672 research outputs found

    Artifact Rejection Methodology Enables Continuous, Noninvasive Measurement of Gastric Myoelectric Activity in Ambulatory Subjects.

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    The increasing prevalence of functional and motility gastrointestinal (GI) disorders is at odds with bottlenecks in their diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Lack of noninvasive approaches means that only specialized centers can perform objective assessment procedures. Abnormal GI muscular activity, which is coordinated by electrical slow-waves, may play a key role in symptoms. As such, the electrogastrogram (EGG), a noninvasive means to continuously monitor gastric electrical activity, can be used to inform diagnoses over broader populations. However, it is seldom used due to technical issues: inconsistent results from single-channel measurements and signal artifacts that make interpretation difficult and limit prolonged monitoring. Here, we overcome these limitations with a wearable multi-channel system and artifact removal signal processing methods. Our approach yields an increase of 0.56 in the mean correlation coefficient between EGG and the clinical "gold standard", gastric manometry, across 11 subjects (p < 0.001). We also demonstrate this system's usage for ambulatory monitoring, which reveals myoelectric dynamics in response to meals akin to gastric emptying patterns and circadian-related oscillations. Our approach is noninvasive, easy to administer, and has promise to widen the scope of populations with GI disorders for which clinicians can screen patients, diagnose disorders, and refine treatments objectively

    Blind Source Separation for the Processing of Contact-Less Biosignals

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    (Spatio-temporale) Blind Source Separation (BSS) eignet sich für die Verarbeitung von Multikanal-Messungen im Bereich der kontaktlosen Biosignalerfassung. Ziel der BSS ist dabei die Trennung von (z.B. kardialen) Nutzsignalen und Störsignalen typisch für die kontaktlosen Messtechniken. Das Potential der BSS kann praktisch nur ausgeschöpft werden, wenn (1) ein geeignetes BSS-Modell verwendet wird, welches der Komplexität der Multikanal-Messung gerecht wird und (2) die unbestimmte Permutation unter den BSS-Ausgangssignalen gelöst wird, d.h. das Nutzsignal praktisch automatisiert identifiziert werden kann. Die vorliegende Arbeit entwirft ein Framework, mit dessen Hilfe die Effizienz von BSS-Algorithmen im Kontext des kamera-basierten Photoplethysmogramms bewertet werden kann. Empfehlungen zur Auswahl bestimmter Algorithmen im Zusammenhang mit spezifischen Signal-Charakteristiken werden abgeleitet. Außerdem werden im Rahmen der Arbeit Konzepte für die automatisierte Kanalauswahl nach BSS im Bereich der kontaktlosen Messung des Elektrokardiogramms entwickelt und bewertet. Neuartige Algorithmen basierend auf Sparse Coding erwiesen sich dabei als besonders effizient im Vergleich zu Standard-Methoden.(Spatio-temporal) Blind Source Separation (BSS) provides a large potential to process distorted multichannel biosignal measurements in the context of novel contact-less recording techniques for separating distortions from the cardiac signal of interest. This potential can only be practically utilized (1) if a BSS model is applied that matches the complexity of the measurement, i.e. the signal mixture and (2) if permutation indeterminacy is solved among the BSS output components, i.e the component of interest can be practically selected. The present work, first, designs a framework to assess the efficacy of BSS algorithms in the context of the camera-based photoplethysmogram (cbPPG) and characterizes multiple BSS algorithms, accordingly. Algorithm selection recommendations for certain mixture characteristics are derived. Second, the present work develops and evaluates concepts to solve permutation indeterminacy for BSS outputs of contact-less electrocardiogram (ECG) recordings. The novel approach based on sparse coding is shown to outperform the existing concepts of higher order moments and frequency-domain features

    Detecció automàtica i robusta de Bursts en EEG de nounats amb HIE. Enfocament tensorial

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    [ANGLÈS] Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) is an important cause of brain injury in the newborn, and can result in long-term devastating consequences. Burst-suppression pattern is one of several indicators of severe pathology in the EEG signal that may occur after brain damage caused by e.g. asphyxia around the time of birth. The goal of this thesis is to design a robust method to detect burst patterns automatically regardless of the physiologic and extra-physiologic artifacts that may occur at any time. At first, a pre-detector has been designed to obtain potential burst candidates from different patients. Then, a post-classification has been implemented, applying high dimensional feature extraction methods, to get the real burst patterns from these patients with a high sensitivity.[CASTELLÀ] La Hipoxia-Isquemia Encefálica (HIE) es una causa importante de lesión cerebral en los recién nacidos, pudiendo acarrear devastadoras consecuencias a largo plazo. El patrón Burst-Suppression es uno de los indicadores dados en patologías severas en señales EEG los cuales ocurren después de una lesión cerebral causada, por ejemplo, por una asfixia poco después del nacimiento. El objetivo de esta tésis es diseñar un método robusto que detecte automáticamente patrones Burst, prescindiendo de los artefactos fisiológicos y extra-fisiológicos que puedan aparecer en cualquier momento. Primeramente, se ha diseñado un pre-detector para obtener los candidatos potenciales a Burst provenientes de diferentes pacientes. Seguidamente, se ha implementado una post-clasificación, aplicando métodos de extracción de características para altas dimensiones, para obtener patrones reales de Burst con una alta sensitividad.[CATALÀ] La Hipòxia-Isquèmia Encefàlica (HIE) és una causa important de lesió cerebral en nounats, que poden comportar devastadores conseqüències a llarg termini. El patró Burst-Suppression és un dels indicadors donats en patologies severes en els senyals EEG els quals ocorren després d'una lesió cerebral causada, per exemple, per una asfixia poc després del naixement. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesis és dissenyar un mètode robust que detecti automàticament patrons Burst, prescindint dels artefactes fisiològics i extra-fisiològics que poden aparèixer en qualsevol moment. Primerament, s'ha dissenyat un pre-detector per obtenir els candidats potencials a Burst provinents de diferents pacients. Seguidament, s'ha implementat una post-classificació, aplicant mètodes d'extracció de característiques per a altes dimensions, per tal d'obtenir patrons reals de Burst amb una alta sensitivitat

    Artifact Removal Methods in EEG Recordings: A Review

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    To obtain the correct analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, non-physiological and physiological artifacts should be removed from EEG signals. This study aims to give an overview on the existing methodology for removing physiological artifacts, e.g., ocular, cardiac, and muscle artifacts. The datasets, simulation platforms, and performance measures of artifact removal methods in previous related research are summarized. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique are discussed, including regression method, filtering method, blind source separation (BSS), wavelet transform (WT), empirical mode decomposition (EMD), singular spectrum analysis (SSA), and independent vector analysis (IVA). Also, the applications of hybrid approaches are presented, including discrete wavelet transform - adaptive filtering method (DWT-AFM), DWT-BSS, EMD-BSS, singular spectrum analysis - adaptive noise canceler (SSA-ANC), SSA-BSS, and EMD-IVA. Finally, a comparative analysis for these existing methods is provided based on their performance and merits. The result shows that hybrid methods can remove the artifacts more effectively than individual methods

    The multifocal visual evoked cortical potential in visual field mapping: a methodological study.

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    The application of multifocal techniques to the visual evoked cortical potential permits objective electrophysiological mapping of the visual field. The multifocal visual evoked cortical potential (mfVECP) presents several technical challenges. Signals are small, are influenced by a number of sources of noise and waveforms vary both across the visual field and between subjects due to the complex geometry of the visual cortex. Together these factors hamper the ability to distinguish between a mfVECP response from the healthy visual pathway, and a response that is reduced or absent and is therefore representative of pathology. This thesis presents a series of methodological investigations with the aim of maximising the information available in the recorded electrophysiological response, thereby improving the performance of the mfVECP. A novel method of calculating the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of mfVECP waveform responses is introduced. A noise estimate unrelated to the response of the visual cortex to the visual stimulus is created. This is achieved by cross-correlating m-sequences which are created when the orthogonal set of m-sequences are created but are not used to control a stimulus region, with the physiological record. This metric is compared to the approach of defining noise within a delayed time window and shows good correlation. ROC analysis indicates a small improvement in the ability to distinguish between physiological waveform responses and noise. Defining the signal window as 45-250ms is recommended. Signal quality is improved by post-acquisition bandwidth filtering. A wide range of bandwidths are compared and the greatest gains are seen with a bandpass of 3 to 20Hz applied after cross-correlation. Responses evoked when stimulation is delivered using a cathode ray tube (CRT) and a liquid crystal display (LCD) projector system are compared. The mode of stimulus delivery affects the waveshape of responses. A significantly higher SNR is seen in waveforms is shown in waveforms evoked by an m=16 bit m-sequence delivered by a CRT monitor. Differences for shorter m-sequences were not statistically significant. The area of the visual field which can usefully be tested is investigated by increasing the field of view of stimulation from 20° to 40° of radius in 10° increments. A field of view of 30° of radius is shown to provide stimulation of as much of the visual field as possible without losing signal quality. Stimulation rates of 12.5 to 75Hz are compared. Slowing the stimulation rate produced increases waveform amplitudes, latencies and SNR values. The best performance was achieved with 25Hz stimulation. It is shown that a six-minute recording stimulated at 25Hz is superior to an eight-minute, 75Hz acquisition. An electrophysiology system capable of providing multifocal stimulation, synchronising with the acquisition of data from a large number of electrodes and performing cross-correlation has been created. This is a powerful system which permits the interrogation of the dipoles evoked within the complex geometry of the visual cortex from a very large number of orientations, which will improve detection ability. The system has been used to compare the performance of 16 monopolar recording channels in detecting responses to stimulation throughout the visual field. A selection of four electrodes which maximise the available information throughout the visual field has been made. It is shown that a several combinations of four electrodes provide good responses throughout the visual field, but that it is important to have them distributed on either hemisphere and above and below Oz. A series of investigations have indicated methods of maximising the available information in mfVECP recordings and progress the technique towards becoming a robust clinical tool. A powerful multichannel multifocal electrophysiology system has been created, with the ability to simultaneously acquire data from a very large number of bipolar recording channels and thereby detect many small dipole responses to stimulation of many small areas of the visual field. This will be an invaluable tool in future investigations. Performance has been shown to improve when the presence or absence of a waveform is determined by a novel SNR metric, when data is filtered post-acquisition through a 3-20Hz bandpass after cross-correlation and when a CRT is used to deliver the stimulus. The field of view of stimulation can usefully be extended to a radius of 30° when a 60-region dartboard pattern is employed. Performance can be enhanced at the same time as acquisition time is reduced by 25%, by the use of a 25Hz rate of stimulation instead of the frequently employed rate of 75Hz

