58 research outputs found

    Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis

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    The accelerating power of deep learning in diagnosing diseases will empower physicians and speed up decision making in clinical environments. Applications of modern medical instruments and digitalization of medical care have generated enormous amounts of medical images in recent years. In this big data arena, new deep learning methods and computational models for efficient data processing, analysis, and modeling of the generated data are crucially important for clinical applications and understanding the underlying biological process. This book presents and highlights novel algorithms, architectures, techniques, and applications of deep learning for medical image analysis

    Case series of breast fillers and how things may go wrong: radiology point of view

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    INTRODUCTION: Breast augmentation is a procedure opted by women to overcome sagging breast due to breastfeeding or aging as well as small breast size. Recent years have shown the emergence of a variety of injectable materials on market as breast fillers. These injectable breast fillers have swiftly gained popularity among women, considering the minimal invasiveness of the procedure, nullifying the need for terrifying surgery. Little do they know that the procedure may pose detrimental complications, while visualization of breast parenchyma infiltrated by these fillers is also deemed substandard; posing diagnostic challenges. We present a case series of three patients with prior history of hyaluronic acid and collagen breast injections. REPORT: The first patient is a 37-year-old lady who presented to casualty with worsening shortness of breath, non-productive cough, central chest pain; associated with fever and chills for 2-weeks duration. The second patient is a 34-year-old lady who complained of cough, fever and haemoptysis; associated with shortness of breath for 1-week duration. CT in these cases revealed non thrombotic wedge-shaped peripheral air-space densities. The third patient is a 37‐year‐old female with right breast pain, swelling and redness for 2- weeks duration. Previous collagen breast injection performed 1 year ago had impeded sonographic visualization of the breast parenchyma. MRI breasts showed multiple non- enhancing round and oval shaped lesions exhibiting fat intensity. CONCLUSION: Radiologists should be familiar with the potential risks and hazards as well as limitations of imaging posed by breast fillers such that MRI is required as problem-solving tool

    Characterization of alar ligament on 3.0T MRI: a cross-sectional study in IIUM Medical Centre, Kuantan

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    INTRODUCTION: The main purpose of the study is to compare the normal anatomy of alar ligament on MRI between male and female. The specific objectives are to assess the prevalence of alar ligament visualized on MRI, to describe its characteristics in term of its course, shape and signal homogeneity and to find differences in alar ligament signal intensity between male and female. This study also aims to determine the association between the heights of respondents with alar ligament signal intensity and dimensions. MATERIALS & METHODS: 50 healthy volunteers were studied on 3.0T MR scanner Siemens Magnetom Spectra using 2-mm proton density, T2 and fat-suppression sequences. Alar ligament is depicted in 3 planes and the visualization and variability of the ligament courses, shapes and signal intensity characteristics were determined. The alar ligament dimensions were also measured. RESULTS: Alar ligament was best depicted in coronal plane, followed by sagittal and axial planes. The orientations were laterally ascending in most of the subjects (60%), predominantly oval in shaped (54%) and 67% showed inhomogenous signal. No significant difference of alar ligament signal intensity between male and female respondents. No significant association was found between the heights of the respondents with alar ligament signal intensity and dimensions. CONCLUSION: Employing a 3.0T MR scanner, the alar ligament is best portrayed on coronal plane, followed by sagittal and axial planes. However, tremendous variability of alar ligament as depicted in our data shows that caution needs to be exercised when evaluating alar ligament, especially during circumstances of injury

    Infective/inflammatory disorders

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    The radiological investigation of musculoskeletal tumours : chairperson's introduction

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    ENDOMET database – A means to identify novel diagnostic and prognostic tools for endometriosis

