365 research outputs found

    Development of the City Public Service Model on the Basis of Integrated Transport Flow Indicators

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    The problem of modeling public services based on architectural and planning decisions is considered, the role of traffic in the formation of a model of city services is analyzed. An integrated criterion for the quality of public services is proposed. A method has been developed for determining segmented public services taking into account the transport areas of the city, which will make it possible to evenly disperse public service centers. The basis is a socio-planning organization, as a material-spatial system containing anthropogenic and natural components – the territory and institutions where the functional processes that take place in the urban planning environment take place. The described model has certain versatility, and is simultaneously suitable for characterizing various categories of service institutions. Thus, the task of optimizing the quality of public services in the city is reduced to a mathematical model for which, by setting the basic design criteria, the optimal result can be obtained.On the basis of a questionnaire survey and analysis of statistical data, calculation of traffic intensity, the demand and supply of the level of public services фre studied. The structural elements of this model: population, territory, transport and service institutions, are in dialectical interaction, which is described by the mathematical model in this study. The model is based on the calculation of the minimum population in the service area, which allows to have i-th type establishments using the social potential method, as well as a graph-analytical method in determining the optimal location of service institutions in the city.As a result of the research, a conceptual model of public services for cities is built, a layout of supermarkets in the territory of Uzhhorod and distribution of service areas of these institutions is proposed. This optimization will ensure uniform domestic servicing of the territory, optimal performance indicators of service establishments and minimum average service radii of points

    A New Computational Schema for Euphonic Conjunctions in Sanskrit Processing

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    Automated language processing is central to the drive to enable facilitated referencing of increasingly available Sanskrit E-texts. The first step towards processing Sanskrit text involves the handling of Sanskrit compound words that are an integral part of Sanskrit texts. This firstly necessitates the processing of euphonic conjunctions or sandhi-s, which are points in words or between words, at which adjacent letters coalesce and transform. The ancient Sanskrit grammarian P??ini’s codification of the Sanskrit grammar is the accepted authority in the subject. His famed s?tra-s or aphorisms, numbering approximately four thousand, tersely, precisely and comprehensively codify the rules of the grammar, including all the rules pertaining to sandhi-s. This work presents a fresh new approach to processing sandhi-s in terms of a computational schema. This new computational model is based on P??ini’s complex codification of the rules of grammar. The model has simple beginnings and is yet powerful, comprehensive and computationally lean

    On the Termination Problem for Probabilistic Higher-Order Recursive Programs

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    In the last two decades, there has been much progress on model checking of both probabilistic systems and higher-order programs. In spite of the emergence of higher-order probabilistic programming languages, not much has been done to combine those two approaches. In this paper, we initiate a study on the probabilistic higher-order model checking problem, by giving some first theoretical and experimental results. As a first step towards our goal, we introduce PHORS, a probabilistic extension of higher-order recursion schemes (HORS), as a model of probabilistic higher-order programs. The model of PHORS may alternatively be viewed as a higher-order extension of recursive Markov chains. We then investigate the probabilistic termination problem -- or, equivalently, the probabilistic reachability problem. We prove that almost sure termination of order-2 PHORS is undecidable. We also provide a fixpoint characterization of the termination probability of PHORS, and develop a sound (but possibly incomplete) procedure for approximately computing the termination probability. We have implemented the procedure for order-2 PHORSs, and confirmed that the procedure works well through preliminary experiments that are reported at the end of the article

    Panorama espaço - temporal de fatores de mudança economica, scoial e ambiental na Amazônia: estudo de caso Flona Tapajós.

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    Políticas públicas voltadas para integrar a Amazônia a outras regiões do Brasil na década de 1970 incluíram a instalação de portos, hidrelétricas e abertura de rodovias como a Transamazônica (BR 230) Cuiabá-Santarém (BR 163) e Belém - Brasília (BR 316), desencadeando um processo intenso de transformações na paisagem, principalmente pelo desflorestamento. Porém, neste mesmo período, também foram delimitadas áreas legalmente protegidas na região, como foi o caso da Floresta Nacional do Tapajós, criada em 1974. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar temporal e espacialmente forçantes promotoras de alterações na paisagem. Para tanto, foram utilizados dados secundários analíticos disponíveis em bases do IBGE, bem como informações espaciais disponibilizadas por órgãos públicos em âmbito federal, estadual e municipal. Variáveis topoclimáticas foram utilizadas nas avaliações da dinâmica espaço-temporal com auxílio de análises geoestísticas e modelagem. Os resultados reforçaram o modelo de ocupação denominado "espinha de peixe", tendo as rodovias como eixo de antropização e do aumento progressivo da pressão em Áreas Protegidas. Ao avaliar os cenários para 2030, observa-se os efeitos aos longo dos rios, a oeste do estado do Pará, pelas instalação de portos para escoamento da produção em mercado nacional e internacional


