135 research outputs found

    What demographic attributes do our digital footprints reveal? A systematic review

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    <div><p>To what extent does our online activity reveal who we are? Recent research has demonstrated that the digital traces left by individuals as they browse and interact with others online may reveal who they are and what their interests may be. In the present paper we report a systematic review that synthesises current evidence on predicting demographic attributes from online digital traces. Studies were included if they met the following criteria: (i) they reported findings where at least one demographic attribute was predicted/inferred from at least one form of digital footprint, (ii) the method of prediction was automated, and (iii) the traces were either visible (e.g. tweets) or non-visible (e.g. clickstreams). We identified 327 studies published up until October 2018. Across these articles, 14 demographic attributes were successfully inferred from digital traces; the most studied included gender, age, location, and political orientation. For each of the demographic attributes identified, we provide a database containing the platforms and digital traces examined, sample sizes, accuracy measures and the classification methods applied. Finally, we discuss the main research trends/findings, methodological approaches and recommend directions for future research.</p></div

    Paraphrase Plagiarism Identifcation with Character-level Features

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    [EN] Several methods have been proposed for determining plagiarism between pairs of sentences, passages or even full documents. However, the majority of these methods fail to reliably detect paraphrase plagiarism due to the high complexity of the task, even for human beings. Paraphrase plagiarism identi cation consists in automatically recognizing document fragments that contain re-used text, which is intentionally hidden by means of some rewording practices such as semantic equivalences, discursive changes, and morphological or lexical substitutions. Our main hypothesis establishes that the original author's writing style ngerprint prevails in the plagiarized text even when paraphrases occur. Thus, in this paper we propose a novel text representation scheme that gathers both content and style characteristics of texts, represented by means of character-level features. As an additional contribution, we describe the methodology followed for the construction of an appropriate corpus for the task of paraphrase plagiarism identi cation, which represents a new valuable resource to the NLP community for future research work in this field.This work is the result of the collaboration in the framework of the CONACYT Thematic Networks program (RedTTL Language Technologies Network) and the WIQ-EI IRSES project (Grant No. 269180) within the FP7 Marie Curie action. The first author was supported by CONACYT (Scholarship 258345/224483). The second, third, and sixth authors were partially supported by CONACyT (Project Grants 258588 and 2410). The work of the fourth author was partially supported by the SomEMBED TIN2015-71147-C2-1-P MINECO research project and by the Generalitat Valenciana under the Grant ALMAMATER (PrometeoII/2014/030).Sánchez-Vega, F.; Villatoro-Tello, E.; Montes-Y-Gómez, M.; Rosso, P.; Stamatatos, E.; Villaseñor-Pineda, L. (2019). Paraphrase Plagiarism Identifcation with Character-level Features. Pattern Analysis and Applications. 22(2):669-681. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10044-017-0674-zS66968122

    Seimo posėdžių stenogramų tekstynas autorystės nustatymo bei autoriaus profilio sudarymo tyrimams

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    In our paper we present a corpus of transcribed Lithuanian parliamentary speeches. The corpus is prepared in a specific format, appropriate for different authorship identification tasks. The corpus consists of approximately 111 thousand texts (24 million words). Each text matches one parliamentary speech produced during an ordinary session from the period of 7 parliamentary terms starting on March 10, 1990 and ending on December 23, 2013. The texts are grouped into 147 categories corresponding to individual authors, therefore they can be used for authorship attribution tasks; besides, these texts are also grouped according to age, gender and political views, therefore they are also suitable for author profiling tasks. Whereas short texts complicate recognition of author speaking style and are ambiguous in relation to the style of other authors, we incorporated only texts containing not less than 100 words into the corpus. In order to make each category as comprehensive and representative as possible, we included only those authors, who produced speeches at least 200 times. All the texts are lemmatized, morphologically and syntactically annotated, tokenized into the character n-grams. The statistical information of the corpus is also available. We have also demonstrated that the created corpus can be effectively used in authorship attribution and author profiling tasks with supervised machine learning methods. The corpus structure also allows using it with unsupervised machine learning methods and can be used for creation of rule-based methods, as well as in different linguistic analyses. Straipsnyje pristatome Seimo posėdžių stenogramų tekstyną, parengtą specialiu formatu, tinkančiu įvairiems autorystės nustatymo tyrimams. Tekstyną sudaro apie 111 tūkstančių tekstų (24 milijonai žodžių), kurių kiekvienas atitinka vieną parlamentaro pasisakymą eilinės sesijos posėdžio metu bei apima 7 Lietuvos Respublikos Seimo kadencijas: nuo 1990 metų kovo 10 dienos iki 2013 metų gruodžio 23 dienos. Pasisakymų tekstai sugrupuoti pagal autorius į 147 grupes, todėl tinka individualių autorių autorystės nustatymo tyrimams; jie suskirstyti pagal autorių amžiaus grupes, lytį ar politines pažiūras, todėl tinka autorių profilio sudarymo tyrimams. Trumpas tekstas neatskleidžia jo autoriaus kalbėjimo stiliaus, yra daugiaprasmiškas kitų autorių atžvilgiu, todėl į tekstyną įtraukti ne trumpesni nei 100 žodžių tekstai. Kiekvieną autorių atitinkantis tekstų rinkinys turi būti išsamus ir reprezentatyvus, todėl įtraukti autoriai, pasisakę ne mažiau kaip 200 kartų. Visi tekstai automatiškai lemuoti, morfologiškai bei sintaksiškai anotuoti, suskaidyti simbolių n-gramomis, surinkta statistinė informacija. Straipsnyje pademonstruota, kaip sukurtas tekstynas gali būti panaudotas individualių autorių autorystės nustatymo bei autorių profilio sudarymo tyrimams, naudojant prižiūrimo mašininio mokymo metodus. Tekstyno struktūra taip pat leidžia taikyti neprižiūrimo Ligita Šarkutė Viešosios politikos ir administravimo institutas Kauno technologijos universitetas K. Donelaičio g. 20-217 LT-44239 Kaunas, Lietuva El. paštas: [email protected] 28 mašininio mokymo metodus, patogi taisyklinių-loginių metodų kūrimui bei įvairioms lingvistinėms analizėms

