3,272 research outputs found

    Gender bias in machine learning for sentiment analysis

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published by Emerald Publishing Limited in Online Information Review on 01/01/2018, available online: https://doi.org/10.1108/OIR-05-2017-0153 The accepted version of the publication may differ from the final published version.Purpose: This paper investigates whether machine learning induces gender biases in the sense of results that are more accurate for male authors than for female authors. It also investigates whether training separate male and female variants could improve the accuracy of machine learning for sentiment analysis. Design/methodology/approach: This article uses ratings-balanced sets of reviews of restaurants and hotels (3 sets) to train algorithms with and without gender selection. Findings: Accuracy is higher on female-authored reviews than on male-authored reviews for all data sets, so applications of sentiment analysis using mixed gender datasets will over represent the opinions of women. Training on same gender data improves performance less than having additional data from both genders. Practical implications: End users of sentiment analysis should be aware that its small gender biases can affect the conclusions drawn from it and apply correction factors when necessary. Users of systems that incorporate sentiment analysis should be aware that performance will vary by author gender. Developers do not need to create gender-specific algorithms unless they have more training data than their system can cope with. Originality/value: This is the first demonstration of gender bias in machine learning sentiment analysis

    TensiStrength: Stress and relaxation magnitude detection for social media texts

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    Computer systems need to be able to react to stress in order to perform optimally on some tasks. This article describes TensiStrength, a system to detect the strength of stress and relaxation expressed in social media text messages. TensiStrength uses a lexical approach and a set of rules to detect direct and indirect expressions of stress or relaxation, particularly in the context of transportation. It is slightly more effective than a comparable sentiment analysis program, although their similar performances occur despite differences on almost half of the tweets gathered. The effectiveness of TensiStrength depends on the nature of the tweets classified, with tweets that are rich in stress-related terms being particularly problematic. Although generic machine learning methods can give better performance than TensiStrength overall, they exploit topic-related terms in a way that may be undesirable in practical applications and that may not work as well in more focused contexts. In conclusion, TensiStrength and generic machine learning approaches work well enough to be practical choices for intelligent applications that need to take advantage of stress information, and the decision about which to use depends on the nature of the texts analysed and the purpose of the task

    Detection of Sarcasm and Nastiness: New Resources for Spanish Language

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    The main goal of this work is to provide the cognitive computing community with valuable resources to analyze and simulate the intentionality and/or emotions embedded in the language employed in social media. Specifically, it is focused on the Spanish language and online dialogues, leading to the creation of SOFOCO (Spanish Online Forums Corpus). It is the first Spanish corpus consisting of dialogic debates extracted from social media and it is annotated by means of crowdsourcing in order to carry out automatic analysis of subjective language forms, like sarcasm or nastiness. Furthermore, the annotators were also asked about the context need when taking a decision. In this way, the users’ intentions and their behavior inside social networks can be better understood and more accurate text analysis is possible. An analysis of the annotation results is carried out and the reliability of the annotations is also explored. Additionally, sarcasm and nastiness detection results (around 0.76 F-Measure in both cases) are also reported. The obtained results show the presented corpus as a valuable resource that might be used in very diverse future work.This study was partially funded by the Spanish Government (TIN2014-54288-C4-4-R and TIN2017-85854-C4-3-R) by the European Unions’s H2020 program under grant 769872 and by the National Science Foundation of USA (NSF CISE R1 #1202668

    Two-layer classification and distinguished representations of users and documents for grouping and authorship identification

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    Most studies on authorship identification reported a drop in the identification result when the number of authors exceeds 20-25. In this paper, we introduce a new user representation to address this problem and split classification across two layers. There are at least 3 novelties in this paper. First, the two-layer approach allows applying authorship identification over larger number of authors (tested over 100 authors), and it is extendable. The authors are divided into groups that contain smaller number of authors. Given an anonymous document, the primary layer detects the group to which the document belongs. Then, the secondary layer determines the particular author inside the selected group. In order to extract the groups linking similar authors, clustering is applied over users rather than documents. Hence, the second novelty of this paper is introducing a new user representation that is different from document representation. Without the proposed user representation, the clustering over documents will result in documents of author(s) distributed over several clusters, instead of a single cluster membership for each author. Third, the extracted clusters are descriptive and meaningful of their users as the dimensions have psychological backgrounds. For authorship identification, the documents are labelled with the extracted groups and fed into machine learning to build classification models that predicts the group and author of a given document. The results show that the documents are highly correlated with the extracted corresponding groups, and the proposed model can be accurately trained to determine the group and the author identity

