65 research outputs found

    Development of ultrasound to measure deformation of functional spinal units in cervical spine

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    Neck pain is a pervasive problem in the general population, especially in those working in vibrating environments, e.g. military troops and truck drivers. Previous studies showed neck pain was strongly associated with the degeneration of intervertebral disc, which is commonly caused by repetitive loading in the work place. Currently, there is no existing method to measure the in-vivo displacement and loading condition of cervical spine on the site. Therefore, there is little knowledge about the alternation of cervical spine functionality and biomechanics in dynamic environments. In this thesis, a portable ultrasound system was explored as a tool to measure the vertebral motion and functional spinal unit deformation. It is hypothesized that the time sequences of ultrasound imaging signals can be used to characterize the deformation of cervical spine functional spinal units in response to applied displacements and loading. Specifically, a multi-frame tracking algorithm is developed to measure the dynamic movement of vertebrae, which is validated in ex-vivo models. The planar kinematics of the functional spinal units is derived from a dual ultrasound system, which applies two ultrasound systems to image C-spine anteriorly and posteriorly. The kinematics is reconstructed from the results of the multi-frame movement tracking algorithm and a method to co-register ultrasound vertebrae images to MRI scan. Using the dual ultrasound, it is shown that the dynamic deformation of functional spinal unit is affected by the biomechanics properties of intervertebral disc ex-vivo and different applied loading in activities in-vivo. It is concluded that ultrasound is capable of measuring functional spinal units motion, which allows rapid in-vivo evaluation of C-spine in dynamic environments where X-Ray, CT or MRI cannot be used.2020-02-20T00:00:00

    Lumbar-sacral pedicle screw insertion with preoperative CT-based navigation

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    Objectif: Nous avons effectué une étude chez 135 patients ayant subis une chirurgie lombo-sacrée avec vissage pédiculaire sous navigation par tomographie axiale. Nous avons évalué la précision des vis pédiculaires et les résultats cliniques. Méthodes: Cette étude comporte 44 hommes et 91 femmes (âge moyen=61, intervalle 24-90 ans). Les diamètres, longueurs et trajectoires des 836 vis ont été planifiés en préopératoire avec un système de navigation (SNN, Surgical Navigation Network, Mississauga). Les patients ont subi une fusion lombaire (55), lombo-sacrée (73) et thoraco-lombo-sacrée (7). La perforation pédiculaire, la longueur des vis et les spondylolisthesis sont évalués par tomographies axiales postopératoires. Le niveau de douleur est mesuré par autoévaluations, échelles visuelles analogues et questionnaires (Oswestry et SF-36). La fusion osseuse a été évaluée par l’examen des radiographies postopératoires. Résultats: Une perforation des pédicules est présente pour 49/836 (5.9%) des vis (2.4% latéral, 1.7% inférieur, 1.1% supérieur, 0.7% médial). Les erreurs ont été mineures (0.1-2mm, 46/49) ou intermédiaires (2.1 - 4mm, 3/49 en latéral). Il y a aucune erreur majeure (≥ 4.1mm). Certaines vis ont été jugées trop longues (66/836, 8%). Le temps moyen pour insérer une vis en navigation a été de 19.1 minutes de l΄application au retrait du cadre de référence. Un an postopératoire on note une amélioration de la douleur des jambes et lombaire de 72% et 48% en moyenne respectivement. L’amélioration reste stable après 2 ans. La dégénérescence radiologique au dessus et sous la fusion a été retrouvée chez 44 patients (33%) and 3 patients respectivement (2%). Elle est survenue en moyenne 22.2 ± 2.6 mois après la chirurgie. Les fusions se terminant à L2 ont été associées à plus de dégénération (14/25, 56%). Conclusion: La navigation spinale basée sur des images tomographiques préopératoires est une technique sécuritaire et précise. Elle donne de bons résultats à court terme justifiant l’investissement de temps chirurgical. La dégénérescence segmentaire peut avoir un impact négatif sur les résultats radiologique et cliniques.Objective: The authors studied 135 consecutive patients following a lumbo-sacral fixation using pedicle screws and CT-based navigation to evaluate pedicle screw accuracy and clinical outcomes. Methods: The series included 44 men and 91 women (mean age 61 years, range 24-90 years). All 836 screws were planned with pre-operative CT-Scans in a navigation system (SNN, Surgical Navigation Network, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada) for diameter, length and direction. Fixation included the lumbar spines only (55), the lumbo-sacral spine (73) or the thoraco-lumbo-sacral spine (7). Pedicle perforation, screw length and spondylolisthesis were assessed on post-operative CT-Scan. Pain was surveyed using self-rated scales, visual analogue scales, Oswestry and SF-36 questionnaires. Bony union was assessed on post-operative follow-up radiographs. Results: Pedicle perforation was found in 49/836 (5.9%) screws (2.4% laterally, 1.7% inferiorly, 1.1% superiorly, 0.7% medially). The errors were minor (0.1-2mm, 46/49) or intermediate (2.1 – 4 mm, 3/49). All intermediate errors were lateral. There were no major errors (≥ 4.1mm). Some screws were judged too long (66/836, 8%). The average time to insert one screw with navigation was 19.1 minutes from application to removal of the reference frame. The amount of improvement at one year post-operation for self-rated leg and back pain were 72% and 48% respectively. The improvement was stable over 2 years. Above-level and below-level radiological degenerations were found in 44 patients (33%) and 3 patients respectively (2%) and occurred on average 22.2 ± 2.6 months after the surgery. Fusions ending at L2 had the most degenerations (14/25, 56%). Conclusion: CT-based preoperative navigation for lumbo-sacral pedicle screw insertion is accurate and associated with a good short term outcome, making it worth the investment of the additional time required. Segmental degeneration may have a negative effect on radiological and clinical outcomes

