154 research outputs found

    A Convolutional Approach to Vertebrae Detection and Labelling in Whole Spine MRI

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    We propose a novel convolutional method for the detection and identification of vertebrae in whole spine MRIs. This involves using a learnt vector field to group detected vertebrae corners together into individual vertebral bodies and convolutional image-to-image translation followed by beam search to label vertebral levels in a self-consistent manner. The method can be applied without modification to lumbar, cervical and thoracic-only scans across a range of different MR sequences. The resulting system achieves 98.1% detection rate and 96.5% identification rate on a challenging clinical dataset of whole spine scans and matches or exceeds the performance of previous systems on lumbar-only scans. Finally, we demonstrate the clinical applicability of this method, using it for automated scoliosis detection in both lumbar and whole spine MR scans.Comment: Accepted full paper to Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2020. 11 pages plus appendi

    Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Medical Imaging: A Systematic Review

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    This scientific review presents a comprehensive overview of medical imaging modalities and their diverse applications in artificial intelligence (AI)-based disease classification and segmentation. The paper begins by explaining the fundamental concepts of AI, machine learning (ML), and deep learning (DL). It provides a summary of their different types to establish a solid foundation for the subsequent analysis. The prmary focus of this study is to conduct a systematic review of research articles that examine disease classification and segmentation in different anatomical regions using AI methodologies. The analysis includes a thorough examination of the results reported in each article, extracting important insights and identifying emerging trends. Moreover, the paper critically discusses the challenges encountered during these studies, including issues related to data availability and quality, model generalization, and interpretability. The aim is to provide guidance for optimizing technique selection. The analysis highlights the prominence of hybrid approaches, which seamlessly integrate ML and DL techniques, in achieving effective and relevant results across various disease types. The promising potential of these hybrid models opens up new opportunities for future research in the field of medical diagnosis. Additionally, addressing the challenges posed by the limited availability of annotated medical images through the incorporation of medical image synthesis and transfer learning techniques is identified as a crucial focus for future research efforts

    Reconstruction 3D personnalisée de la colonne vertébrale à partir d'images radiographiques non-calibrées

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    Les systèmes de reconstruction stéréo-radiographique 3D -- La colonne vertébrale -- La scoliose idiopathique adolescente -- Évolution des systèmes de reconstruction 3D -- Filtres de rehaussement d'images -- Techniques de segmentation -- Les méthodes de calibrage -- Les méthodes de reconstruction 3D -- Problématique, hypothèses, objectifs et méthode générale -- Three-dimensional reconstruction of the scoliotic spine and pelvis from uncalibrated biplanar X-ray images -- A versatile 3D reconstruction system of the spine and pelvis for clinical assessment of spinal deformities -- Simulation experiments -- Clinical validation -- A three-dimensional retrospective analysis of the evolution of spinal instrumentation for the correction of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis -- Auto-calibrage d'un système à rayons-X à partir de primitives de haut niveau -- Segmentation de la colonne vertébrale -- Approche hiérarchique d'auto-calibrage d'un système d'acquisition à rayons-X -- Personalized 3D reconstruction of the scoliotic spine from hybrid statistical and X-ray image-based models -- Validation protocol

    Shape/image registration for medical imaging : novel algorithms and applications.

