878 research outputs found

    Potential of machine learning/Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI) for verifying configurations of 5G multi Radio Access Technology (RAT) base station

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    Abstract. The enhancements in mobile networks from 1G to 5G have greatly increased data transmission reliability and speed. However, concerns with 5G must be addressed. As system performance and reliability improve, ML and AI integration in products and services become more common. The integration teams in cellular network equipment creation test devices from beginning to end to ensure hardware and software parts function correctly. Radio unit integration is typically the first integration phase, where the radio is tested independently without additional network components like the BBU and UE. 5G architecture and the technology that it is using are explained further. The architecture defined by 3GPP for 5G differs from previous generations, using Network Functions (NFs) instead of network entities. This service-based architecture offers NF reusability to reduce costs and modularity, allowing for the best vendor options for customer radio products. 5G introduced the O-RAN concept to decompose the RAN architecture, allowing for increased speed, flexibility, and innovation. NG-RAN provided this solution to speed up the development and implementation process of 5G. The O-RAN concept aims to improve the efficiency of RAN by breaking it down into components, allowing for more agility and customization. The four protocols, the eCPRI interface, and the functionalities of fronthaul that NGRAN follows are expressed further. Additionally, the significance of NR is described with an explanation of its benefits. Some benefits are high data rates, lower latency, improved spectral efficiency, increased network flexibility, and improved energy efficiency. The timeline for 5G development is provided along with different 3GPP releases. Stand-alone and non-stand-alone architecture is integral while developing the 5G architecture; hence, it is also defined with illustrations. The two frequency bands that NR utilizes, FR1 and FR2, are expressed further. FR1 is a sub-6 GHz frequency band. It contains frequencies of low and high values; on the other hand, FR2 contains frequencies above 6GHz, comprising high frequencies. FR2 is commonly known as the mmWave band. Data collection for implementing the ML approaches is expressed that contains the test setup, data collection, data description, and data visualization part of the thesis work. The Test PC runs tests, executes test cases using test libraries, and collects data from various logs to analyze the system’s performance. The logs contain information about the test results, which can be used to identify issues and evaluate the system’s performance. The data collection part describes that the data was initially present in JSON files and extracted from there. The extraction took place using the Python code script and was then fed into an Excel sheet for further analysis. The data description explains the parameters that are taken while training the models. Jupyter notebook has been used for visualizing the data, and the visualization is carried out with the help of graphs. Moreover, the ML techniques used for analyzing the data are described. In total, three methods are used here. All the techniques come under the category of supervised learning. The explained models are random forest, XG Boost, and LSTM. These three models form the basis of ML techniques applied in the thesis. The results and discussion section explains the outcomes of the ML models and discusses how the thesis will be used in the future. The results include the parameters that are considered to apply the ML models to them. SINR, noise power, rxPower, and RSSI are the metrics that are being monitored. These parameters have variance, which is essential in evaluating the quality of the product test setup, the quality of the software being tested, and the state of the test environment. The discussion section of the thesis explains why the following parameters are taken, which ML model is most appropriate for the data being analyzed, and what the next steps are in implementation

    Dealing with Variability in Process-aware Information Systems: Language Requirements, Features, and Existing Proposals

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    The increasing adoption of Process-aware Information Systems (PAISs), together with the variability of Business Processes (BPs) across different application contexts, has resulted in large process model repositories with collections of related process model variants. To reduce both costs and occurrence of errors, the explicit management of variability throughout the BP lifecycle becomes crucial. In literature, several proposals dealing with BP variability have been proposed. However, the lack of a method for their systematic comparison makes it difficult to select the most appropriate one meeting current needs best. To close this gap, this work presents an evaluation framework that allows analyzing and comparing the variability support provided by existing proposals developed in the context of BP variability. The framework encompasses a set of language requirements as well as a set of variability support features. While language requirements allow assessing the expressiveness required to explicitly represent variability of different process perspectives, variability support features reflect the tool support required to properly cover such expressiveness. Our evaluation framework has been derived based on an in-depth analysis of several large real-world process scenarios, an extensive literature review, and an analysis of existing PAISs. In this vein, the framework helps to understand BP variability along the BP lifecycle. In addition, it supports PAISs engineers in deciding, which of the existing BP variability proposals meets best their needs

    Pristup integraciji tehničkih prostora zasnovan na preslikavanjima iinženjerstvu vođenom modelima

