769 research outputs found

    BranchClust: a phylogenetic algorithm for selecting gene families

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    BACKGROUND: Automated methods for assembling families of orthologous genes include those based on sequence similarity scores and those based on phylogenetic approaches. The first are easy to automate but usually they do not distinguish between paralogs and orthologs or have restriction on the number of taxa. Phylogenetic methods often are based on reconciliation of a gene tree with a known rooted species tree; a limitation of this approach, especially in case of prokaryotes, is that the species tree is often unknown, and that from the analyses of single gene families the branching order between related organisms frequently is unresolved. RESULTS: Here we describe an algorithm for the automated selection of orthologous genes that recognizes orthologous genes from different species in a phylogenetic tree for any number of taxa. The algorithm is capable of distinguishing complete (containing all taxa) and incomplete (not containing all taxa) families and recognizes in- and outparalogs. The BranchClust algorithm is implemented in Perl with the use of the BioPerl module for parsing trees and is freely available at . CONCLUSION: BranchClust outperforms the Reciprocal Best Blast hit method in selecting more sets of putatively orthologous genes. In the test cases examined, the correctness of the selected families and of the identified in- and outparalogs was confirmed by inspection of the pertinent phylogenetic trees

    Proteinortho: Detection of (Co-)orthologs in large-scale analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Orthology analysis is an important part of data analysis in many areas of bioinformatics such as comparative genomics and molecular phylogenetics. The ever-increasing flood of sequence data, and hence the rapidly increasing number of genomes that can be compared simultaneously, calls for efficient software tools as brute-force approaches with quadratic memory requirements become infeasible in practise. The rapid pace at which new data become available, furthermore, makes it desirable to compute genome-wide orthology relations for a given dataset rather than relying on relations listed in databases.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The program <monospace>Proteinortho</monospace> described here is a stand-alone tool that is geared towards large datasets and makes use of distributed computing techniques when run on multi-core hardware. It implements an extended version of the reciprocal best alignment heuristic. We apply <monospace>Proteinortho</monospace> to compute orthologous proteins in the complete set of all 717 eubacterial genomes available at NCBI at the beginning of 2009. We identified thirty proteins present in 99% of all bacterial proteomes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p><monospace>Proteinortho</monospace> significantly reduces the required amount of memory for orthology analysis compared to existing tools, allowing such computations to be performed on off-the-shelf hardware.</p

    Assessing Performance of Orthology Detection Strategies Applied to Eukaryotic Genomes

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    Orthology detection is critically important for accurate functional annotation, and has been widely used to facilitate studies on comparative and evolutionary genomics. Although various methods are now available, there has been no comprehensive analysis of performance, due to the lack of a genomic-scale ‘gold standard’ orthology dataset. Even in the absence of such datasets, the comparison of results from alternative methodologies contains useful information, as agreement enhances confidence and disagreement indicates possible errors. Latent Class Analysis (LCA) is a statistical technique that can exploit this information to reasonably infer sensitivities and specificities, and is applied here to evaluate the performance of various orthology detection methods on a eukaryotic dataset. Overall, we observe a trade-off between sensitivity and specificity in orthology detection, with BLAST-based methods characterized by high sensitivity, and tree-based methods by high specificity. Two algorithms exhibit the best overall balance, with both sensitivity and specificity>80%: INPARANOID identifies orthologs across two species while OrthoMCL clusters orthologs from multiple species. Among methods that permit clustering of ortholog groups spanning multiple genomes, the (automated) OrthoMCL algorithm exhibits better within-group consistency with respect to protein function and domain architecture than the (manually curated) KOG database, and the homolog clustering algorithm TribeMCL as well. By way of using LCA, we are also able to comprehensively assess similarities and statistical dependence between various strategies, and evaluate the effects of parameter settings on performance. In summary, we present a comprehensive evaluation of orthology detection on a divergent set of eukaryotic genomes, thus providing insights and guides for method selection, tuning and development for different applications. Many biological questions have been addressed by multiple tests yielding binary (yes/no) outcomes but no clear definition of truth, making LCA an attractive approach for computational biology

    Graph-based methods for large-scale protein classification and orthology inference