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    Endometriosis is a common benign hormone reliant inflammatory gynecological disease that affects fertile aged women and has a considerable economic impact on healthcare systems. Symptoms include intense menstrual pain, persistent pelvic pain, and infertility. It is defined by the existence of endometrium-like tissue developing in ectopic locations outside the uterine cavity and inflammation in the peritoneal cavity. Endometriosis presents with multifactorial etiology, and despite extensive research the etiology is still poorly understood. Diagnostic delay from the onset of the disease to when a conclusive diagnosis is reached is between 7–12 years. There is no known cure, although symptoms can be improved with hormonal medications (which often have multiple side effects and prevent pregnancy), or through surgery which carries its own risk. Current non-invasive tools for diagnosis are not sufficiently dependable, and a definite diagnosis is achieved through laparoscopy or laparotomy. This study was based on two prospective cohorts: The ENDOMET study, including 137 endometriosis patients scheduled for surgery and 62 healthy women, and PROENDO that included 138 endometriosis patients and 33 healthy women. Our long-term goal with the current study was to support the discovery of innovative new tools for efficient diagnosis of endometriosis as well as tools to further understand the etiology and pathogenesis of the disease. We set about achieving this goal by creating a database, EndometDB, based on a relational data model, implemented with PostgreSQL programming language. The database allows e.g., for the exploration of global genome-wide expression patterns in the peritoneum, endometrium, and in endometriosis lesions of endometriosis patients as well as in the peritoneum and endometrium of healthy control women of reproductive age. The data collected in the EndometDB was also used for the development and validation of a symptom and biomarker-based predictive model designed for risk evaluation and early prediction of endometriosis without invasive diagnostic methods. Using the data in the EndometDB we discovered that compared with the eutopic endometrium, the WNT- signaling pathway is one of the molecular pathways that undergo strong changes in endometriosis. We then evaluated the potential role for secreted frizzled-related protein 2 (SFRP-2, a WNT-signaling pathway modulator), in improving endometriosis lesion border detection. The SFRP-2 expression visualizes the lesion better than previously used markers and can be used to better define lesion size and that the surgical excision of the lesions is complete.ENDOMET tietokanta – Keino tunnistaa uusi diagnostinen ja ennustava työkalu endometrioosille Endometrioosi on yleinen hyvänlaatuinen, hormoneista riippuvainen tulehduksellinen lisääntymisikäisten naisten gynekologinen sairaus, joka kuormittaa terveydenhuoltojärjestelmää merkittävästi. Endometrioositaudin oireita ovat mm. voimakas kuukautiskipu, jatkuva lantion alueen kipu ja hedelmättömyys. Sairaus määritellään kohdun limakalvon kaltaisen kudoksen esiintymisenä kohdun ulkopuolella sekä siihen liittyvänä vatsakalvon tulehduksena. Endometrioosin etiologia on monitahoinen, ja laajasta tutkimuksesta huolimatta edelleen huonosti tunnettu. Kesto taudin puhkeamisesta lopullisen diagnoosin saamiseen on usein jopa 7–12 vuotta. Sairauteen ei tunneta parannuskeinoa, mutta oireita voidaan lievittää esimerkiksi hormonaalisilla lääkkeillä (joilla on usein monia sivuvaikutuksia ja jotka estävät raskauden) tai leikkauksella, johon liittyy omat tunnetut riskit. Nykyiset ei-invasiiviset diagnoosityökalut eivät ole riittävän luotettavia sairauden tunnistamiseen, ja varma endometrioosin diagnoosi saavutetaan laparoskopian tai laparotomian avulla. Tämä tutkimus perustui kahteen prospektiiviseen kohorttiin: ENDOMET-tutkimuk-seen, johon osallistui 137 endometrioosipotilasta ja 62 terveellistä naista, sekä PROENDO-tutkimukseen, johon osallistui 138 endometrioosipotilasta ja 33 terveellistä naista. Tässä tutkimuksessa pitkän aikavälin tavoitteemme oli löytää uusia työkalujen endometrioosin diagnosointiin, sekä ymmärtää endometrioosin etiologiaa ja patogeneesiä. Ensimmäisessä vaiheessa loimme EndometDB –tietokannan PostgreSQL-ohjelmointi-kielellä. Tämän osittain avoimeen käyttöön vapautetun tietokannan avulla voidaan tutkia genomin, esimerkiksi kaikkien tunnettujen geenien ilmentymistä peritoneumissa, endo-metriumissa ja endometrioosipotilaiden endometrioosileesioissa EndometDB-tietokantaan kerättyjä tietoja käytettiin oireiden ja biomarkkeripohjaisen ennustemallin kehittämiseen ja validointiin. Malli tuottaa riskinarvioinnin endometrioositaudin varhaiseen ennustamiseen ilman laparoskopiaa. Käyttäen EndometDB-tietokannan tietoja havaitsimme, että endo-metrioositautikudoksessa tapahtui voimakkaita geeni-ilmentymisen muutoksia erityisesti geeneissä, jotka liittyvät WNT-signalointireitin säätelyyn. Keskeisin löydös oli, että SFRP-2 proteiinin ilmentyminen oli huomattavasti koholla endometrioosikudoksessa ja SFRP-2 proteiinin immunohistokemiallinen värjäys erottaa endometrioosin tautikudoksen terveestä kudoksesta aiempia merkkiaineita paremmin. Löydetyllä menetelmällä voidaan siten selvittää tautikudoksen laajuus ja tarvittaessa osoittaa, että leikkauksella on kyetty poistamaan koko sairas kudos

