno confrontate in due esperimenti. Il primo è un esperimento di pura visione artificiale usando DeepTesla. In questo esperimento verranno confrontate tecnologie quali le tradizionali tecniche di visione artificiale, CNN e CNN combinate con LSTM. Obiettivo è identificare quale algoritmo ha performance migliori elaborando solo immagini. Il secondo è un esperimento su CARLA, un simulatore basato su Unreal Engine. In questo esperimento, i risultati ottenuti in ambiente simulato con CNN combinate con LSTM, verranno confrontati con i risultati ottenuti con A3C. Obiettivo sarà capire se queste tecniche sono in grado di muoversi in autonomia utilizzando i dati forniti dal simulatore. Il confronto mira ad identificare le criticità e i possibili miglioramenti futuri di ciascuno degli algoritmi proposti in modo da poter trovare una soluzione fattibile che porta ottimi risultati in tempi brevi

    Automating Game-design and Game-agent Balancing through Computational Intelligence

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    Game design has been a staple of human ingenuity and innovation for as long as games have been around. From sports, such as football, to applying game mechanics to the real world, such as reward schemes in shops, games have impacted the world in surprising ways. The process of developing games can, and should, be aided by automated systems, as machines have proven capable of finding innovative ways of complementing human intuition and inventiveness. When man and machine co-operate, better products are created and the world has only to benefit. This research seeks to find, test and assess methods of using genetic algorithms to human-led game balancing tasks. From tweaking difficulty to optimising pacing, to directing an intelligent agent’s behaviour, all these can benefit from an evolutionary approach and save a game designer many hours, if not days, of work based on trial and error. Furthermore, to improve the speed of any developed GAs, predictive models have been designed to aid the evolutionary process in finding better solutions faster. While these techniques could be applied on a wider variety of tasks, they have been tested almost exclusively on game balance problems. The major contributions are in defining the main challenges of game balance from an academic perspective, proposing solutions for better cooperation between the academic and the industrial side of games, as well as technical improvements to genetic algorithms applied to these tasks. Results have been positive, with success found in both academic publications and industrial cooperation

    TORCS Training Interface : uma ferramenta auxiliar ao desenvolvimento de pilotos do TORCS

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2013.A ineficiente maneira como os pilotos são testados e desenvolvidos para jogo e simulador de corrida TORCS é um problema relevante por conta das limitações impostas sobre trabalhos de desenvolvimento de pilotos, i.e., algoritmos que determinam o comportamento dos carros não controlados por jogadores humanos. Porque este software tem um papel de plataforma para benchmark de diferentes abordagens de Inteligência Articial, é importante que se procure mitigar tal problema. Aqui desenvolveu-se a TORCS Training Interface, uma ferramenta que oferece automatizações para melhorar a eficiência das chamadas desimulações e retornar dados mais completos – ambos fatores importantes para as necessárias avaliações que têm como objetivo estimar habilidades de pilotos. Os resultados dos testes comparativos realizados indicam que ousoda ferramenta é uma alternativa viável às abordagens observadas na literatura, apresentando vantagens que podem torná-la a forma mais adequada para processos similares aos considerados neste trabalho. _____________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT: The inefficient manner in which drivers are tested and developed for the racing game and simulator TORCS is a relevant problem because of the limitations imposed over projects of development of drivers, i.e., algorith ms that determine the behavior of cars that are not controlled by human players. Because this software has a role of benchmark for different techniques of Articial Intelligence, it is important to work on mitigating this problem. The TORCS Training Interface was developed, a tool that offers automatizations in order to improve the efficiency of simulation calls and return more complete data-both of which are important for the necessary evaluations that have as a goal estimating the fitness of drivers. Results of the comparative tests performed indicate that the use of the tool is a viable alternative to the approaches seen in the literature, presentin g advantages that can make it the most fitting to processes that are similar to the ones considered here
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