21 research outputs found

    RFID Authentification Protocols using Symmetric Cryptography

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    Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) is emerging in a variety of applications as an important technology for identifying and tracking goods and assets. The spread of RFID technology, however, also gives rise to significant user privacy and security issues. One possible solution to these challenges is the use of a privacy-enhancing cryptographic protocol to protect RFID communications. This thesis considers RFID authentication protocols that make use of symmetric cryptography. We first identify the privacy, security and performance requirements for RFID systems. We then review recent related work, and assess the capabilities of previously proposed protocols with respect to the identified privacy, security and performance properties. The thesis makes four main contributions. First, we introduce server impersonation attacks as a novel security threat to RFID protocols. RFID tag memory is generally not tamper-proof, since tag costs must be kept low, and thus it is vulnerable to compromise by physical attacks. We show that such attacks can give rise to desynchronisation between server and tag in a number of existing RFID authentication protocols. We also describe possible countermeasures to this novel class of attacks. Second, we propose a new authentication protocol for RFID systems that provides most of the identified privacy and security features. The new protocol resists tag information leakage, tag location tracking, replay attacks, denial of service attacks and backward traceability. It is also more resistant to forward traceability and server impersonation attacks than previously proposed schemes. The scheme requires less tag-side storage than existing protocols and requires only a moderate level of tag-side computation. Next, we survey the security requirements for RFID tag ownership transfer. In some applications, the bearer of an RFID tag might change, with corresponding changes required for the RFID system infrastructure. We propose novel authentication protocols for tag ownership and authorisation transfer. The proposed protocols satisfy the requirements presented, and have desirable performance characteristics. Finally, we address the issue of scalability in anonymous RFID authentication protocols. Many previously proposed protocols suffer from scalability issues because they require a linear search to identify or authenticate a tag. Some RFID protocols, however, only require constant time for tag identification; unfortunately, all previously proposed schemes of this type have serious shortcomings. We propose a novel RFID pseudonym protocol that takes constant time to authenticate a tag, and meets the identified privacy, security and performance requirements. The proposed scheme also supports tag delegation and ownership transfer in an efficient way

    KEDGEN2: A key establishment and derivation protocol for EPC Gen2 RFID systems

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    International audienceThe EPC Class-1 Generation-2 (Gen2 for short) is a Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID) technology that is gaining a prominent place in several domains. However, the Gen2 standard lacks verifiable security functionalities. Eavesdropping attacks can, for instance, affect the security of applications based on the Gen2 technology. To address this problem, RFID tags must be equipped with a robust mechanism to authenticate readers before authorising them to access their data. In this paper, we propose a key establishment and derivation protocol, which is applied at both identification phase and those remainder operations requiring security. Our solution is based on a pseudorandom number generator that uses a low computational workload, while ensuring long term secure communication to protect the secrecy of the exchanged data. Mutual authentication of the tag and the sensor and strong notions of secrecy such as forward and backward secrecy are analysed, and we prove formally that after being amended, our protocol is secure with respect to these properties

    Survey: An overview of lightweight RFID authentication protocols suitable for the maritime internet of things

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    The maritime sector employs the Internet of Things (IoT) to exploit many of its benefits to maintain a competitive advantage and keep up with the growing demands of the global economy. The maritime IoT (MIoT) not only inherits similar security threats as the general IoT, it also faces cyber threats that do not exist in the traditional IoT due to factors such as the support for long-distance communication and low-bandwidth connectivity. Therefore, the MIoT presents a significant concern for the sustainability and security of the maritime industry, as a successful cyber attack can be detrimental to national security and have a flow-on effect on the global economy. A common component of maritime IoT systems is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. It has been revealed in previous studies that current RFID authentication protocols are insecure against a number of attacks. This paper provides an overview of vulnerabilities relating to maritime RFID systems and systematically reviews lightweight RFID authentication protocols and their impacts if they were to be used in the maritime sector. Specifically, this paper investigates the capabilities of lightweight RFID authentication protocols that could be used in a maritime environment by evaluating those authentication protocols in terms of the encryption system, authentication method, and resistance to various wireless attacks

