225 research outputs found

    Missing Teeth and Restoration Detection Using Dental Panoramic Radiography Based on Transfer Learning With CNNs

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    Common dental diseases include caries, periodontitis, missing teeth and restorations. Dentists still use manual methods to judge and label lesions which is very time-consuming and highly repetitive. This research proposal uses artificial intelligence combined with image judgment technology for an improved efficiency on the process. In terms of cropping technology in images, the proposed study uses histogram equalization combined with flat-field correction for pixel value assignment. The details of the bone structure improves the resolution of the high-noise coverage. Thus, using the polynomial function connects all the interstitial strands by the strips to form a smooth curve. The curve solves the problem where the original cropping technology could not recognize a single tooth in some images. The accuracy has been improved by around 4% through the proposed cropping technique. For the convolutional neural network (CNN) technology, the lesion area analysis model is trained to judge the restoration and missing teeth of the clinical panorama (PANO) to achieve the purpose of developing an automatic diagnosis as a precision medical technology. In the current 3 commonly used neural networks namely AlexNet, GoogLeNet, and SqueezeNet, the experimental results show that the accuracy of the proposed GoogLeNet model for restoration and SqueezeNet model for missing teeth reached 97.10% and 99.90%, respectively. This research has passed the Research Institution Review Board (IRB) with application number 202002030B0

    Automated Teeth Extraction and Dental Caries Detection in Panoramic X-ray

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    Dental caries is one of the most chronic diseases that involves the majority of people at least once during their lifetime. This expensive disease accounts for 5-10% of the healthcare budget in developing countries. Caries lesions appear as the result of dental biofi lm metabolic activity, caused by bacteria (most prominently Streptococcus mutans) feeding on uncleaned sugars and starches in oral cavity. Also known as tooth decay, they are primarily diagnosed by general dentists solely based on clinical assessments. Since in many cases dental problems cannot be detected with simple observations, dental x-ray imaging is introduced as a standard tool for domain experts, i.e. dentists and radiologists, to distinguish dental diseases, such as proximal caries. Among different dental radiography methods, Panoramic or Orthopantomogram (OPG) images are commonly performed as the initial step toward assessment. OPG images are captured with a small dose of radiation and can depict the entire patient dentition in a single image. Dental caries can sometimes be hard to identify by general dentists relying only on their visual inspection using dental radiography. Tooth decays can easily be misinterpreted as shadows due to various reasons, such as low image quality. Besides, OPG images have poor quality and structures are not presented with strong edges due to low contrast, uneven exposure, etc. Thus, disease detection is a very challenging task using Panoramic radiography. With the recent development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in dentistry, and with the introduction of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image classification, developing medical decision support systems is becoming a topic of interest in both academia and industry. Providing more accurate decision support systems using CNNs to assist dentists can enhance their diagnosis performance, resulting in providing improved dental care assistance for patients. In the following thesis, the first automated teeth extraction system for Panoramic images, using evolutionary algorithms, is proposed. In contrast to other intraoral radiography methods, Panoramic is captured with x-ray film outside the patient mouth. Therefore, Panoramic x-rays contain regions outside of the jaw, which make teeth segmentation extremely difficult. Considering that we solely need an image of each tooth separately to build a caries detection model, segmentation of teeth from the OPG image is essential. Due to the absence of significant pixel intensity difference between different regions in OPG radiography, teeth segmentation becomes very hard to implement. Consequently, an automated system is introduced to get an OPG as input and gives images of single teeth as the output. Since only a few research studies are utilizing similar task for Panoramic radiography, there is room for improvement. A genetic algorithm is applied along with different image processing methods to perform teeth extraction by jaw extraction, jaw separation, and teeth-gap valley detection, respectively. The proposed system is compared to the state-of-the-art in teeth extraction on other image types. After teeth are segmented from each image, a model based on various untrained and pretrained CNN-based architectures is proposed to detect dental caries for each tooth. Autoencoder-based model along with famous CNN architectures are used for feature extraction, followed by capsule networks to perform classification. The dataset of Panoramic x-rays is prepared by the authors, with help from an expert radiologist to provide labels. The proposed model has demonstrated an acceptable detection rate of 86.05%, and an increase in caries detection speed. Considering the challenges of performing such task on low quality OPG images, this work is a step towards developing a fully automated efficient caries detection model to assist domain experts