    Argumentation Mining in User-Generated Web Discourse

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    The goal of argumentation mining, an evolving research field in computational linguistics, is to design methods capable of analyzing people's argumentation. In this article, we go beyond the state of the art in several ways. (i) We deal with actual Web data and take up the challenges given by the variety of registers, multiple domains, and unrestricted noisy user-generated Web discourse. (ii) We bridge the gap between normative argumentation theories and argumentation phenomena encountered in actual data by adapting an argumentation model tested in an extensive annotation study. (iii) We create a new gold standard corpus (90k tokens in 340 documents) and experiment with several machine learning methods to identify argument components. We offer the data, source codes, and annotation guidelines to the community under free licenses. Our findings show that argumentation mining in user-generated Web discourse is a feasible but challenging task.Comment: Cite as: Habernal, I. & Gurevych, I. (2017). Argumentation Mining in User-Generated Web Discourse. Computational Linguistics 43(1), pp. 125-17

    Irony and Sarcasm Detection in Twitter: The Role of Affective Content

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    Tesis por compendioSocial media platforms, like Twitter, offer a face-saving ability that allows users to express themselves employing figurative language devices such as irony to achieve different communication purposes. Dealing with such kind of content represents a big challenge for computational linguistics. Irony is closely associated with the indirect expression of feelings, emotions and evaluations. Interest in detecting the presence of irony in social media texts has grown significantly in the recent years. In this thesis, we introduce the problem of detecting irony in social media under a computational linguistics perspective. We propose to address this task by focusing, in particular, on the role of affective information for detecting the presence of such figurative language device. Attempting to take advantage of the subjective intrinsic value enclosed in ironic expressions, we present a novel model, called emotIDM, for detecting irony relying on a wide range of affective features. For characterising an ironic utterance, we used an extensive set of resources covering different facets of affect from sentiment to finer-grained emotions. Results show that emotIDM has a competitive performance across the experiments carried out, validating the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Another objective of the thesis is to investigate the differences among tweets labeled with #irony and #sarcasm. Our aim is to contribute to the less investigated topic in computational linguistics on the separation between irony and sarcasm in social media, again, with a special focus on affective features. We also studied a less explored hashtag: #not. We find data-driven arguments on the differences among tweets containing these hashtags, suggesting that the above mentioned hashtags are used to refer different figurative language devices. We identify promising features based on affect-related phenomena for discriminating among different kinds of figurative language devices. We also analyse the role of polarity reversal in tweets containing ironic hashtags, observing that the impact of such phenomenon varies. In the case of tweets labeled with #sarcasm often there is a full reversal, whereas in the case of those tagged with #irony there is an attenuation of the polarity. We analyse the impact of irony and sarcasm on sentiment analysis, observing a drop in the performance of NLP systems developed for this task when irony is present. Therefore, we explored the possible use of our findings in irony detection for the development of an irony-aware sentiment analysis system, assuming that the identification of ironic content could help to improve the correct identification of sentiment polarity. To this aim, we incorporated emotIDM into a pipeline for determining the polarity of a given Twitter message. We compared our results with the state of the art determined by the "Semeval-2015 Task 11" shared task, demonstrating the relevance of considering affective information together with features alerting on the presence of irony for performing sentiment analysis of figurative language for this kind of social media texts. To summarize, we demonstrated the usefulness of exploiting different facets of affective information for dealing with the presence