3,879 research outputs found

    Photography as a tool of Alienation: Aura

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    Regular photographical imaging record volumetric planes with smooth surfaces. The reason is the camera’s deficiency in perceiving and documenting the visual richness of “persuasive” details in life. HDR imaging methods used in creating this artwork series titled “Aura” helped making invisible organism-like textures emerge and point to the notions of decay and symbiosis. One of the main objectives in this series of artworks is to facilitate the emergence of the experiential visual complexity between the animate and inanimate, that is otherwise not possible to record. The latent aura of textural presences around us is not always noticeable easily since we tend to consume things too fast. With the rich textures achieved after high-dynamic-range-imaging (HDRI) procedures, a new symbiotic painterly visual relationship between biological (humans) and non-biological (space) was intended. In addition, the paper will focus on photography rather as a tool of personal world making, instead of photography as witnessing. During the process of unfolding this practice; notions of superimposition, palimpsest, painting vs. photography, truth, photography as an apparatus to provoke de-familiarization will be covered. The final aim is to confirm photography as a visual language that enriches and transforms human perception

    High quality solid texture synthesis using position and index histogram matching

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    International audienceThe synthesis quality is one of the most important aspects in solid texture synthesis algorithms. In recent years several methods are proposed to generate high quality solid textures. However, these existing methods often suffer from the synthesis artifacts such as blurring, missing texture structures, introducing aberrant voxel colors, and so on. In this paper, we introduce a novel algorithm for synthesizing high quality solid textures from 2D exemplars. We first analyze the relevant factors for further improvements of the synthesis quality, and then adopt an optimization framework with the k-coherence search and the discrete solver for solid texture synthesis. The texture optimization approach is integrated with two new kinds of histogram matching methods, position and index histogram matching, which effectively cause the global statistics of the synthesized solid textures to match those of the exemplars. Experimental results show that our algorithm outperforms or at least is comparable to the previous solid texture synthesis algorithms in terms of the synthesis quality

    Volumetric Fog Rendering

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    Käesoleva bakalaureusetöö eesmärgiks oli kirjeldada udu füüsikalist käitumist looduses ja koostada algoritm udu implementeerimiseks arvutigraafika rakendustes. Töö raames on koostatud volumeetrilist udu renderdav rakendus Unity mängumootoris. Töös hinnatakse loodud rakenduse jõudlust ning analüüsitakse tulemusi. Samuti tuuakse töös ettepanekuid volumeetrilise udu renderdamise täiustamiseks tulevikus.The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to describe the physical behavior of fog in real life and the algorithm for implementing fog in computer graphics applications. An implementation of the volumetric fog algorithm written in the Unity game engine is also provided. The performance of the implementation is evaluated using benchmarks, including an analysis of the results. Additionally, some suggestions are made to improve the volumetric fog render-ing in the future


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    [EN] The common notion of digital replicas is mostly dominated by the idea that a digital 3D reconstruction should be as faithful to the original artefact as possible. However, the resulting 3D models need often too many computing resources for displaying, so that it is barely possible to experience them with accuracy in a virtual environment. In order to make complex 3D replicas more accessible, the polygonal mesh has to be decimated at the expense of the details loosing “authenticity” in an “auratic” sense. Against this background, we test a pluralistic notion of authenticity that relies more on conserving meanings rather than on conserving physical features by contextualizing 3D objects in VR environments. For this purpose, we use two case studies, the Ladenburg's Jupiter Column (II AD), and the audio-kinetic sculpture Kaleidophonic Dog (1967) by Stephan von Huene.[ES] El concepto habitual de réplicas digitales está mayoritariamente dominado por la idea de que la reconstrucción 3D ha de ser tan fiel al artefacto original como sea posible. No obstante, los modelos 3D resultantes son a menudo tan complejos que es casi imposible experimentarlos con detalle en un entorno virtual al requerir demasiados recursos computacionales para su representación gráfica. Para hacer más accesibles las réplicas 3D hay que diezmar la red poligonal a costa de los detalles perdiendo “autenticidad” en un sentido “aurático”. Con este trasfondo probamos una noción pluralística de autenticidad que consiste más en la conservación de siginificados que en la conservación de características físicas contextualizando objetos 3D en entornos de realidad virtual (RV). Con este fin usamos dos ejemplos, la Columna de Júpiter (II A.D.) y la escultura audiocinética de Stephan von Huene Kaleidophonic Dog (1967).Muñoz Morcillo, J.; Schaaf, F.; Schneider, R.; Robertson-Von Trotha, CY. (2016). AUTHENTICITIES AND VIRTUAL REALITY THE CASE STUDIES JUPITER COLUMN AND KALEIDOPHONIC DOG. En 8th International congress on archaeology, computer graphics, cultural heritage and innovation. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 484-487. https://doi.org/10.4995/arqueologica8.2015.4176OCS48448