8 research outputs found

    Farmers' Perspectives of the Benefits and Risks in Precision Livestock Farming in the EU Pig and Poultry Sectors

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    Simple Summary Smart farming is a concept of agricultural innovation that combines technological, social, economic and institutional changes. It employs novel practices of technologies and farm management at various levels (specifically with a focus on the system perspective) and scales of agricultural production, helping the industry meet the challenges stemming from immense food production demands, environmental impact mitigation and reductions in the workforce. Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) systems will help the industry meet consumer expectations for more environmentally and welfare-friendly production. However, the overwhelming majority of these new technologies originate from outside the farm sector. The adoption of new technologies is affected by the development, dissemination and application of new methodologies, technologies and regulations at the farm level, as well as quantified business models. Subsequently, the utilization of PLF in the pig and especially the poultry sectors should be advocated (the latter due to the foreseen increase in meat production). Therefore, more significant research efforts than those that currently exist are mainly required in the poultry industry. The investigation of farmers' attitudes and concerns about the acceptance of technological solutions in the livestock sector should be integrally incorporated into any technological development.Abstract More efficient livestock production systems are necessary, considering that only 41% of global meat demand will be met by 2050. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic crisis has clearly illustrated the necessity of building sustainable and stable agri-food systems. Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) offers the continuous capacity of agriculture to contribute to overall human and animal welfare by providing sufficient goods and services through the application of technical innovations like digitalization. However, adopting new technologies is a challenging issue for farmers, extension services, agri-business and policymakers. We present a review of operational concepts and technological solutions in the pig and poultry sectors, as reflected in 41 and 16 European projects from the last decade, respectively. The European trend of increasing broiler-meat production, which is soon to outpace pork, stresses the need for more outstanding research efforts in the poultry industry. We further present a review of farmers' attitudes and obstacles to the acceptance of technological solutions in the pig and poultry sectors using examples and lessons learned from recent European projects. Despite the low resonance at the research level, the investigation of farmers' attitudes and concerns regarding the acceptance of technological solutions in the livestock sector should be incorporated into any technological development

    Ganader铆a de precisi贸n, una revisi贸n a los avances dentro de la avicultura enfocados a la crianza de pollos de engorde.

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    Poultry production is one of the industries with the best development within the Panamanian agricultural system, however, for the next few years a growth in food demand caused by population growth is expected. This has led to solutions such as encouraging the emergence of a greater number of producers and boosting intensive animal production. Faced with this problem, a new field of research has emerged called Precision Livestock Farming (PLF), which is defined as the ability to monitor and track in real time the welfare, production, reproduction, environmental impact and health of livestock, using new technologies in artificial intelligence, automation, internet of things and information systems. This article aims to be a review on the fundamentals of precision livestock farming in broiler breeding, gathering current works and their work trends, from bibliographic research bases, with a view to the adoption of this field in future projects within Panama. As a result of this review, it was found that European countries such as Belgium, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Italy have the largest number of researchers and works related to this branch, being projects based on sensors, machine learning, artificial vision and sound analysis the current research trends, it was also found that ethical dilemmas related to animal care and welfare are still being discussed within this field.La producci贸n av铆cola es una de las industrias con mejor desarrollo dentro del sistema agropecuario paname帽o, sin embargo, para los pr贸ximos a帽os se espera un crecimiento en la demanda de alimentos causado por el crecimiento de la poblaci贸n. Esto ha planteado soluciones como fomentar la aparici贸n de un mayor n煤mero de productores y potenciar la producci贸n animal intensiva, ante esta problem谩tica ha surgido un nuevo campo de investigaci贸n denominado Ganader铆a de precisi贸n (PLF), este es definido como la capacidad de monitorizar y de dar seguimiento en tiempo real al bienestar, producci贸n, reproducci贸n, impacto ambiental y salud del ganado, empleando nuevas tecnolog铆as en Inteligencia artificial, automatizaci贸n, internet de las cosas y sistemas de informaci贸n. Este art铆culo tiene por objetivo ser una revisi贸n sobre los fundamentos de la ganader铆a de precisi贸n en la crianza de pollos de engorde, reuniendo trabajos de actualidad y sus tendencias de trabajo, desde bases de investigaci贸n bibliogr谩ficas, con miras a la adopci贸n de este campo en los proyectos futuros dentro de Panam谩. Como resultado de esta revisi贸n se encontr贸 que los pa铆ses europeos como B茅lgica, Pa铆ses Bajos, Reino Unido e Italia tienen la mayor cantidad de investigadores y trabajos relacionados con esta rama, siendo proyectos basados en sensores, machine learning, visi贸n artificial y an谩lisis del sonido las actuales tendencias de investigaci贸n, tambi茅n se encontr贸 que a煤n se discuten dilemas 茅ticos relacionados con el cuidado y bienestar animal dentro de este campo