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    In order to automate development of integration adapters in industrial settings, a model-driven approach to adapter specification is devised. In this approach, a domain-specific modeling language is created to allow specification of mappings between integrated technical spaces. Also proposed is the mapping automation engine that comprises reuse and alignment algorithms. Based on mapping specifications, executable adapters are automatically generated and executed. Results of approach evaluations indicate that it is possible to use a model-driven approach to successfully integrate technical spaces and increase the automation by reusing domainspecific mappings from previously created adapters.За потребе повећања степена аутоматизације развоја адаптера за интеграцију у индустријском окружењу, осмишљен је моделом вођен приступ развоју адаптера. У оквиру овог приступа развијен је наменски језик за спецификацију пресликавања између техничких простора који су предмет интеграције. Приступ обухвата и алгоритме за поравнање и поновно искориштење претходно креираних пресликавања са циљем аутоматизације процеса спецификације. На основу креираних пресликавања, могуће je аутоматски генерисати извршиви код адаптера. У испитивањима приступа, показано је да је могуће успешно применити моделом вођен приступ у интеграцији техничких простора као и да је могуће успешно повећати степен аутоматизације поновним искоришћењем претходно креираних пресликавања.Za potrebe povećanja stepena automatizacije razvoja adaptera za integraciju u industrijskom okruženju, osmišljen je modelom vođen pristup razvoju adaptera. U okviru ovog pristupa razvijen je namenski jezik za specifikaciju preslikavanja između tehničkih prostora koji su predmet integracije. Pristup obuhvata i algoritme za poravnanje i ponovno iskorištenje prethodno kreiranih preslikavanja sa ciljem automatizacije procesa specifikacije. Na osnovu kreiranih preslikavanja, moguće je automatski generisati izvršivi kod adaptera. U ispitivanjima pristupa, pokazano je da je moguće uspešno primeniti modelom vođen pristup u integraciji tehničkih prostora kao i da je moguće uspešno povećati stepen automatizacije ponovnim iskorišćenjem prethodno kreiranih preslikavanja

    Introspective knowledge acquisition for case retrieval networks in textual case base reasoning.

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    Textual Case Based Reasoning (TCBR) aims at effective reuse of information contained in unstructured documents. The key advantage of TCBR over traditional Information Retrieval systems is its ability to incorporate domain-specific knowledge to facilitate case comparison beyond simple keyword matching. However, substantial human intervention is needed to acquire and transform this knowledge into a form suitable for a TCBR system. In this research, we present automated approaches that exploit statistical properties of document collections to alleviate this knowledge acquisition bottleneck. We focus on two important knowledge containers: relevance knowledge, which shows relatedness of features to cases, and similarity knowledge, which captures the relatedness of features to each other. The terminology is derived from the Case Retrieval Network (CRN) retrieval architecture in TCBR, which is used as the underlying formalism in this thesis applied to text classification. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) generated concepts are a useful resource for relevance knowledge acquisition for CRNs. This thesis introduces a supervised LSI technique called sprinkling that exploits class knowledge to bias LSI's concept generation. An extension of this idea, called Adaptive Sprinkling has been proposed to handle inter-class relationships in complex domains like hierarchical (e.g. Yahoo directory) and ordinal (e.g. product ranking) classification tasks. Experimental evaluation results show the superiority of CRNs created with sprinkling and AS, not only over LSI on its own, but also over state-of-the-art classifiers like Support Vector Machines (SVM). Current statistical approaches based on feature co-occurrences can be utilized to mine similarity knowledge for CRNs. However, related words often do not co-occur in the same document, though they co-occur with similar words. We introduce an algorithm to efficiently mine such indirect associations, called higher order associations. Empirical results show that CRNs created with the acquired similarity knowledge outperform both LSI and SVM. Incorporating acquired knowledge into the CRN transforms it into a densely connected network. While improving retrieval effectiveness, this has the unintended effect of slowing down retrieval. We propose a novel retrieval formalism called the Fast Case Retrieval Network (FCRN) which eliminates redundant run-time computations to improve retrieval speed. Experimental results show FCRN's ability to scale up over high dimensional textual casebases. Finally, we investigate novel ways of visualizing and estimating complexity of textual casebases that can help explain performance differences across casebases. Visualization provides a qualitative insight into the casebase, while complexity is a quantitative measure that characterizes classification or retrieval hardness intrinsic to a dataset. We study correlations of experimental results from the proposed approaches against complexity measures over diverse casebases

    Enhancing Variability Modeling in Process-Aware Information Systems through Change Patterns