    Statistical models for the analysis of short user-generated documents: author identification for conversational documents

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    In recent years short user-generated documents have been gaining popularity on the Internet and attention in the research communities. This kind of documents are generated by users of the various online services: platforms for instant messaging communication, for real-time status posting, for discussing and for writing reviews. Each of these services allows users to generate written texts with particular properties and which might require specific algorithms for being analysed. In this dissertation we are presenting our work which aims at analysing this kind of documents. We conducted qualitative and quantitative studies to identify the properties that might allow for characterising them. We compared the properties of these documents with the properties of standard documents employed in the literature, such as newspaper articles, and defined a set of characteristics that are distinctive of the documents generated online. We also observed two classes within the online user-generated documents: the conversational documents and those involving group discussions. We later focused on the class of conversational documents, that are short and spontaneous. We created a novel collection of real conversational documents retrieved online (e.g. Internet Relay Chat) and distributed it as part of an international competition (PAN @ CLEF'12). The competition was about author characterisation, which is one of the possible studies of authorship attribution documented in the literature. Another field of study is authorship identification, that became our main topic of research. We approached the authorship identification problem in its closed-class variant. For each problem we employed documents from the collection we released and from a collection of Twitter messages, as representative of conversational or short user-generated documents. We proved the unsuitability of standard authorship identification techniques for conversational documents and proposed novel methods capable of reaching better accuracy rates. As opposed to standard methods that worked well only for few authors, the proposed technique allowed for reaching significant results even for hundreds of users

    Psychographic Traits Identification based on political ideology: An author analysis study on spanish politicians tweets posted in 2020

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    In general, people are usually more reluctant to follow advice and directions from politicians who do not have their ideology. In extreme cases, people can be heavily biased in favour of a political party at the same time that they are in sharp disagreement with others, which may lead to irrational decision making and can put people’s lives at risk by ignoring certain recommendations from the authorities. Therefore, considering political ideology as a psychographic trait can improve political micro-targeting by helping public authorities and local governments to adopt better communication policies during crises. In this work, we explore the reliability of determining psychographic traits concerning political ideology. Our contribution is twofold. On the one hand, we release the PoliCorpus-2020, a dataset composed by Spanish politicians’ tweets posted in 2020. On the other hand, we conduct two authorship analysis tasks with the aforementioned dataset: an author profiling task to extract demographic and psychographic traits, and an authorship attribution task to determine the author of an anonymous text in the political domain. Both experiments are evaluated with several neural network architectures grounded on explainable linguistic features, statistical features, and state-of-the-art transformers. In addition, we test whether the neural network models can be transferred to detect the political ideology of citizens. Our results indicate that the linguistic features are good indicators for identifying finegrained political affiliation, they boost the performance of neural network models when combined with embedding-based features, and they preserve relevant information when the models are tested with ordinary citizens. Besides, we found that lexical and morphosyntactic features are more effective on author profiling, whereas stylometric features are more effective in authorship attribution.publishedVersio

    On the Mono- and Cross-Language Detection of Text Re-Use and Plagiarism

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    Barrón Cedeño, LA. (2012). On the Mono- and Cross-Language Detection of Text Re-Use and Plagiarism [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16012Palanci