39,325 research outputs found

    Adaptive performance optimization for large-scale traffic control systems

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    In this paper, we study the problem of optimizing (fine-tuning) the design parameters of large-scale traffic control systems that are composed of distinct and mutually interacting modules. This problem usually requires a considerable amount of human effort and time to devote to the successful deployment and operation of traffic control systems due to the lack of an automated well-established systematic approach. We investigate the adaptive fine-tuning algorithm for determining the set of design parameters of two distinct mutually interacting modules of the traffic-responsive urban control (TUC) strategy, i.e., split and cycle, for the large-scale urban road network of the city of Chania, Greece. Simulation results are presented, demonstrating that the network performance in terms of the daily mean speed, which is attained by the proposed adaptive optimization methodology, is significantly better than the original TUC system in the case in which the aforementioned design parameters are manually fine-tuned to virtual perfection by the system operators

    Hodnotenie kvality povrchu vozovky v cestnom tuneli

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    The paper discusses a method for quantitative evaluation of the road surface based on processing of the cloud of 3D points. The points are measured by high-speed laser scanner mounted on the vehicle. Such approach allows to scan the road surface without the need to stop the traffic inside the tunnel. The obtained data are processed in offline mode. The processing algorithm evaluates the structure (texture) of the surface, which has the direct impact on the safety of the road transport.Článok sa zaoberá metódou kvalitatívneho hodnotenia povrchu vozovky, založenou na spracovaní mračna 3D bodov. Body sú získané meraním pomocou vysokorýchlostného laserového skenera namontovaného priamo na vozidle. Tento prístup umožňuje skenovanie povrchu vozovky bez nutnosti zastaviť premávku v tuneli. Získané dáta sú spracovávané off-line. Algoritmus spracovania dát hodnotí štruktúru (textúru) povrchu vozovky, ktorá má priamy dopad na bezpečnosť prevádzky na cestnej komunikácii