of irony in Twitter.Las plataformas de redes sociales, como Twitter, ofrecen a los usuarios la posibilidad de expresarse de forma libre y espontanea haciendo uso de diferentes recursos lingüísticos como la ironía para lograr diferentes propósitos de comunicación. Manejar ese tipo de contenido representa un gran reto para la lingüística computacional. La ironía está estrechamente vinculada con la expresión indirecta de sentimientos, emociones y evaluaciones. El interés en detectar la presencia de ironía en textos de redes sociales ha aumentado significativamente en los últimos años. En esta tesis, introducimos el problema de detección de ironía en redes sociales desde una perspectiva de la lingüística computacional. Proponemos abordar dicha tarea enfocándonos, particularmente, en el rol de información relativa al afecto y las emociones para detectar la presencia de dicho recurso lingüístico. Con la intención de aprovechar el valor intrínseco de subjetividad contenido en las expresiones irónicas, presentamos un modelo para detectar la presencia de ironía denominado emotIDM, el cual está basado en una amplia variedad de rasgos afectivos. Para caracterizar instancias irónicas, utilizamos un amplio conjunto de recursos que cubren diferentes ámbitos afectivos: desde sentimientos (positivos o negativos) hasta emociones específicas definidas con una granularidad fina. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que emotIDM tiene un desempeño competitivo en los experimentos realizados, validando la efectividad del enfoque propuesto. Otro objetivo de la tesis es investigar las diferencias entre tweets etiquetados con #irony y #sarcasm. Nuestra finalidad es contribuir a un tema menos investigado en lingüística computacional: la separación entre el uso de ironía y sarcasmo en redes sociales, con especial énfasis en rasgos afectivos. Además, estudiamos un hashtag que ha sido menos analizado: #not. Nuestros resultados parecen evidenciar que existen diferencias entre los tweets que contienen dichos hashtags, sugiriendo que son utilizados para hacer referencia de diferentes recursos lingüísticos. Identificamos un conjunto de características basadas en diferentes fenómenos afectivos que parecen ser útiles para discriminar entre diferentes tipos de recursos lingüísticos. Adicionalmente analizamos la reversión de polaridad en tweets que contienen hashtags irónicos, observamos que el impacto de dicho fenómeno es diferente en cada uno de ellos. En el caso de los tweets que están etiquetados con el hashtag #sarcasm, a menudo hay una reversión total, mientras que en el caso de los tweets etiquetados con el hashtag #irony se produce una atenuación de la polaridad. Llevamos a cabo un estudio del impacto de la ironía y el sarcasmo en el análisis de sentimientos, observamos una disminución en el rendimiento de los sistemas de PLN desarrollados para dicha tarea cuando la ironía está presente. Por consiguiente, exploramos la posibilidad de utilizar nuestros resultados en detección de ironía para el desarrollo de un sistema de análisis de sentimientos que considere de la presencia de ironía, suponiendo que la detección de contenido irónico podría ayudar a mejorar la correcta identificación del sentimiento expresado en un texto dado. Con este objetivo, incorporamos emotIDM como la primera fase en un sistema de análisis de sentimientos para determinar la polaridad de mensajes en Twitter. Comparamos nuestros resultados con el estado del arte establecido en la tarea de evaluación "Semeval-2015 Task 11", demostrando la importancia de utilizar información afectiva en conjunto con características que alertan de la presencia de la ironía para desempeñar análisis de sentimientos en textos con lenguaje figurado que provienen de redes sociales. En resumen, demostramos la utilidad de aprovechar diferentes aspectos de información relativa al afecto y las emociones para tratar cuestiones relativas a la presencia de la ironíLes plataformes de xarxes socials, com Twitter, oferixen als usuaris la possibilitat d'expressar-se de forma lliure i espontània fent ús de diferents recursos lingüístics com la ironia per aconseguir diferents propòsits de comunicació. Manejar aquest tipus de contingut representa un gran repte per a la lingüística computacional. La ironia està estretament vinculada amb l'expressió indirecta de sentiments, emocions i avaluacions. L'interés a detectar la presència d'ironia en textos de xarxes socials ha augmentat significativament en els últims anys. En aquesta tesi, introduïm el problema de detecció d'ironia en xarxes socials des de la perspectiva de la lingüística computacional. Proposem