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    This dissertation looks at two different categories of the registration approaches: Shape registration, and Image registration. It also considers the applications of these approaches into the medical imaging field. Shape registration is an important problem in computer vision, computer graphics and medical imaging. It has been handled in different manners in many applications like shapebased segmentation, shape recognition, and tracking. Image registration is the process of overlaying two or more images of the same scene taken at different times, from different viewpoints, and/or by different sensors. Many image processing applications like remote sensing, fusion of medical images, and computer-aided surgery need image registration. This study deals with two different applications in the field of medical image analysis. The first one is related to shape-based segmentation of the human vertebral bodies (VBs). The vertebra consists of the VB, spinous, and other anatomical regions. Spinous pedicles, and ribs should not be included in the bone mineral density (BMD) measurements. The VB segmentation is not an easy task since the ribs have similar gray level information. This dissertation investigates two different segmentation approaches. Both of them are obeying the variational shape-based segmentation frameworks. The first approach deals with two dimensional (2D) case. This segmentation approach starts with obtaining the initial segmentation using the intensity/spatial interaction models. Then, shape model is registered to the image domain. Finally, the optimal segmentation is obtained using the optimization of an energy functional which integrating the shape model with the intensity information. The second one is a 3D simultaneous segmentation and registration approach. The information of the intensity is handled by embedding a Willmore flow into the level set segmentation framework. Then the shape variations are estimated using a new distance probabilistic model. The experimental results show that the segmentation accuracy of the framework are much higher than other alternatives. Applications on BMD measurements of vertebral body are given to illustrate the accuracy of the proposed segmentation approach. The second application is related to the field of computer-aided surgery, specifically on ankle fusion surgery. The long-term goal of this work is to apply this technique to ankle fusion surgery to determine the proper size and orientation of the screws that are used for fusing the bones together. In addition, we try to localize the best bone region to fix these screws. To achieve these goals, the 2D-3D registration is introduced. The role of 2D-3D registration is to enhance the quality of the surgical procedure in terms of time and accuracy, and would greatly reduce the need for repeated surgeries; thus, saving the patients time, expense, and trauma

    A Machine Learning and Computer Assisted Methodology for Diagnosing Chronic Lower Back Pain on Lumbar Spine Magnetic Resonance Images

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    Chronic Lower Back Pain (CLBP) is one of the major types of pain that affects many people around the world. It is estimated that 28.1% of US adults suffer from this illness and 2.5 million of the UK population experience this type of pain every day. Most CLBP cases do not happen overnight and it is usually developed from a less serious but acute variant of lower back pain. An acute type of lower back pain can develop into a chronic one if the underlying cause is serious and left untreated. The longer a person is disabled by back pain, the less chance he or she returns to work and the more health care cost he or she will require. It is therefore important to identify the cause of back pains as early as possible in order to improve the chance of patient rehabilitation. The speediness of early diagnosis can depend on many factors including referral time from a general practitioner to the hospital, waiting time for a specialist appointment, time for a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan and time for the analysis result to come out. Currently diagnosing the lower back pain is done by visual observation and analysis of the lumbar spine MRI images by radiologists and clinicians and this process could take up much of their time and effort. This, therefore, rationalizes the need for a new method to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the imaging diagnostic process. This thesis details a novel methodology to automatically aid clinicians in performing diagnosis of CLBP on lumbar spine MRI images. The methodology is based on the current accepted medical practice of manual inspection of the MRI scans of the patient’s lumbar spine as advised by several practitioners in this field. The main methodology is divided into three sub-methods the first sub-method is disc herniation detection using disc segmentation and centroid distance function. While the second sub-method is lumbar spinal stenosis detection via segmentation of area between anterior and posterior (AAP) Elements. Whereas, the last sub-method is the use of deep learning to perform semantic segmentation to identify regions in the MRI images that are relevant to the diagnosis process. The method then performs boundary delineation between these regions, identifies key points along the boundaries and measures distances between these points that can be used as an indication to the health of the lumbar spine. Due to a limitation in the size and suitability of the currently existing open-access lumbar spine dataset necessary to train and test any good classification algorithms, a dataset consisting of 48,345 MRI slices from a complete clinical lumbar MRI study of 515 symptomatic back pain patients from several specialty hospitals around the world has been created. Each MRI study is annotated by expert radiologists with notes regarding the observed characteristics, condition of the lumbar spine, or presence of diseases. The ground-truth dataset containing manually labelled segmented images has also been developed. To complement this ground-truth dataset, a novel method of constructing and evaluating the suitability of ground truth data for lumbar spine MRI image segmentation has been developed. A subset of the dataset, which includes the data for 101 patients, is used in a set of experiments that have been conducted using a variety of algorithms to conclude with using SegNet as the image segmentation algorithm. The network consists of VGG16 layers pre-trained using a subset of non-medical images from the ImageNet database and fine-tuned using the training portion of the ground-truth dataset. The results of these experiments show the accurate delineation of important boundaries of regions in lumbar spine MRI. The experiments also show very close agreement between the expert radiologists’ notes on the condition of a lumbar spine and the conclusion of the system about the lumbar spine in the majority of cases

    The state-of-the-art in ultrasound-guided spine interventions.