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    The quest for understanding how proteins evolve and function has been a prominent and costly human endeavor. With advances in genomics and use of bioinformatics tools, the diversity of proteins in present day genomes can now be studied more efficiently than ever before. This thesis describes computational methods suitable for large-scale protein classification of many proteomes of diverse species. Specifically, we focus on methods that combine unsupervised learning (clustering) techniques with the knowledge of molecular phylogenetics, particularly that of orthology. In chapter 1 we introduce the biological context of protein structure, function and evolution, review the state-of-the-art sequence-based protein classification methods, and then describe methods used to validate the predictions. Finally, we present the outline and objectives of this thesis. Evolutionary (phylogenetic) concepts are instrumental in studying subjects as diverse as the diversity of genomes, cellular networks, protein structures and functions, and functional genome annotation. In particular, the detection of orthologous proteins (genes) across genomes provides reliable means to infer biological functions and processes from one organism to another. Chapter 2 evaluates the available computational tools, such as algorithms and databases, used to infer orthologous relationships between genes from fully sequenced genomes. We discuss the main caveats of large-scale orthology detection in general as well as the merits and pitfalls of each method in particular. We argue that establishing true orthologous relationships requires a phylogenetic approach which combines both trees and graphs (networks), reliable species phylogeny, genomic data for more than two species, and an insight into the processes of molecular evolution. Also proposed is a set of guidelines to aid researchers in selecting the correct tool. Moreover, this review motivates further research in developing reliable and scalable methods for functional and phylogenetic classification of large protein collections. Chapter 3 proposes a framework in which various protein knowledge-bases are combined into unique network of mappings (links), and hence allows comparisons to be made between expert curated and fully-automated protein classifications from a single entry point. We developed an integrated annotation resource for protein orthology, ProGMap (Protein Group Mappings, http://www.bioinformatics.nl/progmap), to help researchers and database annotators who often need to assess the coherence of proposed annotations and/or group assignments, as well as users of high throughput methodologies (e.g., microarrays or proteomics) who deal with partially annotated genomic data. ProGMap is based on a non-redundant dataset of over 6.6 million protein sequences which is mapped to 240,000 protein group descriptions collected from UniProt, RefSeq, Ensembl, COG, KOG, OrthoMCL-DB, HomoloGene, TRIBES and PIRSF using a fast and fully automated sequence-based mapping approach. The ProGMap database is equipped with a web interface that enables queries to be made using synonymous sequence identifiers, gene symbols, protein functions, and amino acid or nucleotide sequences. It incorporates also services, namely BLAST similarity search and QuickMatch identity search, for finding sequences similar (or identical) to a query sequence, and tools for presenting the results in graphic form. Graphs (networks) have gained an increasing attention in contemporary biology because they have enabled complex biological systems and processes to be modeled and better understood. For example, protein similarity networks constructed of all-versus-all sequence comparisons are frequently used to delineate similarity groups, such as protein families or orthologous groups in comparative genomics studies. Chapter 4.1 presents a benchmark study of freely available graph software used for this purpose. Specifically, the computational complexity of the programs is investigated using both simulated and biological networks. We show that most available software is not suitable for large networks, such as those encountered in large-scale proteome analyzes, because of the high demands on computational resources. To address this, we developed a fast and memory-efficient graph software, netclust (http://www.bioinformatics.nl/netclust/), which can scale to large protein networks, such as those constructed of millions of proteins and sequence similarities, on a standard computer. An extended version of this program called Multi-netclust is presented in chapter 4.2. This tool that can find connected clusters of data presented by different network data sets. It uses user-defined threshold values to combine the data sets in such a way that clusters connected in all or in either of the networks can be retrieved efficiently. Automated protein sequence clustering is an important task in genome annotation projects and phylogenomic studies. During the past years, several protein clustering programs have been developed for delineating protein families or orthologous groups from large sequence collections. However, most of these programs have not been benchmarked systematically, in particular with respect to the trade-off between computational complexity and biological soundness. In chapter 5 we evaluate three best known algorithms on different protein similarity networks and validation (or 'gold' standard) data sets to find out which one can scale to hundreds of proteomes and still delineate high quality similarity groups at the minimum computational cost. For this, a reliable partition-based approach was used to assess the biological soundness of predicted groups using known protein functions, manually curated protein/domain families and orthologous groups available in expert-curated databases. Our benchmark results support the view that a simple and computationally cheap method such as netclust can perform similar to and in cases even better than more sophisticated, yet much more costly methods. Moreover, we introduce an efficient graph-based method that can delineate protein orthologs of hundreds of proteomes into hierarchical similarity groups de novo. The validity of this method is demonstrated on data obtained from 347 prokaryotic proteomes. The resulting hierarchical protein classification is not only in agreement with manually curated classifications but also provides an enriched framework in which the functional and evolutionary relationships between proteins can be studied at various levels of specificity. Finally, in chapter 6 we summarize the main findings and discuss the merits and shortcomings of the methods developed herein. We also propose directions for future research. The ever increasing flood of new sequence data makes it clear that we need improved tools to be able to handle and extract relevant (orthological) information from these protein data. This thesis summarizes these needs and how they can be addressed by the available tools, or be improved by the new tools that were developed in the course of this research. <br/

