559 research outputs found

    Automatic generation of a custom corpora for invoice analysis and recognition

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present a bill-type document generator capable of supplying on demand all the mass of documents that a learning system needs. The lack of administrative documents has long been a handicap because of the confidentiality of this type of document. In addition, this generator allowed us to solve the problem of annotations since they are done automatically during the generation and put directly in XML-GEDI form. Then, to show the interest of the generator, we proposed a system of invoice recognition based on graph convolutional neural network. The experiments took place in excellent conditions since we had all the possibilities to vary the classes, the samples in the classes, and their parameters

    Advanced document data extraction techniques to improve supply chain performance

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    In this thesis, a novel machine learning technique to extract text-based information from scanned images has been developed. This information extraction is performed in the context of scanned invoices and bills used in financial transactions. These financial transactions contain a considerable amount of data that must be extracted, refined, and stored digitally before it can be used for analysis. Converting this data into a digital format is often a time-consuming process. Automation and data optimisation show promise as methods for reducing the time required and the cost of Supply Chain Management (SCM) processes, especially Supplier Invoice Management (SIM), Financial Supply Chain Management (FSCM) and Supply Chain procurement processes. This thesis uses a cross-disciplinary approach involving Computer Science and Operational Management to explore the benefit of automated invoice data extraction in business and its impact on SCM. The study adopts a multimethod approach based on empirical research, surveys, and interviews performed on selected companies.The expert system developed in this thesis focuses on two distinct areas of research: Text/Object Detection and Text Extraction. For Text/Object Detection, the Faster R-CNN model was analysed. While this model yields outstanding results in terms of object detection, it is limited by poor performance when image quality is low. The Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) model is proposed in response to this limitation. The GAN model is a generator network that is implemented with the help of the Faster R-CNN model and a discriminator that relies on PatchGAN. The output of the GAN model is text data with bonding boxes. For text extraction from the bounding box, a novel data extraction framework consisting of various processes including XML processing in case of existing OCR engine, bounding box pre-processing, text clean up, OCR error correction, spell check, type check, pattern-based matching, and finally, a learning mechanism for automatizing future data extraction was designed. Whichever fields the system can extract successfully are provided in key-value format.The efficiency of the proposed system was validated using existing datasets such as SROIE and VATI. Real-time data was validated using invoices that were collected by two companies that provide invoice automation services in various countries. Currently, these scanned invoices are sent to an OCR system such as OmniPage, Tesseract, or ABBYY FRE to extract text blocks and later, a rule-based engine is used to extract relevant data. While the system’s methodology is robust, the companies surveyed were not satisfied with its accuracy. Thus, they sought out new, optimized solutions. To confirm the results, the engines were used to return XML-based files with text and metadata identified. The output XML data was then fed into this new system for information extraction. This system uses the existing OCR engine and a novel, self-adaptive, learning-based OCR engine. This new engine is based on the GAN model for better text identification. Experiments were conducted on various invoice formats to further test and refine its extraction capabilities. For cost optimisation and the analysis of spend classification, additional data were provided by another company in London that holds expertise in reducing their clients' procurement costs. This data was fed into our system to get a deeper level of spend classification and categorisation. This helped the company to reduce its reliance on human effort and allowed for greater efficiency in comparison with the process of performing similar tasks manually using excel sheets and Business Intelligence (BI) tools.The intention behind the development of this novel methodology was twofold. First, to test and develop a novel solution that does not depend on any specific OCR technology. Second, to increase the information extraction accuracy factor over that of existing methodologies. Finally, it evaluates the real-world need for the system and the impact it would have on SCM. This newly developed method is generic and can extract text from any given invoice, making it a valuable tool for optimizing SCM. In addition, the system uses a template-matching approach to ensure the quality of the extracted information

