9,919 research outputs found

    Attentive Tensor Product Learning

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    This paper proposes a new architecture - Attentive Tensor Product Learning (ATPL) - to represent grammatical structures in deep learning models. ATPL is a new architecture to bridge this gap by exploiting Tensor Product Representations (TPR), a structured neural-symbolic model developed in cognitive science, aiming to integrate deep learning with explicit language structures and rules. The key ideas of ATPL are: 1) unsupervised learning of role-unbinding vectors of words via TPR-based deep neural network; 2) employing attention modules to compute TPR; and 3) integration of TPR with typical deep learning architectures including Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Feedforward Neural Network (FFNN). The novelty of our approach lies in its ability to extract the grammatical structure of a sentence by using role-unbinding vectors, which are obtained in an unsupervised manner. This ATPL approach is applied to 1) image captioning, 2) part of speech (POS) tagging, and 3) constituency parsing of a sentence. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Dialogue Act Recognition via CRF-Attentive Structured Network

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    Dialogue Act Recognition (DAR) is a challenging problem in dialogue interpretation, which aims to attach semantic labels to utterances and characterize the speaker's intention. Currently, many existing approaches formulate the DAR problem ranging from multi-classification to structured prediction, which suffer from handcrafted feature extensions and attentive contextual structural dependencies. In this paper, we consider the problem of DAR from the viewpoint of extending richer Conditional Random Field (CRF) structural dependencies without abandoning end-to-end training. We incorporate hierarchical semantic inference with memory mechanism on the utterance modeling. We then extend structured attention network to the linear-chain conditional random field layer which takes into account both contextual utterances and corresponding dialogue acts. The extensive experiments on two major benchmark datasets Switchboard Dialogue Act (SWDA) and Meeting Recorder Dialogue Act (MRDA) datasets show that our method achieves better performance than other state-of-the-art solutions to the problem. It is a remarkable fact that our method is nearly close to the human annotator's performance on SWDA within 2% gap.Comment: 10 pages, 4figure

    Learning to Hash-tag Videos with Tag2Vec

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    User-given tags or labels are valuable resources for semantic understanding of visual media such as images and videos. Recently, a new type of labeling mechanism known as hash-tags have become increasingly popular on social media sites. In this paper, we study the problem of generating relevant and useful hash-tags for short video clips. Traditional data-driven approaches for tag enrichment and recommendation use direct visual similarity for label transfer and propagation. We attempt to learn a direct low-cost mapping from video to hash-tags using a two step training process. We first employ a natural language processing (NLP) technique, skip-gram models with neural network training to learn a low-dimensional vector representation of hash-tags (Tag2Vec) using a corpus of 10 million hash-tags. We then train an embedding function to map video features to the low-dimensional Tag2vec space. We learn this embedding for 29 categories of short video clips with hash-tags. A query video without any tag-information can then be directly mapped to the vector space of tags using the learned embedding and relevant tags can be found by performing a simple nearest-neighbor retrieval in the Tag2Vec space. We validate the relevance of the tags suggested by our system qualitatively and quantitatively with a user study

    Revisiting the problem of audio-based hit song prediction using convolutional neural networks

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    Being able to predict whether a song can be a hit has impor- tant applications in the music industry. Although it is true that the popularity of a song can be greatly affected by exter- nal factors such as social and commercial influences, to which degree audio features computed from musical signals (whom we regard as internal factors) can predict song popularity is an interesting research question on its own. Motivated by the recent success of deep learning techniques, we attempt to ex- tend previous work on hit song prediction by jointly learning the audio features and prediction models using deep learning. Specifically, we experiment with a convolutional neural net- work model that takes the primitive mel-spectrogram as the input for feature learning, a more advanced JYnet model that uses an external song dataset for supervised pre-training and auto-tagging, and the combination of these two models. We also consider the inception model to characterize audio infor- mation in different scales. Our experiments suggest that deep structures are indeed more accurate than shallow structures in predicting the popularity of either Chinese or Western Pop songs in Taiwan. We also use the tags predicted by JYnet to gain insights into the result of different models.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP

    Joint Learning of Correlated Sequence Labelling Tasks Using Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks

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    The stream of words produced by Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems is typically devoid of punctuations and formatting. Most natural language processing applications expect segmented and well-formatted texts as input, which is not available in ASR output. This paper proposes a novel technique of jointly modeling multiple correlated tasks such as punctuation and capitalization using bidirectional recurrent neural networks, which leads to improved performance for each of these tasks. This method could be extended for joint modeling of any other correlated sequence labeling tasks.Comment: Accepted in Interspeech 201
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