51 research outputs found

    Social Networks Privacy-Preserving On Collaborative Tagging and Spam Filter Using Naive Bayes Algorithm

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    ABSTRACT: Collaborative tagging is one of the most popular services available in social networks, and it allows user to classify either online or offline resources based on their feedback, deliver in the form of tags. Although tags may not be secret information the wide use of collaborative tagging services increases the risk, thereby seriously compromising user privacy. In this paper, we make a contribution towards the development of a privactivey-preserving collaborative tagging service, by showing how a specific privacy-enhancing technology, namely tag suppression, can be used to protect end-user privacy.In most group key management protocols, group members are authenticated by the group leader "one by one." That is, n authentication messages are required to authenticate n group members. Then, these members share one common group key for the group communication. In our batch authentication protocols, users are simultaneously authenticated by the requester that is, one authentication message is required to authenticate n session peers.Spam is commonly defined as irrelevant comments or text, the goal of spam is to distinguish between irrelevant and relevant comments. Naive Bayes classifiers are among the most successful known algorithms for learning to classify text documents.Bayesian spam filtering has become a popular mechanism to distinguish illegitimate spam texts from legitimate text

    Manipulation Robustness of Collaborative Filtering Systems

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    A collaborative filtering system recommends to users products that similar users like. Collaborative filtering systems influence purchase decisions, and hence have become targets of manipulation by unscrupulous vendors. We provide theoretical and empirical results demonstrating that while common nearest neighbor algorithms, which are widely used in commercial systems, can be highly susceptible to manipulation, two classes of collaborative filtering algorithms which we refer to as linear and asymptotically linear are relatively robust. These results provide guidance for the design of future collaborative filtering systems

    Identification of User Behavioural Biometrics for Authentication using Keystroke Dynamics and Machine Learning

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    This thesis focuses on the effective classification of the behavior of users accessing computing devices to authenticate them. The authentication is based on keystroke dynamics, which captures the users behavioral biometric and applies machine learning concepts to classify them. The users type a strong passcode ”.tie5Roanl” to record their typing pattern. In order to confirm identity, anonymous data from 94 users were collected to carry out the research. Given the raw data, features were extracted from the attributes based on the button pressed and action timestamp events. The support vector machine classifier uses multi-class classification with one vs. one decision shape function to classify different users. To reduce the classification error, it is essential to identify the important features from the raw data. In an effort to confront the generation of features from attributes an efficient feature extraction algorithm has been developed, obtaining high classification performance are now being sought. To handle the multi-class problem, the random forest classifier is used to identify the users effectively. In addition, mRMR feature selection has been applied to increase the classification performance metrics and to confirm the identity of the users based on the way they access computing devices. From the results, we conclude that device information and touch pressure effectively contribute to identifying each user. Out of them, features that contain device information are responsible for increasing the performance metrics of the system by adding a token-based authentication layer. Based upon the results, random forest yields better classification results for this dataset. The research will contribute significantly to the field of cyber-security by forming a robust authentication system using machine learning algorithms

    Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity: Applications, Challenges, and Opportunities for MIS Academics

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    The availability of massive amounts of data, fast computers, and superior machine learning (ML) algorithms has spurred interest in artificial intelligence (AI). It is no surprise, then, that we observe an increase in the application of AI in cybersecurity. Our survey of AI applications in cybersecurity shows most of the present applications are in the areas of malware identification and classification, intrusion detection, and cybercrime prevention. We should, however, be aware that AI-enabled cybersecurity is not without its drawbacks. Challenges to AI solutions include a shortage of good quality data to train machine learning models, the potential for exploits via adversarial AI/ML, and limited human expertise in AI. However, the rewards in terms of increased accuracy of cyberattack predictions, faster response to cyberattacks, and improved cybersecurity make it worthwhile to overcome these challenges. We present a summary of the current research on the application of AI and ML to improve cybersecurity, challenges that need to be overcome, and research opportunities for academics in management information systems

    A Risk And Trust Security Framework For The Pervasive Mobile Environment

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    A pervasive mobile computing environment is typically composed of multiple fixed and mobile entities that interact autonomously with each other with very little central control. Many of these interactions may occur between entities that have not interacted with each other previously. Conventional security models are inadequate for regulating access to data and services, especially when the identities of a dynamic and growing community of entities are not known in advance. In order to cope with this drawback, entities may rely on context data to make security and trust decisions. However, risk is introduced in this process due to the variability and uncertainty of context information. Moreover, by the time the decisions are made, the context data may have already changed and, in which case, the security decisions could become invalid.With this in mind, our goal is to develop mechanisms or models, to aid trust decision-making by an entity or agent (the truster), when the consequences of its decisions depend on context information from other agents (the trustees). To achieve this, in this dissertation, we have developed ContextTrust a framework to not only compute the risk associated with a context variable, but also to derive a trust measure for context data producing agents. To compute the context data risk, ContextTrust uses Monte Carlo based method to model the behavior of a context variable. Moreover, ContextTrust makes use of time series classifiers and other simple statistical measures to derive an entity trust value.We conducted empirical analyses to evaluate the performance of ContextTrust using two real life data sets. The evaluation results show that ContextTrust can be effective in helping entities render security decisions