    Design and Verification of Specialised Security Goals for Protocol Families

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    Communication Protocols form a fundamental backbone of our modern information networks. These protocols provide a framework to describe how agents - Computers, Smartphones, RFID Tags and more - should structure their communication. As a result, the security of these protocols is implicitly trusted to protect our personal data. In 1997, Lowe presented ‘A Hierarchy of Authentication Specifications’, formalising a set of security requirements that might be expected of communication protocols. The value of these requirements is that they can be formally tested and verified against a protocol specification. This allows a user to have confidence that their communications are protected in ways that are uniformly defined and universally agreed upon. Since that time, the range of objectives and applications of real-world protocols has grown. Novel requirements - such as checking the physical distance between participants, or evolving trust assumptions of intermediate nodes on the network - mean that new attack vectors are found on a frequent basis. The challenge, then, is to define security goals which will guarantee security, even when the nature of these attacks is not known. In this thesis, a methodology for the design of security goals is created. It is used to define a collection of specialised security goals for protocols in multiple different families, by considering tailor-made models for these specific scenarios. For complex requirements, theorems are proved that simplify analysis, allowing the verification of security goals to be efficiently modelled in automated prover tools

    Chicken or the Egg - Computational Data Attacks or Physical Attacks

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    Side-channel and fault injection analyses are well-known domains that have been used for years to evaluate the resistance of hardware based products. These techniques remain a threat for the secret assets embedded in products like smart cards or System On Chip. But most of these products contain nowadays several strong protections rendering side-channel and fault attacks difficult or inefficient. For two decades embedded cryptography for payment, pay tv, identity areas have relied a lot on secure elements. Nowadays more alternative solutions on mobile phones appear with the aim to offer software-based security services including payment and security solutions as the HCE and DRM products. Cryptographic operations running in such applications are then executed most often on unprotected hardware devices. Therefore the binary code is often accessible to attackers who can use static and dynamic reverse engineering techniques to extract and analyse operations including data modification as faults. Hence, hiding or obfuscating secrets and/or whitebox cryptography becomes a strong alternatives to secure element storage for assets. We explain in this paper how directly from the binary or with the extracted source code we can perform statistical and fault analyses using similar techniques as those used in hardware-based security. This concerns particularly side-channel or fault injections techniques. Using our tool and virtualization technique, an attacker can emulate and trace and modify any chosen computational data (memory or register manipulation, any machine language operation) executed in the mobile application. It means the attacker is not no longer restricted by any physical limitations imposing a leakage model (and additional noise) or making fault injection tied with physical limitations. Hence statistical and fault attacks can go potentially further in software-based implementation compared to hardware based devices. As a consequence, complex techniques like high order, collision and horizontal statistical attacks become very efficient and can be easily performed on the computational data execution traces. A similar consequence applies for fault injection attacks. Hence the word statistical and fault analysis on computational data becomes more appropriate and one can wonder who has been the first between computational data or physical attack techniques? Chicken or the Egg

    Design and Analysis of Lightweight Authentication Protocol for Securing IoD

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    The Internet-of-drones (IoD) environment is a layered network control architecture designed to maintain, coordinate, access, and control drones (or Unmanned Aerial vehicles UAVs) and facilitate drones' navigation services. The main entities in IoD are drones, ground station, and external user. Before operationalizing a drone in IoD, a control infrastructure is mandatory for securing its open network channel (Flying Ad Hoc Networks FANETs). An attacker can easily capture data from the available network channel and use it for their own purpose. Its protection is challenging, as it guarantees message integrity, non-repudiation, authenticity, and authorization amongst all the participants. Incredibly, without a robust authentication protocol, the task is sensitive and challenging one to solve. This research focus on the security of the communication path between drone and ground station and solving the noted vulnerabilities like stolen-verifier, privileged-insider attacks, and outdated-data-transmission/design flaws often reported in the current authentication protocols for IoD. We proposed a hash message authentication code/secure hash algorithmic (HMACSHA1) based robust, improved and lightweight authentication protocol for securing IoD. Its security has been verified formally using Random Oracle Model (ROM), ProVerif2.02 and informally using assumptions and pragmatic illustration. The performance evaluation proved that the proposed protocol is lightweight compared to prior protocols and recommended for implementation in the real-world IoD environment.Qatar University [IRCC-2021-010]

