2,033 research outputs found

    Digitally interpreting traditional folk crafts

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    The cultural heritage preservation requires that objects persist throughout time to continue to communicate an intended meaning. The necessity of computer-based preservation and interpretation of traditional folk crafts is validated by the decreasing number of masters, fading technologies, and crafts losing economic ground. We present a long-term applied research project on the development of a mathematical basis, software tools, and technology for application of desktop or personal fabrication using compact, cheap, and environmentally friendly fabrication devices, including '3D printers', in traditional crafts. We illustrate the properties of this new modeling and fabrication system using several case studies involving the digital capture of traditional objects and craft patterns, which we also reuse in modern designs. The test application areas for the development are traditional crafts from different cultural backgrounds, namely Japanese lacquer ware and Norwegian carvings. Our project includes modeling existing artifacts, Web presentations of the models, automation of the models fabrication, and the experimental manufacturing of new designs and forms

    A Model-based transformation process to validate and implement high-integrity systems

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    Despite numerous advances, building High-Integrity Embedded systems remains a complex task. They come with strong requirements to ensure safety, schedulability or security properties; one needs to combine multiple analysis to validate each of them. Model-Based Engineering is an accepted solution to address such complexity: analytical models are derived from an abstraction of the system to be built. Yet, ensuring that all abstractions are semantically consistent, remains an issue, e.g. when performing model checking for assessing safety, and then for schedulability using timed automata, and then when generating code. Complexity stems from the high-level view of the model compared to the low-level mechanisms used. In this paper, we present our approach based on AADL and its behavioral annex to refine iteratively an architecture description. Both application and runtime components are transformed into basic AADL constructs which have a strict counterpart in classical programming languages or patterns for verification. We detail the benefits of this process to enhance analysis and code generation. This work has been integrated to the AADL-tool support OSATE2

    A heuristic-based approach to code-smell detection

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    Encapsulation and data hiding are central tenets of the object oriented paradigm. Deciding what data and behaviour to form into a class and where to draw the line between its public and private details can make the difference between a class that is an understandable, flexible and reusable abstraction and one which is not. This decision is a difficult one and may easily result in poor encapsulation which can then have serious implications for a number of system qualities. It is often hard to identify such encapsulation problems within large software systems until they cause a maintenance problem (which is usually too late) and attempting to perform such analysis manually can also be tedious and error prone. Two of the common encapsulation problems that can arise as a consequence of this decomposition process are data classes and god classes. Typically, these two problems occur together – data classes are lacking in functionality that has typically been sucked into an over-complicated and domineering god class. This paper describes the architecture of a tool which automatically detects data and god classes that has been developed as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. The technique has been evaluated in a controlled study on two large open source systems which compare the tool results to similar work by Marinescu, who employs a metrics-based approach to detecting such features. The study provides some valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the two approache

    Integration of embedded software with corporate information systems

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    This paper describes a methodology and corresponding tools to support the development of information systems, by integrating and interconnecting a network of embedded devices, that supervise processes in industrial environments, with the corporate information system of an organization. We discuss in detail how the LabVIEW environment was customized, so that it effectively supports a component based and data flow approach in the development of the gateway responsible for the integration

    Software framework for geophysical data processing, visualization and code development

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    IGeoS is an integrated open-source software framework for geophysical data processing under development at the UofS seismology group. Unlike other systems, this processing monitor supports structured multicomponent seismic data streams, multidimensional data traces, and employs a unique backpropagation execution logic. This results in an unusual flexibility of processing, allowing the system to handle nearly any geophysical data. In this project, a modern and feature-rich Graphical User Interface (GUI) was developed for the system, allowing editing and submission of processing flows and interaction with running jobs. Multiple jobs can be executed in a distributed multi-processor networks and controlled from the same GUI. Jobs, in their turn, can also be parallelized to take advantage of parallel processing environments such as local area networks and Beowulf clusters. A 3D/2D interactive display server was created and integrated with the IGeoS geophysical data processing framework. With introduction of this major component, the IGeoS system becomes conceptually complete and potentially bridges the gap between the traditional processing and interpretation software. Finally, in a specialized application, network acquisition and relay components were written allowing IGeoS to be used for real-time applications. The completion of this functionality makes the processing and display capabilities of IGeoS available to multiple streams of seismic data from potentially remote sites. Seismic data can be acquired, transferred to the central server, processed, archived, and events picked and placed in database completely automatically