    A Dynamic-Image Computational Approach for Modeling the Spine

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    We propose a dynamic-image driven computational approach for the modeling and simulation of the spine. We use static and dynamic medical images, computational methods and anatomic knowledge to accurately model and measure the subject-specific dynamic behavior of structures in the spine. The resulting models have applications in biomechanical simulations, computer animation, and orthopaedic surgery. We first develop a semi-automated motion reconstruction method for measuring 3D motion with sub-millimeter accuracy. The automation of the method enables the study of subject-specific spine kinematics over large groups of population. The accuracy of the method enables the modeling and analysis of small anatomical features that are difficult to capture in-vivo using existing imaging techniques. We then develop a set of computational tools to model spine soft-tissue structures. We build dynamic-motion driven geometric models that combine the complementary strengths of the accurate but static models used in orthopaedics and the dynamic but low level-of-detail multibody simulations used in humanoid computer animation. Leveraging dynamic images and reconstructed motion, this approach allows the modeling and analysis anatomical features that are too small to be imaged in-vivo and of their dynamic behavior. Finally, we generate predictive, subject-specific models of healthy and symptomatic spines. The predictive models help to identify, understand and validate hypotheses about spine disorders

    3D registration of MR and X-ray spine images using an articulated model

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    Présentation: Cet article a été publié dans le journal : Computerised medical imaging and graphics (CMIG). Le but de cet article est de recaler les vertèbres extraites à partir d’images RM avec des vertèbres extraites à partir d’images RX pour des patients scoliotiques, en tenant compte des déformations non-rigides due au changement de posture entre ces deux modalités. À ces fins, une méthode de recalage à l’aide d’un modèle articulé est proposée. Cette méthode a été comparée avec un recalage rigide en calculant l’erreur sur des points de repère, ainsi qu’en calculant la différence entre l’angle de Cobb avant et après recalage. Une validation additionelle de la méthode de recalage présentée ici se trouve dans l’annexe A. Ce travail servira de première étape dans la fusion des images RM, RX et TP du tronc complet. Donc, cet article vérifie l’hypothèse 1 décrite dans la section 3.2.1.Abstract This paper presents a magnetic resonance image (MRI)/X-ray spine registration method that compensates for the change in the curvature of the spine between standing and prone positions for scoliotic patients. MRIs in prone position and X-rays in standing position are acquired for 14 patients with scoliosis. The 3D reconstructions of the spine are then aligned using an articulated model which calculates intervertebral transformations. Results show significant decrease in regis- tration error when the proposed articulated model is compared with rigid registration. The method can be used as a basis for full body MRI/X-ray registration incorporating soft tissues for surgical simulation.Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR

    Time-varying changes in the lumbar spine from exposure to sedentary tasks and their potential effects on injury mechanics and pain generation