    Customisable chatbot as a research instrument

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    Abstract. Chatbots are proliferating rapidly online for a variety of different purposes. This thesis presents a customisable chatbot that was designed and developed as a research instrument for online customer interaction research. The developed chatbot facilitates creation of different bot personas, data management tools, and a fully functional online chat user interface. Customer-facing bots in the system are rulebased, with basic input processing and text response selection based on best match. The system uses its own database to store user-chatbot dialogue history. Further, bots can be assigned unique dialogue scripts and their profiles can be customised concerning name, description and profile image. In the presented validation studies, participants completed a task by taking part in a conversation with different bots, as hosted by the system and invoked through distinct URL parameters. Second, the participants filled in a questionnaire on their experience with the bot, designed to reveal differences in how the bots were perceived. Our results suggest that the chatbot’s personality impacted how customers experienced the interactions. Therefore, the developed system can facilitate research scenarios that deal with investigating participant responses to different chatbot personas. Future work is necessary for a wider range of applications and enhanced response control.Personoitava chatbot tutkimustyökaluna. Tiivistelmä. Chatbotit yleistyvät nopeasti Internetissä ja niitä käytetään enenevissä määrin useissa eri käyttötarkoituksissa. Tämä diplomityö esittelee personoitavan chatbotin, joka on kehitetty tutkimustyökaluksi verkon yli tapahtuvaan vuorovaikutustutkimukseen. Kehitetty chatbot sisältää erilaisten bottipersoonien luonnin, apuvälineitä datan käsittelyn, ja itse botin käyttöliittymän. Järjestelmän käyttäjille vastailevat bottipersoonat ovat sääntöihin perustuvia, niiden syötteet käsitellään suoraviivaisesti ja vastaukseksi valitaan vertailun mukaan paras ennaltamääritellyn skriptin mukaisesti. Järjestelmä käyttää omaa tietokantaa tallentamaan käyttäjä-botti keskusteluhistorian. Lisäksi boteille voidaan asettaa uniikki dialogimalli, ja niiden profiilista voidaan personoida URL-parametrillä nimi, botin kuvaus ja profiilikuva. Chatbotin tekninen toiminta todettiin tutkimuksella, jossa osallistujat suorittivat annetun tehtävän seuraamalla osittain valmista käsikirjoitusta eri bottien kanssa. Tämän jälkeen osallistujat täyttivät käyttäjäkyselyn liittyen heidän kokemukseensa botin kanssa. Kysely oli suunniteltu paljastamaan mahdolliset eroavaisuudet siinä, kuinka botin käyttäytyminen miellettiin keskustelun aikana. Käyttäjätestin tulokset viittaavat siihen, että chatbotin persoonalla oli vaikutus käyttäjien kokemukseen. Kehitetty järjestelmä siis pystyy mahdollistamaan tutkimusasetelmia, joissa tutkitaan osallistujien reaktioita erilaisten chattibottien persooniin. Jatkotyö kehitetyn chatbotin yhteydessä keskittyy monimutkaisempien käyttötarkoitusten lisäämiseen ja botin vastausten parantamiseen edistyksellisemmän luonnollisen kielen käsittelyn avulla

    The 9th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

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    A budget for an advertising agency.

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    Thesis (M.B.A.)--Boston Universit

    Knowledge modeling of phishing emails

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    This dissertation investigates whether or not malicious phishing emails are detected better when a meaningful representation of the email bodies is available. The natural language processing theory of Ontological Semantics Technology is used for its ability to model the knowledge representation present in the email messages. Known good and phishing emails were analyzed and their meaning representations fed into machine learning binary classifiers. Unigram language models of the same emails were used as a baseline for comparing the performance of the meaningful data. The end results show how a binary classifier trained on meaningful data is better at detecting phishing emails than a unigram language model binary classifier at least using some of the selected machine learning algorithms