abordar aquesta tasca enfocant-nos, particularment, en el rol d'informació relativa a l'afecte i les emocions per detectar la presència d'aquest recurs lingüístic. Amb la intenció d'aprofitar el valor intrínsec de subjectivitat contingut en les expressions iròniques, presentem un model per a detectar la presència d'ironia denominat emotIDM, el qual està basat en una àmplia varietat de trets afectius. Per caracteritzar instàncies iròniques, utilitzàrem un ampli conjunt de recursos que cobrixen diferents àmbits afectius: des de sentiments (positius o negatius) fins emocions específiques definides de forma molt detallada. Els resultats obtinguts mostres que emotIDM té un rendiment competitiu en els experiments realitzats, validant l'efectivitat de l'enfocament proposat. Un altre objectiu de la tesi és investigar les diferències entre tweets etiquetats com a #irony i #sarcasm. La nostra finalitat és contribuir a un tema menys investigat en lingüística computacional: la separació entre l'ús d'ironia i sarcasme en xarxes socials, amb especial èmfasi amb els trets afectius. A més, estudiem un hashtag que ha sigut menys estudiat: #not. Els nostres resultats pareixen evidenciar que existixen diferències entre els tweets que contenen els hashtags esmentats, cosa que suggerix que s'utilitzen per fer referència de diferents recursos lingüístics. Identifiquem un conjunt de característiques basades en diferents fenòmens afectius que pareixen ser útils per a discriminar entre diferents tipus de recursos lingüístics. Addicionalment analitzem la reversió de polaritat en tweets que continguen hashtags irònics, observant que l'impacte del fenomen esmentat és diferent per a cadascun d'ells. En el cas dels tweet que estan etiquetats amb el hashtag #sarcasm, a sovint hi ha una reversió total, mentre que en el cas dels tweets etiquetats amb el hashtag #irony es produïx una atenuació de polaritat. Duem a terme un estudi de l'impacte de la ironia i el sarcasme en l'anàlisi de sentiments, on observem una disminució en el rendiment dels sistemes de PLN desenvolupats per a aquestes tasques quan la ironia està present. Per consegüent, vam explorar la possibilitat d'utilitzar els nostres resultats en detecció d'ironia per a desenvolupar un sistema d'anàlisi de sentiments que considere la presència d'ironia, suposant que la detecció de contingut irònic podria ajudar a millorar la correcta identificació del sentiment expressat en un text donat. Amb aquest objectiu, incorporem emotIDM com la primera fase en un sistema d'anàlisi de sentiments per determinar la polaritat de missatges en Twitter. Hem comparat els nostres resultats amb l'estat de l'art establert en la tasca d'avaluació "Semeval-2015 Task 11", demostrant la importància d'utilitzar informació afectiva en conjunt amb característiques que alerten de la presència de la ironia per exercir anàlisi de sentiments en textos amb llenguatge figurat que provenen de xarxes socials. En resum, hem demostrat la utilitat d'aprofitar diferents aspectes d'informació relativa a l'afecte i les emocions per tractar qüestions relatives a la presència d'ironia en Twitter.Hernández Farias, DI. (2017). Irony and Sarcasm Detection in Twitter: The Role of Affective Content [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90544TESISCompendi

    Sentiment Analysis of Persian Language: Review of Algorithms, Approaches and Datasets

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    Sentiment analysis aims to extract people's emotions and opinion from their comments on the web. It widely used in businesses to detect sentiment in social data, gauge brand reputation, and understand customers. Most of articles in this area have concentrated on the English language whereas there are limited resources for Persian language. In this review paper, recent published articles between 2018 and 2022 in sentiment analysis in Persian Language have been collected and their methods, approach and dataset will be explained and analyzed. Almost all the methods used to solve sentiment analysis are machine learning and deep learning. The purpose of this paper is to examine 40 different approach sentiment analysis in the Persian Language, analysis datasets along with the accuracy of the algorithms applied to them and also review strengths and weaknesses of each. Among all the methods, transformers such as BERT and RNN Neural Networks such as LSTM and Bi-LSTM have achieved higher accuracy in the sentiment analysis. In addition to the methods and approaches, the datasets reviewed are listed between 2018 and 2022 and information about each dataset and its details are provided