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    General body discomfort increases over time during prolonged sitting and it is typically accepted that no single posture can be comfortably maintained for long periods. Despite this knowledge, workplace exposure to prolonged sitting is very common. Sedentary occupations that expose workers to prolonged sitting are associated with an increased risk of developing low back pain (LBP), disc degeneration and lumbar disc herniation. Given the prevalence of occupations with a large amount of seated work and the propensity for a dose-response relationship between sitting and LBP, refining our understanding of the biomechanics of the lumbar spine during sitting is important. Sitting imposes a flexed posture that, when held for a prolonged period of time, may cause detrimental effects on the tissues of the spine. While sitting is typically viewed as a sedentary and constrained task, several researchers have identified the importance of investigating movement during prolonged sitting. The studies in this thesis were designed to address the following two global questions: (1) How do the lumbar spine and pelvis move during sitting? (2) Can lumbar spine movement and postures explain LBP and injury associated with prolonged sitting? The first study (Study 1) examined static X-ray images of the lower lumbo-sacral spine in a range of standing and seated postures to measure the intervertebral joint angles that contribute to spine flexion. The main finding was that the lower lumbo-sacral joints approach their total range of motion in seated postures. This suggests that there could be increased loading of the passive tissues surrounding the lower lumbo-sacral intervertebral joints, contributing to low back pain and/or injury from prolonged sitting. Study 2 compared external spine angles measured using accelerometers from L3 to the sacrum with corresponding angles measured from X-ray images. While the external and internal angles did not match, the accelerometers were sensitive to changes in seated lumbar posture and were consistent with measurements made using similar technology in other studies. This study also provided an in-depth analysis of the current methods for data treatment and how these methods affect the outcomes. A further study (Study 3) employed videofluoroscopy to investigate the dynamic rotational kinematics of the intervertebral joints of the lumbo-sacral spine in a seated slouching motion in order to determine a sequence of vertebral motion. The pelvis did not initiate the slouching motion and a disordered sequence of vertebral rotation was observed at the initiation of the movement. Individuals performed the slouching movement using a number of different motion strategies that influenced the IVJ angles attained during the slouching motion. From the results of Study 1, it would appear as though the lowest lumbar intervertebral joint (L5/S1) contribute the most to lumbo-sacral flexion in upright sitting, as it is at approximately 60% of its end range in this posture. However, the results from Study 3 suggest that there is no consistent sequence of intervertebral joint rotation when flexing the spine from upright to slouched sitting. When moving from standing to sitting, lumbar spine flexion primarily occurs at the lowest joint (i.e. L5/S1); however, a disordered sequence of vertebral motion the different motion patterns observed may indicate that different joints approach their end range before the completion of the slouching movement. In order to understand the biomechanical factors associated with sitting induced low back pain, Study 4 examined the postural responses and pain scores of low back pain sufferers compared with asymptomatic individuals during prolonged seated work. The distinguishing factor between these two groups was their respective time-varying seated lumbar spine movement patterns. Low back pain sufferers moved more than asymptomatic individuals did during 90 minutes of seated work and they reported increased low back pain over time. Frequent shifts in lumbar spine posture could be a mechanism for redistributing the load to different tissues of the spine, particularly if some tissues are more vulnerable than others. However, increased movement did not completely eliminate pain in individuals with pre-existing LBP. The LBP sufferers’ seated spine movements increased in frequency and amplitude as time passed. It is likely that these movements became more difficult to properly control because LBP patients may lack proper lumbar spine postural control. The results of this study highlight the fact that short duration investigations of seated postures do not accurately represent the biological responses to prolonged exposure. Individuals with sitting-induced low back pain and those without pain differ in how they move during seated work and this will have different impacts on the tissues of the lumbar spine. A tissue-based rational for the detrimental effects on the spinal joint of prolonged sitting was examined in Study 5 using an in vitro spine model and simulated spine motion patterns documented in vivo from Study 4. The static protocol simulated 2 hours of sitting in one posture. The shift protocol simulated infrequent but large changes in posture, similar to the seated movements observed in a group of LBP sufferers. The fidget protocol replicated small, frequent movements about one posture, demonstrated by a group of asymptomatic individuals. Regardless of the amount of spine movement around one posture, all specimens lost a substantial amount of disc height. Furthermore, the passive range of motion of a joint changed substantially after 2 hours of simulated sitting. Specifically, there were step-like regions of reduced stiffness throughout the passive range of motion particularly around the adopted “seated flexion” angle. However, small movements around a posture (i.e. fidgeting) may mitigate the changes in the passive stiffness in around the seated flexion angle. The load transferred through the joint during the 2-hour test was varied either by changing postures (i.e. shifting) or by a potential creep mechanism (i.e. maintaining one static posture). Fidgeting appeared to reduce the variation of load carriage through the joint and may lead to a more uniform increase in stiffness across the entire passive range of motion. These changes in passive joint mechanics could have greater consequences for a low back pain population who may be more susceptible to abnormal muscular control and clinical instability. Nevertheless, the observed disc height loss and changes in joint mechanics may help explain the increased risk of developing disc herniation and degeneration if exposure to sitting is cumulative over many days, months and years. In summary, this work has highlighted that seated postures place the joints of the lumbar spine towards their end range of motion, which is considered to be risky for pain/injury in a number of tissue sources. In-depth analyses of both internal and external measurements of spine postures identified different seated motion patterns and self-selected seated postures that may increase the risk for developing LBP. The model of seated LBP/discomfort development used in this thesis provided evidence that large lumbar spine movements do not reduce pain in individuals with pre-existing LBP. Tissue-based evidence demonstrated that 2 hours of sitting substantially affects IVJ mechanics and may help explain the increased risk of developing disc herniation and degeneration if exposure to sitting is cumulative over many days, months and years. The information obtained from this thesis will help develop and refine interventions in the workplace to help reduce low back pain during seated work