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    [EN] The increasing adoption of process-aware information systems (PAISs) together with the high variability in business processes has resulted in collections of process families. These families correspond to a business process model and its variants, which can comprise hundreds or thousands of different ways of realizing this process. Modeling and managing process variability in this context can be very challenging due to the size of these families. Motivated by this challenge, several approaches enabling process variability have been developed. However, with these approaches PAIS engineers usually are required to model and manage one by one all the elements of a process family and ensure its correctness by their own. This can be tedious and error-prone especially when a process family comprises hundreds or thousands of process variants. For example, variability may not be properly reflected since PAIS engineers need to be aware of each variation of each process variant. Thus, there is a need of methods that allow PAIS engineers to model process variability more explicitly, especially at a level of abstraction higher than the one provided by the existing process variability approaches. However, how process variability is represented in existing approaches becomes critical for these methods (e.g., what language constructs are used to model process variability). In this context, the use of modeling patterns (reusable solutions to a commonly occurring problem) is a promising way to address these issues. For example, patterns have been proved as an efficient solution to model individual business processes. The objective of this thesis is to enhance the modeling of variability in process families through change patterns. First, we conduct a systematic study to analyze existing process variability approaches regarding their expressiveness with respect to process variability modeling as well as their process support. Thus, we can identify how process variability is actually modeled by existing approaches (i.e., a core set of variability-specific language constructs). In addition, based on the obtained empirical evidence, we derive the VIVACE framework, a complete characterization of process variability which comprises also a core set of features fostering process variability. VIVACE enables PAIS engineers to evaluate existing process variability approaches as well as to select that variability approach meeting their requirements best. In addition, it helps process engineers in dealing with PAISs supporting process variability. Second, to facilitate variability modeling in process families, based on the identified language constructs, we present a set of 10 change patterns and show how they can be implemented in a process variability approach. In particular, these patterns support process family modeling and evolution and are able to ensure process family correctness. In order to prove their effectiveness and analyze their suitability, we applied these change patterns in a real scenario. More concretely, we conduct a case study with a safety standard with a high degree of variability. The case study results show that the application of the change patterns can reduce the effort for process family modeling in a 34% and for evolution in a 40%. In addition, we have analyzed how PAIS engineers apply the patterns and their perceptions of this application. Most of them expressed some benefit when applying the change patterns, did not perceived an increase of mental effort for applying the patterns, and agreed upon the usefulness and ease of use of the patterns.[ES] La creciente adopción de sistemas de información dirigidos por procesos de negocio (PAIS) junto con la alta variabilidad en dichos procesos, han dado lugar a la aparición de colecciones de familias de procesos. Estas familias están constituidas por un modelo de proceso de negocio y sus variantes, las cuales pueden comprender entre cientos y miles de diferentes formas de llevar a cabo ese proceso. Gestionar la variabilidad en este contexto puede resultar muy difícil dado el tamaño que estas familias pueden alcanzar. Motivados por este desafío, se han desarrollado varias soluciones que permiten la gestión de la variabilidad en los procesos de negocio. Sin embargo, con estas soluciones los ingenieros deben crear y gestionar uno por uno todos los elementos de las familias de procesos y asegurar ellos mismos su corrección. Esto puede resultar tedioso y propenso a errores especialmente cuando las familias están compuestas de miles de variantes. Por ejemplo, la variabilidad puede no quedar adecuadamente representada ya que los ingenieros deben ser conscientes de todas y cada una de las variaciones de todas las variantes. Así, son necesarios nuevos métodos que permitan modelar la variabilidad de los procesos de una manera más explícita, a un nivel de abstracción más alto del proporcionado por las soluciones actuales. Sin embargo, cómo se representa la variabilidad en estos métodos resulta crítico (ej.: qué primitivas se utilizan). En este contexto, el uso de patrones de modelado (soluciones reutilizables a un problema recurrente) resultan un camino prometedor. Por ejemplo, los patrones han sido probados como una solución eficaz para gestionar procesos de negocio individuales. El objetivo de esta tesis es mejorar el modelado de la variabilidad en las familias de procesos a través del uso de patrones de cambio. En primer lugar, hemos llevado a cabo un estudio sistemático con el fin de analizar las soluciones existentes que permiten gestionar la variabilidad en los procesos, así como el soporte que estas proporcionan. Así, hemos sido capaces de identificar y analizar cuál es el conjunto básico de primitivas específicas para representar la variabilidad. Además, basándonos en la evidencia