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    During the last two decades, intra-operative ultrasound (iUS) imaging has been employed for various surgical procedures of the spine, including spinal fusion and needle injections. Accurate and efficient registration of pre-operative computed tomography or magnetic resonance images with iUS images are key elements in the success of iUS-based spine navigation. While widely investigated in research, iUS-based spine navigation has not yet been established in the clinic. This is due to several factors including the lack of a standard methodology for the assessment of accuracy, robustness, reliability, and usability of the registration method. To address these issues, we present a systematic review of the state-of-the-art techniques for iUS-guided registration in spinal image-guided surgery (IGS). The review follows a new taxonomy based on the four steps involved in the surgical workflow that include pre-processing, registration initialization, estimation of the required patient to image transformation, and a visualization process. We provide a detailed analysis of the measurements in terms of accuracy, robustness, reliability, and usability that need to be met during the evaluation of a spinal IGS framework. Although this review is focused on spinal navigation, we expect similar evaluation criteria to be relevant for other IGS applications

    Segmentierung medizinischer Bilddaten und bildgestĂĽtzte intraoperative Navigation

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    Die Entwicklung von Algorithmen zur automatischen oder semi-automatischen Verarbeitung von medizinischen Bilddaten hat in den letzten Jahren mehr und mehr an Bedeutung gewonnen. Das liegt zum einen an den immer besser werdenden medizinischen Aufnahmemodalitäten, die den menschlichen Körper immer feiner virtuell abbilden können. Zum anderen liegt dies an der verbesserten Computerhardware, die eine algorithmische Verarbeitung der teilweise im Gigabyte-Bereich liegenden Datenmengen in einer vernünftigen Zeit erlaubt. Das Ziel dieser Habilitationsschrift ist die Entwicklung und Evaluation von Algorithmen für die medizinische Bildverarbeitung. Insgesamt besteht die Habilitationsschrift aus einer Reihe von Publikationen, die in drei übergreifende Themenbereiche gegliedert sind: -Segmentierung medizinischer Bilddaten anhand von vorlagenbasierten Algorithmen -Experimentelle Evaluation quelloffener Segmentierungsmethoden unter medizinischen Einsatzbedingungen -Navigation zur Unterstützung intraoperativer Therapien Im Bereich Segmentierung medizinischer Bilddaten anhand von vorlagenbasierten Algorithmen wurden verschiedene graphbasierte Algorithmen in 2D und 3D entwickelt, die einen gerichteten Graphen mittels einer Vorlage aufbauen. Dazu gehört die Bildung eines Algorithmus zur Segmentierung von Wirbeln in 2D und 3D. In 2D wird eine rechteckige und in 3D eine würfelförmige Vorlage genutzt, um den Graphen aufzubauen und das Segmentierungsergebnis zu berechnen. Außerdem wird eine graphbasierte Segmentierung von Prostatadrüsen durch eine Kugelvorlage zur automatischen Bestimmung der Grenzen zwischen Prostatadrüsen und umliegenden Organen vorgestellt. Auf den vorlagenbasierten Algorithmen aufbauend, wurde ein interaktiver Segmentierungsalgorithmus, der einem Benutzer in Echtzeit das Segmentierungsergebnis anzeigt, konzipiert und implementiert. Der Algorithmus nutzt zur Segmentierung die verschiedenen Vorlagen, benötigt allerdings nur einen Saatpunkt des Benutzers. In einem weiteren Ansatz kann der Benutzer die Segmentierung interaktiv durch zusätzliche Saatpunkte verfeinern. Dadurch wird es möglich, eine semi-automatische Segmentierung auch in schwierigen Fällen zu einem zufriedenstellenden Ergebnis zu führen. Im Bereich Evaluation quelloffener Segmentierungsmethoden unter medizinischen Einsatzbedingungen wurden verschiedene frei verfügbare Segmentierungsalgorithmen anhand von Patientendaten aus der klinischen Routine getestet. Dazu gehörte die Evaluierung der semi-automatischen Segmentierung von Hirntumoren, zum Beispiel Hypophysenadenomen und Glioblastomen, mit der frei verfügbaren Open Source-Plattform 3D Slicer. Dadurch konnte gezeigt werden, wie eine rein manuelle Schicht-für-Schicht-Vermessung des Tumorvolumens in der Praxis unterstützt und beschleunigt werden kann. Weiterhin wurde die Segmentierung von Sprachbahnen in medizinischen Aufnahmen von Hirntumorpatienten auf verschiedenen Plattformen evaluiert. Im Bereich Navigation zur Unterstützung intraoperativer Therapien wurden Softwaremodule zum Begleiten von intra-operativen Eingriffen in verschiedenen Phasen einer Behandlung (Therapieplanung, Durchführung, Kontrolle) entwickelt. Dazu gehört die erstmalige Integration des OpenIGTLink-Netzwerkprotokolls in die medizinische Prototyping-Plattform MeVisLab, die anhand eines NDI-Navigationssystems evaluiert wurde. Außerdem wurde hier ebenfalls zum ersten Mal die Konzeption und Implementierung eines medizinischen Software-Prototypen zur Unterstützung der intraoperativen gynäkologischen Brachytherapie vorgestellt. Der Software-Prototyp enthielt auch ein Modul zur erweiterten Visualisierung bei der MR-gestützten interstitiellen gynäkologischen Brachytherapie, welches unter anderem die Registrierung eines gynäkologischen Brachytherapie-Instruments in einen intraoperativen Datensatz einer Patientin ermöglichte. Die einzelnen Module führten zur Vorstellung eines umfassenden bildgestützten Systems für die gynäkologische Brachytherapie in einem multimodalen Operationssaal. Dieses System deckt die prä-, intra- und postoperative Behandlungsphase bei einer interstitiellen gynäkologischen Brachytherapie ab

