13 research outputs found

    Automatic Animation of Hair Blowing in Still Portrait Photos

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    We propose a novel approach to animate human hair in a still portrait photo. Existing work has largely studied the animation of fluid elements such as water and fire. However, hair animation for a real image remains underexplored, which is a challenging problem, due to the high complexity of hair structure and dynamics. Considering the complexity of hair structure, we innovatively treat hair wisp extraction as an instance segmentation problem, where a hair wisp is referred to as an instance. With advanced instance segmentation networks, our method extracts meaningful and natural hair wisps. Furthermore, we propose a wisp-aware animation module that animates hair wisps with pleasing motions without noticeable artifacts. The extensive experiments show the superiority of our method. Our method provides the most pleasing and compelling viewing experience in the qualitative experiments and outperforms state-of-the-art still-image animation methods by a large margin in the quantitative evaluation. Project url: \url{https://nevergiveu.github.io/AutomaticHairBlowing/}Comment: Accepted to ICCV 202

    Warp-Guided GANs for Single-Photo Facial Animation

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    This paper introduces a novel method for realtime portrait animation in a single photo. Our method requires only a single portrait photo and a set of facial landmarks derived from a driving source (e.g., a photo or a video sequence), and generates an animated image with rich facial details. The core of our method is a warp-guided generative model that instantly fuses various fine facial details (e.g., creases and wrinkles), which are necessary to generate a high-fidelity facial expression, onto a pre-warped image. Our method factorizes out the nonlinear geometric transformations exhibited in facial expressions by lightweight 2D warps and leaves the appearance detail synthesis to conditional generative neural networks for high-fidelity facial animation generation. We show such a factorization of geometric transformation and appearance synthesis largely helps the network better learn the high nonlinearity of the facial expression functions and also facilitates the design of the network architecture. Through extensive experiments on various portrait photos from the Internet, we show the significant efficacy of our method compared with prior arts

    Still/Moving Images. The Dialectical Relationship Between Cinema and Photography in Contemporary Artistic Practices

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    Tra le plurime conseguenze dell’avvento del digitale, la riarticolazione dei rapporti tra immagine statica e immagine in movimento è certamente una delle più profonde. Sintomatica dei cambiamenti in atto sia nei film studies sia nella storia dell’arte, tale riarticolazione richiede un ripensamento dei confini disciplinari tradizionali entro cui il cinema e la fotografia sono stati affrontati come oggetti di studio separati e distinti. Nell’adottare un approccio molteplice, volto a comprendere prospettive provenienti dalla New Film History e dalla media archaeology, dalla teoria dell’arte e dagli studi visuali, questo lavoro esplora l’esistenza di una relazione dialettica tra il cinema e la fotografia intesa in modo duplice: come tensione costitutiva tra due media indissolubilmente connessi – non tanto in considerazione di un medesimo principio realistico di rappresentazione quanto, piuttosto, in virtù di uno scambio incessante nella modellizzazione di categorie quali il tempo, il movimento, l’immobilità, l’istante, la durata; come istanza peculiare della pratica artistica contemporanea, paradigma di riferimento nella produzione estetica di immagini. La tesi si suddivide in tre capitoli. Il primo si concentra sul rapporto tra l’immobilità e il movimento dell’immagine come cifra in grado di connettere l’estetica delle attrazioni e la cronofotografia a una serie di esperienze filmiche e artistiche prodotte nei territori delle avanguardie. Il secondo capitolo considera l’emergenza, dagli anni Novanta, di pratiche artistiche in cui l’incontro intermediale tra film e fotografia fornisce modelli di analisi volti all’indagine dell’attuale condizione estetica e tecnologica. Il terzo offre una panoramica critica su un caso di studio, la GIF art. La GIF è un formato digitale obsoleto che consente di produrre immagini che appaiono, simultaneamente, come fisse e animate; nel presente lavoro, la GIF è discussa come un medium capace di contraddire i confini attraverso cui concepiamo l’immagine fissa e in movimento, suggerendo, inoltre, un possibile modello di pensiero storico-cronologico anti-lineare.Among the numerous consequences of the advent of the digital age, the redefinition of the boundaries between still and moving images is certainly one of the deepest. Closely connected to the changes that are now occurring in film studies and art history, this redefinition requires a rethinking of the traditional borders between cinema and photography. Adopting perspectives belonging to New Film History, media archaeology, art theory and visual studies, the present work aims at exploring the existence of a dialectical relationship between cinema and photography. This dialectic is understood in a double sense: on the one hand, as a constitutive tension between two media that are inextricably linked in shaping time, movement, immobility, instant and duration, and, on the other hand as a new paradigm in contemporary art. The dissertation is subdivided into three chapters. In the first one the dialectical relationship between movement and stillness is the key to understanding some connections between early cinema's aesthetic of attraction, chronophotography and avant-garde. The second chapter considers the emergence, since the 1990s, of artistic practices that aim at employing cinema and photography in order to reflect current aesthetic and technological conditions. The third chapter offers a critical overview of the case study of GIF art. GIF is an obsolete digital format that allows images to be produced that seem to be simultaneously still and moving; in the present work, GIF is discussed as a medium able to contradict the boundaries between still and moving images, suggesting furthermore a possible conceptual model for thinking about time and history in a discontinuous way