empírica obtenida, hemos derivado el marco de evaluación VIVACE, el cual recoge las primitivas de variabilidad y un conjunto básico de características que favorecen la variabilidad en los procesos. El principal objetivo de VIVACE es conformar una completa caracterización de la variabilidad en los procesos de negocio. Asimismo, VIVACE permite evaluar las soluciones que gestionan la variabilidad en los procesos, así como seleccionar la solución que se ajuste mejor a sus necesidades. Finalmente, VIVACE puede ayudar a los ingenieros a gestionar PAISs con variabilidad. En segundo lugar, para facilitar el modelado de la variabilidad en las familias de procesos, basándonos en las primitivas identificadas, hemos definido un conjunto de 10 patrones de cambio y hemos mostrado cómo estos patrones pueden ser implementados. En particular, estos patrones ayudan al modelado y la evolución de familias de procesos y son capaces de garantizar la corrección de la propia familia. Para probar su efectividad y analizar su idoneidad, hemos aplicado estos patrones de cambio en un escenario real. En concreto, hemos llevado a cabo un caso de estudio con un estándar de seguridad con un alto nivel de variabilidad. Los resultados de este caso demuestran que la aplicación de nuestros patrones de cambio puede reducir el esfuerzo para el modelado de familias de procesos en un 34% y para la evolución de esos modelos en un 40%. Además, hemos analizado cómo los ingenieros aplican los patrones y cuáles son sus percepciones de esta aplicación. Como resultado, la mayoría de ellos encontró beneficios al aplicar los patrones. Además, no percibieron un aumento en el esfuerzo mental necesario para aplicarlos y estuvieron de acuerdo en la utilid[CA] La creixent adopció de sistemes d'informació dirigits per processos de negoci (PAIS) junt amb l'alta variabilitat en eixos processos, han donat lloc a la aparició de col·leccions de famílies de processos. Estes famílies es formen de un model de procés de negoci i les seues variants, les quals poden comprendre entre cents i milers de diferents formes de dur a terme eixe procés. Modelar la variabilitat dels processos en este context pot resultar molt difícil donat la grandària que aquestes famílies poden aconseguir. Motivats per este desafiament, s'han desenvolupat diverses solucions que permeten la gestió de la variabilitat en els processos de negoci. No obstant, amb aquestes solucions els enginyers que treballen amb PAIS han de crear i gestionar un a un tots els elements de les famílies de processos i assegurar ells mateixos la seua correcció. Això pot resultar tediós i propens a errors especialment quan les famílies es componen de cents o milers de variants. Per exemple, la variabilitat pot no quedar adequadament representada ja que els enginyers han de ser conscients de totes i cadascuna una de les variacions de totes les variants. Per quest motiu, son necessaris nous mètodes que permeten als enginyers de PAIS modelar la variabilitat dels processos de manera més explícita, sobretot a un nivell d'abstracció més alt del proporcionat per les solucions actuals. No obstant, com es representa la variabilitat en aquestos mètodes resulta crític (ex.: quines primitives s'utilitzen per a modelar la variabilitat en els processos). En aquest context, l'ús de patrons de modelatge (solucions reutilitzables a un problema recurrent) resulten un camí prometedor. Per exemple, els patrons han sigut provats com una solució eficaç per modelar i gestionar processos de negoci individuals. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi 'es millorar el modelatge de la variabilitat en les famílies de processos a través de l'ús de patrons de canvi. En primer lloc, hem dut a terme un estudi sistemàtic per a analitzar les solucions existents per a gestionar la variabilitat en els processos, així com el suport que aquestes proporcionen. D'aquesta manera, som capaços d'identificar i analitzar quin 'es el conjunt bàsic de primitives específiques per a representar la variabilitat. A més, basant-nos en l'evidència empírica obtinguda, hem derivat el marc d'evacuació VIVACE, el qual arreplega les primitives de variabilitat i un conjunt bàsic de característiques que afavoreixen la variabilitat en els processos. Així mateix, VIVACE permet als enginyers de PAIS avaluar les solucions per a gestionar la variabilitat en els processos, així com seleccionar la solució que s'ajusta millor a les seues necessitats. Finalment, VIVACE també pot ajudar als enginyers a gestionar PAISs que donen suport a aquesta variabilitat. En segon lloc, per a facilitar el modelatge de la variabilitat en les famílies de processos, basant-nos en les primitives identificades, hem definit un conjunt de 10 patrons de canvi i hem mostrat com aquestos poden ser implementats. En particular, estos patrons ajuden al modelatge i l'evolució de famílies de processos i garanteixen la correcció de la pròpia família. Per a provar la seua efectivitat i analitzar la seua idoneïtat, hem aplicat els patrons de canvi en un escenari real. En particular, hem dut a terme un cas d'estudi amb un estàndard de seguretat amb un alt nivell de variabilitat. Els resultats de aquest cas demostren que l'aplicació dels nostres patrons de canvi poden reduir l'esforç per al modelatge de famílies de processos en un 34% i per a l'evolució de eixos models en un 40%. A més, hem analitzat com els enginyers de PAIS apliquen els patrons i quines son les seues percepcions d'esta aplicació. Com a resultat, la majoria d'ells va trobar beneficis al aplicar els patrons de canvi. A més, no van percebre un augment en l'esforç mental necessari per a aplicar-los i van estar d'acord en la utilitat i fAyora Esteras, C. (2015). Enhancing Variability Modeling in Process-Aware Information Systems through Change Patterns [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/58426TESI