    Primary orthologs from local sequence context

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    BackgroundThe evolutionary history of genes serves as a cornerstone of contemporary biology. Most conserved sequences in mammalian genomes don\u27t code for proteins, yielding a need to infer evolutionary history of sequences irrespective of what kind of functional element they may encode. Thus, sequence-, as opposed to gene-, centric modes of inferring paths of sequence evolution are increasingly relevant. Customarily, homologous sequences derived from the same direct ancestor, whose ancestral position in two genomes is usually conserved, are termed "primary" (or "positional") orthologs. Methods based solely on similarity don\u27t reliably distinguish primary orthologs from other homologs; for this, genomic context is often essential. Context-dependent identification of orthologs traditionally relies on genomic context over length scales characteristic of conserved gene order or whole-genome sequence alignment, and can be computationally intensive. ResultsWe demonstrate that short-range sequence context-as short as a single "maximal" match- distinguishes primary orthologs from other homologs across whole genomes. On mammalian whole genomes not preprocessed by repeat-masker, potential orthologs are extracted by genome intersection as "non-nested maximal matches:" maximal matches that are not nested into other maximal matches. It emerges that on both nucleotide and gene scales, non-nested maximal matches recapitulate primary or positional orthologs with high precision and high recall, while the corresponding computation consumes less than one thirtieth of the computation time required by commonly applied whole-genome alignment methods. In regions of genomes that would be masked by repeat-masker, non-nested maximal matches recover orthologs that are inaccessible to Lastz net alignment, for which repeat-masking is a prerequisite. mmRBHs, reciprocal best hits of genes containing non-nested maximal matches, yield novel putative orthologs, e.g. around 1000 pairs of genes for human-chimpanzee. ConclusionsWe describe an intersection-based method that requires neither repeat-masking nor alignment to infer evolutionary history of sequences based on short-range genomic sequence context. Ortholog identification based on non-nested maximal matches is parameter-free, and less computationally intensive than many alignment-based methods. It is especially suitable for genome-wide identification of orthologs, and may be applicable to unassembled genomes. We are agnostic as to the reasons for its effectiveness, which may reflect local variation of mean mutation rate

    Evaluating Ortholog Prediction Algorithms in a Yeast Model Clade

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    RSD, respectively, so that they can predict orthologs across multiple taxa) against a set of 2,723 groups of high-quality curated orthologs from 6 Saccharomycete yeasts in the Yeast Gene Order Browser. of all algorithms dramatically increased in these traps.) for evolutionary and functional genomics studies where the objective is the accurate inference of single-copy orthologs (e.g., molecular phylogenetics), but that all algorithms fail to accurately predict orthologs when paralogy is rampant

    Functional Equivalency Inferred from “Authoritative Sources” in Networks of Homologous Proteins

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    A one-on-one mapping of protein functionality across different species is a critical component of comparative analysis. This paper presents a heuristic algorithm for discovering the Most Likely Functional Counterparts (MoLFunCs) of a protein, based on simple concepts from network theory. A key feature of our algorithm is utilization of the user's knowledge to assign high confidence to selected functional identification. We show use of the algorithm to retrieve functional equivalents for 7 membrane proteins, from an exploration of almost 40 genomes form multiple online resources. We verify the functional equivalency of our dataset through a series of tests that include sequence, structure and function comparisons. Comparison is made to the OMA methodology, which also identifies one-on-one mapping between proteins from different species. Based on that comparison, we believe that incorporation of user's knowledge as a key aspect of the technique adds value to purely statistical formal methods

    Consolidação e validação da ferramenta Rapid Alignment Free Tool for Sequences Similarity Search to Groups (RAFTS3GROUPS) : um software rápido de clusterização para big data e buscador consistente de proteínas ortólogas