    A computational academic integrity framework

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    L'abast creixent i la naturalesa canviant dels programes acadèmics constitueixen un repte per a la integritat dels protocols tradicionals de proves i exàmens. L'objectiu d¿aquesta tesi és introduir una alternativa als enfocaments tradicionals d'integritat acadèmica, per a cobrir la bretxa del buit de l'anonimat i donar la possibilitat als instructors i administradors acadèmics de fer servir nous mitjans que permetin mantenir la integritat acadèmica i promoguin la responsabilitat, accessibilitat i eficiència, a més de preservar la privadesa i minimitzin la interrupció en el procés d'aprenentatge. Aquest treball té com a objectiu començar un canvi de paradigma en les pràctiques d'integritat acadèmica. La recerca en l'àrea de la identitat de l'estudiant i la garantia de l'autoria són importants perquè la concessió de crèdits d'estudi a entitats no verificades és perjudicial per a la credibilitat institucional i la seguretat pública. Aquesta tesi es basa en la noció que la identitat de l'alumne es compon de dues capes diferents, física i de comportament, en les quals tant els criteris d'identitat com els d'autoria han de ser confirmats per a mantenir un nivell raonable d'integritat acadèmica. Per a això, aquesta tesi s'organitza en tres seccions, cadascuna de les quals aborda el problema des d'una de les perspectives següents: (a) teòrica, (b) empírica i (c) pragmàtica.El creciente alcance y la naturaleza cambiante de los programas académicos constituyen un reto para la integridad de los protocolos tradicionales de pruebas y exámenes. El objetivo de esta tesis es introducir una alternativa a los enfoques tradicionales de integridad académica, para cubrir la brecha del vacío anonimato y dar la posibilidad a los instructores y administradores académicos de usar nuevos medios que permitan mantener la integridad académica y promuevan la responsabilidad, accesibilidad y eficiencia, además de preservar la privacidad y minimizar la interrupción en el proceso de aprendizaje. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo iniciar un cambio de paradigma en las prácticas de integridad académica. La investigación en el área de la identidad del estudiante y la garantía de la autoría son importantes porque la concesión de créditos de estudio a entidades no verificadas es perjudicial para la credibilidad institucional y la seguridad pública. Esta tesis se basa en la noción de que la identidad del alumno se compone de dos capas distintas, física y de comportamiento, en las que tanto los criterios de identidad como los de autoría deben ser confirmados para mantener un nivel razonable de integridad académica. Para ello, esta tesis se organiza en tres secciones, cada una de las cuales aborda el problema desde una de las siguientes perspectivas: (a) teórica, (b) empírica y (c) pragmática.The growing scope and changing nature of academic programmes provide a challenge to the integrity of traditional testing and examination protocols. The aim of this thesis is to introduce an alternative to the traditional approaches to academic integrity, bridging the anonymity gap and empowering instructors and academic administrators with new ways of maintaining academic integrity that preserve privacy, minimize disruption to the learning process, and promote accountability, accessibility and efficiency. This work aims to initiate a paradigm shift in academic integrity practices. Research in the area of learner identity and authorship assurance is important because the award of course credits to unverified entities is detrimental to institutional credibility and public safety. This thesis builds upon the notion of learner identity consisting of two distinct layers (a physical layer and a behavioural layer), where the criteria of identity and authorship must both be confirmed to maintain a reasonable level of academic integrity. To pursue this goal in organized fashion, this thesis has the following three sections: (a) theoretical, (b) empirical, and (c) pragmatic

