31 research outputs found

    Analyzing program termination and complexity automatically with AProVE

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    In this system description, we present the tool AProVE for automatic termination and complexity proofs of Java, C, Haskell, Prolog, and rewrite systems. In addition to classical term rewrite systems (TRSs), AProVE also supports rewrite systems containing built-in integers (int-TRSs). To analyze programs in high-level languages, AProVE automatically converts them to (int-)TRSs. Then, a wide range of techniques is employed to prove termination and to infer complexity bounds for the resulting rewrite systems. The generated proofs can be exported to check their correctness using automatic certifiers. To use AProVE in software construction, we present a corresponding plug-in for the popular Eclipse software development environment

    Strings at MOSCA

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    A Collaborative Framework for Non-Linear Integer Arithmetic Reasoning in Alt-Ergo

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    In this paper, we describe a collaborative framework for reasoning modulo simple properties of non-linear integer arithmetic. This framework relies on the AC(X) combination method and on interval calculus. The first component is used to handle equalities of linear integer arithmetic and associativity and commutativity properties of non-linear multiplication. The interval calculus component is used - in addition to standard linear operations over inequalities - to refine bounds of non-linear terms and to inform the SAT solver about judicious case-splits on bounded intervals. The framework has been implemented in the Alt-Ergo theorem prover. We show its effectiveness on a set of formulas generated from deductive program verification

    Computational Methods for Combinatorial and Number Theoretic Problems

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    Computational methods have become a valuable tool for studying mathematical problems and for constructing large combinatorial objects. In fact, it is often not possible to find large combinatorial objects using human reasoning alone and the only known way of accessing such objects is to use computational methods. These methods require deriving mathematical properties which the object in question must necessarily satisfy, translating those properties into a format that a computer can process, and then running a search through a space which contains the objects which satisfy those properties. In this thesis, we solve some combinatorial and number theoretic problems which fit into the above framework and present computational strategies which can be used to perform the search and preprocessing. In particular, one strategy we examine uses state-of-the-art tools from the symbolic computation and SAT/SMT solving communities to execute a search more efficiently than would be the case using the techniques from either community in isolation. To this end, we developed the tool MathCheck2, which combines the sophisticated domain-specific knowledge of a computer algebra system (CAS) with the powerful general-purpose search routines of a SAT solver. This fits into the recently proposed SAT+CAS paradigm which is based on the insight that modern SAT solvers (some of the best general-purpose search tools ever developed) do not perform well in all applications but can be made more efficient if supplied with appropriate domain-specific knowledge. To our knowledge, this is the first PhD thesis which studies the SAT+CAS paradigm which we believe has potential to be used in many problems for a long time to come. As case studies for the methods we examine, we study the problem of computing Williamson matrices, the problem of computing complex Golay sequences, and the problem of computing minimal primes. In each case, we provide results which are competitive with or improve on the best known results prior to our work. In the first case study, we provide for the first time an enumeration of all Williamson matrices up to order 45 and show that 35 is the smallest order for which Williamson matrices do not exist. These results were previously known under the restriction that the order was odd but our work also considers even orders, as Williamson did when he defined such matrices in 1944. In the second case study, we provide an independent verification of the 2002 conjecture that complex Golay sequences do not exist in order 23 and enumerate all complex Golay sequences up to order 25. In the third case study, we compute the set of minimal primes for all bases up to 16 as well for all bases up to 30 with possibly a small number of missing elements

    Decision procedures for linear arithmetic

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    In this thesis, we present new decision procedures for linear arithmetic in the context of SMT solvers and theorem provers: 1) CutSat++, a calculus for linear integer arithmetic that combines techniques from SAT solving and quantifier elimination in order to be sound, terminating, and complete. 2) The largest cube test and the unit cube test, two sound (although incomplete) tests that find integer and mixed solutions in polynomial time. The tests are especially efficient on absolutely unbounded constraint systems, which are difficult to handle for many other decision procedures. 3) Techniques for the investigation of equalities implied by a constraint system. Moreover, we present several applications for these techniques. 4) The Double-Bounded reduction and the Mixed-Echelon-Hermite transformation, two transformations that reduce any constraint system in polynomial time to an equisatisfiable constraint system that is bounded. The transformations are beneficial because they turn branch-and-bound into a complete and efficient decision procedure for unbounded constraint systems. We have implemented the above decision procedures (except for Cut- Sat++) as part of our linear arithmetic theory solver SPASS-IQ and as part of our CDCL(LA) solver SPASS-SATT. We also present various benchmark evaluations that confirm the practical efficiency of our new decision procedures.In dieser Arbeit prĂ€sentieren wir neue Entscheidungsprozeduren fĂŒr lineare Arithmetik im Kontext von SMT-Solvern und Theorembeweisern: 1) CutSat++, ein korrekter und vollstĂ€ndiger KalkĂŒl fĂŒr ganzzahlige lineare Arithmetik, der Techniken zur Entscheidung von Aussagenlogik mit Techniken aus der Quantorenelimination vereint. 2) Der GrĂ¶ĂŸte-WĂŒrfeltest und der EinheitswĂŒrfeltest, zwei korrekte (wenn auch unvollstĂ€ndige) Tests, die in polynomieller Zeit (gemischt-)ganzzahlige Lösungen finden. Die Tests sind besonders effizient auf vollstĂ€ndig unbegrenzten Systemen, welche fĂŒr viele andere Entscheidungsprozeduren schwer sind. 3) Techniken zur Ermittlung von Gleichungen, die von einem linearen Ungleichungssystem impliziert werden. Des Weiteren prĂ€sentieren wir mehrere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten fĂŒr diese Techniken. 4) Die Beidseitig-Begrenzte-Reduktion und die Gemischte-Echelon-Hermitesche- Transformation, die ein Ungleichungssystem in polynomieller Zeit auf ein erfĂŒllbarkeitsĂ€quivalentes System reduzieren, das begrenzt ist. Vereint verwandeln die Transformationen Branch-and-Bound in eine vollstĂ€ndige und effiziente Entscheidungsprozedur fĂŒr unbeschrĂ€nkte Ungleichungssysteme. Wir haben diese Techniken (ausgenommen CutSat++) in SPASS-IQ (unserem theory solver fĂŒr lineare Arithmetik) und in SPASS-SATT (unserem CDCL(LA) solver) implementiert. Basierend darauf prĂ€sentieren wir Benchmark-Evaluationen, die die Effizienz unserer Entscheidungsprozeduren bestĂ€tigen