    [<sup>18</sup>F]fluorination of biorelevant arylboronic acid pinacol ester scaffolds synthesized by convergence techniques

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    Aim: The development of small molecules through convergent multicomponent reactions (MCR) has been boosted during the last decade due to the ability to synthesize, virtually without any side-products, numerous small drug-like molecules with several degrees of structural diversity.(1) The association of positron emission tomography (PET) labeling techniques in line with the “one-pot” development of biologically active compounds has the potential to become relevant not only for the evaluation and characterization of those MCR products through molecular imaging, but also to increase the library of radiotracers available. Therefore, since the [18F]fluorination of arylboronic acid pinacol ester derivatives tolerates electron-poor and electro-rich arenes and various functional groups,(2) the main goal of this research work was to achieve the 18F-radiolabeling of several different molecules synthesized through MCR. Materials and Methods: [18F]Fluorination of boronic acid pinacol esters was first extensively optimized using a benzaldehyde derivative in relation to the ideal amount of Cu(II) catalyst and precursor to be used, as well as the reaction solvent. Radiochemical conversion (RCC) yields were assessed by TLC-SG. The optimized radiolabeling conditions were subsequently applied to several structurally different MCR scaffolds comprising biologically relevant pharmacophores (e.g. β-lactam, morpholine, tetrazole, oxazole) that were synthesized to specifically contain a boronic acid pinacol ester group. Results: Radiolabeling with fluorine-18 was achieved with volumes (800 μl) and activities (≤ 2 GBq) compatible with most radiochemistry techniques and modules. In summary, an increase in the quantities of precursor or Cu(II) catalyst lead to higher conversion yields. An optimal amount of precursor (0.06 mmol) and Cu(OTf)2(py)4 (0.04 mmol) was defined for further reactions, with DMA being a preferential solvent over DMF. RCC yields from 15% to 76%, depending on the scaffold, were reproducibly achieved. Interestingly, it was noticed that the structure of the scaffolds, beyond the arylboronic acid, exerts some influence in the final RCC, with electron-withdrawing groups in the para position apparently enhancing the radiolabeling yield. Conclusion: The developed method with high RCC and reproducibility has the potential to be applied in line with MCR and also has a possibility to be incorporated in a later stage of this convergent “one-pot” synthesis strategy. Further studies are currently ongoing to apply this radiolabeling concept to fluorine-containing approved drugs whose boronic acid pinacol ester precursors can be synthesized through MCR (e.g. atorvastatin)