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    Orientador : Prof. Dr. Roberto Tadeu RaittzCoorientadores : Dra. Jeroniza Nunes Marchaukoski e Dr. Vinícius Almir WeissDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Educação Profissional e Tecnológica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioinformática. Defesa: Curitiba, 16/09/2016Inclui referências ao final dos capítulosResumo: Uma das principais análises envolvendo sequências biológicas, imprescindíveis e complexas, é a análise de homologia. A necessidade de desenvolver técnicas e ferramentas computacionais que consigam predizer com mais eficiência grupos de ortólogos e, ao mesmo tempo, lidar com grande volume de informações biológicas, ainda é um grande gargalo a ser superado pela bioinformática. Atualmente, não existe uma única ferramenta eficiente na detecção desses grupos, pois ainda requerem muito esforço computacional e tempo. Metodologias já consolidadas, como o BLAST 'todos contra todos', RBH e ferramentas como o OrthoMCL, demandam um alto custo computacional e falham quando há ortologia, necessitando de uma intervenção manual sofisticada. Diante desse cenário, neste trabalho, aprensentamos um breve review referente às técnicas, desenvolvidas entre 2011 até metade de 2017, para a detecção de ortólogos, descrevendo 12 ferramentas e contextualizando os principais problemas ainda a serem superados. A maioria das ferramentas utiliza o algoritmo BLAST como algoritmo padrão predição de homologia entre sequências. Apresentamos também uma nova abordagem para a clusterização de homólogos, a ferramenta RAFTS3groups. Para validarmos a ferramenta utilizamos como base de dados o UniProtKB/Swiss-Prot com outras ferramentas de clusterização o UCLUST e CD-HIT. RAFTS3groups mostrou-se ser mais de 4 vezes mais rápido que o CD-HIT e equiparável em volume de clusters e de tempo à ferramenta UCLUST. Para análise e consolidação de homologia, introduzimos uma nova aplicação auxiliar à ferramenta RAFTS3groups, na clusterização de ortólogos, o script DivideCluster. Comparamos com o método BLAST 'todos contra todos', analisando 9 genomas completos de Herbaspirillum spp. disponíveis no NCBI genbank. RAFTS3groups mostrou-se tão eficiente quanto o método, apresentando cerca de 96% de correlação entre os resultados de clusterização de core e pan genoma obtidos. Palavras-chave: homologia, clusterização, alignment-free, k-means, RAFTS3.Abstract: One of the main tests involving biological sequences, essential and complex, is the analysis of homology. The study of homologous genes involved in processes such as cell cycle, DNA repair in simpler organisms, even with large evolutionary distance, there are genes that are shared between primates, yeasts and bacteria, which we call (core-genome). The need to develop computational tools and techniques that can predict more efficiently ortologs groups and handle large volume of biological information is still a problem to be resolved by Bioinformatics. We don't have a single powerful tool in detecting groups that still require a lot of effort and computing time. Tools, already consolidated, as the BLAST ' 'all-against-all' ', RBH, OrthoMCL, demand a high computational cost and fail when there is orthology, requiring manual intervention. In this scenario, in this work we presents a brief review on main techniques, developed between 2011 until early 2016, for the detection of orthologs groups, describing 12 tools and being developed currently and the main problems main problems still to be overcome. We note that most tools uses the BLAST as default prediction of homology between sequences. We also present a new approach for the analysis of homology, the RAFTS3groups tool. We use as the database UniProtKB /Swiss-Prot with the clustering tools the UCLUST and the CD-HIT. RAFTS3groups proved to be more than 4 times faster than CD-HIT and comparable in volume to clusters and time with UCLUST tool. In Homology analysis we introduced a new clustering strategy of orthology, the DivideCluster algorithm aplication built into the RAFTS3groups. Compared with the BLAST 'all-against-all', analyzing 9 complete genomes from Herbaspirillum spp. available by NCBI genbank. RAFTS3groups was shown to be as efficient as the method, showing approximately 96% of the correlation among the clustering results of core and pan genome obtained. Key-words: homology, clustering, alignment-free, k-means clustering, RAFTS3

    Assessing the evolutionary rate of positional orthologous genes in prokaryotes using synteny data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Comparison of completely sequenced microbial genomes has revealed how fluid these genomes are. Detecting synteny blocks requires reliable methods to determining the orthologs among the whole set of homologs detected by exhaustive comparisons between each pair of completely sequenced genomes. This is a complex and difficult problem in the field of comparative genomics but will help to better understand the way prokaryotic genomes are evolving.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed a suite of programs that automate three essential steps to study conservation of gene order, and validated them with a set of 107 bacteria and archaea that cover the majority of the prokaryotic taxonomic space. We identified the whole set of shared homologs between two or more species and computed the evolutionary distance separating each pair of homologs. We applied two strategies to extract from the set of homologs a collection of valid orthologs shared by at least two genomes. The first computes the Reciprocal Smallest Distance (RSD) using the PAM distances separating pairs of homologs. The second method groups homologs in families and reconstructs each family's evolutionary tree, distinguishing <it>bona fide </it>orthologs as well as paralogs created after the last speciation event. Although the phylogenetic tree method often succeeds where RSD fails, the reverse could occasionally be true. Accordingly, we used the data obtained with either methods or their intersection to number the orthologs that are adjacent in for each pair of genomes, the Positional Orthologous Genes (POGs), and to further study their properties. Once all these synteny blocks have been detected, we showed that POGs are subject to more evolutionary constraints than orthologs outside synteny groups, whichever the taxonomic distance separating the compared organisms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The suite of programs described in this paper allows a reliable detection of orthologs and is useful for evaluating gene order conservation in prokaryotes whichever their taxonomic distance. Thus, our approach will make easy the rapid identification of POGS in the next few years as we are expecting to be inundated with thousands of completely sequenced microbial genomes.</p