136 research outputs found

    IT infrastructure & microservices authentication

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    Mestrado IPB-ESTGBIOma - Integrated solutions in BIOeconomy for the Mobilization of the Agrifood chain project is structured in 6 PPS (Products, Processes, and Services) out of which, a part of PPS2 is covered in this work. This work resulted in the second deliverable of PPS2 which is defined as PPS2.A1.E2 - IT infrastructure design and graphical interface conceptual design. BIOma project is in the early stage and this deliverable is a design task of the project. For defining the system architecture, requirements, UML diagrams, physical architecture, and logical architecture have been proposed. The system architecture is based on microservices due to its advantages like scalability and maintainability for bigger projects like BIOma where several sensors are used for big data analysis. Special attention has been devoted to the research and study for the authentication and authorization of users and devices in a microservices architecture. The proposed authentication solution is a result of research made for microservices authentication where it was concluded that using a separate microservice for user authentication is the best solution. FIWARE is an open-source initiative defining a universal set of standards for context data management that facilitates the development of Smart solutions for different domains like Smart Cities, Smart Industry, Smart Agrifood, and Smart Energy. FIWARE’s PEP (Policy Enforcement Point) proxy solution has been proposed in this work for the better management of user’s identities, and client-side certificates have been proposed for authentication of IoT (Internet of Things) devices. The communication between microservices is done through AMQP (Advanced Message Queuing Protocol), and between IoT devices and microservices is done through MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol

    Public Safety Secretariat of Mato Grosso Microservice Environment

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    This paper presents the microservice environment of the Public Safety Secretariat of Mato Grosso (SESP-MT) which was conceived to allow a migration process from SESP-MT monoliths and to absorb new organizational agile requirements. Despite the hype of microservice oriented architecture, it's an architectural style, with some general principles and as the nature of distributed systems, it can be organized in many different ways. As a result of this research, supported by IFMT, FAPEMAT and SESP-MT, 22 containers with several tools and services were assembled, tested and deployed in the SESP-MT environment integrated with the DevOps pipeline. Therefore the contribution lies in the successful environment implementation that can help other organizations

    Fine-Grained Access Control for Microservices

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    Microservices-based applications are considered to be a promising paradigm for building large-scale digital systems due to its flexibility, scalability, and agility of development. To achieve the adoption of digital services, applica-tions holding personal data must be secure while giving end-users as much control as possible. On the other hand, for software developers, adoption of a security solution for microservices requires it to be easily adaptable to the application context and requirements while fully exploiting reusability of se-curity components. This paper proposes a solution that targets key security challenges of microservice-based applications. Our approach relies on a co-ordination of security components, and offers a fine-grained access control in order to minimise the risks of token theft, session manipulation, and a ma-licious insider; it also renders the system resilient against confused deputy at-tacks. This solution is based on a combination of OAuth 2 and XACML open standards, and achieved through reusable security components integrat-ed with microservices

    Security challenges of microservices

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    Abstract. Security issues regarding microservice are well researched, however the different security issues and solutions have not been brought together as yet. This study searched through academic databases to find out what security issues and proposed solutions or mitigation methods can be found in existing literature. It found several security issues and methods in literature. Most security issues are raised regarding microservice that externally facing or in open environment. Majority of sources addressed security monitoring and authentication and authorization issues, fewer studies on implementation and bug-related issues such as container implementation and -bugs and some on networking related issues. This study found also that there is some amount of disconnect in literature when it comes to addressing security issues and their solutions and mitigation methods. The study offers a more detailed account of existing microservice security issues and solutions

    Towards Secure and Leak-Free Workflows Using Microservice Isolation

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    Data leaks and breaches are on the rise. They result in huge losses of money for businesses like the movie industry, as well as a loss of user privacy for businesses dealing with user data like the pharmaceutical industry. Preventing data exposures is challenging, because the causes for such events are various, ranging from hacking to misconfigured databases. Alongside the surge in data exposures, the recent rise of microservices as a paradigm brings the need to not only secure traffic at the border of the network, but also internally, pressing the adoption of new security models such as zero-trust to secure business processes. Business processes can be modeled as workflows, where the owner of the data at risk interacts with contractors to realize a sequence of tasks on this data. In this paper, we show how those workflows can be enforced while preventing data exposure. Following the principles of zero-trust, we develop an infrastructure using the isolation provided by a microservice architecture, to enforce owner policy. We show that our infrastructure is resilient to the set of attacks considered in our security model. We implement a simple, yet realistic, workflow with our infrastructure in a publicly available proof of concept. We then verify that the specified policy is correctly enforced by testing the deployment for policy violations, and estimate the overhead cost of authorization