    Layout Inference and Table Detection in Spreadsheet Documents

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    Spreadsheets have found wide use in many different domains and settings. They provide a broad range of both basic and advanced functionalities. In this way, they can support data collection, transformation, analysis, and reporting. Nevertheless, at the same time spreadsheets maintain a friendly and intuitive interface. Additionally, they entail no to very low cost. Well-known spreadsheet applications, such as OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Google Sheets, and Gnumeric, are free to use. Moreover, Microsoft Excel is widely available, with millions of users worldwide. Thus, spreadsheets are not only powerful tools, but also have a very low entrance barrier. Therefore, they have become very popular with novices and professionals alike. As a result, a large volume of valuable data resides in these documents. From spreadsheets, of particular interest are data coming in tabular form, since they provide concise, factual, and to a large extend structured information. One natural progression is to transfer tabular data from spreadsheets to databases. This would allow spreadsheets to become a direct source of data for existing or new business processes. It would be easier to digest them into data warehouses and to integrate them with other sources. Nevertheless, besides databases, there are other means to work with spreadsheet data. New paradigms, like NoDB, advocate querying directly from raw documents. Going one step further, spreadsheets together with other raw documents can be stored in a sophisticated centralized repository, i.e., a data lake. From then on they can serve (on-demand) various tasks and applications. All in all, by making spreadsheet data easily accessible, we can prevent information silos, i.e., valuable knowledge being isolated and scattered in multiple spreadsheet documents. Yet, there are considerable challenges to the automatic processing and understanding of these documents. After all, spreadsheets are designed primarily for human consumption, and as such, they favor customization and visual comprehension. Data are often intermingled with formatting, formulas, layout artifacts, and textual metadata, which carry domain-specific or even user-specific information (i.e., personal preferences). Multiple tables, with different layout and structure, can be found on the same sheet. Most importantly, the structure of the tables is not known, i.e., not explicitly given by the spreadsheet documents. Altogether, spreadsheets are better described as partially structured, with a significant degree of implicit information. In literature, the automatic understanding of spreadsheet data has only been scarcely investigated, often assuming just the same uniform table layout. However, due to the manifold possibilities to structure tabular data in spreadsheets, the assumption of a uniform layout either excludes a substantial number of tables from the extraction process or leads to inaccurate results. In this thesis, we primarily address two fundamental tasks that can lead to more accurate information extraction from spreadsheet documents. Namely, we propose intuitive and effective approaches for layout analysis and table detection in spreadsheets. Nevertheless, our overall solution is designed as a processing pipeline, where specialized steps build on top of each other to discover the tabular data. One of our main objectives is to eliminate most of the assumptions from related work. Instead, we target highly diverse sheet layouts, with one or multiple tables. On the same time, we foresee the presence of textual metadata and other non-tabular data in the sheet. Furthermore, we make use of sophisticated machine learning and optimization techniques. This brings flexibility to our approach, allowing it to work even with complex or malformed tables. Moreover, this intended flexibility makes our approaches transferable to new spreadsheet datasets. Thus, we are not bounded to specific domains or settings.:1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Motivation 1.2 Contributions 1.3 Outline 2 FOUNDATIONS AND RELATED WORK 2.1 The Evolution of Spreadsheet Documents 2.1.1 Spreadsheet User Interface and Functionalities 2.1.2 Spreadsheet File Formats 2.1.3 Spreadsheets Are Partially-Structured 2.2 Analysis and Recognition in Electronic Documents 2.2.1 A General Overview of DAR 2.2.2 DAR in Spreadsheets 2.3 Spreadsheet Research Areas 2.3.1 Layout Inference and Table Recognition 2.3.2 Unifying Databases and Spreadsheets 2.3.3 Spreadsheet Software Engineering 2.3.4 Data Wrangling Approaches 3 AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF SPREADSHEET DOCUMENTS 3.1 Available Corpora 3.2 Creating a Gold Standard Dataset 3.2.1 Initial Selection 3.2.2 Annotation Methodology 3.3 Dataset Analysis 3.3.1 Takeaways from Business Spreadsheets 3.3.2 Comparison Between Domains 3.4 Summary and Discussion 3.4.1 Datasets for Experimental Evaluation 3.4.2 A Processing Pipeline 4 LAYOUT ANALYSIS 4.1 A Method for Layout Analysis in Spreadsheets 4.2 Feature Extraction 4.2.1 Content Features 4.2.2 Style Features 4.2.3 Font Features 4.2.4 Formula and Reference Features 4.2.5 Spatial Features 4.2.6 Geometrical Features 4.3 Cell Classification 4.3.1 Classification Datasets 4.3.2 Classifiers and Assessment Methods 4.3.3 Optimum Under-Sampling 4.3.4 Feature Selection 4.3.5 Parameter Tuning 4.3.6 Classification Evaluation 4.4 Layout Regions 4.5 Summary and Discussions 5 CLASSIFICATION POST-PROCESSING 5.1 Dataset for Post-Processing 5.2 Pattern-Based Revisions 5.2.1 Misclassification Patterns 5.2.2 Relabeling Cells 5.2.3 Evaluating the Patterns 5.3 Region-Based Revisions 5.3.1 Standardization Procedure 5.3.2 Extracting Features from Regions 5.3.3 Identifying Misclassified Regions 5.3.4 Relabeling Misclassified Regions 5.4 Summary and Discussion 6 TABLE DETECTION 6.1 A Method for Table Detection in Spreadsheets 6.2 Preliminaries 6.2.1 Introducing a Graph Model 6.2.2 Graph Partitioning for Table Detection 6.2.3 Pre-Processing for Table Detection 6.3 Rule-Based Detection 6.3.1 Remove and Conquer 6.4 Genetic-Based Detection 6.4.1 Undirected Graph 6.4.2 Header Cluster 6.4.3 Quality Metrics 6.4.4 Objective Function 6.4.5 Weight Tuning 6.4.6 Genetic Search 6.5 Experimental Evaluation 6.5.1 Testing Datasets 6.5.2 Training Datasets 6.5.3 Tuning Rounds 6.5.4 Search and Assessment 6.5.5 Evaluation Results 6.6 Summary and Discussions 7 XLINDY: A RESEARCH PROTOTYPE 7.1 Interface and Functionalities 7.1.1 Front-end Walkthrough 7.2 Implementation Details 7.2.1 Interoperability 7.2.2 Efficient Reads 7.3 Information Extraction 7.4 Summary and Discussions 8 CONCLUSION 8.1 Summary of Contributions 8.2 Directions of Future Work BIBLIOGRAPHY LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF TABLES A ANALYSIS OF REDUCED SAMPLES B TABLE DETECTION WITH TIRS B.1 Tables in TIRS B.2 Pairing Fences with Data Regions B.3 Heuristics Framewor