    Privacy-preserving information hiding and its applications

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    The phenomenal advances in cloud computing technology have raised concerns about data privacy. Aided by the modern cryptographic techniques such as homomorphic encryption, it has become possible to carry out computations in the encrypted domain and process data without compromising information privacy. In this thesis, we study various classes of privacy-preserving information hiding schemes and their real-world applications for cyber security, cloud computing, Internet of things, etc. Data breach is recognised as one of the most dreadful cyber security threats in which private data is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen or used by unauthorised parties. Although encryption can obfuscate private information against unauthorised viewing, it may not stop data from illegitimate exportation. Privacy-preserving Information hiding can serve as a potential solution to this issue in such a manner that a permission code is embedded into the encrypted data and can be detected when transmissions occur. Digital watermarking is a technique that has been used for a wide range of intriguing applications such as data authentication and ownership identification. However, some of the algorithms are proprietary intellectual properties and thus the availability to the general public is rather limited. A possible solution is to outsource the task of watermarking to an authorised cloud service provider, that has legitimate right to execute the algorithms as well as high computational capacity. Privacypreserving Information hiding is well suited to this scenario since it is operated in the encrypted domain and hence prevents private data from being collected by the cloud. Internet of things is a promising technology to healthcare industry. A common framework consists of wearable equipments for monitoring the health status of an individual, a local gateway device for aggregating the data, and a cloud server for storing and analysing the data. However, there are risks that an adversary may attempt to eavesdrop the wireless communication, attack the gateway device or even access to the cloud server. Hence, it is desirable to produce and encrypt the data simultaneously and incorporate secret sharing schemes to realise access control. Privacy-preserving secret sharing is a novel research for fulfilling this function. In summary, this thesis presents novel schemes and algorithms, including: ‱ two privacy-preserving reversible information hiding schemes based upon symmetric cryptography using arithmetic of quadratic residues and lexicographic permutations, respectively. ‱ two privacy-preserving reversible information hiding schemes based upon asymmetric cryptography using multiplicative and additive privacy homomorphisms, respectively. ‱ four predictive models for assisting the removal of distortions inflicted by information hiding based respectively upon projection theorem, image gradient, total variation denoising, and Bayesian inference. ‱ three privacy-preserving secret sharing algorithms with different levels of generality

    Technologies respectueuses de la vie privée pour le covoiturage

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    L'Ă©mergence des tĂ©lĂ©phones mobiles et objets connectĂ©s a profondĂ©ment changĂ© notre vie quotidienne. Ces dispositifs, grĂące Ă  la multitude de capteurs qu'ils embarquent, permettent l'accĂšs Ă  un large spectre de services. En particulier, les capteurs de position ont contribuĂ© au dĂ©veloppement des services de localisation tels que la navigation, le covoiturage, le suivi de la congestion en temps rĂ©el... En dĂ©pit du confort offert par ces services, la collecte et le traitement des donnĂ©es de localisation portent de sĂ©rieuses atteintes Ă  la vie privĂ©e des utilisateurs. En effet, ces donnĂ©es peuvent renseigner les fournisseurs de services sur les points d'intĂ©rĂȘt (domicile, lieu de travail, orientation sexuelle), les habitudes ainsi que le rĂ©seau social des utilisateurs. D'une façon gĂ©nĂ©rale, la protection de la vie privĂ©e des utilisateurs peut ĂȘtre assurĂ©e par des dispositions lĂ©gales ou techniques. MĂȘme si les mesures d'ordre lĂ©gal peuvent dissuader les fournisseurs de services et les individus malveillants Ă  enfreindre le droit Ă  la vie privĂ©e des utilisateurs, les effets de telles mesures ne sont observables que lorsque l'infraction est dĂ©jĂ  commise et dĂ©tectĂ©e. En revanche, l'utilisation des technologies renforçant la protection de la vie privĂ©e (PET) dĂšs la phase de conception des systĂšmes permet de rĂ©duire le taux de rĂ©ussite des attaques contre la vie privĂ©e des utilisateurs. L'objectif principal de cette thĂšse est de montrer la viabilitĂ© de l'utilisation des PET comme moyens de protection des donnĂ©es de localisation dans les services de covoiturage. Ce type de service de localisation, en aidant les conducteurs Ă  partager les siĂšges vides dans les vĂ©hicules, contribue Ă  rĂ©duire les problĂšmes de congestion, d'Ă©missions et de dĂ©pendance aux combustibles fossiles. Dans cette thĂšse, nous Ă©tudions les problĂšmes de synchronisation d'itinĂ©raires et d'appariement relatifs au covoiturage avec une prise en compte explicite des contraintes de protection des donnĂ©es de localisation (origine, destination). Les solutions proposĂ©es dans cette thĂšse combinent des algorithmes de calcul d'itinĂ©raires multimodaux avec plusieurs techniques de protection de la vie privĂ©e telles que le chiffrement homomorphe, l'intersection sĂ©curisĂ©e d'ensembles, le secret partagĂ©, la comparaison sĂ©curisĂ©e d'entier. Elles garantissent des propriĂ©tĂ©s de protection de vie privĂ©e comprenant l'anonymat, la non-chainabilitĂ© et la minimisation des donnĂ©es. De plus, elles sont comparĂ©es Ă  des solutions classiques, ne protĂ©geant pas la vie privĂ©e. Nos expĂ©rimentations indiquent que les contraintes de protection des donnĂ©es privĂ©es peuvent ĂȘtre prise en compte dans les services de covoiturage sans dĂ©grader leurs performances.The emergence of mobile phones and connected objects has profoundly changed our daily lives. These devices, thanks to the multitude of sensors they embark, allow access to a broad spectrum of services. In particular, position sensors have contributed to the development of location-based services such as navigation, ridesharing, real-time congestion tracking... Despite the comfort offered by these services, the collection and processing of location data seriously infringe the privacy of users. In fact, these data can inform service providers about points of interests (home, workplace, sexual orientation), habits and social network of the users. In general, the protection of users' privacy can be ensured by legal or technical provisions. While legal measures may discourage service providers and malicious individuals from infringing users' privacy rights, the effects of such measures are only observable when the offense is already committed and detected. On the other hand, the use of privacy-enhancing technologies (PET) from the design phase of systems can reduce the success rate of attacks on the privacy of users. The main objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the viability of the usage of PET as a means of location data protection in ridesharing services. This type of location-based service, by allowing drivers to share empty seats in vehicles, helps in reducing congestion, CO2 emissions and dependence on fossil fuels. In this thesis, we study the problems of synchronization of itineraries and matching in the ridesharing context, with an explicit consideration of location data (origin, destination) protection constraints. The solutions proposed in this thesis combine multimodal routing algorithms with several privacy-enhancing technologies such as homomorphic encryption, private set intersection, secret sharing, secure comparison of integers. They guarantee privacy properties including anonymity, unlinkability, and data minimization. In addition, they are compared to conventional solutions, which do not protect privacy. Our experiments indicate that location data protection constraints can be taken into account in ridesharing services without degrading their performance