    Quantifier-Free Interpolation of a Theory of Arrays

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    The use of interpolants in model checking is becoming an enabling technology to allow fast and robust verification of hardware and software. The application of encodings based on the theory of arrays, however, is limited by the impossibility of deriving quantifier- free interpolants in general. In this paper, we show that it is possible to obtain quantifier-free interpolants for a Skolemized version of the extensional theory of arrays. We prove this in two ways: (1) non-constructively, by using the model theoretic notion of amalgamation, which is known to be equivalent to admit quantifier-free interpolation for universal theories; and (2) constructively, by designing an interpolating procedure, based on solving equations between array updates. (Interestingly, rewriting techniques are used in the key steps of the solver and its proof of correctness.) To the best of our knowledge, this is the first successful attempt of computing quantifier- free interpolants for a variant of the theory of arrays with extensionality

    Disproving in First-Order Logic with Definitions, Arithmetic and Finite Domains

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    This thesis explores several methods which enable a first-order reasoner to conclude satisfiability of a formula modulo an arithmetic theory. The most general method requires restricting certain quantifiers to range over finite sets; such assumptions are common in the software verification setting. In addition, the use of first-order reasoning allows for an implicit representation of those finite sets, which can avoid scalability problems that affect other quantified reasoning methods. These new techniques form a useful complement to existing methods that are primarily aimed at proving validity. The Superposition calculus for hierarchic theory combinations provides a basis for reasoning modulo theories in a first-order setting. The recent account of ‘weak abstraction’ and related improvements make an mplementation of the calculus practical. Also, for several logical theories of interest Superposition is an effective decision procedure for the quantifier free fragment. The first contribution is an implementation of that calculus (Beagle), including an optimized implementation of Cooper’s algorithm for quantifier elimination in the theory of linear integer arithmetic. This includes a novel means of extracting values for quantified variables in satisfiable integer problems. Beagle won an efficiency award at CADE Automated theorem prover System Competition (CASC)-J7, and won the arithmetic non-theorem category at CASC-25. This implementation is the start point for solving the ‘disproving with theories’ problem. Some hypotheses can be disproved by showing that, together with axioms the hypothesis is unsatisfiable. Often this is relative to other axioms that enrich a base theory by defining new functions. In that case, the disproof is contingent on the satisfiability of the enrichment. Satisfiability in this context is undecidable. Instead, general characterizations of definition formulas, which do not alter the satisfiability status of the main axioms, are given. These general criteria apply to recursive definitions, definitions over lists, and to arrays. This allows proving some non-theorems which are otherwise intractable, and justifies similar disproofs of non-linear arithmetic formulas. When the hypothesis is contingently true, disproof requires proving existence of a model. If the Superposition calculus saturates a clause set, then a model exists, but only when the clause set satisfies a completeness criterion. This requires each instance of an uninterpreted, theory-sorted term to have a definition in terms of theory symbols. The second contribution is a procedure that creates such definitions, given that a subset of quantifiers range over finite sets. Definitions are produced in a counter-example driven way via a sequence of over and under approximations to the clause set. Two descriptions of the method are given: the first uses the component solver modularly, but has an inefficient counter-example heuristic. The second is more general, correcting many of the inefficiencies of the first, yet it requires tracking clauses through a proof. This latter method is shown to apply also to lists and to problems with unbounded quantifiers. Together, these tools give new ways for applying successful first-order reasoning methods to problems involving interpreted theories

    Light On String Solving: Approaches to Efficiently and Correctly Solving String Constraints

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    Widespread use of string solvers in formal analysis of string-heavy programs has led to a growing demand for more efficient and reliable techniques which can be applied in this context, especially for real-world cases. Designing an algorithm for the (generally undecidable) satisfiability problem for systems of string constraints requires a thorough understanding of the structure of constraints present in the targeted cases. We target the aforementioned case in different perspectives: We present an algorithm which works by reformulating the satisfiability of bounded word equations as a reachability problem for non-deterministic finite automata. Secondly, we present a transformation-system-based technique to solving string constraints. Thirdly, we investigate benchmarks presented in the literature containing regular expression membership predicates and design a decission procedure for a PSPACE-complete sub-theory. Additionally, we introduce a new benchmarking framework for string solvers and use it to showcase the power of our algorithms via an extensive empirical evaluation over a diverse set of benchmarks

    Solving polynomial constraints for proving termination of rewriting

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    A termination problem can be transformed into a set of polynomial constraints. Up to now, several approaches have been studied to deal with these constraints as constraint solving problems. In this thesis, we study in depth some of these approaches, present some advances in each approach.Navarro Marset, RA. (2008). Solving polynomial constraints for proving termination of rewriting. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13626Archivo delegad

    Proceedings of SAT Competition 2021 : Solver and Benchmark Descriptions

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