    A Computational Academic Integrity Framework

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    L'abast creixent i la naturalesa canviant dels programes acadèmics constitueixen un repte per a la integritat dels protocols tradicionals de proves i exàmens. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és introduir una alternativa als enfocaments tradicionals d'integritat acadèmica, per a cobrir la bretxa del buit de l'anonimat i donar la possibilitat als instructors i administradors acadèmics de fer servir nous mitjans que permetin mantenir la integritat acadèmica i promoguin la responsabilitat, accessibilitat i eficiència, a més de preservar la privadesa i minimitzin la interrupció en el procés d'aprenentatge. Aquest treball té com a objectiu començar un canvi de paradigma en les pràctiques d'integritat acadèmica. La recerca en l'àrea de la identitat de l'estudiant i la garantia de l'autoria són importants perquè la concessió de crèdits d'estudi a entitats no verificades és perjudicial per a la credibilitat institucional i la seguretat pública. Aquesta tesi es basa en la noció que la identitat de l'alumne es compon de dues capes diferents, física i de comportament, en les quals tant els criteris d'identitat com els d'autoria han de ser confirmats per a mantenir un nivell raonable d'integritat acadèmica. Per a això, aquesta tesi s'organitza en tres seccions, cadascuna de les quals aborda el problema des d'una de les perspectives següents: (a) teòrica, (b) empírica i (c) pragmàtica.El creciente alcance y la naturaleza cambiante de los programas académicos constituyen un reto para la integridad de los protocolos tradicionales de pruebas y exámenes. El objetivo de esta tesis es introducir una alternativa a los enfoques tradicionales de integridad académica, para cubrir la brecha del vacío anonimato y dar la posibilidad a los instructores y administradores académicos de usar nuevos medios que permitan mantener la integridad académica y promuevan la responsabilidad, accesibilidad y eficiencia, además de preservar la privacidad y minimizar la interrupción en el proceso de aprendizaje. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo iniciar un cambio de paradigma en las prácticas de integridad académica. La investigación en el área de la identidad del estudiante y la garantía de la autoría son importantes porque la concesión de créditos de estudio a entidades no verificadas es perjudicial para la credibilidad institucional y la seguridad pública. Esta tesis se basa en la noción de que la identidad del alumno se compone de dos capas distintas, física y de comportamiento, en las que tanto los criterios de identidad como los de autoría deben ser confirmados para mantener un nivel razonable de integridad académica. Para ello, esta tesis se organiza en tres secciones, cada una de las cuales aborda el problema desde una de las siguientes perspectivas: (a) teórica, (b) empírica y (c) pragmática.The growing scope and changing nature of academic programmes provide a challenge to the integrity of traditional testing and examination protocols. The aim of this thesis is to introduce an alternative to the traditional approaches to academic integrity, bridging the anonymity gap and empowering instructors and academic administrators with new ways of maintaining academic integrity that preserve privacy, minimize disruption to the learning process, and promote accountability, accessibility and efficiency. This work aims to initiate a paradigm shift in academic integrity practices. Research in the area of learner identity and authorship assurance is important because the award of course credits to unverified entities is detrimental to institutional credibility and public safety. This thesis builds upon the notion of learner identity consisting of two distinct layers (a physical layer and a behavioural layer), where the criteria of identity and authorship must both be confirmed to maintain a reasonable level of academic integrity. To pursue this goal in organized fashion, this thesis has the following three sections: (a) theoretical, (b) empirical, and (c) pragmatic

    Optimized Machine Learning Models Towards Intelligent Systems

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    The rapid growth of the Internet and related technologies has led to the collection of large amounts of data by individuals, organizations, and society in general [1]. However, this often leads to information overload which occurs when the amount of input (e.g. data) a human is trying to process exceeds their cognitive capacities [2]. Machine learning (ML) has been proposed as one potential methodology capable of extracting useful information from large sets of data [1]. This thesis focuses on two applications. The first is education, namely e-Learning environments. Within this field, this thesis proposes different optimized ML ensemble models to predict students’ performance at earlier stages of the course delivery. Experimental results showed that the proposed optimized ML ensemble models accurately identified the weak students who needed help. More specifically, these models achieved an accuracy of up to 96% in the binary case and 93.1% in the multi-class case. The second application is network security intrusion detection. Within this application field, this thesis proposes different optimized ML classification frameworks using a variety of optimization modeling algorithms and heuristics to improve the performance of the IDSs through anomaly detection while maintaining or reducing their time complexity. Experimental results showed that the developed models reduced the training sample size by up to 74%, reduced the feature set size by almost 60%, and improved the detection accuracy by up to 2%. This thesis can be divided into two main parts. The first part analyzes different educational datasets and proposes different optimized ML classification ensemble models that accurately predict weak students who may need help. The second part proposes optimized ML classification frameworks that accurately detect network attacks while maintaining a low false alarm rate and time complexity. It is noteworthy that the developed models and frameworks could be generalized as follows: Optimized ML ensemble models proposed in the first part of this thesis can be generalized to many applications such as finance, network security, social media, and healthcare systems. Optimized ML classification models proposed in the second part of this thesis can be generalized to other applications that typically generate large datasets in terms of instances and feature set