    Security Analysis of System Behaviour - From "Security by Design" to "Security at Runtime" -

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    The Internet today provides the environment for novel applications and processes which may evolve way beyond pre-planned scope and purpose. Security analysis is growing in complexity with the increase in functionality, connectivity, and dynamics of current electronic business processes. Technical processes within critical infrastructures also have to cope with these developments. To tackle the complexity of the security analysis, the application of models is becoming standard practice. However, model-based support for security analysis is not only needed in pre-operational phases but also during process execution, in order to provide situational security awareness at runtime. This cumulative thesis provides three major contributions to modelling methodology. Firstly, this thesis provides an approach for model-based analysis and verification of security and safety properties in order to support fault prevention and fault removal in system design or redesign. Furthermore, some construction principles for the design of well-behaved scalable systems are given. The second topic is the analysis of the exposition of vulnerabilities in the software components of networked systems to exploitation by internal or external threats. This kind of fault forecasting allows the security assessment of alternative system configurations and security policies. Validation and deployment of security policies that minimise the attack surface can now improve fault tolerance and mitigate the impact of successful attacks. Thirdly, the approach is extended to runtime applicability. An observing system monitors an event stream from the observed system with the aim to detect faults - deviations from the specified behaviour or security compliance violations - at runtime. Furthermore, knowledge about the expected behaviour given by an operational model is used to predict faults in the near future. Building on this, a holistic security management strategy is proposed. The architecture of the observing system is described and the applicability of model-based security analysis at runtime is demonstrated utilising processes from several industrial scenarios. The results of this cumulative thesis are provided by 19 selected peer-reviewed papers

    Automatiser le support de la variabilité dans les modèles de processus configurables