    Articulated patient model in high-precision radiation therapy

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    In modern high precision radiotherapy, changes in the anatomy of the patient over the course of treatment pose a major challenge. An accurate assessment of occurring anatomical variations is the key requirement to enable an adaptation of the treatment plan for ensuring a highly precise treatment. Comparison of commonly used deformable image registration shows large discrepancies regarding the quality of anatomical alignment, benchmarked on a common data pool. One of the main reasons is found in widely used transformation models, insufficiently reflecting the actual deformation behaviour of the underlying tissue. Thus, especially in the highly heterogeneous head and neck area, which is characterized by many organs at risk being in proximity to the tumor as well as posture changes induced by the interplay of several bones, an accurate assessment of anatomical changes is essential for a successful adaptive radiotherapy. A physically meaningful transformation model offering a high biofidelity is required to provide an accurate anatomical alignment in such area. In this work, a novel biomechanical deformation model based on kinematics and multi-body physics for the whole head and neck area is introduced to guarantee the representation of physically meaningful transformations. The developed kinematic model is individually tailored to each patient as it is based on the delineated bones extracted from the computer tomography scan. It encompasses all bones relevant for head and neck cancer treatment, including bones of the proximal upper extremities, the shoulder girdle, cranial region, the rib cage and the vertebral column. Moreover, the model is designed to be easily extendible to other body regions. All bones are connected by ball and socket joints, which are automatically localized based on their individual geometries. A kinematic graph maintains the hierarchy of the connected bones across the whole skeleton to enable the propagation of local transformations to other body regions by inverse kinematics. Accuracy, robustness and computational efficiency of the kinematic model were retrospectively evaluated on patient datasets representative for typical inter-fractional variations as well as separately acquired image scans with large arms-up to arms-down posture changes. Using landmarks defined by multiple observers as reference, the overall mean accuracy of the kinematic model in reproducing postures in the image scans was found to be around 1 millimetre, which is settled slightly above the inter-observer variation. In detail, the assessed accuracy revealed potential for improvement regarding the automated positioning of the intervertebral joints in the region of the cervical spine. Due to the complex shape of the vertebrae, a relocation of the joint rotation centres towards the line connecting the centres of the intervertebral disks seems beneficial. Moreover, the use of ball and socket joints for the acromioclavicular joints has shown to be insufficient for mimicking the large arms-up to arms-down posture change due to the lack of representing translational offsets, observed in the image scans. The strong regularization of the permissible deformations in the skeletal anatomy leads to a higher robustness against conflicting input such as flawed or mixed-up anatomical feature points. Furthermore, such a physical-object-oriented transformation model requires even less input to describe meaningful deformations. With the total degrees of freedom of the kinematic head and neck model limited to those specified by the joints, the computation of new arbitrary skeletal postures is achieved within less than 50 milliseconds. With such efficient computation on the one hand and the strong regularization of deformations on the other hand, the kinematic model seems suitable for its application in a registration approach. In addition, it was demonstrated how the kinematic model can be successfully embedded into a registration approach as a transformation model to enable the fully automatic extraction of anatomical variations from image scans. This was accomplished by coupling the model to an extended simplex downhill optimizer and an overlap based similarity metric. The anatomy of pre-selected bones is aligned following a hierarchical optimization scheme. In conclusion, the novel developed kinematic model guarantees a deformation modelling of high biofidelity and efficiency, thus promising an assessment of anatomical changes without the need of an extensive visual inspection of the results as otherwise expected. To date, successful application of adaptive radiotherapy especially for tumors in regions characterized by a high anatomical flexibility is hampered by a lacking reliability of conventional deformation models. While associated uncertainties can be compensated at the cost of extended safety margins for photon therapy, prevailing range uncertainties when using particles currently impede the treatment of tumors in such areas. The dissemination of the proposed kinematic deformation model into the clinics provides a way to lay the foundation towards broadening the spectrum of patients eligible for treatment with particles, carried out at the increasing number of particle therapy centres worldwide
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