277 research outputs found

    Automatic text summarisation of case law using gate with annie and summa plug-ins

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    Legal reasoning and judicial verdicts in many legal systems are highly dependent on case law. The ever increasing number of case law make the task of comprehending case law in a legal case cumbersome for legal practitioners; and this invariably stifles their efficiency. Legal reasoning and judicial verdicts will therefore be easier and faster, if case law were in abridged form that preserves their original meaning. This paper used the General Information Extraction System Architecture approach and integrated Natural Language Processing, Annotation, and Information Extraction tools to develop a software system that does automatic extractive text summarisation of Nigeria Supreme Court case law. The summarised case law which were about 20% of their original, were evaluated for semantic preservation and has shown to be 83% reliable.Keywords: Case law, text summarisation, text engineering, text annotation, text extractio

    Integrating Text Mining and Network Analysis for Topic Detection from Published Articles on Banana Sensory Characteristics

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    Published articles (28) from PubMed database on banana sensory characteristics were from 2002 to 2018. They were mined to detect the topic of discussion using the KNIME software. The texts were tagged with the Open Source Chemistry Analysis Routines (OSCAR) chemical named entity and preprocessed by filtering and stemming, thereafter the topic of discussion detected with the Latent Dirichlet Allocation and term co-occurrence was determined using KNIME data mining software. The co-occurrence terms were converted to node adjacency matrix and imported into Gephi Graph Visualisation and Manipulation software version 0.02. Network statistics such as modularity class, degree centrality, betweenness and closeness centrality were estimated. Majority of the OSCAR tagged words (50.8%) were chemical compounds and 47.3% ontology terms. The directed network consisted of 53 nodes and 904 edges. There were four modularity classes. The terms with high betweenness centrality (>45) were, accept, fruit, analysis, coat, food, composite and banana. Three topics were detected from the documents, namely (1) quality of banana fruit and peel; (2) use of banana fruit in food and wine and (3) sensory acceptability of banana peel and flour in food products. This chapter provides details each topic