238 research outputs found

    Automated generation of constructive ordering heuristics for educational timetabling

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    Construction heuristics play an important role in solving combinatorial optimization problems. These heuristics are usually used to create an initial solution to the problem which is improved using optimization techniques such as metaheuristics. For examination timetabling and university course timetabling problems essentially graph colouring heuristics have been used for this purpose. The process of deriving heuristics manually for educational timetabling is a time consuming task. Furthermore, according to the no free lunch theorem different heuristics will perform well for different problems and problem instances. Hence, automating the induction of construction heuristics will reduce the man hours involved in creating such heuristics, allow for the derivation of problem specific heuristics and possibly result in the derivation of heuristics that humans have not thought of. This paper presents generation construction hyper-heuristics for educational timetabling. The study investigates the automatic induction of two types of construction heuristics, namely, arithmetic heuristics and hierarchical heuristics. Genetic programming is used to evolve arithmetic heuristics. Genetic programming, genetic algorithms and the generation of random heuristic combinations is examined for the generation of hierarchical heuristics. The hyper-heuristics generating both types of heuristics are applied to the examination timetabling and the curriculum based university course timetabling problems. The evolved heuristics were found to perform much better than the existing graph colouring heuristics used for this domain. Furthermore, it was found that the while the arithmetic heuristics were more effective for the examination timetabling problem, the hierarchical heuristics produced better results than the arithmetic heuristics for the curriculum based course timetabling problem. Genetic algorithms proved to be the most effective at inducing hierarchical heuristics

    Hybridising heuristics within an estimation distribution algorithm for examination timetabling

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    This paper presents a hybrid hyper-heuristic approach based on estimation distribution algorithms. The main motivation is to raise the level of generality for search methodologies. The objective of the hyper-heuristic is to produce solutions of acceptable quality for a number of optimisation problems. In this work, we demonstrate the generality through experimental results for different variants of exam timetabling problems. The hyper-heuristic represents an automated constructive method that searches for heuristic choices from a given set of low-level heuristics based only on non-domain-specific knowledge. The high-level search methodology is based on a simple estimation distribution algorithm. It is capable of guiding the search to select appropriate heuristics in different problem solving situations. The probability distribution of low-level heuristics at different stages of solution construction can be used to measure their effectiveness and possibly help to facilitate more intelligent hyper-heuristic search methods

    A Classification of Hyper-heuristic Approaches

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    The current state of the art in hyper-heuristic research comprises a set of approaches that share the common goal of automating the design and adaptation of heuristic methods to solve hard computational search problems. The main goal is to produce more generally applicable search methodologies. In this chapter we present and overview of previous categorisations of hyper-heuristics and provide a unified classification and definition which captures the work that is being undertaken in this field. We distinguish between two main hyper-heuristic categories: heuristic selection and heuristic generation. Some representative examples of each category are discussed in detail. Our goal is to both clarify the main features of existing techniques and to suggest new directions for hyper-heuristic research

    A New Initialisation Method for Examination Timetabling Heuristics

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this record.Timetabling problems are widespread, but are particularly prevalent in the educational domain. When sufficiently large, these are often only effectively tackled by timetabling meta-heuristics. The effectiveness of these in turn are often largely dependant on their initialisation protocols. There are a number of different initialisation approaches used in the literature for starting examination timetabling heuristics. We present a new iterative initialisation algorithm here --- which attempts to generate high-quality and legal solutions, to feed into a heuristic optimiser. The proposed approach is empirically verified on the ITC 2007 and Yeditepe benchmark sets. It is compared to popular initialisation approaches commonly employed in exam timetabling heuristics: the largest degree, largest weighted degree, largest enrollment, and saturation degree graph-colouring approaches, and random schedule allocation. The effectiveness of these approaches are also compared via incorporation in an exemplar evolutionary algorithm. The results show that the proposed method is capable of producing feasible solutions for all instances, with better quality and diversity compared to the alternative methods. It also leads to improved optimiser performance.Saudi Arabia Cultural Burea

    Effective Solution of University Course Timetabling using Particle Swarm Optimizer based Hyper Heuristic approach