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    Today's fast changing environment imposes new challenges for effective management of business processes. In such a highly dynamic environment, the business process design becomes time-consuming, error-prone, and costly. Therefore, seeking reuse and adaptability is a pressing need for a successful business process design. Configurable reference models recently introduced were a step toward enabling a process design by reuse while providing flexibility. A configurable process model is a generic model that integrates multiple process variants of a same business process in a given domain through variation points. These variation points are referred to as configurable elements and allow for multiple design options in the process model. A configurable process model needs to be configured according to a specific requirement by selecting one design option for each configurable element.Recent research activities on configurable process models have led to the specification of configurable process modeling notations as for example configurable Event-Driven Process Chain (C-EPC) that extends the EPC notation with configurable elements. Since then, the issue of building and configuring configurable process models has been investigated. On the one hand, as configurable process models tend to be very complex with a large number of configurable elements, many automated approaches have been proposed to assist their design. However, existing approaches propose to recommend entire configurable process models which are difficult to reuse, cost much computation time and may confuse the process designer. On the other hand, the research results on configurable process model design highlight the need for means of support to configure the process. Therefore, many approaches proposed to build a configuration support system for assisting end users selecting desirable configuration choices according to their requirements. However, these systems are currently manually created by domain experts which is undoubtedly a time-consuming and error-prone task.In this thesis, we aim at automating the support of the variability in configurable process models. Our objective is twofold: (i) assisting the configurable process design in a fin-grained way using configurable process fragments that are close to the designers interest and (ii) automating the creation of configuration support systems in order to release the process analysts from the burden of manually building them. In order to achieve the first objective, we propose to learn from the experience gained through past process modeling in order to assist the process designers with configurable process fragments. The proposed fragments inspire the process designer to complete the design of the ongoing process. To achieve the second objective, we realize that previously designed and configured process models contain implicit and useful knowledge for process configuration. Therefore, we propose to benefit from the experience gained through past process modeling and configuration in order to assist process analysts building their configuration support systems. Such systems assist end users interactively configuring the process by recommending suitable configuration decisions.L'évolution rapide dans les environnements métier d'aujourd'hui impose de nouveaux défis pour la gestion efficace et rentable des processus métiers. Dans un tel environnement très dynamique, la conception des processus métiers devient une tâche fastidieuse, source d'erreurs et coûteuse. Par conséquent, l'adoption d'une approche permettant la réutilisation et l'adaptabilité devient un besoin urgent pour une conception de processus prospère. Les modèles de processus configurables récemment introduits représentent l'une des solutions recherchées permettant une conception de processus par la réutilisation, tout en offrant la flexibilité. Un modèle de processus configurable est un modèle générique qui intègre de multiples variantes de procédés d'un même processus métier à travers des points de variation. Ces points de variation sont appelés éléments configurables et permettent de multiples options de conception dans le modèle de processus. Un modèle de processus configurable doit être configuré selon une exigence spécifique en sélectionnant une option de conception pour chaque élément configurable.Les activités de recherche récentes sur les modèles de processus configurables ont conduit à la spécification des langages de modélisation de processus configurables comme par exemple configurable Event-Driven Process Chain (C-EPC) qui étend la notation de l'EPC avec des éléments configurables. Depuis lors, la question de la conception et de la configuration des modèles de processus configurables a été étudiée. D'une part, puisque les modèles de processus configurables ont tendance à être très complexe avec un grand nombre d'éléments configurables, de nombreuses approches automatisées ont été proposées afin d'assister leur conception. Cependant, les approches existantes proposent de recommander des modèles de processus configurables entiers qui sont difficiles à réutiliser, nécessitent un temps complexe de calcul et peuvent confondre le concepteur du processus. D'autre part, les résultats de la recherche sur la conception des modèles de processus configurables ont mis en évidence la nécessité des moyens de soutien pour configurer le processus. Par conséquent, de nombreuses approches ont proposé de construire un système de support de configuration pour aider les utilisateurs finaux à sélectionner les choix de configuration souhaitables en fonction de leurs exigences. Cependant, ces systèmes sont actuellement créés manuellement par des experts du domaine qui est sans aucun doute une tâche fastidieuse et source d'erreurs .Dans cette thèse, nous visons à automatiser le soutien de la variabilité dans les modèles de processus configurables. Notre objectif est double: (i) assister la conception des processus configurables d'une manière à ne pas confondre les concepteurs par des recommandations complexes et (i) assister la création des systèmes de soutien de configuration afin de libérer les analystes de processus de la charge de les construire manuellement. Pour atteindre le premier objectif, nous proposons d'apprendre de l'expérience acquise grâce à la modélisation des processus passés afin d'aider les concepteurs de processus avec des fragments de processus configurables. Les fragments proposés inspirent le concepteur du processus pour compléter la conception du processus en cours. Pour atteindre le deuxième objectif, nous nous rendons compte que les modèles de processus préalablement conçus et configurés contiennent des connaissances implicites et utiles pour la configuration de processus. Par conséquent, nous proposons de bénéficier de l'expérience acquise grâce à la modélisation et à la configuration passées des processus afin d'aider les analystes de processus dans la construction de leurs systèmes de support de configuration

    Semantic Model Alignment for Business Process Integration

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    Business process models describe an enterprise’s way of conducting business and in this form the basis for shaping the organization and engineering the appropriate supporting or even enabling IT. Thereby, a major task in working with models is their analysis and comparison for the purpose of aligning them. As models can differ semantically not only concerning the modeling languages used, but even more so in the way in which the natural language for labeling the model elements has been applied, the correct identification of the intended meaning of a legacy model is a non-trivial task that thus far has only been solved by humans. In particular at the time of reorganizations, the set-up of B2B-collaborations or mergers and acquisitions the semantic analysis of models of different origin that need to be consolidated is a manual effort that is not only tedious and error-prone but also time consuming and costly and often even repetitive. For facilitating automation of this task by means of IT, in this thesis the new method of Semantic Model Alignment is presented. Its application enables to extract and formalize the semantics of models for relating them based on the modeling language used and determining similarities based on the natural language used in model element labels. The resulting alignment supports model-based semantic business process integration. The research conducted is based on a design-science oriented approach and the method developed has been created together with all its enabling artifacts. These results have been published as the research progressed and are presented here in this thesis based on a selection of peer reviewed publications comprehensively describing the various aspects