    Attunings: multilinear ways of thinking about, making with, and sensing the world

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    This research project finds ways to make multilinear nonfiction and then considers ways to think about what this multilinear nonfiction practice does. This approach moves iteratively from the fragmented and relational qualities of the online network, the Korsakow authoring software, the essay film, and the list as ways of making interactive nonfiction, to ecocriticism as a way to understand what this practice does. I See You, Grey Skies/Blue Skies, Sunny, Rainy, Foggy, and Sometimes I See Palm Trees, as the creative components of this research, compose the world in fragments and soft relations which respond to multilinearity as a specific quality of the online network. After developing a practice of listing to notice the unnoticed I find the ways ecocriticism and posthumanism think about the world as appropriate lenses to understand the projects I have made. I see particular affinities between how these fields think about the world as indeterminate and my own fragmented and relational practice. The understanding which culminates through applying these evocative lenses is a non-narrative audiovisual nonfiction practice which composes the world in fragments and soft multiple relations. I propose this practice thinks about and senses the world ecocritically

    On photography and movement : bodies, habits and worlds in everyday photographic practice

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    This study is an exploration of everyday photographic practice and of the places that photographers visit and inhabit offline and online. It discusses the role of movement, the senses and repetition in taking photographs. Ultimately it is about photographers and their photographic routines and habits. Since the advent of photography, numerous texts on the subject have typically focused on photographs as objects. This trend has continued into the digital age, with academic writing firmly focusing on image culture rather than considering new issues relating to online practice. Although various technological innovations have given the photographer flexibility as to how and what they do with their images, the contention of this thesis is that analogue routines have been mostly transposed into the digital age. Nevertheless, there remains a lack of empirical enquiry into what photographers actually do within online spaces. This study is one of the first to address this knowledge gap. Taking a unique approach to the study of photography, it draws upon work in various fields, including phenomenology, social anthropology, human geography and sensory ethnography, to produce an innovative conceptual and methodological approach. This approach is applied in the field to gain an in-depth understanding of what ‘doing’ photography actually entails. An in-depth analysis of interviews with and observations of North East photographers reveals how they engage with everyday life in a distinctive way. Habitually carrying a camera allows them to notice details that most would ignore. Online and offline movements often become entangled, and when photographers explore Flickr there is a clear synergy with the way in which they explore their local city space. This research is a call to others to give serious consideration to online and offline photography practices, and an attempt to stimulate new discussions about what it means to be a photographer in the world.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo