117 research outputs found

    Application of artificial intelligence techniques for automated detection of myocardial infarction: A review

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    Myocardial infarction (MI) results in heart muscle injury due to receiving insufficient blood flow. MI is the most common cause of mortality in middle-aged and elderly individuals around the world. To diagnose MI, clinicians need to interpret electrocardiography (ECG) signals, which requires expertise and is subject to observer bias. Artificial intelligence-based methods can be utilized to screen for or diagnose MI automatically using ECG signals. In this work, we conducted a comprehensive assessment of artificial intelligence-based approaches for MI detection based on ECG as well as other biophysical signals, including machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) models. The performance of traditional ML methods relies on handcrafted features and manual selection of ECG signals, whereas DL models can automate these tasks. The review observed that deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) yielded excellent classification performance for MI diagnosis, which explains why they have become prevalent in recent years. To our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive survey of artificial intelligence techniques employed for MI diagnosis using ECG and other biophysical signals.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figure

    Comprehensive electrocardiographic diagnosis based on deep learning

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide, and coronary artery disease (CAD) is a major contributor. Early-stage CAD can progress if undiagnosed and left untreated, leading to myocardial infarction (MI) that may induce irreversible heart muscle damage, resulting in heart chamber remodeling and eventual congestive heart failure (CHF). Electrocardiography (ECG) signals can be useful to detect established MI, and may also be helpful for early diagnosis of CAD. For the latter especially, the ECG perturbations can be subtle and potentially misclassified on manual interpretation and/or when analyzed by traditional algorithms found in ECG instrumentation. For automated diagnostic systems (ADS), deep learning techniques are favored over conventional machine learning techniques, due to the automatic feature extraction and selection processes involved. This paper highlights various deep learning algorithms exploited for the classification of ECG signals into CAD, MI, and CHF conditions. The Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), followed by combined CNN and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models, appear to be the most useful architectures for classification. A 16-layer LSTM model was developed in our study and validated using 10-fold cross validation. A classification accuracy of 98.5% was achieved. Our proposed model has the potential to be a useful diagnostic tool in hospitals for the classification of abnormal ECG signals

    Multidimensional embedded MEMS motion detectors for wearable mechanocardiography and 4D medical imaging