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    عادة ما تكون مشكلة الجدول الزمني للمحاضرات الجامعية (UCTP) هي مشكلة تحسين الإندماجية. يستغرق الأمر جهود يدوية لعدة أيام للوصول إلى جدول زمني مفيد ، ولا تزال النتائج غير جيدة بما يكفي. تُستخدم طرق مختلفة من (الإرشاد أو الإرشاد المساعد) لحل UCTP بشكل مناسب. لكن هذه الأساليب عادةً ما تعطي حلول محدودة. يعالج إطار العمل الاسترشادي العالي هذه المشكلة المعقدة بشكل مناسب. يقترح هذا البحث استخدام محسن سرب الجسيمات استنادا على منهجية الإرشاد العالي (HH PSO) لمعالجة مشكلة الجدول الزمني للمحاضرات الجامعية (UCTP) . محسن سرب الجسيمات PSO يستخدام كطريقة ذات مستوى عالي لتحديد تسلسل الاستدلال ذي المستوى المنخفض (LLH) والذي من ناحية أخرى يستطيع توليد الحل الأمثل. لنهج المقترح يقسم الحل إلى مرحلتين (المرحلة الأولية ومرحلة التحسين). قمنا بتطوير LLH جديد يسمى "أقل عدد ممكن من الغرف المتبقية"  لجدولة الأحداث. يتم استخدام مجموعتي بيانات مسابقة الجدول الزمني الدولية (ITC)  ITC 2002 و ITC 2007 لتقييم الطريقة المقترحة. تشير النتائج الأولية  إلى أن الإرشاد منخفض المستوى المقترح يساعد في جدولة الأحداث في المرحلة الأولية. بالمقارنة مع LLH الأخرى ، الطريقة LLH المقترحة جدولت المزيد من الأحداث لـ 14 و 15 من حالات البيانات من 24 و 20 حالة بيانات من ITC 2002 و ITC 2007 ، على التوالي. تظهر الدراسة التجريبية أن HH PSO تحصل على معدل خرق أقل للقيود في سبع وستة حالات بيانات من ITC 2007 و ITC 2002 ، على التوالي. واستنتج هذا البحث أن LLH المقترحة يمكن أن تحصل على حل معقول وملائم إذا تم تحديد الأولوياتThe university course timetable problem (UCTP) is typically a combinatorial optimization problem. Manually achieving a useful timetable requires many days of effort, and the results are still unsatisfactory. unsatisfactory. Various states of art methods (heuristic, meta-heuristic) are used to satisfactorily solve UCTP. However, these approaches typically represent the instance-specific solutions. The hyper-heuristic framework adequately addresses this complex problem. This research proposed Particle Swarm Optimizer-based Hyper Heuristic (HH PSO) to solve UCTP efficiently. PSO is used as a higher-level method that selects low-level heuristics (LLH) sequence which further generates an optimal solution. The proposed approach generates solutions into two phases (initial and improvement). A new LLH named “least possible rooms left” has been developed and proposed to schedule events. Both datasets of international timetabling competition (ITC) i.e., ITC 2002 and ITC 2007 are used to evaluate the proposed method. Experimental results indicate that the proposed low-level heuristic helps to schedule events at the initial stage. When compared with other LLH’s, the proposed LLH schedule more events for 14 and 15 data instances out of 24 and 20 data instances of ITC 2002 and ITC 2007, respectively. The experimental study shows that HH PSO gets a lower soft constraint violation rate on seven and six data instances of ITC 2007 and ITC 2002, respectively. This research has concluded the proposed LLH can get a feasible solution if prioritized

    Domain transformation approach to deterministic optimization of examination timetables

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    In this paper we introduce a new optimization method for the examinations scheduling problem. Rather than attempting direct optimization of assignments of exams to specific time-slots, we perform permutations of slots and reassignments of exams upon the feasible (but not optimal) schedules obtained by the standard graph colouring method with Largest Degree ordering. The proposed optimization methods have been evaluated on the University of Toronto, University of Nottingham and International Timetabling Competition (ITC2007) datasets. It is shown that the proposed method delivers competitive results compared to other constructive methods in the timetabling literature on both the Nottingham and Toronto datasets, and it maintains the same optimization pattern of the solution improvement on the ITC2007 dataset. A deterministic pattern obtained for all benchmark datasets, makes the proposed method more understandable to the users

    Evolutionary Ruin And Stochastic Recreate: A Case Study On The Exam Timetabling Problem

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    This paper presents a new class of intelligent systems, called Evolutionary Ruin and Stochastic Recreate, that can learn and adapt to the changing enviroment. It improves the original Ruin and Recreate principle’s performance by incorporating an Evolutionary Ruin step which implements evolution within a single solution. In the proposed approach, a cycle of Solution Decomposition, Evolutionary Ruin and Stochastic Recreate continues until stopping conditions are reached. The Solution Decomposition step first uses some domain knowledge to break a solution down into its components and assign a score to each. The Evolutionary Ruin step then applies two operators (namely Selection and Mutation) to destroy a certain fraction of the entire solution. After the above steps, an input solution becomes partial and thus the resulting partial solution needs to be repaired. The repair is carried out by using the Stochastic Recreate step to reintroduce the removed items in a specific way (somewhat stochastic in order to have a better chance to jump out of the local optima), and then ask the underlying improvement heuristic whether this move will be accepted. These three steps are executed in sequence until a specific stopping condition is reached. Therefore, optimisation is achieved by solution disruption, iterative improvement and a stochastic constructive repair process performed within. Encouraging experimental results on exam timetabling problems are reported