    Computational and symbolic analysis of distance-bounding protocols

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    Contactless technologies are gaining more popularity everyday. Credit cards enabled with contactless payment, smart cards for transport ticketing, NFC-enabled mobile phones, and e-passports are just a few examples of contactless devices we are familiar with nowadays. Most secure systems meant for these devices presume physical proximity between the device and the reader terminal, due to their short communication range. In theory, a credit card should not be charged of an on-site purchase if the card is not up to a few centimeters away from the payment terminal. In practice, this is not always true. Indeed, some contactless payment protocols, such as Visa's payWave, have been shown vulnerable to relay attacks. In a relay attack, a man-in-the-middle uses one or more relay devices in order to make two distant devices believe they are close. Relay attacks have been implemented also to bypass keyless entry and start systems in various modern cars. Relay attacks can be defended against with distance-bounding protocols, which are security protocols that measure the round-trip times of a series of challenge/response rounds in order to guarantee physical proximity. A large number of these protocols have been proposed and more sophisticated attacks against them have been discovered. Thus, frameworks for systematic security analysis of these protocols have become of high interest. As traditional security models, distance-bounding security models sit within the two classical approaches: the computational and the symbolic models. In this thesis we propose frameworks for security analysis of distance-bounding protocols, within the two aforementioned models. First, we develop an automata-based computational framework that allows us to generically analyze a large class of distance-bounding protocols. Not only does the proposed framework allow us to straightforwardly deliver computational (in)security proofs but it also permits us to study problems such as optimal trade-offs between security and space complexity. Indeed, we solve this problem for a prominent class of protocols, and propose a protocol solution that is optimally secure amongst space-constrained protocols within the considered class. Second, by building up on an existing symbolic framework, we develop a causality-based characterization of distance-bounding security. This constitutes the first symbolic property that guarantees physical proximity without modeling continuous time or physical location. We extend further our formalism in order to capture a non-standard attack known as terrorist fraud. By using our definitions and the verification tool Tamarin, we conduct a security survey of over 25 protocols, which include industrial protocols based on the ISO/IEC 14443 standard such as NXP's MIFARE Plus with proximity check and Mastercard's PayPass payment protocol. For the industrial protocols we find attacks, propose fixes and deliver security proofs of the repaired versions