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    Background: Cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death. Of these deaths, almost 80% are due to coronary artery disease (CAD) and cerebrovascular disease. Multidimensional microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensors allow measuring the mechanical movement of the heart muscle offering an entirely new and innovative solution to evaluate cardiac rhythm and function. Recent advances in miniaturized motion sensors present an exciting opportunity to study novel device-driven and functional motion detection systems in the areas of both cardiac monitoring and biomedical imaging, for example, in computed tomography (CT) and positron emission tomography (PET). Methods: This Ph.D. work describes a new cardiac motion detection paradigm and measurement technology based on multimodal measuring tools — by tracking the heart’s kinetic activity using micro-sized MEMS sensors — and novel computational approaches — by deploying signal processing and machine learning techniques—for detecting cardiac pathological disorders. In particular, this study focuses on the capability of joint gyrocardiography (GCG) and seismocardiography (SCG) techniques that constitute the mechanocardiography (MCG) concept representing the mechanical characteristics of the cardiac precordial surface vibrations. Results: Experimental analyses showed that integrating multisource sensory data resulted in precise estimation of heart rate with an accuracy of 99% (healthy, n=29), detection of heart arrhythmia (n=435) with an accuracy of 95-97%, ischemic disease indication with approximately 75% accuracy (n=22), as well as significantly improved quality of four-dimensional (4D) cardiac PET images by eliminating motion related inaccuracies using MEMS dual gating approach. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) analysis of GCG (healthy, n=9) showed promising results for measuring the cardiac timing intervals and myocardial deformation changes. Conclusion: The findings of this study demonstrate clinical potential of MEMS motion sensors in cardiology that may facilitate in time diagnosis of cardiac abnormalities. Multidimensional MCG can effectively contribute to detecting atrial fibrillation (AFib), myocardial infarction (MI), and CAD. Additionally, MEMS motion sensing improves the reliability and quality of cardiac PET imaging.Moniulotteisten sulautettujen MEMS-liiketunnistimien kĂ€yttö sydĂ€nkardiografiassa sekĂ€ lÀÀketieteellisessĂ€ 4D-kuvantamisessa Tausta: SydĂ€n- ja verisuonitaudit ovat yleisin kuolinsyy. NĂ€istĂ€ kuolemantapauksista lĂ€hes 80% johtuu sepelvaltimotaudista (CAD) ja aivoverenkierron hĂ€iriöistĂ€. Moniulotteiset mikroelektromekaaniset jĂ€rjestelmĂ€t (MEMS) mahdollistavat sydĂ€nlihaksen mekaanisen liikkeen mittaamisen, mikĂ€ puolestaan tarjoaa tĂ€ysin uudenlaisen ja innovatiivisen ratkaisun sydĂ€men rytmin ja toiminnan arvioimiseksi. Viimeaikaiset teknologiset edistysaskeleet mahdollistavat uusien pienikokoisten liiketunnistusjĂ€rjestelmien kĂ€yttĂ€misen sydĂ€men toiminnan tutkimuksessa sekĂ€ lÀÀketieteellisen kuvantamisen, kuten esimerkiksi tietokonetomografian (CT) ja positroniemissiotomografian (PET), tarkkuuden parantamisessa. MenetelmĂ€t: TĂ€mĂ€ vĂ€itöskirjatyö esittelee uuden sydĂ€men kineettisen toiminnan mittaustekniikan, joka pohjautuu MEMS-anturien kĂ€yttöön. Uudet laskennalliset lĂ€hestymistavat, jotka perustuvat signaalinkĂ€sittelyyn ja koneoppimiseen, mahdollistavat sydĂ€men patologisten hĂ€iriöiden havaitsemisen MEMS-antureista saatavista signaaleista. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa keskitytÀÀn erityisesti mekanokardiografiaan (MCG), joihin kuuluvat gyrokardiografia (GCG) ja seismokardiografia (SCG). NĂ€iden tekniikoiden avulla voidaan mitata kardiorespiratorisen jĂ€rjestelmĂ€n mekaanisia ominaisuuksia. Tulokset: Kokeelliset analyysit osoittivat, ettĂ€ integroimalla usean sensorin dataa voidaan mitata syketiheyttĂ€ 99% (terveillĂ€ n=29) tarkkuudella, havaita sydĂ€men rytmihĂ€iriöt (n=435) 95-97%, tarkkuudella, sekĂ€ havaita iskeeminen sairaus noin 75% tarkkuudella (n=22). LisĂ€ksi MEMS-kaksoistahdistuksen avulla voidaan parantaa sydĂ€men 4D PET-kuvan laatua, kun liikeepĂ€tarkkuudet voidaan eliminoida paremmin. Doppler-kuvantamisessa (TDI, Tissue Doppler Imaging) GCG-analyysi (terveillĂ€, n=9) osoitti lupaavia tuloksia sydĂ€nsykkeen ajoituksen ja intervallien sekĂ€ sydĂ€nlihasmuutosten mittaamisessa. PÀÀtelmĂ€: TĂ€mĂ€n tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, ettĂ€ kardiologisilla MEMS-liikeantureilla on kliinistĂ€ potentiaalia sydĂ€men toiminnallisten poikkeavuuksien diagnostisoinnissa. Moniuloitteinen MCG voi edistÀÀ eteisvĂ€rinĂ€n (AFib), sydĂ€ninfarktin (MI) ja CAD:n havaitsemista. LisĂ€ksi MEMS-liiketunnistus parantaa sydĂ€men PET-kuvantamisen luotettavuutta ja laatua