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    The problem of modeling public services based on architectural and planning decisions is considered, the role of traffic in the formation of a model of city services is analyzed. An integrated criterion for the quality of public services is proposed. A method has been developed for determining segmented public services taking into account the transport areas of the city, which will make it possible to evenly disperse public service centers. The basis is a socio-planning organization, as a material-spatial system containing anthropogenic and natural components – the territory and institutions where the functional processes that take place in the urban planning environment take place. The described model has certain versatility, and is simultaneously suitable for characterizing various categories of service institutions. Thus, the task of optimizing the quality of public services in the city is reduced to a mathematical model for which, by setting the basic design criteria, the optimal result can be obtained. On the basis of a questionnaire survey and analysis of statistical data, calculation of traffic intensity, the demand and supply of the level of public services фre studied. The structural elements of this model: population, territory, transport and service institutions, are in dialectical interaction, which is described by the mathematical model in this study. The model is based on the calculation of the minimum population in the service area, which allows to have i-th type establishments using the social potential method, as well as a graph-analytical method in determining the optimal location of service institutions in the city. As a result of the research, a conceptual model of public services for cities is built, a layout of supermarkets in the territory of Uzhhorod and distribution of service areas of these institutions is proposed. This optimization will ensure uniform domestic servicing of the territory, optimal performance indicators of service establishments and minimum average service radii of points

    Modelagem com autômatos celulares da dinâmica dos usos das terras em Foz do Iguaçu e Santa Terezinha de Itaipu–PR

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Infraestrutura, Tecnologia e Território da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Geografia. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Samuel Fernando AdamiAs modificações pela qual passa a paisagem são fatores determinantes na busca de informação para a compreensão desses fenômenos, que serve de base para os mais diversos planejamentos e gestão territorial. Assim, objetiva-se simular a dinâmica dos usos das terras em Foz do Iguaçu e Santa Terezinha de Itaipu para o ano de 2017, mediante modelagem com autômatos celulares. Em termos de procedimentos metodológicos, foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico em fonte de dados secundários como livros e trabalhos acadêmicos. Os dados secundários e primários foram trabalhados a partir da utilização de diferentes técnicas e ações. Foram processados dados da série Landsat, criados arquivos de assinaturas espectrais, produzidos mapas temáticos de usos das terras, aliados a modelagem de autômatos celulares combinados à cadeia de Markov por serem ferramentas primordiais para se trabalhar e para obter resultados precisos e confiáveis. Por fim, foi utilizado o coeficiente Kappa para avaliar a acurácia do modelo. Verificou-se ao final da pesquisa que o resultado é próximo à realidade, o que valida e confirma o uso de modelos de autômatos celulares como método efetivo e prático para a modelagem dos usos das terras, além da aplicabilidade em diferentes estudos das diferentes áreas da geografiaThe changes through which the landscape passes are determining factors in the search for information for the understanding of these phenomena, which serves as the basis for the most diverse planning and territorial management. Thus, it aims to simulate the dynamics of land uses in Foz do Iguaçu and Santa Terezinha de Itaipu for the year 2017, through modeling with cellular automatons. In terms of methodological procedures, a bibliographic survey was conducted in source of secondary data such as books and academic papers. Secondary and primary data were worked from the use of different techniques and actions. Data from the Landsat series, created spectral signature files, produced thematic maps of land uses, combined with the modeling of cellular automatons combined with the Markov chain because they are primordial tools to work and for accurate and reliable results. Finally, the Kappa coefficient was used to evaluate the accuracy of the model. It was verified at the end of the research that the result is close to reality, which validates and confirms the use of models of cellular automatons as an effective and practical method for the modeling of land uses, in addition to applicability in different studies of different geography areasLos cambios por los que pasa el paisaje son factores determinantes en la búsqueda de información para la comprensión de estos fenómenos, que sirve de base para la más diversa planificación y gestión territorial. Así, pretende simular la dinámica de los usos del suelo en Foz do Iguazú y Santa Terezinha de Itaipu para el año 2017, a través del modelado con autómatas celulares. En términos de procedimientos metodológicos, se realizó una encuesta bibliográfica en origen de datos secundarios como libros y artículos académicos. Los datos secundarios y primarios se trabajaron a partir del uso de diferentes técnicas y acciones. Los datos de la serie Landsat, crearon archivos de firma espectral, produjeron mapas temáticos de usos de la tierra, combinados con el modelado de autómatas celulares combinados con la cadena Markov porque son herramientas primordiales para trabajar y para obtener resultados precisos y fiables. Finalmente, el coeficiente Kappa se utilizó para evaluar la precisión del modelo. Se verificó al final de la investigación que el resultado está cerca de la realidad, lo que valida y confirma el uso de modelos de autómatas celulares como un método eficaz y práctico para el modelado de usos de la tierra, además de la aplicabilidad en diferentes estudios de diferentes áreas geográfica