    Automated Teeth Extraction and Dental Caries Detection in Panoramic X-ray

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    Dental caries is one of the most chronic diseases that involves the majority of people at least once during their lifetime. This expensive disease accounts for 5-10% of the healthcare budget in developing countries. Caries lesions appear as the result of dental biofi lm metabolic activity, caused by bacteria (most prominently Streptococcus mutans) feeding on uncleaned sugars and starches in oral cavity. Also known as tooth decay, they are primarily diagnosed by general dentists solely based on clinical assessments. Since in many cases dental problems cannot be detected with simple observations, dental x-ray imaging is introduced as a standard tool for domain experts, i.e. dentists and radiologists, to distinguish dental diseases, such as proximal caries. Among different dental radiography methods, Panoramic or Orthopantomogram (OPG) images are commonly performed as the initial step toward assessment. OPG images are captured with a small dose of radiation and can depict the entire patient dentition in a single image. Dental caries can sometimes be hard to identify by general dentists relying only on their visual inspection using dental radiography. Tooth decays can easily be misinterpreted as shadows due to various reasons, such as low image quality. Besides, OPG images have poor quality and structures are not presented with strong edges due to low contrast, uneven exposure, etc. Thus, disease detection is a very challenging task using Panoramic radiography. With the recent development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in dentistry, and with the introduction of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for image classification, developing medical decision support systems is becoming a topic of interest in both academia and industry. Providing more accurate decision support systems using CNNs to assist dentists can enhance their diagnosis performance, resulting in providing improved dental care assistance for patients. In the following thesis, the first automated teeth extraction system for Panoramic images, using evolutionary algorithms, is proposed. In contrast to other intraoral radiography methods, Panoramic is captured with x-ray film outside the patient mouth. Therefore, Panoramic x-rays contain regions outside of the jaw, which make teeth segmentation extremely difficult. Considering that we solely need an image of each tooth separately to build a caries detection model, segmentation of teeth from the OPG image is essential. Due to the absence of significant pixel intensity difference between different regions in OPG radiography, teeth segmentation becomes very hard to implement. Consequently, an automated system is introduced to get an OPG as input and gives images of single teeth as the output. Since only a few research studies are utilizing similar task for Panoramic radiography, there is room for improvement. A genetic algorithm is applied along with different image processing methods to perform teeth extraction by jaw extraction, jaw separation, and teeth-gap valley detection, respectively. The proposed system is compared to the state-of-the-art in teeth extraction on other image types. After teeth are segmented from each image, a model based on various untrained and pretrained CNN-based architectures is proposed to detect dental caries for each tooth. Autoencoder-based model along with famous CNN architectures are used for feature extraction, followed by capsule networks to perform classification. The dataset of Panoramic x-rays is prepared by the authors, with help from an expert radiologist to provide labels. The proposed model has demonstrated an acceptable detection rate of 86.05%, and an increase in caries detection speed. Considering the challenges of performing such task on low quality OPG images, this work is a step towards developing a fully automated efficient caries detection model to assist domain experts

    Artificial Intelligence in Oral Health

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    This Special Issue is intended to lay the foundation of AI applications focusing on oral health, including general dentistry, periodontology, implantology, oral surgery, oral radiology, orthodontics, and prosthodontics, among others

    An Interpretable Computer-Aided Diagnosis Method for Periodontitis From Panoramic Radiographs

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    Periodontitis is a prevalent and irreversible chronic inflammatory disease both in developed and developing countries, and affects about 20–50% of the global population. The tool for automatically diagnosing periodontitis is highly demanded to screen at-risk people for periodontitis and its early detection could prevent the onset of tooth loss, especially in local communities and health care settings with limited dental professionals. In the medical field, doctors need to understand and trust the decisions made by computational models and developing interpretable models is crucial for disease diagnosis. Based on these considerations, we propose an interpretable method called Deetal-Perio to predict the severity degree of periodontitis in dental panoramic radiographs. In our method, alveolar bone loss (ABL), the clinical hallmark for periodontitis diagnosis, could be interpreted as the key feature. To calculate ABL, we also propose a method for teeth numbering and segmentation. First, Deetal-Perio segments and indexes the individual tooth via Mask R-CNN combined with a novel calibration method. Next, Deetal-Perio segments the contour of the alveolar bone and calculates a ratio for individual tooth to represent ABL. Finally, Deetal-Perio predicts the severity degree of periodontitis given the ratios of all the teeth. The Macro F1-score and accuracy of the periodontitis prediction task in our method reach 0.894 and 0.896, respectively, on Suzhou data set, and 0.820 and 0.824, respectively on Zhongshan data set. The entire architecture could not only outperform state-of-the-art methods and show robustness on two data sets in both periodontitis prediction, and teeth numbering and segmentation tasks, but also be interpretable for doctors to understand the reason why Deetal-Perio works so well