    A general dual-pathway network for EEG denoising

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    IntroductionScalp electroencephalogram (EEG) analysis and interpretation are crucial for tracking and analyzing brain activity. The collected scalp EEG signals, however, are weak and frequently tainted with various sorts of artifacts. The models based on deep learning provide comparable performance with that of traditional techniques. However, current deep learning networks applied to scalp EEG noise reduction are large in scale and suffer from overfitting.MethodsHere, we propose a dual-pathway autoencoder modeling framework named DPAE for scalp EEG signal denoising and demonstrate the superiority of the model on multi-layer perceptron (MLP), convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN), respectively. We validate the denoising performance on benchmark scalp EEG artifact datasets.ResultsThe experimental results show that our model architecture not only significantly reduces the computational effort but also outperforms existing deep learning denoising algorithms in root relative mean square error (RRMSE)metrics, both in the time and frequency domains.DiscussionThe DPAE architecture does not require a priori knowledge of the noise distribution nor is it limited by the network layer structure, which is a general network model oriented toward blind source separation

    A Comparative Analysis of EEG-based Stress Detection Utilizing Machine Learning and Deep Learning Classifiers with a Critical Literature Review

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    Background: Mental stress is considered to be a major contributor to different psychological and physical diseases. Different socio-economic issues, competition in the workplace and amongst the students, and a high level of expectations are the major causes of stress. This in turn transforms into several diseases and may extend to dangerous stages if not treated properly and timely, causing the situations such as depression, heart attack, and suicide. This stress is considered to be a very serious health abnormality. Stress is to be recognized and managed before it ruins the health of a person. This has motivated the researchers to explore the techniques for stress detection. Advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques are to be investigated for stress detection.  Methodology: A survey of different techniques used for stress detection is done here. Different stages of detection including pre-processing, feature extraction, and classification are explored and critically reviewed. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is the main parameter considered in this study for stress detection. After reviewing the state-of-the-art methods for stress detection, a typical methodology is implemented, where feature extraction is done by using principal component analysis (PCA), ICA, and discrete cosine transform. After the feature extraction, some state-of-art machine learning classifiers are employed for classification including support vector machine (SVM), K-nearest neighbor (KNN), NB, and CT. In addition to these classifiers, a typical deep-learning classifier is also utilized for detection purposes. The dataset used for the study is the Database for Emotion Analysis using Physiological Signals (DEAP) dataset. Results: Different performance measures are considered including precision, recall, F1-score, and accuracy. PCA with KNN, CT, SVM and NB have given accuracies of 65.7534%, 58.9041%, 61.6438%, and 57.5342% respectively. With ICA as feature extractor accuracies obtained are 58.9041%, 61.64384%, 57.5342%, and 54.79452% for the classifiers KNN, CT, SVM, and NB respectively. DCT is also considered a feature extractor with classical machine learning algorithms giving the accuracies of 56.16438%, 50.6849%, 54.7945%, and 45.2055% for the classifiers KNN, CT, SVM, and NB respectively. A conventional DCNN classification is performed given an accuracy of 76% and precision, recall, and F1-score of 0.66, 0.77, and 0.64 respectively. Conclusion: For EEG-based stress detection, different state-of-the-art machine learning and deep learning methods are used along with different feature extractors such as PCA, ICA, and DCT. Results show that the deep learning classifier gives an overall accuracy of 76%, which is a significant improvement over classical machine learning techniques with the accuracies as PCA+ KNN (65.75%), DCT+KNN (56.16%), and ICA+CT (61.64%)