    Distributed Planning for Self-Organizing Production Systems

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    FĂŒr automatisierte Produktionsanlagen gibt es einen fundamentalen Tradeoff zwischen Effizienz und FlexibilitĂ€t. In den meisten FĂ€llen sind die AblĂ€ufe nicht nur durch den physischen Aufbau der Produktionsanlage, sondern auch durch die spezielle zugeschnittene Programmierung der Anlagensteuerung fest vorgegeben. Änderungen mĂŒssen aufwĂ€ndig in einer Vielzahl von Systemen nachgezogen werden. Das macht die Herstellung kleiner StĂŒckzahlen unrentabel. In dieser Dissertation wird ein Ansatz entwickelt, um eine automatische Anpassung des Verhaltens von Produktionsanlagen an wechselnde AuftrĂ€ge und Rahmenbedingungen zu erreichen. Dabei kommt das Prinzip der Selbstorganisation durch verteilte Planung zum Einsatz. Die aufeinander aufbauenden Ergebnisse der Dissertation sind wie folgt: 1. Es wird ein Modell von Produktionsanlagen entwickelt, dass nahtlos von der detaillierten Betrachtung physikalischer Produktionsprozesse bis hin zu Lieferbeziehungen zwischen Unternehmen skaliert. Im Vergleich zu existierenden Modellen von Produktionsanlagen werden weniger limitierende Annahmen gestellt. In diesem Sinne ist der Modellierungsansatz ein Kandidat fĂŒr eine hĂ€ufig geforderte "Theorie der Produktion". 2. FĂŒr die so modellierten Szenarien wird ein Algorithmus zur Optimierung der nebenlĂ€ufigen AblĂ€ufe entwickelt. Der Algorithmus verbindet Techniken fĂŒr die kombinatorische und die kontinuierliche Optimierung: Je nach Detailgrad und Ausgestaltung des modellierten Szenarios kann der identische Algorithmus kombinatorische Fertigungsfeinplanung (Scheduling) vornehmen, weltweite Lieferbeziehungen unter Einbezug von Unsicherheiten und Risiko optimieren und physikalische Prozesse prĂ€diktiv regeln. DafĂŒr werden Techniken der Monte-Carlo Baumsuche (die auch bei Deepminds Alpha Go zum Einsatz kommen) weiterentwickelt. Durch Ausnutzung zusĂ€tzlicher Struktur in den Modellen skaliert der Ansatz auch auf große Szenarien. 3. Der Planungsalgorithmus wird auf die verteilte Optimierung durch unabhĂ€ngige Agenten ĂŒbertragen. DafĂŒr wird die sogenannte "Nutzen-Propagation" als Koordinations-Mechanismus entwickelt. Diese ist von der Belief-Propagation zur Inferenz in Probabilistischen Graphischen Modellen inspiriert. Jeder teilnehmende Agent hat einen lokalen Handlungsraum, in dem er den Systemzustand beobachten und handelnd eingreifen kann. Die Agenten sind an der Maximierung der Gesamtwohlfahrt ĂŒber alle Agenten hinweg interessiert. Die dafĂŒr notwendige Kooperation entsteht ĂŒber den Austausch von Nachrichten zwischen benachbarten Agenten. Die Nachrichten beschreiben den erwarteten Nutzen fĂŒr ein angenommenes Verhalten im Handlungsraum beider Agenten. 4. Es wird eine Beschreibung der wiederverwendbaren FĂ€higkeiten von Maschinen und Anlagen auf Basis formaler Beschreibungslogiken entwickelt. Ausgehend von den beschriebenen FĂ€higkeiten, sowie der vorliegenden AuftrĂ€ge mit ihren notwendigen Produktionsschritten, werden ausfĂŒhrbare Aktionen abgeleitet. Die ausfĂŒhrbaren Aktionen, mit wohldefinierten Vorbedingungen und Effekten, kapseln benötigte Parametrierungen, programmierte AblĂ€ufe und die Synchronisation von Maschinen zur Laufzeit. Die Ergebnisse zusammenfassend werden Grundlagen fĂŒr flexible automatisierte Produktionssysteme geschaffen -- in einer Werkshalle, aber auch ĂŒber Standorte und Organisationen verteilt -- welche die ihnen innewohnenden Freiheitsgrade durch Planung zur Laufzeit und agentenbasierte Koordination gezielt einsetzen können. Der Bezug zur Praxis wird durch Anwendungsbeispiele hergestellt. Die Machbarkeit des Ansatzes wurde mit realen Maschinen im Rahmen des EU-Projekts SkillPro und in einer Simulationsumgebung mit weiteren Szenarien demonstriert

    Shoe Last Customization: A Systematic Review

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    In recent years, there is an increase in research into shoe last customization and topic analysis methods. The work aims to systematically review the literature on the customization of shoe lasts. The method used in this work is to perform a five-phase systematic review algorithm. Data on the research performed are extracted and synthesized from each study: main research objectives, authors, date of publication, journal, or conference in which the article was published, and the quality of each article. The studies included in the review are published between 2018 and 2022. The results of the review are nineteen papers about the process of customization of the shoe last. The conclusions of the analysis indicate that the quality of research has not changed over time, in 2020 there was a decrease in work. Most often, researchers analyze the impact of anthropometric factors on the correct shoe last modeling and methods of shoe last parameterization