    Odontology & artificial intelligence

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    Neste trabalho avaliam-se os três fatores que fizeram da inteligência artificial uma tecnologia essencial hoje em dia, nomeadamente para a odontologia: o desempenho do computador, Big Data e avanços algorítmicos. Esta revisão da literatura avaliou todos os artigos publicados na PubMed até Abril de 2019 sobre inteligência artificial e odontologia. Ajudado com inteligência artificial, este artigo analisou 1511 artigos. Uma árvore de decisão (If/Then) foi executada para selecionar os artigos mais relevantes (217), e um algoritmo de cluster k-means para resumir e identificar oportunidades de inovação. O autor discute os artigos mais interessantes revistos e compara o que foi feito em inovação durante o International Dentistry Show, 2019 em Colónia. Concluiu, assim, de forma crítica que há uma lacuna entre tecnologia e aplicação clínica desta, sendo que a inteligência artificial fornecida pela indústria de hoje pode ser considerada um atraso para o clínico de amanhã, indicando-se um possível rumo para a aplicação clínica da inteligência artificial.There are three factors that have made artificial intelligence (AI) an essential technology today: the computer performance, Big Data and algorithmic advances. This study reviews the literature on AI and Odontology based on articles retrieved from PubMed. With the help of AI, this article analyses a large number of articles (a total of 1511). A decision tree (If/Then) was run to select the 217 most relevant articles-. Ak-means cluster algorithm was then used to summarize and identify innovation opportunities. The author discusses the most interesting articles on AI research and compares them to the innovation presented during the International Dentistry Show 2019 in Cologne. Three technologies available now are evaluated and three suggested options are been developed. The author concludes that AI provided by the industry today is a hold-up for the praticioner of tomorrow. The author gives his opinion on how to use AI for the profit of patients

    Detection of Dental Apical Lesions Using CNNs on Periapical Radiograph

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    Apical lesions, the general term for chronic infectious diseases, are very common dental diseases in modern life, and are caused by various factors. The current prevailing endodontic treatment makes use of X-ray photography taken from patients where the lesion area is marked manually, which is therefore time consuming. Additionally, for some images the significant details might not be recognizable due to the different shooting angles or doses. To make the diagnosis process shorter and efficient, repetitive tasks should be performed automatically to allow the dentists to focus more on the technical and medical diagnosis, such as treatment, tooth cleaning, or medical communication. To realize the automatic diagnosis, this article proposes and establishes a lesion area analysis model based on convolutional neural networks (CNN). For establishing a standardized database for clinical application, the Institutional Review Board (IRB) with application number 202002030B0 has been approved with the database established by dentists who provided the practical clinical data. In this study, the image data is preprocessed by a Gaussian high-pass filter. Then, an iterative thresholding is applied to slice the X-ray image into several individual tooth sample images. The collection of individual tooth images that comprises the image database are used as input into the CNN migration learning model for training. Seventy percent (70%) of the image database is used for training and validating the model while the remaining 30% is used for testing and estimating the accuracy of the model. The practical diagnosis accuracy of the proposed CNN model is 92.5%. The proposed model successfully facilitated the automatic diagnosis of the apical lesion

    Dental Biometrics: Human Identification Using Dental Radiograph

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    Biometric is the science and innovation of measuring and analyzing biological information.In information technology, biometric refers to advancements that measures and analyzes human body attributes,for example,DNA, eye retinas, fingerprints and irises,face pattern,voice patterns,and hand geometry estimations,for identification purposes.The primary motivation behind scientific dentistry is to distinguish expired people,for whom different method for recognizable proof(e.g.,unique finger impression,face,and so on.)are not accessible.Dental elements survives most of the PM events which may disrupt or change other body tissues,e.g. casualties of motor vehicles mishaps,fierce violations,and work place accident,whose bodies could be deformed to such a degree,that identification even by a family member is neither desirable nor reliable.Dental Biometric utilises dental radiographs to distinguish casualties.The radiographs procured after the casualty's demise are called post-mortem radiograph and the radiograph obtained when the casualty was alive is called ante-mortem radiograph.The objective of dental biometric is to match the unidentified individual's post-mortem radiograph against a database of labelled antemortem radiograph.This thesis proposes a novel method for the contour extraction from dental radiographs.The proposed algorithm of Active Contour Model or the Snake model is used for this purpose. A correctly detected contour is essential for proper feature extraction.This thesis only works on the contour detection.The method has been tested on some radiographs images and is found to produce desired output.However,the input radiograph image may be of low quality,may suffer a clear separation between two adjacent teeth.In that case the method will not be able to produce a satisfactory result.There is a need of pre-processing(e.g. contrast enhancement) before the active contour detection model can be applie