    EEG-Based Driver Fatigue Detection Using FAWT and Multiboosting Approaches

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    Globally, 14%-20% of road accidents are mainly due to driver fatigue, the causes of which are instance sickness, travelling for long distance, boredom as a result of driving along the same route consistently, lack of enough sleep, etc. This article presents a flexible analytic wavelet transform (FAWT)-based advanced machine learning method using single modality neurophysiological brain electroencephalogram signals to detect the driver fatigues (i.e., FATIGUE and REST) and to alarm the driver at the earliest to prevent the risks during driving. First, signals of undertaking study groups are subjected to the FAWT that separates the signals into LP and HP channels. Subsequently, relevant subband frequency components with proper setting of tuning parameters are extracted. Then, comprehensive low order features which are statistically significant for p < 0.05, are evaluated from the input subband searched space and embedded them to various ensemble methods under multiboost strategy. Results are evaluated in terms of various parameters including accuracy, F-score, AUC, and kappa. Results show that the proposed approach is promising in classification and it achieves optimum individual accuracies of 97.10% and 97.90% in categorizing FATIGUE and REST states with F-score of 97.50%, AUC of 0.975, and kappa of 0.950. Comparison of the proposed method with the prior methods in the context of feature, accuracy, and modality profiles undertaken, indicates the effectiveness and reliability of the proposed method for real-world applications

    ECG classification using deep CNN improved by wavelet transform

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    © 2020 Tech Science Press. All rights reserved. Atrial fibrillation is the most common persistent form of arrhythmia. A method based on wavelet transform combined with deep convolutional neural network is applied for automatic classification of electrocardiograms. Since the ECG signal is easily inferred, the ECG signal is decomposed into 9 kinds of subsignals with different frequency scales by wavelet function, and then wavelet reconstruction is carried out after segmented filtering to eliminate the influence of noise. A 24-layer convolution neural network is used to extract the hierarchical features by convolution kernels of different sizes, and finally the softmax classifier is used to classify them. This paper applies this method of the ECG data set provided by the 2017 PhysioNet/CINC challenge. After cross validation, this method can obtain 87.1% accuracy and the F1 score is 86.46%. Compared with the existing classification method, our proposed algorithm has higher accuracy and generalization ability for ECG signal data classification

    Intelligent Biosignal Analysis Methods

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    This book describes recent efforts in improving intelligent systems for automatic biosignal analysis. It focuses on machine learning and deep learning methods used for classification of different organism states and disorders based on biomedical signals such as EEG, ECG, HRV, and others

    Myocardial infarction evaluation from stopping time decision toward interoperable algorithmic states in reinforcement learning

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    Background: The Elliot wave principle commonly characterizes the impulsive and corrective wave trends for both financial market trends and electrocardiograms. The impulsive wave trends of electrocardiograms can annotate several wave components of heart-beats including pathological heartbeat waveforms. The stopping time inquires which ordinal element satisfies the assumed mathematical condition within a numerical set. The proposed work constitutes several algorithmic states in reinforcement learning from the stopping time decision, which determines the impulsive wave trends. Each proposed algorithmic state is applicable to any relevant algorithmic state in reinforcement learning with fully numerical explanations. Because commercial electrocardiographs still misinterpret myocardial infarctions from extraordinary electrocardiograms, a novel algorithm needs to be developed to evaluate myocardial infarctions. Moreover, differential diagnosis for right ventricle infarction is required to contraindicate a medication such as nitroglycerin. Methods: The proposed work implements the stopping time theory to impulsive wave trend distribution. The searching process of the stopping time theory is equivalent to the actions toward algorithmic states in reinforcement learning. The state value from each algorithmic state represents the numerically deterministic annotated results from the impulsive wave trend distribution. The shape of the impulsive waveform is evaluated from the interoperable algorithmic states via least-first-power approximation and approximate entropy. The annotated electrocardiograms from the impulsive wave trend distribution utilize a structure of neural networks to approximate the isoelectric baseline amplitude value of the electrocardiograms, and detect the conditions of myocardial infarction. The annotated results from the impulsive wave trend distribution consist of another reinforcement learning environment for the evaluation of impulsive waveform direction. Results: The accuracy to discern myocardial infarction was found to be 99.2754% for the data from the comma-separated value format files, and 99.3579% for those containing representative beats. The clinical dataset included 276 electrocardiograms from the comma-separated value files and 623 representative beats. Conclusions: Our study aims to support clinical interpretation on 12-channel electrocardiograms. The proposed work is suitable for a differential diagnosis under infarction in the right ventricle to avoid contraindicated medication during emergency. An impulsive waveform that is affected by myocardial infarction or the electrical direction of electrocardiography is represented as an inverse waveform.ope
