33 research outputs found

    Treebank-based acquisition of Chinese LFG resources for parsing and generation

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    This thesis describes a treebank-based approach to automatically acquire robust,wide-coverage Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) resources for Chinese parsing and generation, which is part of a larger project on the rapid construction of deep, large-scale, constraint-based, multilingual grammatical resources. I present an application-oriented LFG analysis for Chinese core linguistic phenomena and (in cooperation with PARC) develop a gold-standard dependency-bank of Chinese f-structures for evaluation. Based on the Penn Chinese Treebank, I design and implement two architectures for inducing Chinese LFG resources, one annotation-based and the other dependency conversion-based. I then apply the f-structure acquisition algorithm together with external, state-of-the-art parsers to parsing new text into "proto" f-structures. In order to convert "proto" f-structures into "proper" f-structures or deep dependencies, I present a novel Non-Local Dependency (NLD) recovery algorithm using subcategorisation frames and f-structure paths linking antecedents and traces in NLDs extracted from the automatically-built LFG f-structure treebank. Based on the grammars extracted from the f-structure annotated treebank, I develop a PCFG-based chart generator and a new n-gram based pure dependency generator to realise Chinese sentences from LFG f-structures. The work reported in this thesis is the first effort to scale treebank-based, probabilistic Chinese LFG resources from proof-of-concept research to unrestricted, real text. Although this thesis concentrates on Chinese and LFG, many of the methodologies, e.g. the acquisition of predicate-argument structures, NLD resolution and the PCFG- and dependency n-gram-based generation models, are largely language and formalism independent and should generalise to diverse languages as well as to labelled bilexical dependency representations other than LFG

    Abstract syntax as interlingua: Scaling up the grammatical framework from controlled languages to robust pipelines

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    Syntax is an interlingual representation used in compilers. Grammatical Framework (GF) applies the abstract syntax idea to natural languages. The development of GF started in 1998, first as a tool for controlled language implementations, where it has gained an established position in both academic and commercial projects. GF provides grammar resources for over 40 languages, enabling accurate generation and translation, as well as grammar engineering tools and components for mobile and Web applications. On the research side, the focus in the last ten years has been on scaling up GF to wide-coverage language processing. The concept of abstract syntax offers a unified view on many other approaches: Universal Dependencies, WordNets, FrameNets, Construction Grammars, and Abstract Meaning Representations. This makes it possible for GF to utilize data from the other approaches and to build robust pipelines. In return, GF can contribute to data-driven approaches by methods to transfer resources from one language to others, to augment data by rule-based generation, to check the consistency of hand-annotated corpora, and to pipe analyses into high-precision semantic back ends. This article gives an overview of the use of abstract syntax as interlingua through both established and emerging NLP applications involving GF

    Semi-supervised lexical acquisition for wide-coverage parsing

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    State-of-the-art parsers suffer from incomplete lexicons, as evidenced by the fact that they all contain built-in methods for dealing with out-of-lexicon items at parse time. Since new labelled data is expensive to produce and no amount of it will conquer the long tail, we attempt to address this problem by leveraging the enormous amount of raw text available for free, and expanding the lexicon offline, with a semi-supervised word learner. We accomplish this with a method similar to self-training, where a fully trained parser is used to generate new parses with which the next generation of parser is trained. This thesis introduces Chart Inference (CI), a two-phase word-learning method with Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG), operating on the level of the partial parse as produced by a trained parser. CI uses the parsing model and lexicon to identify the CCG category type for one unknown word in a context of known words by inferring the type of the sentence using a model of end punctuation, then traversing the chart from the top down, filling in each empty cell as a function of its mother and its sister. We first specify the CI algorithm, and then compare it to two baseline wordlearning systems over a battery of learning tasks. CI is shown to outperform the baselines in every task, and to function in a number of applications, including grammar acquisition and domain adaptation. This method performs consistently better than self-training, and improves upon the standard POS-backoff strategy employed by the baseline StatCCG parser by adding new entries to the lexicon. The first learning task establishes lexical convergence over a toy corpus, showing that CI’s ability to accurately model a target lexicon is more robust to initial conditions than either of the baseline methods. We then introduce a novel natural language corpus based on children’s educational materials, which is fully annotated with CCG derivations. We use this corpus as a testbed to establish that CI is capable in principle of recovering the whole range of category types necessary for a wide-coverage lexicon. The complexity of the learning task is then increased, using the CCGbank corpus, a version of the Penn Treebank, and showing that CI improves as its initial seed corpus is increased. The next experiment uses CCGbank as the seed and attempts to recover missing question-type categories in the TREC question answering corpus. The final task extends the coverage of the CCGbank-trained parser by running CI over the raw text of the Gigaword corpus. Where appropriate, a fine-grained error analysis is also undertaken to supplement the quantitative evaluation of the parser performance with deeper reasoning as to the linguistic points of the lexicon and parsing model

    Survey of the State of the Art in Natural Language Generation: Core tasks, applications and evaluation

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    This paper surveys the current state of the art in Natural Language Generation (NLG), defined as the task of generating text or speech from non-linguistic input. A survey of NLG is timely in view of the changes that the field has undergone over the past decade or so, especially in relation to new (usually data-driven) methods, as well as new applications of NLG technology. This survey therefore aims to (a) give an up-to-date synthesis of research on the core tasks in NLG and the architectures adopted in which such tasks are organised; (b) highlight a number of relatively recent research topics that have arisen partly as a result of growing synergies between NLG and other areas of artificial intelligence; (c) draw attention to the challenges in NLG evaluation, relating them to similar challenges faced in other areas of Natural Language Processing, with an emphasis on different evaluation methods and the relationships between them.Comment: Published in Journal of AI Research (JAIR), volume 61, pp 75-170. 118 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Formal Linguistic Models and Knowledge Processing. A Structuralist Approach to Rule-Based Ontology Learning and Population

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    2013 - 2014The main aim of this research is to propose a structuralist approach for knowledge processing by means of ontology learning and population, achieved starting from unstructured and structured texts. The method suggested includes distributional semantic approaches and NL formalization theories, in order to develop a framework, which relies upon deep linguistic analysis... [edited by author]XIII n.s

    The very model of a modern linguist — in honor of Helge Dyvik

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    Can humain association norm evaluate latent semantic analysis?

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    This paper presents the comparison of word association norm created by a psycholinguistic experiment to association lists generated by algorithms operating on text corpora. We compare lists generated by Church and Hanks algorithm and lists generated by LSA algorithm. An argument is presented on how those automatically generated lists reflect real semantic relations

    Opinion Expression Mining by Exploiting Keyphrase Extraction

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    Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar

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    Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG) is a constraint-based or declarative approach to linguistic knowledge, which analyses all descriptive levels (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics) with feature value pairs, structure sharing, and relational constraints. In syntax it assumes that expressions have a single relatively simple constituent structure. This volume provides a state-of-the-art introduction to the framework. Various chapters discuss basic assumptions and formal foundations, describe the evolution of the framework, and go into the details of the main syntactic phenomena. Further chapters are devoted to non-syntactic levels of description. The book also considers related fields and research areas (gesture, sign languages, computational linguistics) and includes chapters comparing HPSG with other frameworks (Lexical Functional Grammar, Categorial Grammar, Construction Grammar, Dependency Grammar, and Minimalism)