    Building and monitoring an event-driven microservices ecosystem

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    Throughout the years, software architectures have evolved deeply to attempt to address the main issues that have been emerging, mainly due to the ever-changing market needs. The need to provide a way for organizations and teams to build applications independently and with greater agility and speed led to the adoption of microservices, particularly endorsing an asynchronous methodology of communication between them via events. Moreover, the evergrowing demands for high-quality resilient and highly available systems helped pave the path towards a greater focus on strict quality measures, particularly monitoring and other means of assuring the well-functioning of components in production in real-time. Although techniques like logging, monitoring, and alerting are essential to be employed for each microservice, it may not be enough considering an event-driven architecture. Studies have shown that although organizations have been adopting this type of software architecture, they still struggle with the lack of visibility into end-to-end business processes that span multiple microservices. This thesis explores how to guarantee observability over such architecture, thus keeping track of the business processes. It shall do so by providing a tool that facilitates the analysis of the current situation of the ecosystem, as well as allow to view and possibly act upon the data. Two solutions have been explored and are therefore presented thoroughly, alongside a detailed comparison with the purpose of drawing conclusions and providing some guidance to the readers. These outcomes that were produced by the thesis resulted in a paper published and registered to be presented at this year’s edition of the SEI hosted at ISEP.Ao longo dos últimos anos, as arquiteturas de software têm evoluído significativamente de forma a tentar resolver os principais problemas que têm surgindo, principalmente derivados nas necessidades do mercado que estão em constante mudança. A necessidade de providenciar uma forma das organizações e suas equipas construírem aplicações independentemente e com uma maior agilidade e rapidez levou à adoção de microserviços, geralmente aplicando uma metodologia de comunicação assíncrona através de eventos. Para além disso, a constante evolução da necessidade de ter sistemas de qualidade e altamente resilientes e disponíveis, ajudou a direcionar um maior foco para padrões de qualidade mais rigorosos, particularmente no que toca a monitorização e outros meios para assegurar o correto funcionamento de componentes em produção em tempo-real. Embora técnicas como a produção de logs, monitorização e alarmística sejam essenciais para ser aplicadas a cada microserviço, poderá não ser suficiente quando consideramos uma arquitetura baseada em eventos. Estudos recentes apontam para que organizações, apesar de estarem a adotar cada vez mais este tipo de arquiteturas de software, ainda encontram bastantes dificuldades devido à falta de visibilidade que possuem dos processos de negócio que envolvem e se propagam por diversos microserviços. Esta tese explora como garantir visibilidade sobre uma arquitetura como a descrita, e assim conseguir seguir os processos de negócio. O resultado da mesma deverá atender a isso providenciando uma ferramenta que facilita a análise da situação atual do ecossistema, e que possibilita a visualização e a intervenção sobre os dados que são disponibilizados. Foram desenvolvidas duas soluções que serão apresentadas detalhadamente juntamente com uma comparação entre as duas com o propósito de tirar mais conclusões e providenciar alguma orientação ao leitor. A tese originou a criação de um artigo submetido para ser apresentado na edição deste ano do SEI

    A microservice architecture for predictive analytics in manufacturing

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    Abstract This paper discusses on the design, development and deployment of a flexible and modular platform supporting smart predictive maintenance operations, enabled by microservices architecture and virtualization technologies. Virtualization allows the platform to be deployed in a multi-tenant environment, while facilitating resource isolation and independency from specific technologies or services. Moreover, the proposed platform supports scalable data storage supporting an effective and efficient management of large volume of Industry 4.0 data. Methodologies of data-driven predictive maintenance are provided to the user as-a-service, facilitating offline training and online execution of pre-trained analytics models, while the connection of the raw data to contextual information support their understanding and interpretation, while guaranteeing interoperability across heterogeneous systems. A use case related to the predictive maintenance operations of a robotic manipulator is examined to demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the proposed platform