    Exploiting Temporal Image Information in Minimally Invasive Surgery

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    Minimally invasive procedures rely on medical imaging instead of the surgeons direct vision. While preoperative images can be used for surgical planning and navigation, once the surgeon arrives at the target site real-time intraoperative imaging is needed. However, acquiring and interpreting these images can be challenging and much of the rich temporal information present in these images is not visible. The goal of this thesis is to improve image guidance for minimally invasive surgery in two main areas. First, by showing how high-quality ultrasound video can be obtained by integrating an ultrasound transducer directly into delivery devices for beating heart valve surgery. Secondly, by extracting hidden temporal information through video processing methods to help the surgeon localize important anatomical structures. Prototypes of delivery tools, with integrated ultrasound imaging, were developed for both transcatheter aortic valve implantation and mitral valve repair. These tools provided an on-site view that shows the tool-tissue interactions during valve repair. Additionally, augmented reality environments were used to add more anatomical context that aids in navigation and in interpreting the on-site video. Other procedures can be improved by extracting hidden temporal information from the intraoperative video. In ultrasound guided epidural injections, dural pulsation provides a cue in finding a clear trajectory to the epidural space. By processing the video using extended Kalman filtering, subtle pulsations were automatically detected and visualized in real-time. A statistical framework for analyzing periodicity was developed based on dynamic linear modelling. In addition to detecting dural pulsation in lumbar spine ultrasound, this approach was used to image tissue perfusion in natural video and generate ventilation maps from free-breathing magnetic resonance imaging. A second statistical method, based on spectral analysis of pixel intensity values, allowed blood flow to be detected directly from high-frequency B-mode ultrasound video. Finally, pulsatile cues in endoscopic video were enhanced through Eulerian video magnification to help localize critical vasculature. This approach shows particular promise in identifying the basilar artery in endoscopic third ventriculostomy and the prostatic artery in nerve-sparing prostatectomy. A real-time implementation was developed which processed full-resolution stereoscopic video on the da Vinci Surgical System

    Shear-promoted drug encapsulation into red blood cells: a CFD model and ÎĽ-PIV analysis

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    The present work focuses on the main parameters that influence shear-promoted encapsulation of drugs into erythrocytes. A CFD model was built to investigate the fluid dynamics of a suspension of particles flowing in a commercial micro channel. Micro Particle Image Velocimetry (ÎĽ-PIV) allowed to take into account for the real properties of the red blood cell (RBC), thus having a deeper understanding of the process. Coupling these results with an analytical diffusion model, suitable working conditions were defined for different values of haematocrit
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